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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help with 9 months old baby, Thank You.

Hi I would appreciate help for my 9 month old boy. These are his current symptoms:

We had my family over for the holidays and my nephew (11months old) came down with a high fever and the flu (ended up at the ER and later his Pediatrician put him on antibiotics for 4 days). They stayed for 5 days and my son was perfectly ok while they were here, obviously they shared toys and even pacifiers (hard to avoid). The night they left my son had a 101F fever and was a bit restless in his sleep. That afternoon –at 5pm, when I first noticed he had a light fever, I gave him one dose of Ferr Phos 30C (had just bought it so I had it in my purse). At 8pm the fever had gone to 101F so I gave him a wet dose of Acon 30C. He woke up at 10pm and still with high fever so I repeated the dose, again the same at 12am. At 3am the fever was 102 and no change so I gave him a wet dose of Bell 30C and he stayed asleep until 7.30am. He still had a 100F fever so I repeated the dose at 8am, then again at 12pm –these two were dry dose. Friday night again had 100F so repeated dry dose of Bell and he woke up at 8am with no fever at all and no signs of illness. Yet some new sings showed up starting on Sunday afternoon. For the first time he refused to finish his meal and took a nap, woke up at 6pm screaming and didn’t calm down until we sat him on the desk chair and strolled him around the house (this calms him down when he gets very upset), yet we had to do it for 1 hr. He went to sleep at 9pm. His sleep was very restless –changing position and moaning a lot. On Monday again he took a late nap and woke up in same state, didn’t want to eat his last meal and went to sleep at 8.30pm. He is drinking his milk just fine but refusing the last meal of solid food. On Tuesday he started with some catarrh on left nostril (clear and between runny and egg white consistency), his left nostril showed the dried mucus around. No throat problems, no fever. Same thing with food and afternoon nap; went to bed at 9pm, very restless sleep. Wednesday the same; left nostril showing mucus, very upset after afternoon nap and went to sleep at 9pm, restless sleep and some phlegm sounds when breathing. Thursday same thing happened plus spitting up 3 times during the day. He went to bed at 7.30pm just to wake up screaming 30 minutes later, we put him back to sleep but 25 minutes later he was up and full of energy –crawling back and forth very fast and jumping from one activity to another nonstop for about 20 minutes then he spit up (mostly liquid, sour in smell). At 8.30pm I gave him a wet dose of Nux V 6C. After 20 minutes his energy calmed down and finally went to bed at 10pm.
At 1am he woke up crying, it looked like he was in pain. He would put his hand in mouth and bit strong. (He cut in first 2 teeth 2 weeks ago). Due to his proving of Chamomilla at 6 months (you can read my post here https://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/358850/ ) I was very hesitant to give any Cham but after 1hr crying I chose to give a dose of Camilia –thought it was better than giving him Cham 30C which was all I had. His cheeks were cold to the touch, there was no heat, no sweat. It did not stop so after 1 hr, at 3.15am, I gave him two tablets of Mag Phos 6x cell salts. He went to sleep within 20 minutes and woke up at 7.30am. He cried a little bit and was still chewing his fingers so I repeated the Mag Phos at 8am. He spit up again and had the hiccups for 1 hr.
Now his catarrh is in both nostrils, still mostly on left side and you can clearly hear the phlegm, mostly when he is napping –he is having a hard time breathing openly through his nose. Earlier while he was playing I noticed that he was sweating cold and coughing. His energy so far is good but his mood is a bit clingy, doesn't want me to leave him alone.

This is his general information. He is a very healthy baby –first time he gets sick. He is rather tall for his age (99 percentile in height and 92 percentile in weight). His eyes are gray bluish and his hair is light brown. His skin is white. His head is kind of round with nice cheeks. He has a very good appetite, before this week he had never refused any food and often gets upset (cries) when his food or bottle are finished. A big no are bananas, he gets belly aches and won’t sleep well at night if he eats them. He brings everything to his mouth, and has a thing for cables, labels and things metallic. He is a happy baby, very energetic, adventurous and social. He often cries when strangers join us in the elevator and will definitely cry with loud people –seems to get startled. When we are out in his stroller he like to ride it like a Roman chariot –standing, holding the back rest, looking at everyone. He likes to observe people deeply and is not shy to approach kids.

The not so great things are:
His bowel movements, he is easily constipated and has difficulty passing stool. His stools are often like pebbles in shape and hard. Whenever he goes a day with no bowel movement he is very cranky and has a hard time sleeping well. He has had some painful experiences and I imagine he is a bit afraid of pooping so he might tend to hold it back instead of relaxing and letting it all out. He often has gas.
Sleep (my mayor challenge) has gotten much better and just a couple of weeks ago we noticed he is managing to go back to sleep when he awakens at night. Still, he needs to be in arms so he can finally let go into sleep. If he is tired but you simply put him in bed, he sits up and wants you to get him out. Same with naps, he does not simply fall asleep when tired, he needs some help. If he falls asleep in the car seat or stroller and you need to move him, he wakes up crying and very upset. He was going to sleep between 6.30pm and 7.30pm and walking up around 5am for a feed, then back to sleep for a couple of hours max. He usually naps twice a day for 45 minutes to 90 minutes each time.
He has a history of reflux yet since we included raw yogurt in his diet this improved to where he hardly spits up for days and when he does it is painless.
He just cut in his first two teeth (2 weeks ago), so he has had some discomfort.

Thank you so much for your time and knowledge. I believe he is very sensitive and do not want to end up with some aggravation like last time. He had no homeopathic remedies since the chamomilla proving, he was 25 weeks old. Now he is 41 weeks old.

[message edited by lizajam on Fri, 11 Jan 2013 18:50:48 GMT]
  lizajam on 2013-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I hope someone can give advice. He is showing a slight fever now, nose still runny and weepy -ex.if he falls when playing he starts crying. I would love to get a response before the stores close and I can't get hold of remedy.
lizajam last decade

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