The ABC Homeopathy Forum
dr akshaymohl pls help
dr i have been addicted to masturbation like 10 years . but for the last five months i masturbated 3 times only . but still having lot of it effects . here i will tell all the observatiobs of my body pls help dr .1. premature ejaculation, even after just a minute of thinking of sex i feel like i am about to ejaculate . last 6 or so months everytime i masturbated ejaculation is
2. i have not had morning erection for very long time . Every time i masturbated in last year i ejaculated within a minute or even before a full erection. so i have no observations of a strong erection . most of the times once i ejaculated my penis becomes flacid .
3. once i stoped masturbation i had night fall 3 times a week . but when i was masturbating i never had night fall . at night i will have some sexual dreams then i will ejaculate and wake up . i wahinks of killing myself too
12 . my face is sunken . also i have a lower belly , side belly. so far i have never seen anyone who have more fat on side of stomach like me
13 when it comes to sex i have anxiety problem also . i get nervous very easily.
two years before i had too much acne on my face, legs and
hands . i consulted a doctor near by my home and had medicines for 8 months .
In last six months i had staphysagria 1M , selenium 30 and lycopodium on my own . but it had improvements and faded away .
Dr i have masturbated only 3 times in past 5 months . now i have enough will power to not masturbate . last few times i masturbated i was curious for improvements . so only i masturbated but ended up ejaculating even before having full erection.
i take alchol once in every week sir . and 4 or 5 cigaratees a week
Dr pls help . it is too much for you to read on your busy schedule . but please help me . If i need to have any tests tell me dr
thank you dr , waiting for ur reply
[Edited by cesc7 on 2024-08-10 06:24:22]
cesc7 on 2014-05-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i am 27 year old dr
i also have grey lot of grey hair and grey beard .
. urine dribbling . some times during urinating i will finish and then after a pause some amount of urine wil come out
i also have grey lot of grey hair and grey beard .
. urine dribbling . some times during urinating i will finish and then after a pause some amount of urine wil come out
cesc7 last decade
pl have staphysagaria 200 evening time daily for 7 days .pl have whitechestnut bach flower mimmulus bach flower and walnut bach flower for one month three times a day by mixing 2 drops each in two table spoon of water .olive bach flower only at bed time for one month .dose is 4 drops in two table spoon of water.
♡ akshaymohl last decade
thanks a lot for the help dr . i ordered medicines . after having it for one week i ll report back dr
cesc7 last decade
cesc7 saiddr i have been addicted to masturbation like 10 years . but for the last five months i masturbated 3 times only . but still having lot of it effects . here i will tell all the observatiobs of my body pls help dr .
1. premature ejaculation, even after just a minute of thinking of sex i feel like i am about to ejaculate . last 6 or so months everytime i masturbated ejaculation is
2. i have not had morning erection for very long time . Every time i masturbated in last year i ejaculated within a minute or even before a full erection. so i have no observations of a strong erection . most of the times once i ejaculated my penis becomes flacid .
3. once i stoped masturbation i had night fall 3 times a week . but when i was masturbating i never had night fall . at night i will have some sexual dreams then i will ejaculate and wake up . i was addicted to porn also sir . it was like porn is saved in my memories and i have sex dreams and i ejaculate.
4. i have lot of marks on my penis head and around the head where in meets shaft . i also have a mark on exactly the top of hole where urine comes out .
5 have acne problem . everytime i masturbate i get acne on my face and sometimes on inner side of thighs.
6. i sweat a lot and my sweat is smelly
7 constipation . 2 or 3 days a week i cant empty my bowels fully . i also release a lot of gas . mostly after evening the gas i release is smelly . my stool is sticky and smelly and dark . on most of constipation days i lose some semen too during stool
8. everytime i masturbated after masturbation i have loose bowel movement and my bowel gets emptied completely
9.most of the days at night i feel itchy on legs below the joint and on side of palm of hand .
10 insomnia . dr i havent had deep like as long as i can remember . i was in depression for long time . my sleep is full of dreams . when i try to sleep i cant help trying to make my brain stop thinking .
11. i often dream of killing the people who bullied me in past . sometimes thinks of killing myself too
12 . my face is sunken . also i have a lower belly , side belly. so far i have never seen anyone who have more fat on side of stomach like me
13 when it comes to sex i have anxiety problem also . i get nervous very easily.
two years before i had too much acne on my face, legs and
hands . i consulted a doctor near by my home and had medicines for 8 months .
In last six months i had staphysagria 1M , selenium 30 and lycopodium on my own . but it had improvements and faded away .
Dr i have masturbated only 3 times in past 5 months . now i have enough will power to not masturbate . last few times i masturbated i was curious for improvements . so only i masturbated but ended up ejaculating even before having full erection.
i take alchol once in every week sir . and 4 or 5 cigaratees a week
Dr pls help . it is too much for you to read on your busy schedule . but please help me . If i need to have any tests tell me dr
thank you dr , waiting for ur reply
cesc7 7 months ago
This is old post or new thread inform.Acid phos 39 twice daily for 7 days agnus castus 30 at bed time for 7 days staphysagaria 200 weekly one give me feedback.
♡ akshaymohl 7 months ago
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