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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr Akshaymohl Please Help me

I'm 20 years old thin body unmarried boy
I have a bad habit of masterbating for last 5 years but now 1 year back I stopped it because I have lost my health completely.But now the main probelm I'm facing after stopping masterbation is frequent nightfall.It happens after 1 or 2 days.Whenever I eat any hot food like fish chicken or macaronis at night nightfall happen.I stooped masterbation to keep my semen safe but it ejaculating through nightfall.Other problems are no erection,very low semen,premature ejaculation,1 testicle higher then other in the bag,penis lie on leg when I slept means penis is very weak and soft,very bad memory,low confidence,dull look,thin hairs and hair loss,dark circles under eyes,knocking sound in joints,stool probelm,digestion probelm.Doctor please start my treatment and give me sexual life back otherwise I will suicide.Please help me
  Nightfall on 2014-12-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
To start staphysagaria 200 twice daily for 5days next three days one dose daily then one dose every third day for 15days .live ,eat and think healthy .Report after one month .
akshaymohl last decade
Will this medicine stop excessive nightfall because I started it yesterday but nightfall occurs midnight???
Nightfall last decade
Please also confirm me my this problem as I have done a lot of masterbation due to this I lost my 85% hairs as shown in the pic please tell me if nightfall stops and I will medicines prescribed by you in time will my lost hairs will grow back and become thick??Please confirm me I have no family history.My current condition is 3 and 3 vertex
[message edited by Nightfall on Mon, 29 Dec 2014 17:30:06 GMT]

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Nightfall last decade
In any medical science nothing is impossible but it require selected ;med to cure the reason behind it .pl start the med and give feed back and and you will be given med as per feed back.
akshaymohl last decade
I'm taking the medicine you suggested but please it is better if you will suggest me some medicine for hair loss because I have too much less hairs and they are still falling I also want to stop hair loss please doctor
Nightfall last decade
I have sent some photos to your email address please check them
Nightfall last decade
akshaymohl last decade
pl give me feed back for further advise.
akshaymohl last decade
Sir I stopped Staphy and have started Nix Vomica 200 1 dose daily for 5 days at evening .My erection is just 5% improved no hardness not fully erected still soft 1 improvement I seen that nightfall occurs after 6 days last night.
what's ur next step.
Please tell me what foods I should take and which to avoid till the completion of my treatment .other problems in the list I have a lot of heat inside the body sleeplessness low and thin semen and sperm count dark circles under eyes digestion problem low confidence premature ejaculation
Nightfall last decade
Caladium 200 one dose daily evening time for 5days then after third dayfor 15days .
akshaymohl last decade
2 doses left for nux after that I will start caladium 200
[message edited by Nightfall on Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:25:17 GMT]
Nightfall last decade
akshaymohl last decade
I Will start taking Caladium 200 from tomorrow.1 more problem I want to tell you that foods which i eat are not effecting my body I use gym my muscles are not increasing food which I eat (I eat all type of fruits,fish,chicken,etc).help about this probelm also needed main jo food khata hun wo mere body ko effect kare....Im not sleeping well
[message edited by Nightfall on Sat, 10 Jan 2015 03:49:14 GMT]
Nightfall last decade
Pl do as advised.
akshaymohl last decade

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