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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

akshaymohl please tell me

Can anyone take China Q for long time due to vital energy loss???
Is there any side effect of China Q for long time use???
  Shemul on 2017-03-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No meds can be taken for long time.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Due to excessive masturbation vein in penis is appeared on skin especially one vein is little more swelling.
please suggest me the medicine that can recover this problem and improve penis health.

Shemul 8 years ago
staphysagaria 200c evening time for 5 days then weekly one dose for one month.china 6c one dose daily at bed time for 15 days only .
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Thank you.
Shemul 8 years ago

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