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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

akshaymohl or any other doctor urgent....

my sister is 8.5 months pregnant, her first baby had delivered with C-section, now doctor told that her cervix still did not open and baby also did not come down so this time also will have to go for C-section please suggest any remedy doctor given 1st Dec for C-section. she has taken arnica 1m and pulsatilla 1m single dose before 5 days ago.
currently she is taking cimicifuga 200 weekly and coulyphyllum 200 daily.
  mariz on 2017-11-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I only can take your case if you reply me in time REGULARLY (or as directed after every 2 days etc) otherwise your case will be closed in between .. and I will move to next one. if I'm not replying click my name and email me to remind .. a long with your case Page link ..

(save your case page link and refresh the page daily for updates / replies at the bottom . Login first then paste the link)

Patient name, age, profession, how long patient got married, if married how many children, patient daily routine , how long patient suffering from this problem, what kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ? When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ? do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? Any light sensitivity ? Sweaty hands or feet ? Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ??

What you like in food and what not ? Do you feel thirsty mostly ?? or do you like water ? Or mostly thirst less ?? Choose one condition. Either thirsty or towards more thirst less ?? Do you feel cold in body ? or hot ? Choose one condition .. Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ? Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather etc .. no normal words etc .. what you like in food The most = sweets or salts ? Do you have any other problem beside these ? Describe in details.
E-mail me any reports .. Click my name for email. Tell doctors opinion regarding your problem as well ..

What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ? Are you dibetic or suffering from high blood pressure ? Or any other chronic disease .. ??
Forum rules .. any advice etc on the forum can't be considered as a clinical advice or etc ..
healer21 7 years ago
Patient name: Mrs Shagufta
profession: House Wife
how long patient got married, if married how many children: Married since 5 years, 3.4 years before baby had died after 5 days of ceasar operation due to undeveloped brain.
patient daily routine: daily house work
how long patient suffering from this problem, what kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ? When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ? she is 8.5 months pregnant and gynecologist told that there is a chance for normal delivery but still cervix did not dilate and also baby did not come down if cervix does not dilate then will have to go for operation again and last date given is 1st December.
do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? Any light sensitivity ? Sweaty hands or feet ? Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ?? No.

What you like in food and what not ? like Salty food
Do you feel thirsty mostly ?? No.
or do you like water ? Or mostly thirst less ?? Thirst Less
Choose one condition. Either thirsty or towards more thirst less ?? Thirsty
Do you feel cold in body ? or hot ? Hot
Choose one condition .. Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ? Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather etc .. no normal words etc .. like to warped in a blanket even in summer.
what you like in food The most = sweets or salts ? Salts Do you have any other problem beside these ? Describe in details. No.
E-mail me any reports .. Click my name for email. Tell doctors opinion regarding your problem as well ..

What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ?
Before 5 Days ago taken Arnica 1M and next day Pulsatilla 1M and currently taking cimicifuga 200 weekly and coulyphyllum 200 daily and five phos 6x daily.
Are you dibetic or suffering from ? No.
Or any other chronic disease .. ??No
Forum rules .. any advice etc on the forum can't be considered as a clinical advice or etc ..
mariz 7 years ago
Some answers are not clear ..

She feels more towards thirst less ? Or more towards thirsty ..

She feels more towards cold in body ? Or more towards warm in body ?

healer21 7 years ago
She feels more towards thirst less ? Or more towards thirsty .. Towards Thirst less

She feels more towards cold in body ? Or more towards warm in body ? Towards warm

from yesterday she is taking Rhustox 1M daily single dose for 3 days.

please suggest best remedy for baby not coming down and cervix did not dilate.
mariz 7 years ago
Nat.phos 200c .. 4 drops only. ONCE only .. in a disposable glass with some water in it. No need to buy full bottle .. only two doses. Take one dose only. And save the other one for later ..

Don't use coffee or mint etc. Don't eat or drink anything before or after 30 minutes of taking medicine. Don't place medicine near strong perfumes etc.

If I'm not replying click my name and email me. Don't forget this.

Closely notice changes ..

Report after one day.
[Edited by healer21 on 2017-11-24 04:34:05]
healer21 7 years ago
should we stop or continue below medicines?

Rhustox 1M (yesterday and today taken single dose)
Cimicifuga 200 (taking weekly)
Coulyphylum 200 (taking daily)
Five phose 6x (taking daily)

can we take Nat. Phos 200 in white balls if yes then how many?
mariz 7 years ago
Stop all .. for 4 days ..

4 balls ..

If I'm not replying click my name and email me as a reminder.

healer21 7 years ago
Hello sir,

she has taken 4 balls of Nat.Phos 200 on 24/11/17 but no improvement baby still did not come down.

Please advice.
mariz 7 years ago
please reply sir..
mariz 7 years ago
Sorry no idea .. please make a new separate post for akshaymohl etc .. I'm busy now a days.

healer21 7 years ago

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