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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

chalazion help: silicea 30, hepar 30c

I've had some crazy chalazions on my eyes for over a year now. I have gone aggro with the hot compresses mixed in with Chamomile Oil for about an hour a day. (Granted, this takes a lot of time but seems to be working. . . ever so slowly). I read so much about the Silicea making pus come to the surface, so I decided to start with this. I am taking 30 C doses (1 little pellet at a time). I will try to do this, I believe, for 3 times a day. They say to do this for a week, and then move on to the HEPAR SULPH 200c, only 1 a day, for 3 to 4 days. I actually acquired the HEPAR SULPH 30 c package. My question is, in a week - if all goes well - do I take 6/7 balls of the HEPAR since I figure 7 * 30 C = 210 C dose. . . ???

Hope this works. . . .
  clariteyes on 2005-12-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
unfortunately homeopathy does not work like that - you cannot change the potency by taking more pills, the potency stays the same however many you take. you will either need to take it as the 30c it is, or order a 200c.
erika last decade
FOR "persistent chalazion"
1. Take Cal.Flr.-6x PLUS Silicea-12x PLUS Ferr.Phos-3X
Four tablets of each per dose. Take 4 such doses every day, for many weeks. Dissolve dose in half cup Hot water. Slow Sip the dose, holding the gulp for a second on your tongue.
2. Take Mag.Sulph.200C, one dose, one drop of liquid medicine, EVERY Sunday morning.
3. Use Euphrasia (aqua based) Eye drops, every 4th hour on the eye, for many weeks.
4. Avoid any other Homeopathic medicines, for the time being.

Also consider reading : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/35254
Nesha-India last decade
So, I've been doing the silicea 30 mini pellets (about 4/day) for 5 days now. While I may say that I think it has gone down, it hasn't been nearly as much as I would like. The "redness" is still there, and the chalazion over my right eyelid seems to still have the look of a solid mass. I looked closely at the direction on the silicea 30 pellet container, and it said to take 5 at a time, 3 times a day, until the problem is resolved. So, should I just pop 15 of them a day? Honestly, to me, the little balls taste like sugar.

In the meantime, I am doing my warm compresses with chamomile oil for 30 minutes a day.
clariteyes last decade
3 or 5 pills a day is OK.

DO NOT use any aromatherapy products - they will stop the homeo from working.
new2town last decade
aromatherapy products? I don not know what this means. . . please advise. Would that be the chamomile???
clariteyes last decade
Chamomile, lavander etc re oils used extensively in aromatherapy - dont use them. Wet a wash cloth. Microwave 15- 20 seconds till comfertably hot and use that.
new2town last decade
Cool, I will. Now, another question - if I get no response here, I'll repost in a new topic. On my left eye. . . . the bottom chalazion is still red, although not large in size. However, I think from the vast amount of compresses I've placed, there has been a development of a red cyst looking bump to the lower left of my left eyelid; it looks like a nasty acne bump. I don't know if this is a case of dermatology - and if so, what kind of medication or pills could I take to alleviate this disgusting bump? The silicea doesn't seem to have an effect on its appearance.
clariteyes last decade
Could be another chalazion. Redness is generally a sign of it getting "ripe" and it may burst - wait a few days if you have taken medicine for a week. Continur warm compress 15mt a time 3 times a day.
new2town last decade
I'm wondering what the end result was for clariteeyes... Did you ever get rid of the Chalazion? What happened? Did the silicea 30 work? I am currently taking the same thing. And Yes, the Silicea 30 taste like little small pellits of Sugar to me as well... I'm not sure how effective it is. I also got the Hephar sulph or whatever its called, but accidentally bought the 30C potency. I'm wondering if I should just skip the silicea and just go straight to the Hepar... Is there anyone here that has actually restored their eye-lid back to its original form through homeopathy? Please help.
Disciple X last decade
Can I get an answer on this? I'm very interested in the potential benefits of homeopathy... Thanks.
Disciple X last decade
I am now taking the Hepar Sulph.... It Tastes like Sugar too?? Whatsup with that!? lol...
Disciple X last decade
Hi Everyone!!! If You Have A Chalazion You Must Not Try To Pop It!!! Do Not Go See The Doctor Unless The Described Method Does Not Work!!! Buy Some Ginger In Its Raw Form At Your Local Grocery Store, You Will Find It In The Fruits & Vegetables Section, For about 5-10 Cents You Can Buy Enough!!! Take It Home Go In Front Of A Mirror, Slice The Ginger With A Knife And You Will Notice What Looks Like Water Left On The Blade, Sweep Your Finger Across The Side Of The Knife To Pick Up The 'Water' And Gently Apply It To The Lump On The OUTSIDE Of Your Eyelid, Make Sure You DO NOT Get Any Of The Liquid From The Ginger In Your Eye! I Had One Of these Things And I Heard Ginger Worked So I Tried This Method And In ONE Week, After ONE Application, It Was Completely Gone!! It May Take More Than One Application (If Its Really Bad, You Tried To Pop It, etc.) Please Be Careful, Remember Not To Irritate or Play With It Aside From The Treatment, It Needs To Be Left Alone! Good Luck!
Teddy123 last decade

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