The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nux Vomica
Hi All,i was just wondering i am taking Homeopathic Nux Vomica 30C, 3 drops daily in a tincture at the moment and was wondering if it helps lower copper levels/detox copper.
I have read on some autism forums that it lowers copper levels, does anyone else have any experience of this?
Thank you x
misslouread on 2015-02-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Are you taking Nux vomica bc you think you have elevated
copper levels?
Homeopathy does not work this way. If you have testing that
shows elevated copper levels, then you need to find the cause of this if it is from outside sources and eliminate it or see if you are deficient in zinc.
Otherwise homeopathy works in chronic issues by finding the remedy that Matches "your"
totality of symptoms-mental, emotional, physical, what makes
you specifically better or worse.
Elevated copper levels-
Causes and Development
Copper toxicity is usually due to:
excessive supplementation
the increasingly common problem of low levels of zinc in the diet
contaminated food and drinking water due to contact with metallic copper
external exposures such as a copper IUD or accidental agricultural overspray
elevated levels of estrogens.
Since copper and zinc compete with each other for absorption in the gut, copper toxicity has been the subject of greater concern in recent years. This is primarily due to reduced zinc in the diet and the switch from galvanized to copper water pipes. Acidic water such as rain water, left standing in copper plumbing pipes, can be a source of toxicity when consumed. In prolonged contact with copper cooking utensils, an acidic food or beverage can dissolve milligram quantities of copper, sufficient to cause acute toxicity symptoms such as self-limited nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. High copper levels, especially when associated with low zinc levels, have been linked to a variety of symptoms and conditions.
Diagnosis and Tests
The best means of testing for copper toxicity are 24-hour urine copper or serum ceruloplasmin level tests. Red blood cell copper levels may be a good test to measure increased copper levels as well. Hair levels of copper are not very helpful in detecting increased body copper because of external contamination. If contamination is ruled out, hair copper is suggestive of body state.
If as little as 2gm of a copper salt are ingested, usually with suicidal intent, the resulting copper-induced hemolytic anemia and kidney damage are generally fatal
copper levels?
Homeopathy does not work this way. If you have testing that
shows elevated copper levels, then you need to find the cause of this if it is from outside sources and eliminate it or see if you are deficient in zinc.
Otherwise homeopathy works in chronic issues by finding the remedy that Matches "your"
totality of symptoms-mental, emotional, physical, what makes
you specifically better or worse.
Elevated copper levels-
Causes and Development
Copper toxicity is usually due to:
excessive supplementation
the increasingly common problem of low levels of zinc in the diet
contaminated food and drinking water due to contact with metallic copper
external exposures such as a copper IUD or accidental agricultural overspray
elevated levels of estrogens.
Since copper and zinc compete with each other for absorption in the gut, copper toxicity has been the subject of greater concern in recent years. This is primarily due to reduced zinc in the diet and the switch from galvanized to copper water pipes. Acidic water such as rain water, left standing in copper plumbing pipes, can be a source of toxicity when consumed. In prolonged contact with copper cooking utensils, an acidic food or beverage can dissolve milligram quantities of copper, sufficient to cause acute toxicity symptoms such as self-limited nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. High copper levels, especially when associated with low zinc levels, have been linked to a variety of symptoms and conditions.
Diagnosis and Tests
The best means of testing for copper toxicity are 24-hour urine copper or serum ceruloplasmin level tests. Red blood cell copper levels may be a good test to measure increased copper levels as well. Hair levels of copper are not very helpful in detecting increased body copper because of external contamination. If contamination is ruled out, hair copper is suggestive of body state.
If as little as 2gm of a copper salt are ingested, usually with suicidal intent, the resulting copper-induced hemolytic anemia and kidney damage are generally fatal
♡ simone717 last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.