The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nux Vomica 1M
Hi,I've been suffering from IBS-C since 2012.
I have taken ample of medicines in this span of 3 Years.
This time I took 5 drops of Nux Vom 1M and immediately after 20 minutes of taking the medicine I started getting dizziness kind of thing in my chest and felt like I was passing away. I was finding a little hard to breath too.
I don't know if I took overdose or which potency of Nux I should have taken.
Please help I'm a chronic constipation sufferer and no ayurvedic churna or any laxative works on me.
Please suggest
Kkalra on 2015-03-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
I'm sorry I wasn't aware that it would take to other scary problems. I just read on internet that those who have Hernia should take the 1M of Nux because I have a hitus hernia too.
After taking 5 drops of Nux 1M I started feeling like fainting. Though I had been to a homeopathic doctor at the same time and he helped me to get some relief but somehow I still feel some kind of faintness & feel like impending doom.
Please let me know how shall I take off the effects of Nux 1M from my body and how long does it usually take itself ?
After taking 5 drops of Nux 1M I started feeling like fainting. Though I had been to a homeopathic doctor at the same time and he helped me to get some relief but somehow I still feel some kind of faintness & feel like impending doom.
Please let me know how shall I take off the effects of Nux 1M from my body and how long does it usually take itself ?
Kkalra 9 years ago
That is the completely wrong reason for taking a remedy. No remedy will work correctly when prescribed that way. The name of the condition has very little relevance for homoeopathic prescribing.
On top of that, 1M is very powerful and deep acting. How long it might last is not clear, although in healthy people it should be just a few days to a few weeks. After that, any symptoms remaining will be yours and would need to be cured in the usual way.
On top of that, 1M is very powerful and deep acting. How long it might last is not clear, although in healthy people it should be just a few days to a few weeks. After that, any symptoms remaining will be yours and would need to be cured in the usual way.
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
Thank you for your revert.
Could you please suggest me any medicine that can help me to cure my constipation in lon run and antidote the effects of Nux 1M that Ive taken.
I'm so scared of taking any medicine as of now since the Nux 1M has given such a huge impact.
Could you please suggest me any medicine that can help me to cure my constipation in lon run and antidote the effects of Nux 1M that Ive taken.
I'm so scared of taking any medicine as of now since the Nux 1M has given such a huge impact.
Kkalra 9 years ago
Our medicines are very powerful, so you are right to be wary of using them in an inappropriate way. However, when prescribed according to our rules and principles, they are much safer than most other kinds of medicine.
Are you still getting symptoms from the Nux vomica?
Are you still getting symptoms from the Nux vomica?
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
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