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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Restless 9month old given too many remedies

My 9 month old wakes at the end of every sleep cycle day and night. We have tried so many remedies that I wonder if nothing could help her now?

Starting at 8 weeks old, my baby started waking frequently. Prior to that she slept well--a 5 to 6 hour stretch at night followed by two 3-hour stretches. Her naps were two hours several times a day

When she became aware of her surroundings, she cut her naps in half. Her nighttime sleep was still good.

But at about 8 weeks she started waking every hour from 3-5am for several weeks. Then 3-7am for several weeks, then 1-7am for several weeks, then 11pm-7am, then all night long. She would roll her head side to side, lift her legs and bang them down on the bed and wake herself up. When it became all night long it was initially every two hours from 7pm-12/1am and then every hour. A month ago it became every hour starting from bedtime. Now it's every 45 minutes. It has been getting progressively worse and I've tried many remedies.

It seemed like gas in the beginning because she would squirm around as described, then fart, and then be still for 20 minutes. I tried Dioscorea and Colycynthias 30c both in the wet dose. No change. I tried a tummy remedy by hyland with no change. I removed gassy foods from my diet, cow's milk, chocolate, eggs. No change. I tried nux vomica 30x with no change

When she started teething her bottom two teeth at 5 months, I gave her teething tablets by hylands and they helped her sleep a little longer at first. I started giving her cal phos 6x as well. And I tried chamomila 30c and 200c and they didn't work. The most she would sleep was one or two 2-hour stretches. Then wake up every hour after that.

My friend's mom had done homeopathy as a lay person for thirty years and she recommended arsinicum album 30c and then 200c. No change. Then coffea cruda 30c. That helped and we got three or four 2-hour stretches instead of just 2. The rest of the night was waking every hour But then she became very hard to put to sleep at bedtime. She was hard to put to sleep and needed bouncing and nursing all her life but would fall asleep within 15 minutes. With the coffea cruda, it started taking an hour. So I stopped using it.

The past month she has been teething her upper two teeth and she can barely make it through one sleep cycle. Sometimes she wakes after 20 minutes. She rolls from side to side in nearly constant motion. At the end of a sleep cycle (36-45 minutes) she wakes up and either bounces her legs on the bed or often sits up. I've been co-sleeping because I'm too exhausted to get up so many times. If I move or make noise I often wake her up. She is a light restless sleeper. She usually wakes happy in the morning but tired with little pink circles under her eyes.

Her head sweats when she sleeps. She pulls her hair or tugs her ear or puts her hand in my mouth when falling asleep. Initially she squirms all over when we first start to nurse to sleep. She nurses to sleep for all naps and at night. When she wakes up, she will fall asleep quickly again if she gets to nurse. She doesn't seem hungry--it's comforting. If I let her settle on her own without nursing, she gets to crying out and becomes more awake and harder to put back to sleep. I would like her to be able to fall asleep again on her own. She has done this in the past but no longer.

When in pain from teething she is made better by being carried, going outside for a walk regardless of weather/temperature, listening to music, nursing, going into a bath or swimming pool, seeing other children or animals, being played with.

I saw a homeopath who said she was a phosphorus constitution. I gave her phosphorous 30c. No change. She said to try pulsatilla 30x since her teeth seemed to hurt. She went back to having a couple of 2-hour stretches but not much better. She stopped offering ideas after that.

My next homeopath said mercurius 30c. This made it worse with baby waking every 20-45 minutes. She then suggested aconite 30c but I'm wondering if there is too much in her system already?

Her other history:

I had thrush on my nipples after she was born and I had to take diflucan. The pediatrician said the baby never showed signs of thrush, and still has not. I also took borax 30c for two weeks so that baby would receive the benefit. I gave her a good probiotic too.

When I had thrush, the baby was diagnosed with a lip and tongue tie that were surgically fixed by laser. This was at three weeks old. Because of this, the milk supply was low and the baby was given donor milk from other mothers in a syringe and bottle. She went back to my breast at 6 weeks and exclusively my milk at 8 weeks right when the sleep trouble started. That is when I eliminated all acidic foods and gassy foods and allergen food. Prior to three weeks she was fine on my milk.

The baby was prone to rashes on her chin and is prone diaper rashes. The diaper rash is NOT a yeast-based rash. When I gave up eggs, the rash on her chin went away.

At eight weeks she also was diagnosed with reflux that caused her to spit up five times an hour. I eventually learned about Nat phos 6x and that stopped her spitting up. She takes three tablets a day.

During pregnancy, I had to take blood thinning injections daily and for three weeks after she was born. I also took an anti-nausea medicine because I had a very rare and severe vomiting disorder during the pregnancy. The birth was vaginal but I was given pitocin, prostaglandins, an epidural and an IV. I normally do not like prescriptions but this pregnancy and birth were dangerous for my body and so I had to do as I was told. After the birth, I took phytolacca 200c, arnica 200c, staphysagria 200c, Hypericum 200c, chamomila 200c, calendula 200c, hamamelis 200c at various needed times. However at this point I want to help my baby and avoid making her worse. She needs to sleep better and so do I. I don't know what to do next.

The baby eats solids. She doesn't like puréed food of any sort. It makes her gag. The same food minced or shredded is fine. She also dislikes steamed food. The same food sautéed in coconut oil or roasted is fine. She loves food. She eats all squashes, zucchini, spinach, green beans, sweet potato, carrots, turkey, chicken, raw pear, raw apple, raw watermelon and raw avocado so far. She has not refused any foods if prepared the way I mentioned. I still suspect some of her troubles are digestive.

She has a bowel movement within 20 minutes of waking up. They are runny as most breastfed babie's bowels are. She usually has one to three more per day. If I eat cow milk dairy, her stool turns green and gooey. Sheep milk seems fine.

Urine is unremarkable.

Is there a way to clear the remedies she has been given so that whatever remedy she gets next might be effective? What remedy does she need at this point? I know something can be done. I wouldn't even mind waking up three times a night but every hour is starting to make me insane. I can't keep going like this.

Thank you so much.
  Cailanna on 2015-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
give her one dose SULPHUR 30.
update next day.
telescope 9 years ago
Thank you. Is it ok to do it right away?

Yesterday I gave her the aconite that my last homeopath recommended. She woke up and stayed up for 2.5 hours in the middle of the night so it obviously wasn't the right course either. Do I need to wait or antidote all the remedies she has taken so far before giving the sulphur?

I will give sulphur 30c to her later today if I don't hear back.
Cailanna 9 years ago
you can give right away. meanwhile please buy Calcarea Carb 30 which we will need after sulphur.
telescope 9 years ago
Great! Thank you. I have the Cal Carb 30 already.

Also, any recommendations for me? These past two nights I have been getting very frustrated with my daughter. Kali phos has always helped me be patient through these seven months of bad sleeping but it's not working anymore. My exhaustion is now making me angry. It's not fair to her.

Thank you SO MUCH for your help.
Cailanna 9 years ago
you can try nux vomica 30.
telescope 9 years ago

Last night was an improvement! She received the sulphur 30c at 10am in the morning. During the day she had a reduction in clinginess. She had only become clingy in the past few weeks with the teething of her top two teeth (although the timing also corresponds with object permanence from a developmental standpoint). Her naps were unchanged and she woke at the end of each sleep cycle.

At night, she slept for 2.5 hours without moving. Normally she turns from side to side all night long with tiny 20-minute moments of stillness. For the first 2.5 hours she slept on her right side without moving until she stirred.

I nursed her quickly back to sleep but then she turned from side to side and requested to nurse more for about a half hour. In the past she would nurse and fall back to sleep within five minutes, and sleep for another 45 minutes but wake up at the end of that cycle. It took about a half an hour for her to fall back to sleep but then she slept another 2.5 hours without moving. As well, during this half an hour, her rolling from side to side was less often and less feverish. She whimpered a bit during this time which was new.

When she woke, it was a repeat of nursing, whimpering and rolling for a half hour. Then she slept for 2 more hours. When she woke next, I tried to let her settle herself without nursing, which she did. But then she woke an hour later and each hour from then on out.

So I beleive from 4-7am she woke every hour and rolled from side to side but it wasn't as active a rolling.

She whimpered and let out soft quick moans often through the night which was only an occasional occurance in the past.

She got the hiccups as soon as she sat up this morning which was new. She gets hiccups just never so early in the day. She also started scratching at the back of her head rather wildly on and off for fifteen minutes. This is new too. She then cried for thirty seconds about whatever was causing her to scratch (pain or itchy--not sure). I didn't notice her head sweating as much last night. Will keep a better eye on that today.

She seemed tired but happy like always when she woke.

Bowels seem the same so far. She strained a bit while going but it was loose as is regular for her.

No other changes to report.

I didn't take the nux as I slept a little better so my frustration went back to patience. I'm hopeful that perhaps a wet dose or whatever you think will work might help get her back to those 6-hour stretches.

So far, this remedy seems to be pointing us in the right direction just based on how little she rolled. I'm dumbstruck at just how MUCH she was moving around prior--sitting up in her sleep, kicking her legs, tossing her head from side to side. It was exhausting.

I am appreciative of your thoughts and I look forward to hearing what you think comes next.

Thank you!
Cailanna 9 years ago
the problem is probably teething related. sulphur will solve part of the problem. for the rest other medicines will be required. we wait for three days to see how far sulphur helps.
telescope 9 years ago
Thank you. The last homeopath I saw said she thought teething was the issue too but the three teething remedies didn't help. I wonder if it's teething on top of another issue since it started three months prior to her first teeth. The pediatrician said that the pain can present two months before the teeth so I wonder if something else is also mixed into this problem? That first month could have been something simple that has since then become complicated by the teething??

Last night was a bit worse but still better than prior to sulphur. She woke at two hour intervals at first and then every hour as usual. So better than one hour all night long. She rolled around a lot more last night than the first night. She also sat up three times and spoke a lot as we got closer to 6am.

The weird need to scratch the back of her head is still there on and off through the day (I see nothing on her scalp).

The only other weird point is that she spit up a glob of pale yellow mucus. I've never seen that before. Just once yesterday.

I will report back tomorrow morning and eagerly await Sunday's analysis of the next steps.

Thank you!
Cailanna 9 years ago
Last night she slept for one sleep cycle and woke to nurse. Then she slept for four hours. It was the first time is months and months that she slept four hours. She nursed and fell asleep for just one sleep cycle and woke again. Then she slept for two hours. After that, she was up every hour and woke a bit early for her. She moved around less than the night before but she did sit up in her sleep a few times. She also cried out in her sleep each time she woke. Usually that doesn't happen unless I let her try to falls asleep on her own again without offering her the breast.

She's a little more frustrated to go to sleep at naps and at bedtime. She usually is ok or only fusses a little. The past two days she has cried when I start her naps. Then she cries just before she falls asleep too. And she has cried upon waking. I don't recall her doing that before.

Still scratching the back of her head. Is that a proving symptom?

Will report after tonight's sleep.

Thank you.
Cailanna 9 years ago
give her one dose Calcarea Carb 30.
telescope 9 years ago

Thank you. Before I give her the calc carb, I want to report on her sleep from last night. It was very bad. She had one 2-hour block between 11-1, but before and after, she woke every hour. There was a lot of rolling back and forth. She cried in tired frustration most times she woke. I nursed her back to sleep each time. As we got closer to the morning, she wanted to nurse every half hour.

Still give her Calc carb?

Thank you!
Cailanna 9 years ago
yes. as you are breast feeding do not eat or drink sour things. did you by any chance consume sour articles after giving sulphur to your daughter?
telescope 9 years ago

I think I avoided sour. I did have sheep's milk yogurt--I never have cow's milk. Would that be considered sour? I also had some sugar. Thank you!
Cailanna 9 years ago
yoghurt can be sour. give her one more dose of sulphur if you have not already given her calcarea carb. do not use sulphur if you have already used calcarea carb.
telescope 9 years ago
Thank you.

I had already given her the calc carb when tha above post came through.

She had several two hour stretches last night. The first two hours of her night and the last hour had frequent waking. Otherwise, the rest of the night was waking at every two hours. Still a lot of rolling around. It looks like she is rolling onto her tummy now instead of just side to side. Right before she wakes up, she will have been rolling and will then roll to her tummy with legs tucked. She wakes about a minute or two minutes later. I have not seen her on her tummy with legs tucked to sleep for any length of time though.

What do you think?

Thank you.
Cailanna 9 years ago
observe for three days.
telescope 9 years ago
Ok. Thank you.

Last night was the second night after calc carb. It was about the same as the prior night. She did sleep a bit with her butt up though. Not long stretches but it is new for her. She is also biting me a bit more during the day--on the arm or leg or belly (not while nursing). She explores with her mouth during teething so this might just be more of that--only now she has two top teeth so it hurts. I will see if she receives the message that it hurts me and stops doing it. Less whimpering than while on sulphur. She is still rolling around as she ends a sleep cycle. It seems as though she mainly rolls around now as one sleep cycles finishes and another starts. I have read it's normal to shift position between sleep cycles except that she rolls so much during that time it wakes her up.
Everything else seems the same. I will report back tomorrow after the third night.

Thank you.
Cailanna 9 years ago

After three nights there is no improvement.

Thank you for your time.
Cailanna 9 years ago
give her another dose Calcarea Carb 30.
telescope 9 years ago
Hello. I gave her the second dose of calc carb yesterday. No change in sleep. She woke every hour from 12am-7am. She got one 2-hour stretch from 10pm to 12am but woke every hour prior. Seems a little more grumpy today but everything else seems the same.
Thank you
Cailanna 9 years ago
does she like to be covered or uncovered during sleep ?
telescope 9 years ago
Hard to say. It's veryhot where we live so I don't give her the option.
Cailanna 9 years ago
give her one dose pulsatilla 30.
telescope 9 years ago
Ok. Will it be more effective now than when we did it a month ago?

We are traveling at the moment so we will try on Tuesday when we get home.
Cailanna 9 years ago
you had mentioned that she sweats on her head when she sleeps. is it the whole head or some part ?
telescope 9 years ago

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