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Restless 9month old given too many remedies Page 4 of 8
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Ok. Understood. I have Cal Carb already.
Last night's sleep was the same. Whimpering when she wakes up still. Sleeping on left side mostly.
Cuticles are dry and hanging. She is picking at them on her thumb.
Doesn't seem sick yet.
Thank you!
Last night's sleep was the same. Whimpering when she wakes up still. Sleeping on left side mostly.
Cuticles are dry and hanging. She is picking at them on her thumb.
Doesn't seem sick yet.
Thank you!
Cailanna 9 years ago
Hello, our daughter started vomiting today. Without our knwoledge, she was exposed to another child several times ove the last week who was vomiting with diarrhea. Now our daughter is vomiting too. The first bout was 8:30pm and then again at 3:00am in her sleep while asleep on her back. Thank goodness I heard it. So far no diarrhea. She doesn't have a fever. She doesn't seem in pain. She is happy. It's 3:15 and she is completely awake and loving it.
The other mommy says her baby got it over a week ago and has had very watery diarrhea that has green or very light yellow liquid stool in it. The vomit was several times a day with exhaustion.
My baby is just dealing with it now so no exhaustion.
What can I do so that it stops quickly?
Thank you!!
Hello, our daughter started vomiting today. Without our knwoledge, she was exposed to another child several times ove the last week who was vomiting with diarrhea. Now our daughter is vomiting too. The first bout was 8:30pm and then again at 3:00am in her sleep while asleep on her back. Thank goodness I heard it. So far no diarrhea. She doesn't have a fever. She doesn't seem in pain. She is happy. It's 3:15 and she is completely awake and loving it.
The other mommy says her baby got it over a week ago and has had very watery diarrhea that has green or very light yellow liquid stool in it. The vomit was several times a day with exhaustion.
My baby is just dealing with it now so no exhaustion.
What can I do so that it stops quickly?
Thank you!!
Cailanna 9 years ago
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Thank you so much. I'm sorry for being kind of alarmist. The other mommy told me the dr wanted to give the baby an IV so I was hoping to avoid getting told that too.
I gave my baby one dose of sulphur yesterday. She hasn't thrown up in 18 hours so that so good. She does have diarrhea that smells very bad and is watery yellow-brown. No fever, skin doesn't feel cold, belly doesn't feel tight, energy and mood are not affected, no obvious pain during the diarrhea but there is grunting. She has had it three times in the past 15 hours. The anus doesn't look red.
I wanted to mention that she gags a lot lately. She puts her fingers in her mouth when eating solids and often this makes her gag. But she also gags in general when eating solids. I'm not sure if that will be helpful towards remedy finding but I thought I should mention it. This gagging has been going on for a couple of months.
Also she hates wearing bows or hats on her head still. I'm allowed to touch her head but she doesn't like it when other people do. The whole head not just the back of the head.
Sleep is still not good. She is in pain. I think it's that tooth. A little more has come through so it's starting to progress just slowly. I didn't give her the cal phos because of the vomit. Also, I have it in 30x not c. Is that ok for when we do use it? I used to give it to her a lot when she was teething her bottom teeth and it helped although it was less helpful with her top teeth. Maybe the potency?
She may have a touch of my cold. She sounds a little congested with a wet congestion although the nostrils looks clear and there is no discharge. Last night when she was sleeping, she sounded congested and wheezy while breathing. Not all night long but at one point for about fifteen minutes. But really, she seems ok. Still her very happy and active self.
Thank you again!
I gave my baby one dose of sulphur yesterday. She hasn't thrown up in 18 hours so that so good. She does have diarrhea that smells very bad and is watery yellow-brown. No fever, skin doesn't feel cold, belly doesn't feel tight, energy and mood are not affected, no obvious pain during the diarrhea but there is grunting. She has had it three times in the past 15 hours. The anus doesn't look red.
I wanted to mention that she gags a lot lately. She puts her fingers in her mouth when eating solids and often this makes her gag. But she also gags in general when eating solids. I'm not sure if that will be helpful towards remedy finding but I thought I should mention it. This gagging has been going on for a couple of months.
Also she hates wearing bows or hats on her head still. I'm allowed to touch her head but she doesn't like it when other people do. The whole head not just the back of the head.
Sleep is still not good. She is in pain. I think it's that tooth. A little more has come through so it's starting to progress just slowly. I didn't give her the cal phos because of the vomit. Also, I have it in 30x not c. Is that ok for when we do use it? I used to give it to her a lot when she was teething her bottom teeth and it helped although it was less helpful with her top teeth. Maybe the potency?
She may have a touch of my cold. She sounds a little congested with a wet congestion although the nostrils looks clear and there is no discharge. Last night when she was sleeping, she sounded congested and wheezy while breathing. Not all night long but at one point for about fifteen minutes. But really, she seems ok. Still her very happy and active self.
Thank you again!
Cailanna 9 years ago
Also her tongue has a white grey speckled coat in the back and no coat in the front.
Diarrhea that smells and is watery tan every hour or two now. But no more puking. Still lots of energy and happy.
A little runny white nasal discharge here and there. Like uncooked egg white. Not constant though.
Thank you!
Diarrhea that smells and is watery tan every hour or two now. But no more puking. Still lots of energy and happy.
A little runny white nasal discharge here and there. Like uncooked egg white. Not constant though.
Thank you!
Cailanna 9 years ago
She has my head cold. Clear runny nasal discharge. It is under control with Nat Mur 6x and Kali Mur 6x as needed.
I have her a Chinese herbs to stop the diarrhea. She had it from Sunday to Monday mid day. I gave her no Chinese herbs this morning and the diarrhea came back but not as bad. I gave her another dose of the Chinese herbs just now.
No vomiting since Sunday.
The two teeth pushed through so less pain.
Any thoughts on the diarrhea? It smells foul and is like wet mud consistency. No belly gurgling or burping but there is a little gas. No redness at bott but I use coconut oil on her and that always keeps the red away. Energy and mood are still great.
She developed a little red bump on her lower eye lash line.
Eager to hear any suggestions for her cold or her eye bump/stye and diarrhea. Thank you!
She has my head cold. Clear runny nasal discharge. It is under control with Nat Mur 6x and Kali Mur 6x as needed.
I have her a Chinese herbs to stop the diarrhea. She had it from Sunday to Monday mid day. I gave her no Chinese herbs this morning and the diarrhea came back but not as bad. I gave her another dose of the Chinese herbs just now.
No vomiting since Sunday.
The two teeth pushed through so less pain.
Any thoughts on the diarrhea? It smells foul and is like wet mud consistency. No belly gurgling or burping but there is a little gas. No redness at bott but I use coconut oil on her and that always keeps the red away. Energy and mood are still great.
She developed a little red bump on her lower eye lash line.
Eager to hear any suggestions for her cold or her eye bump/stye and diarrhea. Thank you!
Cailanna 9 years ago
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Caia seems to be over her cold and intestinal bug so I am back to trying to help her sleep. She does have a little phlegm in her nose and throat in the very early morning.
She had three teeth come in simultaneously while she was sick, and only one seems to be bothering her still.
She no longer rolls from side to side all night long or rolls her head back and forth while asleep. Nor does she bring her legs straight up and bang them back down. This is a great relief.
She isn't biting while nursing anymore. She has gone back to nursing to fall asleep (there was a week when she would fall asleep on her own but that ended with her teething and illness).
She is still waking after every sleep cycle--every 45 minutes. She might get one double sleep cycle in per night so an hour and a half. As we get closer to morning, it gets even shorter than 45 minutes. So from 4-6 it's about every 20-30 minutes . If I let her try to settle on her own, she sits up half asleep and tries crawling. I think to come to my breast. So I nurse her back into sleep.
She kicks off covers. Is favoring her left side for sleeping now.
She doesn't like socks or hats. It's not a fear--she just pulls them off immediately. She has no fears. I find it hard to consider a constitutional remedy because she has no fears at all. The homeopath who saw her thought she was phosphorous but she lacks all the fears of a phosphorus (and the remedy in various potencies never helped).
She is happy and energetic. Appetite is good but she is still gagging on her food. She moves food to the area between her gums and cheeks and requests or takes more food. I can't tell how much food is there so sometimes she gets too much and gags. And sometimes she gags on very little food even when I am sure there is none hidden in her mouth. She gags at every meal. She has uncomfortable gas from 2am until waking. I tried Nux last night and she had no gas trouble but it didn't help with the sleep at all.
Bowels and urine seem fine although she strains a bit when having a bowel movement. Slight pinkness at anus.
She has a little redness on her chin these past two days. One finger nail has a white dot but the dry cracked cuticles are gone.
She was eating sour specifically fermented sour kraut cauliflower to help her gut repair after the intestinal bug. She loves it. So with the sour, I imagine I need to start agin with whatever remedy we want to try. Sulphur once more? I can stop giving her the sour kraut although she really enjoys it and it is adding additional probiotics to her system. I won't give anymore until I see your response. I do plan on giving her cal phos 30c today for that tooth.
I think that's it as far as updates goes.
Thank you!
She had three teeth come in simultaneously while she was sick, and only one seems to be bothering her still.
She no longer rolls from side to side all night long or rolls her head back and forth while asleep. Nor does she bring her legs straight up and bang them back down. This is a great relief.
She isn't biting while nursing anymore. She has gone back to nursing to fall asleep (there was a week when she would fall asleep on her own but that ended with her teething and illness).
She is still waking after every sleep cycle--every 45 minutes. She might get one double sleep cycle in per night so an hour and a half. As we get closer to morning, it gets even shorter than 45 minutes. So from 4-6 it's about every 20-30 minutes . If I let her try to settle on her own, she sits up half asleep and tries crawling. I think to come to my breast. So I nurse her back into sleep.
She kicks off covers. Is favoring her left side for sleeping now.
She doesn't like socks or hats. It's not a fear--she just pulls them off immediately. She has no fears. I find it hard to consider a constitutional remedy because she has no fears at all. The homeopath who saw her thought she was phosphorous but she lacks all the fears of a phosphorus (and the remedy in various potencies never helped).
She is happy and energetic. Appetite is good but she is still gagging on her food. She moves food to the area between her gums and cheeks and requests or takes more food. I can't tell how much food is there so sometimes she gets too much and gags. And sometimes she gags on very little food even when I am sure there is none hidden in her mouth. She gags at every meal. She has uncomfortable gas from 2am until waking. I tried Nux last night and she had no gas trouble but it didn't help with the sleep at all.
Bowels and urine seem fine although she strains a bit when having a bowel movement. Slight pinkness at anus.
She has a little redness on her chin these past two days. One finger nail has a white dot but the dry cracked cuticles are gone.
She was eating sour specifically fermented sour kraut cauliflower to help her gut repair after the intestinal bug. She loves it. So with the sour, I imagine I need to start agin with whatever remedy we want to try. Sulphur once more? I can stop giving her the sour kraut although she really enjoys it and it is adding additional probiotics to her system. I won't give anymore until I see your response. I do plan on giving her cal phos 30c today for that tooth.
I think that's it as far as updates goes.
Thank you!
Cailanna 9 years ago
Thank you.
I gave her the calc phos 30c yesterday. Hopefully it will help her teeth. She seems like she is doing a little better. Sleep was unchanged though.
Should she get sulphur, psorinum, or medorrhinum tonight?
Also, I live a few blocks from the ocean if this matters. From birth to 8 weeks she slept so well so I would be surprised to find that the ocean plays a part but I see it is included in some of the remedies.
Thank you.
I gave her the calc phos 30c yesterday. Hopefully it will help her teeth. She seems like she is doing a little better. Sleep was unchanged though.
Should she get sulphur, psorinum, or medorrhinum tonight?
Also, I live a few blocks from the ocean if this matters. From birth to 8 weeks she slept so well so I would be surprised to find that the ocean plays a part but I see it is included in some of the remedies.
Thank you.
Cailanna 9 years ago
Also, she was pulling at her hair as she slept last night just once or twice. Also, she started making cluck sounds with her tongue two days ago and a weird noise in the back of her throat like she is clearing phlegm even though there isn't any. While she was sick, she did not do this. In fact, she was often able to clear her phlegm in the nose on her own by blowing it by herself. The weird noise in her throat seems to be something she does that is very very new.
Cailanna 9 years ago
Wait one more day and then give a dose of Medorrhinum 30.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Ok. Thank you. 1 pellet or do the wer dose?
She slept a little better in that she went to sleep earlier and slept longer. She still work a ton but she was able to be settled back to sleep a little quicker. She had been waking brtween 6:15-6:40 but she slept until 7:15 today.
She slept a little better in that she went to sleep earlier and slept longer. She still work a ton but she was able to be settled back to sleep a little quicker. She had been waking brtween 6:15-6:40 but she slept until 7:15 today.
Cailanna 9 years ago
I didn't get an email alert informing me there was a response so I didn't see your response until today. At bed time last night I gave her the medorrhinum thinking I was sticking to the original prescription. I gave it in a split dose. I hope I didn't make things worse. There was no change in sleeping--waking every sleep cycle and nursing every twenty to thirty minutes from 5am onward.
No other changes to report.
Hopefully, it will be ok. And I will check the forum more often. Thank you!!
I didn't get an email alert informing me there was a response so I didn't see your response until today. At bed time last night I gave her the medorrhinum thinking I was sticking to the original prescription. I gave it in a split dose. I hope I didn't make things worse. There was no change in sleeping--waking every sleep cycle and nursing every twenty to thirty minutes from 5am onward.
No other changes to report.
Hopefully, it will be ok. And I will check the forum more often. Thank you!!
Cailanna 9 years ago
It has been three nights since the split dose of medorrhinum.
The only change I see in her sleep is that the two hour block when she needs to nurse every 20 minutes is no longer 4-6am. The second night it was just one hour from 5-6. Last night it was an hour and a half from 3:30-5. Otherwise, everything is the same as far as sleep goes.
She developed a bad diaper rash the day after the dose. And again yesterday. It's fine today with the help of coconut oil and topical calendula.
She also has discharge from her right eye and nose. Her eye is watering a bit and her nose is running. Is she getting sick again or might this be an aggrevation? I hope she isn't getting sick again although she was exposed to her cousin who was sick. But still, three colds in three months seems like a lot. She is not in daycare with other babies but her cousin is.
Her appetite seems a little smaller too.
Otherwise she seems the same. Any thoughts?
Thank you!
It has been three nights since the split dose of medorrhinum.
The only change I see in her sleep is that the two hour block when she needs to nurse every 20 minutes is no longer 4-6am. The second night it was just one hour from 5-6. Last night it was an hour and a half from 3:30-5. Otherwise, everything is the same as far as sleep goes.
She developed a bad diaper rash the day after the dose. And again yesterday. It's fine today with the help of coconut oil and topical calendula.
She also has discharge from her right eye and nose. Her eye is watering a bit and her nose is running. Is she getting sick again or might this be an aggrevation? I hope she isn't getting sick again although she was exposed to her cousin who was sick. But still, three colds in three months seems like a lot. She is not in daycare with other babies but her cousin is.
Her appetite seems a little smaller too.
Otherwise she seems the same. Any thoughts?
Thank you!
Cailanna 9 years ago
Please give her one dose Silicea 30.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Thank you
Her eye is worse. It was oozing all night and was sealed shut this morning with a yellow crust. I sued chrysanthamum water to wash it away. Her diaper rash seems to return at the end of each day. Her nose is still running too. All the discharge is opaque white to yellowish in color. The eye waters clear but collects a yellow crust in the corners. The eye balI itself is still normal though. I will give her the silica and report back.
Thank you so much
Her eye is worse. It was oozing all night and was sealed shut this morning with a yellow crust. I sued chrysanthamum water to wash it away. Her diaper rash seems to return at the end of each day. Her nose is still running too. All the discharge is opaque white to yellowish in color. The eye waters clear but collects a yellow crust in the corners. The eye balI itself is still normal though. I will give her the silica and report back.
Thank you so much
Cailanna 9 years ago
Update: The eye is getting worse. The eye ball is turning red in the corners now. The oozing is about the same.
Cailanna 9 years ago
Give the silica 30 one dose.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
No. I thought you had not given her medicine.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
I wrote two posts. The first was to say I was giving it to her and then the second to report any updates. I think you might have seen just the update.
I gave the one dose of sillicea this morning. By night time, the right eye was starting to improve and the left eye got very bad with oozing yellow. Then she developed a fever. She's waking like always but crying really hard and in pain each time. Belladonna??
I wrote two posts. The first was to say I was giving it to her and then the second to report any updates. I think you might have seen just the update.
I gave the one dose of sillicea this morning. By night time, the right eye was starting to improve and the left eye got very bad with oozing yellow. Then she developed a fever. She's waking like always but crying really hard and in pain each time. Belladonna??
Cailanna 9 years ago
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