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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Homeopathy Side Effects in my case Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dr mohla-- she has had no meds for
4 months./////////////////
Write down first time it happened.
What symptoms showed, how long lasted etc

Do it simple like 1. 2. Etc

Then write what symptoms are now?
What makes it better - worse ?

Dr Mohla has expertise in eyes.

Lets see what he says.
simone717 8 years ago
1. Area below eye got swollen and very purple and red...it was sooo itchy for moths. At that time my eye doctor said it looks like extremely bad allergy. This was March

2. I did allergy test, all negative

3. It wost the most swollen in the morning...during the day it would become better. Cold places were helpful. Warm places makes it more swallen

4. If I move a lot during day physically, my eyes would get better

5. After 2 months my eyes stopped being itchy, but at night (around 8pm) they would start buning.

6. Lately I noticed that my eyes are less swollen in the morning (sometimes they look the best when I weak up), but they swell during day depending on where I spend my time (is it hot place, dry place, etc.)

7. Outdoors and cold weather are still better for me

8. I went to the eye doctor the other day and she said there are no signs of allergies in my eyes, and if it was an allergy it wouldn-t stay that long. She has no idea what it could be

9. Since March, whatever I put on my eyes (even water when washing my face), it would irritate the area below my eyes. Any kind of face cream makes them swell and burn even more.

10. Swelling is usually located only in the area below eyes, however if I'm in a hot place, or when I was at the beach this year, my upper eyelids used to swell as well (but it didn't remain)

11. When I'm in a hot place my nose (inside) gets kind of swollen as well as it gets blocked, but there is nothing inside. It is even painful. The ORL doctor says my nose and sinuses are completely fine (visited doctor few days ago). I did X-ray as well and everything looks normal.

12. When the area below eyes burns at night, I feel it on my cheecks as well.

When I had this eye swelling years ago, my eyes were not itchy, I could see they are swollen only if I look in the mirror. But after taking remedies I literally feel how my eyes are getting swollen because they burn.
[message edited by newone on Fri, 18 Nov 2016 16:46:34 UTC]
newone 8 years ago

Now write the year and symptoms of when this first happened 3years ago ?? On a plane?

Symptoms and duration

Then history of each time it went on again.
simone717 8 years ago
OK, there are actually 3 cases when it happened:

1. September 2014
2. January 2015
3. October 2015

After the flight in all cases. Not sure how long it stayed - maximum a week. The only symptom is swollen area below eyes. No itching. No burning sensation. It's probably because of dry air in airplane.
[message edited by newone on Sat, 19 Nov 2016 11:28:55 UTC]
newone 8 years ago
Up to top for dr mohla
simone717 8 years ago
earlier you mentioned area below the eyes itchy but now there is no itching only swelling pl clarify.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
When it first showed up and disappeared by itself, there was no itching or burning. This year, when it showed up aftertakimg remedies, it's swollen, burning, etc. and doesn't go away.
newone 8 years ago

Dr mohla wants to know if itching is going on now?

Or in recent past?

simone717 8 years ago
Burning started in March and never stopped. It starts burning at night (every night) around 8pm. Or if I'm in a warm place (car/bus especially for some reason). Burning happens below eyes all the way to cheeks. Itching happens only if my eyes are tired and it doesn't give me as big problem as burning. I don't feel like itching and burning depend on each other. Burning is THE problem.
newone 8 years ago
Ok good, that is clear. Dr mohla is on India time, he will reply.
simone717 8 years ago
Dear newone

Check your prakriti on holisticonline. Com under ayurveda section and report .

Also your age/height/weight along with any digestion issues currently or in past? ?constipation etc....
Teupne 8 years ago
To top for dr mohla
simone717 8 years ago
Pl explain swelling in any other part of your body,your food habits now ,sour.salt,sweet,your nature now,temperament,any suppressed anger thought which you are having but cannot share.How much water and fluid you are having daily and your out flow of urine .pl also note daily frequency is same of swelling or it changes with weather condition.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
There is no swelling in any other part of my body.

I use normal amount of salt in food, I don't like too salty food. I like eating sweets, but I never eat it unless I had normal meal.

I don't eat fast food. I eat fruits, vegetables and meat. I eat twice a day (my family never used to have dinner). I may have a snack between breakfast and lunch if I'm hungry. So I rarely eat after 5pm.

I have never been thirsty in my entire life, so I haven't been drinking a lot of water until few months ago. Now I do drink like 2 liters per day because I know I should. I started drinking water after my eyes started being swollen. I thought maybe they're dry, so for that reason I started drinking water, but nothing changed.

My outflow of urine is normal I think. I go to toilet even if I don't drink water, but if I do, I go more times. If I drink a lot of water my urine has no color.

About the anger...I'm furious about this homeopath who was indifferent when I had this reaction to remedies. I have a wish to slap her face or to hold her neck between my arms and watch her suffer but not die. I have never had this wish for someone in my entire life. She caused me this condition and left me deal with it on my own.
I'm angry with some other people for their actions (in past), but I removed them from my life and have no wish that they suffer or anything like that.
I also removed from my life every single person who doesn't respect me and I wanted to have them out of my life for a long time.

There are only to rules about the swelling:
1. When they start burning at 8pm, they are more swollen
2. When I'm in a warm room/car/bus, or if it is hot outside. Then they start to burn as well and swell, but not as much as at night.

They start swelling and burning more if I put any oil on them (like coconut oil).

I also noticed that these days they're least swollen if I'm at home whole day, so if there are no temperature changes. However, my home shouldn't be too hot.

So, now when it's winter, they are less swollen that they used to be during summer. If I point my face towards sun, I feel like bones right below my eyes (where the cheeks start) are kind of painful, and at night burning is even worse. It doesn't happen if it's too cold outside for example. Cold is good for me.
[message edited by newone on Tue, 22 Nov 2016 15:42:32 UTC]
[message edited by newone on Tue, 22 Nov 2016 15:44:54 UTC]
[message edited by newone on Tue, 22 Nov 2016 15:47:36 UTC]
newone 8 years ago
Your are a clear case of pulsatilla but going through your past history pl donot take any meds for few more days as day by day you will be better.I am working on your case and may suggest you bach flower .
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Thank you! I would like to add that below my right eye area, my cheek started being wrinkly (vertical lines), in the morning. I sleep on the left side mainly though, so it's probably related to this swelling below my eyes.
newone 8 years ago
pl donot keep your hand below your cheek while sleeping and keep on changing sides.pl donot take any meds for this.PL give this sometime .
akshaymohl 8 years ago
I'm not taking any remedies, and I'm ok with not taking any for as long as necessary. I do notice some changes, for example, when my eyes were more red (at the very beginning), my cheek had no wrinkles...now they're less red and seem more stable (even still swollen), but I do have these small wrinles in the morning etc...so I believe there is some process going on and I will give it time.
newone 8 years ago
pl keep your body and eyes hydrated by using extra glass of water during the day and blinking your eyes when you feel tired after and during work.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Will do.
newone 8 years ago
There is additional swelling trigger I noticed. If I practice yoga, the next morning my eyes would be more swollen than usual. Does this sound familiar?

I do basic asanas for beginners, just few of them.
newone 8 years ago
Nothing abnormal if it is for some time .
akshaymohl 8 years ago

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