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4week old infant with cold and cough 3



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cold and cough - 7 week infant Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If this line of prescription doesn't work, let me know and I will post my questionnaire for you to answer and hopefully have everything resolved with one dose.
fitness 8 years ago
Word of Advice: Be sensible about your health, always click the username of anyone giving advice on this forum to know about them first, instead of blindly following advice which is sometimes reckless & dangerous. Also, read this: http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/506104/
fitness 8 years ago
I gave hepar sulph 30c instead of 200c yesterday. 3 doses at gaps of 4 hours.

The cough has increased. It had gone down considerably about 3-4 days ago and has increased since then.

She coughs about once or twice in an hour when awake in bursts of 3 to 4 coughs. The last cough turns into a scream like sound like she is desperately trying to dislodge something from her throat. After that she will settle and play till the next bout of coughing.

She clears her throat sometimes and makes faces like she wants to cough but can't. It's like when we want to sneeze but can't.

Earlier, i.e last week the cough was wet where she would throw huge globs of mucus. Now I am not too sure.

She has a lot of bubbles at her mouth.

She doesn't cough when asleep.

She was born at 36 weeks 6 days, and now at eight weeks seems to be going through a growth spurt or something where she is extra fussy and wants to nurse a lot for the past three or so days.

Please let me know what questions I can answer for you fitness. I am afraid of the cough developing into a bigger infection. Her cold seems to be gone, since she isn't sneezing nor sporting a runny nose anymore.
Utomp 8 years ago
Give her three doses of spongia 200 in liquid.

You can by all means take treatment from fitness. He seems very eager to take over your case.

I have no objection. Only thing I would like to tell you is that you will know nothing simply by clicking the prescriber's name. Along with that read the posts he made so far. Read how many times, the prescriber is requesting off line contact. See how many such posts are deleted by the moderator.

Also see how many cases are left unfinished. See how many cases ended up without any resolution.

The three or four bouts per hour is nothing to worry about. Try Spongiaa and report.
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Thu, 28 Jul 2016 09:03:05 UTC]
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Utomp, please continue with the other prescriber till he says he can't help you further.

I am not sure why he is being antagonistic, anyways.
fitness 8 years ago

Forget these diversions. Self egoistic people only think they know everything.

I am practicing homeopathy since the last 15 years, and if you view my posts here, the first one is in 2006. Prior to that I was posting with another user name.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
rule one don't get into it (ego wars)during emergency care --as cough scene here..
speak ur truth concerning prescription..back up with materia medica --done

too many meds --one dose -also enough -needless repititon--especially when aggravation may occur...and has--

SCReam associated with cough
mucous /cough spit up...
if there is a sort of arching envoled when held--and sleeps with head high--being held and moved also keys..
John Stanton 8 years ago
please list mum---
complete current sympytomology

as well as ur current health--

I am not taken ur case gavin/fitness--just probing into case --take mor etime asking questions--forget that muti-med stuff..
John Stanton 8 years ago
Hi Gavini & JS,

Fitness has been suspended on this forum.
Kamal1 8 years ago
This has all been confusing wherein I can't give any medicine with any confidence to my daughter.

If the prescriptions were for me, I'd have taked the med regardless. Homeopathic meds are safer than allopathic, but wrong remedies also come at a cost. I won't risk it with an infant.

The cough is not too much. She is playing and feeding fine. I'll wait it out for a few more days. If it lingers or worsens, I'll report back to this thread.

I am really grateful for the help. I really am, but I hope you'll see it from my point of view.
Utomp 8 years ago
She doesn't need any further medicine.

I treated number of cases of children's cough with Hepar followed by spongia. In almost all cases the cough won't disappear just like that. The bouts become less frequent, less distressing and finally go away after a couple of days.

Fitness was suspended not because of his intervention here, but because he was trying to divert patients to his website all the time. Moreover he is questioning the wisdom of other prescribers which is none of his business.

So, let it not weigh down you. Continue using the forum whenever required.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
This aconite, Hepar, spongia treatment for coughs is first mentioned by Boenninghausen ,and since then successfully used by millions of homeopathic doctors, with their own variations.

Read the following fron britishhomeopathic.org

Very few upper respiratory infections require antibiotics, even those that are bacterial in origin, if they are quickly and expertly prescribed for homeopathically. The first task is to provide the remedy which most closely reflects the current physiological state and for this you will need to consult a qualified practitioner. Depending on the response, the primary treatment will be followed by a secondary simillimum, or a potency of the infecting organism itself (nosode) – but only once the primary acute symptoms are subsiding. The timing of prescriptions is very important and depends on the “acutenessâ€Â of the presentation, the “reactivenessâ€Â of the symptoms, the age of the patient and the type of remedy used. Most acute illnesses require treatment with plant remedies.

The timing of the remedy sequence depends on the illness stage. Most viral illnesses progress through inflammatory, secretory, virus shedding and resolution stages. Each stage may indicate a change of prescription, particularly if there is a hitch in the patient’s natural process of adaptation. Your homeopathic doctor will select remedies on the basis of the prevailing symptoms, which tend to reflect inefficiencies in the body’s efforts to compensate. The following is a simple example of sequenced acute prescribing in viral croup.

Viral croup is a common condition in infancy. The renowned nineteenth century homeopath, Clemens von Boenninghausen realised the phasic nature of the condition and the prescribing implications of each stage in the natural disease process. Boenninghausen’s croup powders comprising Aconitum napellus, HEPAR SULPH CALC and Spongia tosta were given sequentially to effect the fastest recovery for each stage.
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Fri, 29 Jul 2016 14:24:45 UTC]
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Giving medicines in series is an accepted practice in homeopathy. Some prescribers may not know this/ may not believe in it.

However, let me assure you that in my practice of 15 years, it never harmed anybody.

The series is not an empirical prescription . It is observed that the symptoms take a turn to indicate the next medicine in the series, after the first one is given, in most of the cases.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago

Don't try to collect people for your website and collect money from them.This is an open homeopathic forum and people are allowed to get treatments on here for free.Only those prescribers willing to treat patients here for free and with good attitude are welcome,not you.
Kamal1 8 years ago
Looks like some persons think giving bico11 is not homeopathy. Let me clarify.

Any medicine which has some molecules left in them is not really energy medicine. Non energy medicines can be combined. Most of the bico combinations are either 3x or 6x. They work on the physiological plane.

Where as homeopathic medicines work on energy plane.

In fact, tissue salts can be prescribed along with homeopathic potencies.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago

Leave it. If you continue like this, you too will be suspended.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Kamal1 8 years ago
maam, its been 8 years. how are you? How is your health?
Aryans last month

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