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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Schizophrenia and help... please

My son been on Anacardium 30 c wet dose for 5 months(3 drops once per week), then 3 drops 3 times for week for 2 months. Then he had very strong aggravation and his homeopath suggested to stop and wait. When he settled little bit, he suggest only 3 drops and we still wait. My son is very sensitive to high dose.
My worried is about my son's anger. Before disease, he was calm, shine and very polite boy. Now it is totally different man. Anacardium made some good staff for him (he went out from house after 5 years and he visiting some our family friends, also he having regularly shave and showering)BUT there still a lot anxiety, he want to control thing (he still on diet for 5 years and it is unhealthy but we can not say nothing about it, his old slippers are broken, I ask him can I trowed it, he took it from the rubbish bin and keep them on the bath), very easily offended, misinterpreting (outside is very hot but he wears winter clothes because some doctors said that it is healthy),very easily offended, use a lot swear words (spit on me and father, shows middle finger), jealous to brother. Before he did not speak to father for one year because he took him to doctor now he does not speak with whole family because we told him to go to do some testing regarding dyspepsia and liver).
Dear people, I love him so much. How can I help my son to recovery? He refusing any help.He is full of anger.
He also loosing his hear (man bolt pattern). For 5 years he is not eating fruit, grains, nuts. His diet is starving.
  Down on 2017-02-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
As a first step stop Anacardium immediately. Keep him away from all medicines for one week and observe any change that may occur. Update after one week.
telescope 8 years ago
Dear down

Your location? I don't think its schizophrenia who told that?

Any other medicines he is on?
His current diet and digestion?

Height, weight?

If possible check his prakriti at holisticonline. Com under ayurveda section and report scores.

What are his activities? Any addictions? Heat , cold what is better?

Do not worry ayurveda will heal him.
Teupne 8 years ago
Dear people,
thank you both (Telescope and Teupne) for answers. The case is complicate.
Anacardium he did not take since 01.February.
Homeopathic medicine was only medicine what he used for last 2 years.
Location: Australia
2012. Systematic candida and Gilbert syndrome
2014. Depression by psychiatrist
and schizophrenia by psychologist without testing. Only after 20 minutes talk. My son refused and never use any ant depressive. Stated that he got problem with liver.
Since 2012 he was on the ant candida diet then from 2015 he is on cooper balance diet because one naturopath said to him that he having problem with it(done hair analyse).
During such long period on diet, it looks that he developed anorexia or orthorexia (obsession with healthy eating).
His daily intake food maybe count 500 calories and it always same food.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs or can of sardines in water
Lunch: Boiled spinach or peas
Dinner: sometime cheese or Greek yogurt.
Any comment regarding food make him so nervous, agitated, rude, full of contradictory, hardly making decision.
Refused to go to any doctors and reject any our advice.
Accused family for his condition(for not helping him, that we been bad parents in his childhood, he did not have enough love). It look like inner conflict.
There a lots of jelousity to brother, avoid company and like to be alone, do not have contact with friends or relatives, easily offended,
constantly nervous, very often can not sleep
especially when is full Moon.
He is toll 190 cm and 64 kg weight.
Activity: mostly alone in the room, sometimes on computer listen music or read, rarely watch tv, sometimes walking to the park and does
meditation. He never smoke or drink alcohol. At this moment it looks that he prefers hotness or it is fixed idea (he wears winter jacket during winter time. On question why, he said because some doctors said it. During winter he was wearing short sleave.)
Digestion: Does not have anymore bloating, burping but get yellow over face and eyes very often. Complain about solar chakra ('here is something blocked and I feel I do not have energy here').
Dear people,I do believe in natural healing. I do believe in homeopathy and Ayurveda. With homeopathy I have good experience but we never use Ayurveda because they said to me that here we do not have here
good Ayurveda doctors.
As mother, I suffer a lot because I see my son needs help but he refuse it. He does not trust to western medicine. But he refuse to go to any natural healers too.
He has physical condition(liver problem) and as consequence of battle with it, comes mental problems which make to hard to communicate to him.
Loosen mother.
Down 8 years ago
Did you know that liver problems can manifest as disturbance/anger/jealousy/conflict.

Yellow/solar chakra/pitta/heat all same.

Several psychological disorders are strongly rooted in physical imbalances.

Ayurveda is very easy. You don't always need a doctor.
I asked you for prakriti scores.

For liver issues Livercare/liv 52 from himalaya is the best.

You can check its reviews on amazon.

It may explain his anorexic diet.

It could heal him completely. No harm in giving it a try.

Report his prakriti scores. He seems to be vata individual with pitta excess.
[message edited by Teupne on Wed, 15 Feb 2017 02:58:03 UTC]
Teupne 8 years ago

I am not sure you have right diagnosis.

How did you determine he has Gilbert syndrome?

Usual way is two liver panel tests spaced out and
They see bilirubin is elevated and decide Gilbert syndrome by ruling out
Other things.One can get specific genetic testing done to see if this is right or not.

Next, hair analysis is not science based at all. So your son was given
Copper?? What was he given and how much, dose and strength??

If he really had Gilbert syndrome,
Some people never know they have it-they have no symptoms and can eat what they want.

Others have to restrict diet and watch
Any med intake as the liver cannot process things well. Many people feel
They are going crazy with this as they have very low energy as they are eating wrong for this problem .

Also what you describe sounds like copper poisoning? Which if he really has Gilbert syndrome? His liver would not be able to tolerate copper supplements? Which would not be good for anyone unless there was real tests done to show a real problem.
simone717 8 years ago
I think post mentioned copper balance diet and not copper diet.

Wilsons disease perhaps.
Teupne 8 years ago
copper balance diet is what exactly?
Taking copper minerals?

Using hair analysis (fake science)
To prescribe copper or copper balance-(whatever that is) is a fake
Problem and not needed and not proper testing.

Then if it is true thru bilirubin levels tested over time periods and they are elevated and stay elevated? and there is nothing else wrong in liver enzymes, one can start to narrow down Gilbert syndrome.

To be 100 percent on Gilbert syndrome you get a genetic test for it.

Gilbert syndrome is genetic.

The issue here, is what real tests were done? What is really going on?
Naturopaths doing hair analysis is
Not legitimate.
simone717 8 years ago
Whatever issues with liver livercare/liv 52 almost surely benefits and heals .
It is excellent for all liver issues.
Teupne 8 years ago

I have two clients with Gilbert syndrome. They took Liver 52 and it did nothing.

If you have Gilbert syndrome other diet changes have to be made .
Right testing and diagnosis has to be done here.
simone717 8 years ago
Yes liv 52 will not work if its a vata-vayu imbalance or kapha disorder.

Thats why prakriti scores are needed.

Mostly liver issues are pitta disorders not always so.So there you go.
Teupne 8 years ago
I see. Its not a straight forward case.

Candida/bloating/nervous/anorexic/tall all point to vayu as the root cause.

Here vayu is pushing pitta.

Thus making it a difficult case but hopefully healable.
Teupne 8 years ago
As per you..Ayurveda does not cure genetic issues.

First real facts have to be known.
The remedy needs to be stopped as it can cause a lot of this. There could be toxicity that has to be handled from supplements. And maybe there is no gilberts syndrome. I have seen a lot of people that were damaged from supplements alone.
simone717 8 years ago
Ayurveda can not heal genetic issues but can still manage/support it.

Ayurveda herbs are not supplements perse.Far far safer.

Still accurate diagnosis and prescription needed.

Key as per ayurveda is digestive fire which when low causes toxins causing disease.

Excess fire burns out food causing toxins/acidity/inflammation.

So its the key.
[message edited by Teupne on Wed, 15 Feb 2017 15:58:40 UTC]
Teupne 8 years ago
Yes- accurate diagnosis and facts are needed here .
simone717 8 years ago
Dear people, thanks a lot. Until exist people like you, there is not going to be the end of the world. Thanks for your humanity.
My son refused to do Prakriti because he lost wishes to do anything regarding health; I try and there is not results.
I did for him. Vata 11, Pitta 28, Kapha 61. How it is accurate it is a big question. I try to put my memories back before 5 years
when he was healthy, lovely, polite, shine, introverted young man.
Before my son's problem started, my son got vaccine against hepatitis the he bin on antibiotic for long time for sinus.When his problem started, blood test is done, bilirubin was too high(over 50), lymph glands were swollen (ultra sound done, was ok), x rays of abdomen showed full of gases. Family doctor prescribed Metamucil and gastro doctor. She said regarding Gilbert syndrome; No to worry, it is nothing. Gastro prescribed counselling.
We were so angry to both of them, and my son went to iridologist because he was spitting constantly especially during night, black circle around eyes, sneezing, very weak, hardly walking.
Iridologist stated: candida but it must be systematic and give him herbal detox. My son recovered quickly and back to normal life.
But he continued anti candida diet (very strict on his way) for 2 years. Lot effort to sport, school, without proper nutrition, nearly fasting and one day we got phone call from school. He was not well. Blood test was ok, psychologist said schizophrenia without test, only 2o min talk, psychiatrist stated depression. "You are young, it is nothing. You will recovery for 6 months." My son refused antidepresive and said that candida back. "It is same condition like before 2 years but now it is worst."
We went to different naturopath. One did hair analyse and said; low copper. Another said: high cooper. Third said: You probably suffer cooper imbalance. Just do diet and suggested Dr Lawrence Wilson copper diet.
My son is not on supplements and any medication. He is only on homeopathic medicine and strong diet.
As parent who love your kid, I am looking for help. The problem is because he do not like to do anything regarding his health.
I know that he MUST do genetic test for liver and other disorders. He has to stop this terrible diet because his body and brain suffer without proper nutrition. Very often he is yellow that is looks terrible.
BUT, how to explain it to someone who lost wishes and do not have will to do anything regarding heath. He is disappointed with doctors, with us. "No one help me."
As someone said; "It is not a straight forward case".
Down 8 years ago
I can empathise with you.
When one is so disturbed physically and mentally then all reason goes for a toss.

Still somehow you have to impress upon him that complete healing is possible.

I truly believe that ayurveda can heal.

I still believe that he wants to heal. You just have to nudge him.

Try guduchi/giloya/tinospora cordifolia.

I am certain it will help him.It covers all possibilities and all doshas.

It is the best herb in ayurveda for all spectrum of diseases. Also called divine elixir.you have got to try it.
Teupne 8 years ago
I suggest he get a cbc(complete blood count) and a blood draw for liver panel enzymes. Get the facts on where his body is now.if he is yellow,
That suggests jaundice.

Is he on antibiotics now? When was the last time he had them?

The antibiotics kill all the good gut
Flora and then it lets candida in the gut grow unchecked.everyone has candida in the gut, and it is kept in balance by the other flora.usa drs now tell everyone to start a probiotic
After antibiotics-you have to replace the flora and it can take 2 to 3 months.

He needs to be taking a probiotic once a day. Try to find one that has 8 strains of bacteria,if you can.
I hope you can get thru to him that the gut is an eco system.Eating anti candida is not going to replace the part of the eco system removed by antibiotics.

There are a lot of people with Gilbert syndrome who have no symptoms,
And standard advice is this is nothing. It is not nothing for many who have chronic fatigue symptoms,
Brain fog,etc and if you have no energy you will automatically be depressed. People I work with on this have gotten better and manage this thru diet choices. They came to me
For counseling for depression, anxiety, were trying to figure out
That out thru therapy. They don't need therapy , they needed their body energy back and to be stable.

Please let me know about tests,as
You need to start from real facts here.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 16 Feb 2017 15:24:40 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Thanks again. Gays, your help (understanding and advice means to me a lot).
I do research all night and find some ayurverdic doctor here. Some lovely Indian lady told me that this doctor nice as professional and as human.
Then I am going to bay guduchi/giloya/tinospora cardifolia.
Sorry for what I am asking? Is it all names for one herb? I am not familiar with this herb and do not know her names? Is Divine elixir from same herb or it is something different?
Regarding antibiotics;
My son never used antibiotics after his problem started. Herbal detox, anticadida diet, vegetable juices and probiotics did such work that his sinuses are ok now.
Regarding his yellow colour;
he is not yellow every day. For example, he is yellow (face, eyes, skin on the stomach) for 2-3 days then it is gone. Then couple days he is fine, then again yellow.
Regarding counselling and psychotherapy;
He told me exactly what you gays said:" My energy (showing solar chakra) is stuck here. It is like stone. I need my energy back).When he is walking, hi posture is not straight and his arms are down. Also, his face showing that he is suffer. He is got ticks on chicks. His hair failing out following male pattern (he had such strong heir before and no one in our family is bold).His eyes do not have light.
I am going to do my the best to prey him to do blood test. After that, I will inform you about results.
Down 8 years ago
Yellow and then clears and then yellow again..liver not working right.
When was last time he had bilirubin checked?

I would see the Ayurvedic dr. Face to face and explain this is a genetic liver problem. See what she says about the jaundice and liver herbs.

He needs to go to real Md, either internist, or hepatic specialist
And get:

1. Cbc blood test
2. Liver panel
3. Anti candida enzyme test to show levels of candida.

(Maybe as he is so focused on candida he will want to see the test result)

The liver is having trouble processing
Many things. You want to make sure
About things like bile duct blocks etc
And that his test levels are not out of control at this point.

Right now: order kali mur 12x, ferrum phos 6x, cal phos 6x, kali phos 6x
And nat sulph 6x.

These are homeopathic tissue salts.
They have tiny amounts of trace minerals in them and are little tablets that dissolve in seconds.

Give him 3 of each- 3 times a day all at once- or just dissolve the 15 tabs in a quarter cup of water and have him drink it 3 times a day. This is for the liver, and the stuck solar plexus.
Take for one week and update.The salts put the cells into balance.

You can order online- google cell salts-
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 16 Feb 2017 21:39:04 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Yes all are same herb tinospora cordifolia.

Rest assured its the best there is.

Keep us updated how it goes with ayurvedic lady doctor.
Teupne 8 years ago
What city are you in , in Australia?

I am thinking of trying to connect you with a md homeopath .
simone717 8 years ago
Is it with someone who does not seem to have a single cured case on this forum except self promotion.Its merely an observation you need not respond. I know your response forum setting and all .
Teupne 8 years ago
I do not know what you are talking about here.or even if I could connect
Up these people.
simone717 8 years ago
DEar Mr.Tupne,
Simone is here to help people understand how this forum works,facilitating the people to contact with doctors if the doctor is not responding due to non recpt of notifications she never claimed she is a doctor,she is a very empathetic and pious lady,I hope now you understand her role clearly,she seldom treats patients here but she facilitates the treatment,she only prescribes (biochemics)if there is delay by attending docs.
bapu4 8 years ago
Dear bapu

I am not new here.
I dont know why You are stating things that I already know.
Teupne 8 years ago

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