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Nux Vomica:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

No help from nux vomica

I was suggested to use nux vomica 30 c for severe constipation and nightfall problems.After taking this for 7 days my constipitation and gas has increased .I feel very bloated .And there is burning sensation in my stomach yesterday .need Help
  Rahul23 on 2017-09-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Copy this and resend to me after filling:

1. Age:
2. Sex:
3. Built up:obese/moderate/slim
4. Complexion: fair,dark
5. Occupation:
6. Single/married:
7. Country,state:
8. List out all your SYMPTOMS(NOT THE DIAGNOSIS OR DISEASE NAMES) with its “since how long,which part is affected,which side,what you feel during complaint etc”:in an order(which came first then which came next?

a)Worsening factors for each complaint (eg:-by pressure,what time,heat,cold,season,food,eating,after
sleep,by sweat,,by stooping,after stool & urine,after bathing etc.?)

b)When Its Better,for each complaint (eg: by pressure,what time,by heat, by cold, any season,any food, eating,after sleep,by sweat,after stool & urine ,after bathing etc.?)

c) In your opinion, What is the expected cause for your problem?From injury,fall,cold exposure,sun exposure ,physical and mental exertion etc.?

9. Mind:sensitive/angry/sad/weeping/fear of/anxiety/shy etc.,memory,desire company,grief,lewd etc.

10. Thermal:which weather do you prefer hot or cold? Which one you can tolerate well?

11. Do you have Frequent or occasional nausea,vomiting to any food,headache,mouth ulcer,,allergy sneezing,gas trouble,leucorrhea(white discharge-females) ,dandruff,hairfall etc.explain if any

12. Stool:regular/quantity/frequent desire/satisfied/bleeding?

13. Urine: regular/quantity/frequent desire/satisfied

14. (For Females)Menses: regular?scanty or profuse?early or late?how many days?frequency of cycle?any complaints before or during menses( like pimples ,backache, white discharge, pain in abdomen,legs etc., irritability,constipation, diarrhea, nausea etc?)Your last two menses dates

15. Sweat:profuse,scanty,offensive,stains

16. Sleep:satisfied/disturbed?particular dreams?usual sleeping positon?

17. Appetite: how often,quantity,satisfied?

18. Thirst: how many glasses ?how often?

19. Cravings:salt/sweet/sour /milk/egg/meat/veg/fruit/vinegar etc.

20. Aversion: salt/sweet/sour /milk/egg/meat/veg/fruit/vinegar etc.

21. Intolerant foods if any which might be your favorite or not.

22. How is your sex life?no desire/premature ejaculation/no erection/painful sex?

23. Do you have diabetes/BP/Cholestrol/thyroid(Hypo/Hyper) etc Done any surgey ?

24. Do you have any skin complaints-itching, warts, rashes,moles discoloration etc.?

25.Your skin type: oily or dry?
26.Do you have any bad habits or addictions? coffee,masturbation, smoking,tobacco, alcohol etc.

27.List out all medicines you have taken till now and its result after taking

28.Any other things which you think it make you unique from others ..

Please attach images of any relevant test reports if any

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
. Age: 26
2. Sex: male
3. Built up:obese/moderate/slim
Very slim and thin ,underweight
4. Complexion: fair,dark
Wheatish but turning dark
5. Occupation: business
6. Single/married: single
Children: no
7. Country,state: India ,Assam
8. List out all your SYMPTOMS(NOT THE DIAGNOSIS OR DISEASE NAMES) with its “since how long,which part is affected,which side,what you feel during complaint etc”:in an order(which came first then which came next?
ANS:bowels not cleared ,gas formation and headache ,bloated ,easily catch cold always runny or stuffed nose ,sputum comes out expelled through mouth ,fever due to gas ,low immunity ,very irritable all the times ,can't control anger ,sad and gloomy thoughts weep and cry always very emotional and sensitive,feel very insecure and why due to my extremely thin body weight is just 59 height is 5.8,always nervous and palpitation of heart sometimes I have vertigo ,very weak and lethargic cannot do physical work much when angry want to hit or destroy something ,misbehaves with mother and father

a)Worsening factors for each complaint (eg:-by pressure,what time,heat,cold,season,food,eating,after
sleep,by sweat,,by stooping,after stool & urine,after bathing etc.?)
Heat,morning evening ,when bowels are not cleared
b)When Its Better,for each complaint (eg: by pressure,what time,by heat, by cold, any season,any food, eating,after sleep,by sweat,after stool & urine ,after bathing etc.?)
ANS: after clear bowel ,cold

c) In your opinion, What is the expected cause for your problem?From injury,fall,cold exposure,sun exposure ,physical and mental exertion etc.?
ANS: I think from what I read everywhere it's because of over masturbation since childhood ,cannot leave this habit ,

9. Mind:sensitive/angry/sad/weeping/fear of/anxiety/shy etc.,memory,desire company,grief,lewd etc.
Very sensitive memory is becoming weak ,anxiety always thinking about future ,weep always due to problems in life and health
10. Thermal:which weather do you prefer hot or cold? Which one you can tolerate well?
Can't say but cool temperature is better
11. Do you have Frequent or occasional nausea,vomiting to any food,headache,mouth ulcer,,allergy sneezing,gas trouble,leucorrhea(white discharge-females) ,dandruff,hairfall etc.explain if any
Sneezing as I have sinusitis and gas formation ,dandruff is there ,headache due to gas formation ,hairfall is recently happening ,male pattern baldness ,hair line receding
At both sides
12. Stool:regular/quantity/frequent desire/satisfied/bleeding?
ANS: not satisfied with bowel evacuation,not clear ,when cleared feel light and good
13. Urine: regular/quantity/frequent desire/satisfied
Urine is very frequent as I drink a lot of water as I feel thirsty everytime
14. (For Females)Menses: regular?scanty or profuse?early or late?how many days?frequency of cycle?any complaints before or during menses( like pimples ,backache, white discharge, pain in abdomen,legs etc., irritability,constipation, diarrhea, nausea etc?)Your last two menses dates

15. Sweat:profuse,scanty,offensive,stains
Sweat when I do physical work particularly at face and head ,stains at underarms ,smelly earlier I didn't sweat much feels heat inside the body

16. Sleep:satisfied/disturbed?particular dreams?usual sleeping positon?
ANS: not satisfied I get hardly 6-7 hours sleep ,very alerted while sleeping

17. Appetite: how often,quantity,satisfied?
ANS: not good

18. Thirst: how many glasses ?how often?
Very thirsty always mouth becomes dry particularly when I wake up its gets dry drink more than 13 14 glassesof water
19. Cravings:salt/sweet/sour /milk/egg/meat/veg/fruit/vinegar etc.
ANS: sometimes sweet sometimes salt strict vegetarian

20. Aversion: salt/sweet/sour /milk/egg/meat/veg/fruit/vinegar etc.

21. Intolerant foods if any which might be your favorite or not.

22. How is your sex life?no desire/premature ejaculation/no erection/painful sex?
I am single .Only masturbation no sex .premature ejaculation it takes only few seconds to ejaculate erection is good ,without any sexual thoughts even I get erection. Very much desire .Libido is very high.i can sometimes control my masturbation habit for months then i relapse and do it everyday ,i can masturbate with ejaculation i can achieve orgasm
23. Do you have diabetes/BP/Cholestrol/thyroid(Hypo/Hyper) etc Done any surgey ?
ANS: bp low

24. Do you have any skin complaints-itching, warts, rashes,moles discoloration etc.?
ANS: acne on face had severe cystic acne which left pittinf and scarring ,though its not thst severe now but still get acne frequently

25.Your skin type: oily or dry?
ANS face is sometimes oily sonetimes very dry ,its look like parched ,oily on the surface dry underneath, body very dry particularly legs and thighs itch when i itch white flakes come out
26.Do you have any bad habits or addictions? coffee,masturbation, smoking,tobacco, alcohol etc.
ANS: masturbation chronic

27.List out all medicines you have taken till now and its result after taking
Staphysagria alfalfa ,nux vomica ,not better
28.Any other things which you think it make you unique from others ..
Very sensitive and emotional even when i saw woman and children of poor family i feel likr crying i want to help them and try too .i cab understand other peoples suffering and pains .i cant toketate emotional scenes of movies i start tk weep
Please attach images of any relevant test reports if any

⚠ 👍
Rahul23 7 years ago
. Age: 26
2. Sex: male
3. Built up:obese/moderate/slim
Very slim and thin ,underweight
4. Complexion: fair,dark
Wheatish but turning dark
5. Occupation: business
6. Single/married: single
Children: no
7. Country,state: India ,Assam
8. List out all your SYMPTOMS(NOT THE DIAGNOSIS OR DISEASE NAMES) with its “since how long,which part is affected,which side,what you feel during complaint etc”:in an order(which came first then which came next?
ANS:bowels not cleared ,gas formation and headache ,bloated ,easily catch cold always runny or stuffed nose ,sputum comes out expelled through mouth ,fever due to gas ,low immunity ,very irritable all the times ,can't control anger ,sad and gloomy thoughts weep and cry always very emotional and sensitive,feel very insecure and why due to my extremely thin body weight is just 59 height is 5.8,always nervous and palpitation of heart sometimes I have vertigo ,very weak and lethargic cannot do physical work much when angry want to hit or destroy something ,misbehaves with mother and father

a)Worsening factors for each complaint (eg:-by pressure,what time,heat,cold,season,food,eating,after
sleep,by sweat,,by stooping,after stool & urine,after bathing etc.?)
Heat,morning evening ,when bowels are not cleared
b)When Its Better,for each complaint (eg: by pressure,what time,by heat, by cold, any season,any food, eating,after sleep,by sweat,after stool & urine ,after bathing etc.?)
ANS: after clear bowel ,cold

c) In your opinion, What is the expected cause for your problem?From injury,fall,cold exposure,sun exposure ,physical and mental exertion etc.?
ANS: I think from what I read everywhere it's because of over masturbation since childhood ,cannot leave this habit ,

9. Mind:sensitive/angry/sad/weeping/fear of/anxiety/shy etc.,memory,desire company,grief,lewd etc.
Very sensitive memory is becoming weak ,anxiety always thinking about future ,weep always due to problems in life and health
10. Thermal:which weather do you prefer hot or cold? Which one you can tolerate well?
Can't say but cool temperature is better
11. Do you have Frequent or occasional nausea,vomiting to any food,headache,mouth ulcer,,allergy sneezing,gas trouble,leucorrhea(white discharge-females) ,dandruff,hairfall etc.explain if any
Sneezing as I have sinusitis and gas formation ,dandruff is there ,headache due to gas formation ,hairfall is recently happening ,male pattern baldness ,hair line receding
At both sides
12. Stool:regular/quantity/frequent desire/satisfied/bleeding?
ANS: not satisfied with bowel evacuation,not clear ,when cleared feel light and good
13. Urine: regular/quantity/frequent desire/satisfied
Urine is very frequent as I drink a lot of water as I feel thirsty everytime
14. (For Females)Menses: regular?scanty or profuse?early or late?how many days?frequency of cycle?any complaints before or during menses( like pimples ,backache, white discharge, pain in abdomen,legs etc., irritability,constipation, diarrhea, nausea etc?)Your last two menses dates

15. Sweat:profuse,scanty,offensive,stains
Sweat when I do physical work particularly at face and head ,stains at underarms ,smelly earlier I didn't sweat much feels heat inside the body

16. Sleep:satisfied/disturbed?particular dreams?usual sleeping positon?
ANS: not satisfied I get hardly 6-7 hours sleep ,very alerted while sleeping

17. Appetite: how often,quantity,satisfied?
ANS: not good

18. Thirst: how many glasses ?how often?
Very thirsty always mouth becomes dry particularly when I wake up its gets dry drink more than 13 14 glassesof water
19. Cravings:salt/sweet/sour /milk/egg/meat/veg/fruit/vinegar etc.
ANS: sometimes sweet sometimes salt strict vegetarian

20. Aversion: salt/sweet/sour /milk/egg/meat/veg/fruit/vinegar etc.

21. Intolerant foods if any which might be your favorite or not.

22. How is your sex life?no desire/premature ejaculation/no erection/painful sex?
I am single .Only masturbation no sex .premature ejaculation it takes only few seconds to ejaculate erection is good ,without any sexual thoughts even I get erection. Very much desire .Libido is very high.i can sometimes control my masturbation habit for months then i relapse and do it everyday ,i can masturbate without
ejaculation i can achieve orgasm
23. Do you have diabetes/BP/Cholestrol/thyroid(Hypo/Hyper) etc Done any surgey ?
ANS: bp low

24. Do you have any skin complaints-itching, warts, rashes,moles discoloration etc.?
ANS: acne on face had severe cystic acne which left pittinf and scarring ,though its not thst severe now but still get acne frequently

25.Your skin type: oily or dry?
ANS face is sometimes oily sonetimes very dry ,its look like parched ,oily on the surface dry underneath, body very dry particularly legs and thighs itch when i itch white flakes come out
26.Do you have any bad habits or addictions? coffee,masturbation, smoking,tobacco, alcohol etc.
ANS: masturbation chronic

27.List out all medicines you have taken till now and its result after taking
Staphysagria alfalfa ,nux vomica ,not better
28.Any other things which you think it make you unique from others ..
Very sensitive and emotional even when i saw woman and children of poor family i feel likr crying i want to help them and try too .i cab understand other peoples suffering and pains .i cant toketate emotional scenes of movies i start tk weep
Please attach images of any relevant test reports if any

⚠ 👍
Rahul23 7 years ago
No reply yet
Rahul23 7 years ago
I am sorry for late reply
Take natrum mur 1M 3pills only once..not daily
From next day:
Take natrum phos 6x 3 tablets thrice daily before food
And senna Q 10 drops in half glass water thrice daily
Take bach flower remedies (holly, white chestnut and mimulus )in 1/2 glass water thrice daily

Report feed back after 7-10 days
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Thanks sir for the reply .what Are these medicines for.Please let me know sir
Rahul23 7 years ago

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