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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Recurrent cough cold fever, continuous cough since 2 months Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No improvement aftr 2.5 days of spongia.
He got improvement in cough frequency aftr aconite,but aftr spongia situation becomes like before. He is coughing lot, sleeping time again starr coughing.
Coughing with mucus sound from throat, but loud irritating cough, seems like sore thraot,
After spongia his appetite become very less.

One more thing these days painting work is going in our condo..my kids already respond bad to dust allergy. Is it possible this sore throat, running nose, irritaion is due to painting fumes allergy.
I read an article about this.
If you have a family history of tuberculosis then u are suspectible of dust and painting fumes allergy.
They pointed out few homeopathy medicines for allergic cough and cold in this particular situation.
Plz spare some time to think in this manner too and let me know further medicines.
Thanks for ur time.
ahila 5 years ago
Continue Spongia till tonight and then stop. No medicine next day.
After 2 days from now:
Give Hepar 200
3 drops+ 50ml water
Shake the bottle 4 times for every dose

5ml from the bottle in the morning and 5ml in the evening then stop.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-11-04 09:35:23]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Ok sir..
ahila 5 years ago
Ayaan is coughing continuously since yesterday afternoon gain..whike lying down non stopped, i am sure he is allergic to something
Stopped spongia 2 days back..so today night i will give hepar sulphur 200 1 dose.
ahila 5 years ago
Today morning ayaan get up with so much congestion, barking very loud cough from the chest, lot of mucous sound in cough.
I have him 1 dose of Hepar sulp 200,
How many days can i give heapr sulphr?

Can i give daily 1 dose of arsenic 200 also in between for his allergic cough and cold?

Thanku..plz reply
ahila 5 years ago
Give another dose of Hepar 200
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Give another dose of Hepar 200 in the morning and then in the evening. Give feedback next day.

Is there any fever?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
You mean to say 2 dose per day for 2 days..
After 1st dose in morning he got relief in barking cough from chest.
Cough frequency is reduced a little bit in afternoon.
ahila 5 years ago
Yes. 2 doses per day. Give feedback next morning.

Be sure if there is dry cough in chest.

You should observe very carefully.

We may need Spongia 200 according to the situation. He is suffering from cough for hard dry cough for more than 2 months. Hiding main problem should not be out motto. As his cough became violent, you should be relaxed. He is going to complete cure. Now Hepar is doing final work.
Don't give him warm water or cold water. Give him normal water (Room Tempered)
In other hand, measure his body temperature.

If body temperature increases above 100'F, we should use Aconite 200
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-11-06 06:49:47]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Thanku sir,

You mean to say incase of fever aconite 200, wet loud cough in chest then hepar,
But if dry cough again then spongia 200.

Plz let me know if my understanding is correct
ahila 5 years ago
Don't give by your own. Keep updating me.

Above message is to clearify.
Now only Hepar 200.

Give feedback next day.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-11-06 10:17:33]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Ok sir.
ahila 5 years ago
How is your child now?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
After hepar his cough frequency reduces yesterday..
But today morning after get up he again started coughing a lot, from chest, loud barking full of mucus, continuous cough, i gave hepar waterdose also but it remainn..later aftr 1 hour it little bit reduces ..
Since early afternoon he was fine..
I find his cough and congestion aggravation is after morning get up and his flu symptoms return with lot of crying,coughing irritation, restlessness, nothing console him in evening after wake up from afternoon nap.
Both these condition remain upto 2 hours then again settle to intermittent cough.
These days its not raining and weather not cold for past 3-4 days..so evening after get up only problem..after 1 or 2 hour he become ok..
Sleeping time he has lot of wheezing, nasal congestion..
Seems he is getting towards asthma..
Can we give lachesis or arsenic with Hepar ?
[Edited by ahila on 2019-11-07 09:13:34]
ahila 5 years ago
Just now he got up in evening and continuously coughing, from chest, full of mucus, lot of nasal and chest congestion.
ahila 5 years ago
Give him: Bromium 30

5 drops+ 100ml water

Shake the bottle 4 times before every dose.

Give 5ml in the morning and 5ml in the evening.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-11-07 10:13:20]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hello sir,
I don't have spongia 200 now..will get it by saturday..

I am seeking a regular homeopath dr not for the present situation..
But to take case of my kids for long run as they always get sick..need to build their immunity..
ahila 5 years ago
Please give him Bromium 30 accodingly. Not Spongia.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Sorry sir..
Will get bromium 30 also by saturday..
There is only 1 homeopath chemist in malaysia.
That too far..my husband used to bring medicine on saturday..will get this mediicne..
At present he got some relief from hepar 200
ahila 5 years ago
Also Keep in hand: Bacillinum 1m for both of your child.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Look. I am giving prescription according to your observation. Please keep patience.

It is expected now to cure by Hepar 200 now.

Keep giving Hepar 200 accordingly.

It may take time. As it is acting why are you tensed?

As your husband will go on Saturday, we have 2 more days.
I think everything will be fine soon.

Keep patience. You may give him Nebulizer to have some relief.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
I will tell you tomorrow night to protect them from cathing cold easily.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Ok sir...
Actually aftr aftrnoon nap his cough was aggravate as i posted..i was supoosed to give hepar dose by night time only..but still i gave that time and within half an hour he got relief.
I will give one dose at bed time also.

Plz post me all the required medicines by tomorrow night so that saturday my husband will buy all..
Thanks for considering this case seriously.. I really appreciate your help.
ahila 5 years ago
Hi Ahila,

This is Simone717.
When did the painting and dust construction work
Begin at your place?

Is it still going on? Is there a lot of fine type dust
Going on ?

I ask this because similar went on with me,
Due to construction next door to me. The only thing that stopped
The coughing and non stop congestion was
Belladonna 30c. I had relief right away- but
Still weak and congested for some days.

I had to keep all windows closed and have
Hepa air filters running until construction was
simone717 5 years ago
Hello simone..it started a month back..no construction nd dust..just painting and white wash..
I am thinking may be my kids already have asthma or respiratory issues and this aggravate their problem.
But anyhow within 2 days the work will finish..i will see aftr that also they face similar condition.
I will keep in mind for your medicine suggestion.
Thanku so much for ur concern..appreciate it.
ahila 5 years ago
Hi again,

I agree with you that perhaps they already have
Respiratory issues. However it is like you have
To be a detective here-
1. Kids can catch a lot of virus type things anyway-
It actually builds the immune system.
2. If they are reacting to the paint? Regular paint
Can take awhile to offgas. The only way to tell is
If you remove them from that environment for
A few days and see if they start to get better.
Because the immune system can be fighting
The environment and there is not enough energy
To get better, even with homeopathic meds.
3. They are obviously getting triggered by
Something causing a drip- the drip gets into
The throat and then the chest. So you have
To stop the drip. Then the chest and throat
Can heal.

When my children were this age( I did not know)
About homeopathy) but I would give them
Robitissin runny nose med- or other brands.
This stopped the drip- so the chest cleared up
And they only had a mild nasal cold, which
Cleared up fast because there was no throat/
Chest issue.

You might try the above? Or try one dose of belladonna 30c
And immediately watch to see if there is less drip
For an hour or two.
simone717 5 years ago

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