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Posts about Cold

Slow developing cold5Warm temperature but i feel cold3Acute sinus headache post fever and cold1Cold3Pain in left testicle due to cold1permanent whistling in right nostril and increased smell after cold3Sneezing hot and cold3Dry cough and feeling cold4Sneezing hot and cold1Suffering From Hoarseness Cough Cold1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Recurrent cough cold fever, continuous cough since 2 months Page 3 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi again,

I agree with you that perhaps they already have
Respiratory issues. However it is like you have
To be a detective here-
1. Kids can catch a lot of virus type things anyway-
It actually builds the immune system.
2. If they are reacting to the paint? Regular paint
Can take awhile to offgas. The only way to tell is
If you remove them from that environment for
A few days and see if they start to get better.
Because the immune system can be fighting
The environment and there is not enough energy
To get better, even with homeopathic meds.
3. They are obviously getting triggered by
Something causing a drip- the drip gets into
The throat and then the chest. So you have
To stop the drip. Then the chest and throat
Can heal.

When my children were this age( I did not know)
About homeopathy) but I would give them
Robitissin runny nose med- or other brands.
This stopped the drip- so the chest cleared up
And they only had a mild nasal cold, which
Cleared up fast because there was no throat/
Chest issue.

You might try the above? Or try one dose of belladonna 30c
And immediately watch to see if there is less drip
For an hour or two.
simone717 5 years ago
Please collect:
1. Bacillinum 1M
2. Bromium 30
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Ok sir..will get by saturday.

At present two situations when ayaan cough uncontrollable, very loud, sound from chest, full of mucous at back of throat and mouth:

1. When i make him lie down ( even keep head very high) at night time..he cough continuously till he fall asleep.aftr that cough stop.

2. Once he get up in morning, and once he get up in evening after afternoon nap that time..atleast for 1 hour, cough reduces once he eat something.

Cough increases with damp cold weather, with painting smell, dust smell, keep head back for sleeping, with jumping on sofa ( or u may say after exercise).

2 days of hepar are over today.

ahila 5 years ago
Stop all medicines from now. No medicines till Saturday. He will recover soon.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Ok sir..will stop till saturday and let i know the status on saturday morning.
ahila 5 years ago
Hello ahila!
How is your child now?
Please give feedback.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hello sir,
Ayaan cough is same as it was before.
Below 3 are main times when his cough got worse, otherwise whole day intermittent cough.
1. After morning get up continuous loud cough
2. After afternoon nap continuous cough with loud noise and mucus stuck in throat. 5pm evening everyday his got continuous cough, can't sleep anymore, very cranky, difficult to console, very weak and don't want to do any activity, just crying and sitting in lap, seems lack of energy.
3. After lying down at night time.

These days he has become very dull, very
Tired whole day specially after getting up from sleep, doesn't want to play, scared of people, doesn't want to go playgroup also, mood very bad, crying whole day specially after 5 pm evening.
He feel nausea after eating few bites, doesn't want to eat his favourite food also.
He used to like sweet things but now he say no..he feel nausea with drinking water also.
His weight is continuously reducing. Now become very thin, seems like no flesh.
Stomach bloated, tight, tell about tummy pain many times.
ahila 5 years ago
His xray report shows lower repiratory infection.
It can be bronchitis, tuberculosis or oneumonia.
We got apointment if specialist dr tomorrow. Then only situation will be clear.
ahila 5 years ago

We were on the right way.

I would apply Bromium and Bacillinum for that.

May God Give Him full cure.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-11-11 04:59:43]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hello sir,
Today we saw paediatricain respiratory specialist.
Ayaan cough is mainly morning and evening time.
Dr findings
1. Severe sinus
2. Severe bronchitis on verge of conversion to asthma
3. Phlegm in lungs

Lack of appetite, very dull, no energy, nausea, little feverish, head always hot, very irtitable, want to b ein lap only..
I already started antibiotics an dpuffs..
Still want homeopathy medicjne support for speedy recovery.
Plz see if u can suggest something.
ahila 5 years ago
Please keep patience. As the condition is critical and the patient is child, it is best to observe physically.
Don't seek another option right now.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hi Ahila,
When remedies are not helping - this is called
“Obstacle to cure”.

If one has irritated sinus, mucous will drip
Down and then if that is not handled you will
Get bronchitis.

I have been thru this with many people.
Causes were:new paint, micro dust from
Construction or air pollution, an old carpet,
Allergies to dairy ( creates mucous) allergies
To dust, grass, hidden mold from previous roof
Or plumbing leaks, new furniture that has too much
Glue, or fabric is off gassing( same with carpet
Fabric) air fresheners that use synthetic chemical
For scent and laundry detergent/ fabric softener.
Using household cleaners that have chemicals.

In each case the allergen had to be found,
Because the immune system is under
Stress and there is not enough energy left
To heal.

You can buy a nose gel that creates a barrier
From fine dust/ pollution and get some air
Cleaners to see if that helps. If this began
2 months ago, some thing is different.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-11-12 15:56:49]
simone717 5 years ago
Thanks Sir..
Yes 2 months back he didn't have these allergies..
He used to eat ice creams, go walk on roads, was energetic, never had sinus or bronchitis issue.
It started when he joined play school. He got severe fever cough cold on 4th day itself which i believe can't be cure with homeopathy medicine given at that time and it leads to chest..
I am confused weather to still relay on homeopathy or start puffs, antibiotics and nose drip for him?
[Edited by ahila on 2019-11-13 03:07:57]
ahila 5 years ago
Ok, now this makes sense. My kids started
Play school at 2 years. They were hardly ever
There because they kept getting sick.

At these ages, kids are touching everything,
Putting things In their mouth etc and getting
Sick is common and usually bringing home
New virus type things and getting the entire
Family sick too.

I think you should follow the dr advice for now.
This has gone on too long. And I would “rethink”
The play school- or cut back on the frequency.

Getting sick builds the immune system- but
At this age being around other little ones..
Every day? It is just not worth it, in my opinion.
simone717 5 years ago
He is not able to go school..if going that too for 1-2 hours..
I am giving him his contitutional remedy Lycopodium 200 now..and started his antibiotics already.
ahila 5 years ago
I don't know why are you thinking Lycopodium will help.

He was on the right way of treatment.

Aconite, Spongia, Hepar, Bromium might help him

It is not good idea to have instant result to cure.
Sometimes it takes time. As the patient is a child, I suggest you to be with the present alopathic treatment to stable him.
Then you may think for a permanent cure if possible.
I didn't have a chance to apply Bacillinum. We should let him normal.
It was expected to have a fever. But there was no fever you told. I was reviewing many cases handled but couldn't find one without having fever.

Please don't apply remedies randomly.
Could you please give full details of his present condition? Don't skip any complaint.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
At present he got cough only.. Morning and evening after sleep..
With mucus sound in throat and chest as well..
Mucus doesn't come out..
Evening worse for him for his mood and cough..
Cough aggravate with cold rainy wind, aftr sleep, aftr lying down till he asleep.
Eating and drinking help cough.
Any exposure to dust, smell, and cold wing aggravate his sinus..that time he got running nose, watery eyes, headache.

Hr is very tired, lack of energy, irritable, cranky, want to be in lap,.

Lyco is his constitutional remedy, always help him in evening bad mood and gas..
This time also he helped in that way..
But not in his cough and sinus problem.
ahila 5 years ago
In this state alopathic medicines may help:

Syp: Fix-A and with Napa

Could you please mention the alopathic medicines? And how many doses did you give?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Dr gave puffs steriods for bronchitis and cough, nasal spray for sinus, antibiotics for any bacterial infection, cough and mucus removal syrups.
In malaysia we don't have chemist shop so can't buy any medicine..it has to be given by drs only..

My worry is that aftr allopathy course finish it shouldn't happen again..as his immunity ia very weak..
I got bacilinium 200, spongia 200, tuberculinium 200, aconite 200,incase they can be given side by side or later
ahila 5 years ago

What is the name of the nasal spray medicine?
The other meds from md can help, but nasal
Sprays can have very weird side effects.

The child is coughing after sleep because
While sleeping with head down , mucous is
Running down his back throat sinus passage.
The mucous is getting into the bronchial area.
The mucous drip has to stop and then he will
Have energy to recover.

You can try some cell salts that are for the mucous drip.
Take one tab of : Silicea 6x, cal phos6x, cal flour6x,
Nat mur 6x , cal sulph 6x.

Dissolve these into a cup of water. Give him a sip
Every couple hours for a few days and notice if
The drip is less.
simone717 5 years ago
Anything can be given for phlegm in cheat.he is nt able to come up..
ahila 5 years ago
What is the color of the mucous when he does
Cough anything up?
Is there any mucous coming from the nose?
What color is it?

Let me know about the nasal spray- many people in my family have been prescribed nasal spray- they all had to stop
It because they felt mentally unwell and it took
A week or more to detox from it. Obviously your child cannot describe what may be happening from nasal spray.
simone717 5 years ago
Hello sirs,

Nasal spray I haven't started..and now not planning to start aftr hearing these things from u..
Name : fluticasone furoate

At present he doesn't have flu condition..
Only cough with phlegm sound..he never able to cough up mucus..it sound till back of mouth..
When he had flu yellow mucus used to come from nose..now no running nose.

I just gave him Bacilinium 200 1 drop in 1 spoon water..it was suggested by freehomeoforall and i read about it and think it can be tried.
But not sure how many doses or days it can be given..
ahila 5 years ago
Why did you give Bacillinum 200 now?
It is bad practice. We should go gradually.

At this situation, you might give Spongia 200 and then should gap 24 hours.
If no significant change, then Bromium 30.
It was expected to have a good result with Bromium.

Please stop giving any Homeo medicines from now.

As you are giving anti biotics, don't give any other.
I am telling you again and again. Please keep patience. Let him stable with emergency alopathic medicines.
If you notice him normal then come back. I'll try best.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
The cell salts are like a boost to the system.
You can give while on the other meds.

I have revised the salts:

Kali mur is for long term respiratory illness.
Kali phos is for asthma type cough.
Nat sulph is for cough that is hard to move out
Ferrum phos builds up red blood cells and general immunity.
Cal phos
Cal flour
All work on the drip down throat.

So, if me, get all of them in 6x.
Put one tab of each in a cup of water-
Take sips every couple hours for a few days.

Cell salts work well, they take some time-
In future if someone starts a cold- if you
Give ferrum phos every few hours on the first
Day— usually the cold is gone in 24 hours.
simone717 5 years ago
Dear Simone
I'm sorry to tell you that, I'm not agree with you-"If someone starts a cold if you give ferrum phos every few hours the cold will gone".
There are different types of cold and fever and their character.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago

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