The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Neck pain and stiffness
I am 70years old female.For sometime I am feeling stiffness in the neck. Turning to left is painful. Exercises and fomenting didn't help much.Now it seems to be spreading to right side too.
Kindly suggest medicine.
Thanking you,
Sadhana Singh
Sadhana Singh on 2020-09-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Rhus Tox 10 M Single dose. Report after 5 days .
♡ Pramod Jha 4 years ago
However you should provide more symptoms . Modalities, & Mental symptoms are more necessary to prescribe suitable remedy.
♡ Pramod Jha 4 years ago
Hey, Sadhana Singh
How are you
Can you tell how long you have been struggling with this pain? Have you taken any treatment for this.
How are you
Can you tell how long you have been struggling with this pain? Have you taken any treatment for this.
♡ thakurhimanshi 4 years ago
Sorry I couldn't reply due to unavoidable reasons. I have taken Rhus Tox 1M but without any advantage. Meanwhile my neck stiffness has rather slightly increased.Tt is a left sided pain. It pains only when I turn my neck towards left. Warm application or massage don't provide any relief.
Request kindly suggest medicines.
Sadhna Singh.
Request kindly suggest medicines.
Sadhna Singh.
Sadhana Singh 4 years ago
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