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Type-1 diabetes cure/control Page 2 of 2

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[message deleted by utpala on Mon, 14 Nov 2011 17:28:49 GMT]
utpala last decade
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)morning
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)

(How is your thirst?)now it is normal
(How is your appetite?)normal

List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
utpala last decade
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol?
Are you a smoker?
Are you fond of drinking tea?
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff?
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?veg
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc) frequent disorders ry
Are you slim smart or obese etc? wt gain after diagnosis &allopathic treatment started
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc?
Do you have any wart or mole on your body?
(First check your body with care)

List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a.chickan pox

List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, , Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
utpala last decade
Arnica is officially known as Arnica Montana.

Please note that you must get the Liquid Dilution as the standards pellets are not effective to make the Wet dose.
Joe De Livera last decade
Respected sir,
I got the liquid Arnica Montana 6 and prepared the medicine as per your advice. But there is no significant change observed in the bs level. I'm doubtful whether the chemist has given the proper liquid dilution. When prepared in 500 ml water, it tastes just like plain water. There's no alcoholic smell or taste to it. I've given 4 doses in 2 days. Should I continue ?
utpala last decade
I have observed that about 20% of the patients do not respond to the Arnica especially if they are taking other drugs.

It may be worth while for you to stop all other drugs you are using and use just the Arnica 6c taken thrice daily for a couple of days and if it does not reduce your BS level it can be presumed that you are one of the 20% who do not respond to Arnica.
Joe De Livera last decade
It also occurs to me that you should buy a branded product like SBL or Boiron in the 87% Liquid Dilution and see if that makes any difference.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,

I have arnica q & arnica 200c. Which one is better from the two.

I am not able to get arnica 6c.
madnan last decade
To Madnan

You state:

'I have arnica q & arnica 200c. Which one is better from the two.

I am not able to get arnica 6c.'

I do not recollect treating you and do not understand your reference to the 2 potencies of Arnica which you have purchased.

If you would like me to look into your case, please post it on a separate thread and state your problem clearly to enable me to advise you. If you do so please alert me by email with the link to your post.

Please note that if you are a Diabetic the 2 potencies of Arnica you have indicated are absolutely of no use whatever and you must not use them for fear that they will aggravate your problem.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Joe De Livera,

Hello, I read your post from 2006 and till late and your experiment with Arnica 6c and cinamon.

i would like to know if in your experiment this is used to reduce blood sugar levels or also as helped to slowly cure diabetes.
i was reading lot of information on internet and homeopathy seems to cure dabetes and not just control. In your practice have to been able to do that.would you be able to comment on following information on the site


My husband has diabetes past 6 years and was taking alopathy for some time but then left and satrted doing yoga and food control but little irregularity brings back high levels.

So without allopathy medicine can you go for homeopthy only .

Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge

ananyasukanya last decade
Hello friends,
My daughter 2 years n 10 months is diagnosed with diabetes type 1 on 23nov2012.we are going through with very bad time .I know it is a very hard time for every parent.eventually I was searching some homeopathy treatment n this site came up.we are giving initially 5 doses of insulin in the morning and 3 in the night.pls do help us also in this context.we too are in a great need.is it also possible that with homeopathy treatment pancreas will start their functioning again?secondly it is really hard to control of eating sugar with child.suggest something.
Thirdly what will help to cut down the sugar levels?pls help my phone number is 9311272451.
Surekhagoyal last decade

I have observed that my therapy to control Diabetes does not work with everyone as only about 80% do respond by dropping BS levels within about 4 hours by around 25%.

I have however just ONE case that I have CURED and the patient who had originally presented a BS level of 535 and was on both Insulin and Metformin is now completely cured as he does not take any drug whatever today. He has been on my therapy for the last 4 years and can now be considered as CURED as I believe that his Pancreas has been kick started to perform as normal.

In the case of your husband he can use my therapy and observe how his BS responds which he can report on this thread.

I shall copy below my default therapy aka 'Joepathy' which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels. The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.

Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20-30% within a day of their starting on this therapy. One has confirmed that his BS level reduced by 75% in about a month and he was able to reduce the Insulin he was using by this amount.

Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.

Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of either Metformin or of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110.

Type II patients will also have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.

Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce BS levels and a quarter teaspoonful can be taken brewed as a tea twice daily. Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.

The therapy I have prescribed to many patients is as follows:

Arnica 3c in the Wet dose is taken twice daily and the following protocol is used to make the Wet dose. It is essential that the patient's BS level is monitored daily for a week to observe how the addition of Arnica to the standard drugs like Metformin reduce the BS level which should be maintained at around 110. In the case of Type I Diabetics the Units of Insulin used can be reduced to keep the BS level at this optimum level of 100.

Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily before meals.

Exercise is essential and the patient is expected to avoid Sugar and reduce Starch and to avoid the consumption of Alcohol completely.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

Report progress weekly.
Joe De Livera last decade

I can well imagine the trauma that you the parents are undergoing with your daughter who is just under 3 years old.

Please read my post to Nidhi above and you will hopefully get some courage to learn that all is not lost with your little girl.

You will continue with the Insulin that you have been prescribed and you will add the therapy I have prescribed which has helped many adult patients to control their Diabetes levels.

Please report her progress weekly.

I shall copy below my default therapy aka 'Joepathy' which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels. The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.

Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20-30% within a day of their starting on this therapy. One has confirmed that his BS level reduced by 75% in about a month and he was able to reduce the Insulin he was using by this amount.

Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.

Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of either Metformin or of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110.

Type II patients will also have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.

Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce BS levels and a quarter teaspoonful can be taken brewed as a tea twice daily. Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.

The therapy I have prescribed to many patients is as follows:

Arnica 3c in the Wet dose is taken twice daily and the following protocol is used to make the Wet dose. It is essential that the patient's BS level is monitored daily for a week to observe how the addition of Arnica to the standard drugs like Metformin reduce the BS level which should be maintained at around 110. In the case of Type I Diabetics the Units of Insulin used can be reduced to keep the BS level at this optimum level of 100.

Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily before meals.

Exercise is essential and the patient is expected to avoid Sugar and reduce Starch and to avoid the consumption of Alcohol completely.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

Report progress weekly.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Joe de livera
Thanks tons sir for the response.
Actually in your reply I couldn't understand which protocol should I use to make the medicine for type 1 ?
Secondly as I asked before also that will pancreas will start their functioning again with homeopathy treatment?
Thanks in advance.
Surekhagoyal last decade

I have already indicated that I have CURED ONE PATIENT who presented a Blood Sugar level of 535 with the same therapy that I have prescribed for your daughter. This patient is an employee of my cousin who is an ENT surgeon who maintains a close check of his BS levels which today do not exceed 115 without any drugs whatever. We can only presume that his Pancreas is now working satisfactorily thanks to my therapy.

It is my hope and prayer that your daughter too can be cured as it is unthinkable that she will have to go through life suffering from Type I Diabetes due to no fault of her own.

Prayer also helps.
Joe De Livera last decade

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