Althaea Officinalis
Althaea Off, Marshmallow, Althaea, Althea Officinalis, Altha.Have you ever used Althaea Officinalis? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Althaea Officinalis in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Althaea Officinalis
Aspar > relationships
Compare: Althaea - Marshmallow - (contains asparagine; irritable bladder, throat and bronchi.) Physalis Alkekengi. Digital.; Sarsap.; Spigelia
Morph > appendix
(Nos. 1 to 99, from Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., 1, 278, with critical annotations in brackets, by Dr. Hughes.) 1, Hahnemann; 2, Cubitz; 3, Gutmann; 4, Schoenike; 5, Stapf; 6, Act. Nat. Cur., IV, Obs. 145 (observation by Hasenest); 7, Eph. (not Act.) Nat. Cur., cent. I, Obs. 54 (from a large dose of "Theriaca," given to a child of six weeks, observation by Hoyer); 8, AEpli, Hufel. Journ., XXV, 3 (from mixture of opium and rhubarb, given to a baby for colic); 9, Alibert (not accessible); 10, Alpin, Med. AEgypt., IV, Cap. 1 (general statement as to Egyptian opium-eaters); 11, Alston (Essays and Obervations, Edinb., V, 93, observations); 12, Baglivi, Prax. Med., Lib. I, p. 65, from too many and too large doses (statement); 13, Bard, Diss. de vir. Op., Edinb., 1765 (p. 15, experiment on self with 1 1/2-grain doses); 14, Bauer, in Act. Nat. Cur., II (Obs. 93, observation); 15, Bautzmann, Misc. Nat. Cur. Dec., II, Ann. 8 (Obs. 44, observation); 16, Bellonius, Libr. 3, Obs. Cap., 15 (p. 431, from opium-eating); 17, Berger, de vi opii rare facient (general statement from authors); 18, Bergius, Mat. Med. (p. 458, general statement from authors); 18a, Boerhaave, praelect. (general statement); 19, Bohn, de officio med., p. 362 (symptoms not found); 20, Bonetus, Sepulcret. Anatom. lib. I, sect. 1, p. 214 (symptoms not found); 21, Borellus, Cen. 4, Obs. 57 (observation); 22, Büchner, diss. de Opio. Hal., 1748, § 45 (not accessible); 23, Büttner, Unterr. Ueber. d. Toedtlichk. d. Wunden (p. 204, observation); 24, Charas, Pharm. Reg. Chym., C. 51 (symptoms not found); 25, Chardin, Voyage en Perse, Amst., 1771, Tom. IV, p. 203, 204 (statements as to opium-eaters); 26, Charvet (Act. de l'Opium, Paris, 1826, experiments with various doses); 27, Clerk (In. Essays and Obs., Edinb., III, 121, poisoning of a man by 20 grains); 28, Clauder, Eph. Nat. Cur., Dec. II, Ann. 5, Obs. 178 (experiment with an extract prepared with sulphuric acid); 29, Cocq, in Stalpaart v. d. Wiel, Observ., cent. II, Obs. 41 (symptom not found); 30, Crumpe, Nature and Properties of Opium, 1793, effects of 1 grain of opium, taken in a teaspoonful of warm water, pulse 70, normal; 30a, from same, a healthy man took same dose, pulse 44, normal; 30b, Crumpe, took 2 1/2 grains of Opium, pulse 70; 31, Delacroix, Journ. de Méd., XXXIX, 1773, p. 313, from 2 grains, in a clyster, taken by a woman; 32, Eph. Nat. Cur., Dec. II, Ann. 10, Obs. 80 (should be Misc. Nat. Cur., statement); 33, Ettmüller, Diss. de vir. Opii Diaphor., Lips., 1694, Cap. I, § 5 (general statement); 34, Freind, Opera, Tom. I, Emmenol, p. 139 (general statement); 35, Garcias ab Horto, Hist. Aromat., I, Cap. 4 (observation); 36, de Garter, Med. Dogm., Cap. I (not accessible); 37, Geoffroy, Mat. Med., II (general statement); 38, Grimm, Act. Nat. Cur., III, Obs. 19 (experiments on self, with grain i-iij); 39, Guiand (not accessible); 40, Haller, Praelect. in Boerh. Inst., IV, p. 519 (general statement); 40a, Haller, de Part. Corp. Viritab. et Sensib., Sect. 2 (not found); 41, Hamberger, Diss. de Opio, Jen., 1749, § 16 (a general statement, cited from Geoffroy); 42, Hargens, Hufel. Journ., IX, 2 (observation on a patient); 43, Hecquet, Réflexions sur l'usage de l'Opium, Paris, 1726, p. 184 (not accessible); 44, omitted; 45, de Hellwich, Bresl. Samml., 1702 (not accessible); 46, Hist. de l'Acad. des Sc., 1735 (not accessible); 47, Hoffmann, Diss. de op. Opeii, Hal., 1700 (general statement); 47a, ibid., Diss. de Corr. Opii, Hal., 1702 (not accessible); 47b, ibid., Med. Rat. Syst., II (p. 273, general statement); 48, Hufel. Journ., VIII, 4, p. 134 (not found); 49, Hunter, uber d. vener. Krankh., p. 640 (observations on patients); 50, Joerdens, Hufel. Journ., XVII, 1 (observation on self when taking laudanum to procure sleep); 51, Jones, the Mysteries of Opium Revealed (observations); 52, Juncker and Böhmer, Diss. Sistens Casum. Matrone Largissimo usu Opii Tract., Hal., 1744 (not accessible); 53, Kämpfer, Amoen. exot. Fasc., III, Obs. 15 (observation on self in health); 54, Kilian, Med. Annal., 1800 (not accessible); 55, Knebel, Hufel. Journ., XXVI, 2 (p. 148, observation on a child with hooping-cough); 56, Lassus, Mem. de l'Inst. National des Sc. et Arts, Tom. II (from gr. 26, taken by a woman of sixty); 57, Leroux, Journ. de Méd. (from nearly a drachm, in a woman of fifty-one); 58, Levesque-blasource, Journ. de Méd., 1808 (vol. 16, pt. 1, p. 21-24, from large doses in a man); 59, Lindestolpe, de Venen., p. 591 (general statement); 60, Journ. Encyclop., I, pt. 2, p. 72, also Recueil period, p. 74 (observations and statements); 61, Martin, Vetensk. Acad. Handling, 1773, P. II, Nr. 7 (observation); 62, Matthai, Hufel. Journ., XI, 2 (observations on patients); 63, Manchart, Eph. Nat. Cur., cent. I, Obs. 15 (from a grain of crude O. taken by self)64, Mead, de Venen., in Op. D., II, p. 190, edit. Götting. (general statements); 65, Monno, Essays Phys. and Lit, vol. III (Art. 13, experiments on frogs); 66, Müller, Hufel. Journ., XVIII (p. 55, from a mixture of tinct. Thebaica and Hoffmann's anodyne, given for a nervous affection); 67, Murray, App. Med. II, p. 282 (general statement); 68, Muzell, Wahrn., II, p. 131 (from a mixture of Opium and Spr. Cornu cervi); 69, d'Outrepont (from a large dose taken by a woman eight months pregnant); 70, Ouwens, Noctes Hayanae Vorr., p. 14 (from laudanum taken for spasms of legs); 71, Pitcairne, Diss. de Circul. in Animal., etc., also Element. Med. (observations); 72, Plater, Obs., Lib. I, p. 127 (not found); 73, Pyl, Aufsätze, Samml., I, p. 95 (from a large dose of the extract, in a man of fifty or sixty); 74, Rademacher, Hufel. Journ., IV, 3, p. 587 (from tinct. Thebaica given in dysentery); 75, Reineggs, in Blumenbach's Med. Bibl., I (an account of the effects of Opium-eating); 76, Renodaeus, Mat. Med., Lib., I, sect. 13, Cap. 2 (statement); 77, Riedlin, lin. Med. Ann., IV, Decemb. Ob., 16 (observation); 78, de Ruef, App. ad Nova Acta Nat., Cur., V, p. 63 (general statement); 79, Saar, Reise n. d. Orient (statement as to use of O. by Chinese); 80, Sachs v. Lewenheim, Misc. Nat. Cur., Ann. 2, Obs. 69 (general statement); 81, Sauvages, Nosol. method, I, p. 847 (a drachm and a half of laudanum drunk by a boy of fifteen); 82, Schelhammer, Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. II, Ann. V, Obs. 12 (from pills of styrax and Opium); 83, Schweickert, Hufel. Journ., VIII, 3 (not found); 84, Stalpaart, v. de. Wiel, cent. II, Obs. 42 (from half a drachm of solid Opium); 85, Stentzelius, de Venen., I, § 46 (not accessible); 86, Stütz, Hufel. Journ. (X, 4, 35-7, from Opium given in a convulsive attack); 87, Van Swieten, Comment., I, p. 878 (general statements); 88, Thomassen a Thuessink, Diss. de Op., use in syphilitide, L. B., 1785 (not accessible); 89, Thompson, Diss. de Opio, p. 121 (observations and statements); 90, Tralles, de usu et abusu Opii (observations and statements); 91, Vermendois (not accessible); 92, Vicat, Plant. Vénén. de la Suisse, p. 226 (from overdose of laudanum mixed with amber and nitre. N.B. All the symptoms referred to Vicat belong to this case, which is in the work mentioned); 93, Waldschmid, Monita Med. Circa Opium, Marburg, 1679 (not accessible); 94, Ward, Neues Journ. d. Ausländ. Med.-Chir. Lit., IV, 1 (from external applications); 95, Wedel, Opiologia, p. 165 (not accessible); 96, Wepfer, de Apoplexia, p. 24 (not accessible); 97, Whytt (Essays, Phys. and Lit., II, 308, experiments on frogs), omitted, T. F. A.; 98, Willis, Pharm. Rat., p. 305 (observations and statements); 99, Young, treatise on Opium (observations and statements), (100 to 109, Jörg's provings from Materialien, 1825, all provings with Opium combined with Magnesia, omitted); 100, Guntz, took 1 drop of tincture, afterwards 2, 4, 6 and 9 drops, and subsequently repeated doses of 2 to 18 drops; 100a, same, took doses of 1/2 to 1 grain of crude Opium; 101, Kneschke, provings with tincture, doses of 1 to 9 drops; 102, Lippert, provings with tincture, 1 to 36 drops; 103, Otto, tincture, 2 to 4 drops; 104, Pienitz, tincture, 1 to 6-drop doses; 105, Siebenhaar, tincture, 1 to 12-drop doses; 106, Jörg, took tincture, 1 to 3-drop doses; 107, Edwd. Jörg, tincture, 1 to 2-drop doses; 108, Theo. Jörg, tincture, 1/2 to 2-drop doses; 109, Mrs. Ch., tincture, 1/2 to 2-drop doses; (Nos. 110 to 120, Austrian provings, Zeit. des. Ver. Hom. AErzt. Aust., 1862); 110, Dr. Alb, effects of tincture, 5 drops, one dose; 110a, same, subsequent proving, 25 drops of tincture; 111, Dr. Bresslauer, provings with 30th and 12th dils., doses in the morning; 112, Duditsch, proving with 30th and 12th dil.; 113, Eidherr, provings with 1st dil., 4 to 24-drop doses; 113a, same, tincture, 5 to 20-drop doses; 114, Dr. Freud, tincture, 6-drop doses; 115, Jenitschek, 1st dil., 3 to 15-drop doses; 115a, same, tincture, 30-drop doses; 116, Wm. Jenitschek, aged nine and a half years, 1st dil., 3 to 20-drop doses; 116a, same, tincture, 2 to 20-drop doses; 117, Dr. Schauer, tincture, 20 drops; 118, Stern, tincture, 5 to 20-drop doses; 119, Szontagh, tincture, 5 to 40-drop doses; 119a, same, 1st trit., 12 to 12-grain doses; 120, Tedesco, 6th dil., three times a day; 120a, same, 1st dil., 5 to 25-drop doses; 120b, same, tincture, daily doses of 5 to 30 drops; 121, Smith, Med. Museum, 1763, a man in the habit of taking 3 drachms of O. daily, took 1 1/2 drachms morning and noon, also statement of general effect in same man; 122, Kennedy, Edinb. Med. and Surg. J., 1794, effects of 155 grains, in a man; 123, Pfundel, from Schlegel Materialien, 1800 (Frank's Mag., 3, 600, a man took 12 to 15 grains in beer); 124, Lassus, Med. and Phys. Journ., 1801, p. 491, effects of 36 grains of O. in a woman of fifty-six, death after eleven hours; 125, Schlegel, Materialien, 1801 (Frank's Mag., 3, 600), a physician took 1/2 an ounce in beer; 126, same, another man took 1 1/2 drachms in beer; 127, McKechnie, Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1811, p. 305, effects of an ounce of laudanum, in a woman aged twenty-eight; 128, Vincent, Thesis, 1816 (Wibmer), effects of a large dose; 129, Ward, Med. and Phys. Journ., 1802, p. 130, effects of inunction (in right leg and foot) of 2 drachms of tincture of Opium with olive oil; 129a, same, repeated two days later in left leg; 130, Weber, Med. and Phys. J., 1803, p. 435, effects of single doses large enough to produce effects; 131, same, effects of 2 grains, in a young lady; 132, same, effects of 4-grain doses, in eight healthy men; 133, same, effects of 3-grain doses, in three men; 134, same, effects of 4 grains, given the next morning to two of the preceding cases; 135, Shephard, Med. and Phys. Journ., 1808, 1, p. 497, effects of 2 1/2 drachms of O.; 136, Kinnis, Edinb. Med. and Surg. J., 1818, effects of 1 1/2 ounce of laudanum, in a man; 137, Percival, Dubl. Hosp. Rep., 1818, 226, effects of 2 ounces ofcamphorated tincture of O., in a delicate old lady, antidoted by green tea; 138, Lond. Med. Repos., 1818, vol. 9, p. 525, effects of 3 ounces of tincture; 139, Polinieri, Bibl. Med., 1820 (Wibmer), effects of 2 grains, in a glass of wine; 140, Desruelles, Journ. Univers., 1820 (Frank's Mag., 4, 660), effects of 2 drachms; 141, Leigh, Med.-Chir. Rev., vol. 2, 1821, p. 888, effects of 30 and afterwards 90 drops of laudanum; 142, Richardson, Edin. Med. and Surg. J., 1821, p. 226, effects of 3 drachms, in a woman seven weeks after confinement; 143, Howison, Edin. M. and S. J., 1822, p. 49, effect of about 2 ounces of laudanum, in a girl aged eighteen; 144, same, effects of 1-2 ounces laudanum, in a girl aged seventeen; 145, Ross, Edin. M. and S. J., 1823, p. 247, effects of 2 ounces in laudanum in two doses, in a man; 146, Bost. Med. Intell., 1824, 1, 203, effects of about an ounce of tincture of Op., in a man; 147, same, vol. 2, p. 135, effects of an ounce in coffee, in a woman; 148, same, vol. 3, p. 132, 1825, effects of four teaspoonfuls of laudanum in a child of three years; 149, Gottel, Rust's Mag., 1825 (Frank's Mag., 1, 597), effects of fresh juice of a poppyhead, in a child four weeks old; 150, Olivier, Archiv. gén. de Méd., 1825 (Frank's Mag., 3, 299), effects of 1 1/2 ounce of laudanum, in a man; 151, Suchet, from Alibert, Eléments de Thérap. (Wibmer), effects of a teaspoonful of laudanum, in a child seventeen months old; 152, Kopp (Wibmer), effects of two poppyheads in milk, in a child aged six months; 153, Williams, Lancet, 1828, 2, 764, effects of a large dose, in a woman aged forty; 154, Lancet, 1828, 2, 254, effects of 2 ounces of laudanum, in a man; 155, Bally, Mem. Roy. Acad. of Med., 1828 (Frank's Mag., 4), effects of 20 grains, in a man; 156, Bardsley, Edin. M. and S. J., 1828, vol. 30, p. 306, effect of a large dose, in a man; 157, Edin. Med. and S. J., 1828, vol. 29, p. 450, from J. de Chim. Méd., effects of application of a poultice containing about an ounce of laudanum to an erysipelas; 158, Wibmer, experiments on self, took 1/4 grain first day, 1 grain second day, 2 grains third day; 159, Purkinje (Wibmer), took 5 grains; 160, Madden, Travels in Turkey (from Bost. M. and S. J., 1829, 2, 503), experiments on self; 161, Root, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1830, vol. 5, p. 703, effects of a large quantity, in an intemperate man; 162, Mart, Lancet, 1831, 1, 710, effects of habitual used of Opium, 1/2 drachm daily for fifteen years, in a woman; 163, same, habitual use in another woman; 164, same, habitual used in a man, aged sixty, who had use it thirty-five years; 165, same, habitual use in a man of forty, had taken 1 1/2 ounce of laudanum daily for ten years; 166, same, habitual use, in a woman aged fifty-five, who took 20 grainsdaily for fifteen years; she died of tuberculosis pulm.; 167, Werner, Rust's Mag., 1832 (Frank's Mag., 1, 597), effects of the juice of a poppyhead, in a girl aged seven; 168, Lancet, 1832, 1, 639, effects of 12 drops of laudanum with marshmallow, introduced into rectum after cauterization; 169, Strohl, Hufel. J., 1833 (Wibmer), effects of poppyheads, in a boy; 170, Oppenheim, Hamb., 1833 (Wibmer), effects of sleeping near a field of poppies in blossom; 171, same, took 7 grains of O. as an experiment; 172, Lancet, 5, 218, effects of an ounce of laudanum, in a woman of twenty-two; 173, Lancet, 6, 124, effects of 2 ounces of tincture, in a woman; 174, omitted; 175, Lancet, 10, p. 732, effects of six drachms of laudanum, in a young woman; 176, Lancet, 1833, 1, 268, effects of about an ounce of laudanum, in a man; 177, Thomson, Bost. Med. and S. J., 1835, p. 133, habitual use of laudanum, in a woman; 178, Montault, Journ. Univers., 1836, effects of about 5 drachms of laudanum in a woman (Frank's Mag., 4, 660); 179, Yound, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1834, vol. 14, p. 655, effects of about an ounce of laudanum, in a pregnant woman; 180, Christison, Lancet, 1836, 1, 631, effects of about 2 or 3 drops of laudanum, in an infant three days old; death in twenty-four hours; 181, Lancet, 1836, 1, 271, effects of about 2 ounces of laudanum, in a man; death after nine hours; 182, Bost. Med. and S. J., 1834, p. 284, effects of about an ounce of Opium, in a man; 183, Kiles, Lancet, 1837, 1, 304, 4 drops of laudanum, in a child nine months old; death in nine hours; 184, Bullock, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1837, p. 264, 1 ounce of laudanum, in a girl aged twenty-one; 185, same, same dose in another girl; 186, Sigmund, Bost. M. and S. J., 1837, p. 101, effects of habitual use among the Turks; 187, same, effects of 4 grains, in divided doses; 188, Smith, Am. J. M. Sc., 1837, p. 450 (Med.-Chir. Trans., vol. 20), effects in a woman; 189, Koch, Rust's Mag., 1837, 15 drops of laudanum Sydenhami, in a child aged four weeks; 190, same, effects of a poppyhead in milk, in a child with hiccough; 191, Lancet, 1838, 1, 389, 20 drops of laudanum daily for six days; no effects till after last dose, in a woman accustomed to take it for uterine pain; 192, Bost. M. and S. J., 1838, p. 128, general effects of opium-eating; 193, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1838 (J. de Chim. Méd.), effects of application of a cerate containing 15 drops of laudanum to an excoriation in a fold of skin; 194, Hubbard, Bost. M. and S. J., 1838, p. 31, effects of a drachm of tincture, in a child six months old; 195, Strecker, A. H. Z., 12, 134, proving, dose of 1 grain; 196, Semple, Lancet, 1840, 2, 186, effects of 1 1/2 ounce, in a girl aged nineteen; 197, Harrison, Lancet, 1840, effects of about six dessertspoonfuls, in a woman aged thirty-two; 198, Boisragon, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1840, vol. 25, p. 878, effects of a teaspoonful of laudanum, in a child under two years; 199, Vanderkeere, 2 drachms of laudanum, in a child aged thirteen months; 200, Williams, Lancet, 1840, 2, 661, effects of 1 1/2 ounce of tincture, in a woman; 201, Erichsen, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1840, vol. 28, p. 390, effects of 1 ounce, in a girl aged twenty-two; 202, Shipman, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1840, vol. 26, p. 508, effects of a wineglassful of laudanum, in a woman eighty years old, recovery; 203, Hygeia, 13, 393, effects of injection of 20 drops of tincture, for spasms of uterus; 204, Pupke, Med. Zeit. Ver. Preus., 1841, effects of a poppyhead, in a child aged four; 205, Choune, Lancet, 1841, 2, p. 705, effects or more than an ounce, in a man who had been drinking; 206, Hill, Lancet, 1841, 1, 820, effects of smoking O., in a Chinaman; 207, Hensley, Lancet, 1841, 1, 88, effects of 1/2 ounce, repeated after a quarter of an hour; 208, Cowper, Lond. and Ed. Month. J., 1841, 1, 71, a person took 2 1/2 ounces of liq. op. sedativ. (death after an hour and twenty minutes); 209, Buck, Bost. M. and S. J., 24, p. 126, a woman, aged twenty-two, took 1 ounce; 210, omitted; 211, Morris, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1842, p. 148, effects of some laudanum with castor oil, in a child four months old; 212, G. H. Smith, Lancet, 1842, p. 707, opium-smoking among Chinese; 213, Walth, A. H. Z., 22, 160, experiments, first took 1/2 a grain after each meal, then 1 grain, and afterwards 2 and 4 grains; 214, Everest, Lancet, 1842, p. 758, effects of 12 minims of tincture of Op., in a child two days old, death after fourteen hours; 215, McCune Smith, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1843, 1, 878, effects of habitual use of laudanum, in a woman aged twenty-four; 216, same, habitual, use, in a man; 217, same, habitual use; 218, same, habitual use; 219, Russell, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1843, 1, 924, 12 drops of laudanum, in a child two months old; 220, Pharm. J., 1843, vol. 3, p. 261, effects of laudanum, in two children; 221, Taylor, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1844, 2, 32, effects of 1 1/4 grain of opium, divided into five doses, in a girl aged five and a half, death thirty-seven hours after first dose; 222, Gaz. des Höp., 1845, (Écho de la Frontière), effects of unripe poppyheads, in three children; 223, Sharkey, Ranking's Abst., 1846, effect of two pills, each containing 1 1/4 grain of ext. Op., in a man; 224, James, Lancet, 1847, 1, 639, effects of an ounce of laudanum, in a woman; 225, Barry, Ranking's Abst., 1847, 25 minims of laudanum, in a child aged nine months; 226, Lancet, 1848, 2, 696, 2 ounces of laudanum, in a woman; 227, Iliff, Lancet, 1849, 2, 874, an indefinite amount of laudanum, in a boy aged seventeen; 228, same, an indefinite amount, in a woman; 229, Wooten, Bost. M. and S. J., 1849, p. 133 (from Southern Med. and S. J.), effects of 1 drop of laudanum, in a child five days old; 230, Stevens, Bost. M. and S. J., 1849, p. 120, effects of repeated use of laudanum when children (now aged twenty-three, twenty, and eighteen); 231, "Confessions of an English Opium-eater," Prov. M. and S. J., 1848; 232, Little, Month. J. of Med. Sc., 1850, p. 524, general effects of Opium-smoking; 233, Wright, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1851, p. 540, effects of about 10 grains on self; 234, Boecker, from Bernardi and Loeffler, 1851 (Frank's Mag., 4), experiments, effects of increasing doses, in a healthy man; 235, same, a man aged forty-seven took 3 grams twice first day, 4 grams twice second day, 5 grams three times third day, same twice fourth day, 5 grams thrice and 6 grams once fifth day, 5 grams thrice sixth day, 6 grams thrice seventh day, 6 grams four times eighth day, 8 grams four times ninth day, 8 grams four times and 9 grams once tenth day; 235a, same, subsequent proving, took 6 grams; 236, Herpath, Lancet, 1852, 1, 303, a teaspoonful of laudanum, in an infant nine days old; 237, Deguise, Month. J. of Med. Sc., 1852, 14, p. 88, effects of 200 minims of laudanum in a clyster; 238, Woodson, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1852, p. 573, effects of "Bateman's drops" (Opium and Camphd. tinct. op.), in a child five days old; 239, Kirk, Lancet, 1853, 1, 80, effects of a few drops of laudanum, in a child; 240, Smith, Lancet, 1854, 1, 419, effect of 1/20th grain Op., in a child five days old; 241, Anderson, Month. J. Med. Sc., 1854, p. 377, 2 drachms laudanum, three drachms more after one hour and a half, in a woman; 242, Bullock, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1854, p. 575, about 2 ounces of laudanum, in an intemperate man; 243, Hodges, Bost. M. and S. J., 1856, p. 23, 1 ounce of laudanum in a girl of fifteen years; 244, Blanc, Rev. de Thér. Méd.-Chir., 1857 (S. J., 97-37), effects of three injections of Sydenham's laudanum; 245, Gibbs, Lancet, 1857, 2, 80, effect of 1 1/2 ounce of laudanum in a man aged seventy-two; 246, Corbett, Lancet, 1857, 2, 220, 30 minims of tincture, in a child one day old; 247, Channing, Bost. M. and S. J., 1857, vol. 56, p. 449, from three to six teaspoonfuls of laudanum, in a man; 248, Bost. M. and S. J., vol. 56, p. 526, 1857, effects of drinking some laudanum, in a child aged six; 249, Wood, Bost. M. and S. J., 1857, vol. 57, p. 78, effects of a few drops of "paregoric" (probably laudanum), in a child aged nine months; 250, Chamberlin, Bost. M. and S. J., 1857, vol. 57, p. 357, about 1 1/2 grain of Op., in a child six days old; 251, Pharm. Journ., 1857, vol. 16, p. 195, effects of laudanum, in a woman aged twenty-four; 252, O'Rorke, Gaz. des Hôp., 1858, a spoonful of Sydenham's laudanum, in a child seven months old; 253, Schützenberger, Gaz. des Strasburg, 1858, 40 grams of laudanum, in a woman; 254, Murray, Edinb. Med. J., 1858, 72 drops of [left], in a child one year old; 255, same, 1 drachm of solution of muriate of Morph., in a child seventeen months old; 256, Mushet, Med. Times and Gaz., 1858, p. 292, Opium, in a child of three months; 257, Gallagher, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1858, p. 559, 2 ounces of tincture, in a woman; 258, Jackson, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1859, p. 75, a tablespoonful of laudanum, in a youth of nineteen; 259, Lister, Br. Med. J., 1859, p. 692, 2 drachms of laudanum, in a woman of thirty; 260, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1859, p. 281, repeated effects of Op. in slight uterine inflammation; 261, Crook, Br. Med. J., 1860, p. 341, 40 minims of [left], in a child twenty-two days old; 262, Pearson, Med. Times and Gaz., 1860, 2, p. 72, an indefinite amount of [left], in an infant eight weeks old; 263 and 264, Campbell, Bost. M. and S. J., 1860, p. 101, effects of 1 1/2 ounce of [left], in a man; 265, Andrews, Pharm. J., 1860, p. 387, fatal effect of a black draught containing liq. Op.; 266, Pharm. J., 1860, p. 287, effects of a piece of Op. as large as a pin's head, in a child five weeks old; 267, Duchek, Wien Med. Woch.-Bl, 1861 (S. J., 113, 165), a man took a large amount of tinct. Op.; 268, Beaupoil, J. de Chim. Méd., 1861 (S. J., 110, 294), three-fourths of a poppyhead, in a child; 269, Maschka, Prag. Vjs., 1861, effects of 1 ounce of tincture; 270, Duncan, Lancet, 1861, 1, 637, effects of 1 1/2 ounce of [left], in a woman; 271, Pharm. J., 1861, p. 46, effect of a lare dose, in a woman; 272, Murray, Braithwaite's Ret. of Med., 1862, 2, 266 (Austral. Med. J.), effects of 1 1/2 ounce of [left], in a man aged fifty; 273, Duncan, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1862, p. 272, 2 ounces of [left], in a woman; 274, Lee, Ranking's Abst., 1862, effects of Op., in a child two years old; 275, Ellis, Lancet, 1863, p. 126, 1/2 ounce, in a girl four and a half years old; 276, Pharm. J., 1863, p. 186, a teaspoonful of [left], in a child six years old; 277, same, p. 136, fatal dose of Op. in a man; 278, Taylor, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1865, effects of 1 1/2 ounce of laudanum, in a girl aged eleven and a half; 279, omitted; 280, O'Sullivan, Dublin Quart. J. of Med. Sc., 1865, p. 221, effects of 1 scruple, in a child twelve weeks old; 281, Walley, Lancet, 1866, p. 35, habitual use of [left], for fourteen years; 282, Radcliffe, Lancet, 1868, p. 312, 3 drachms of [left], in a woman aged thirty nine; 283, same, two tablespoonfuls of [left], in a woman of sixty; 284, Finlay, Lancet, 1868, p. 664, effect of an indefinite amount of [left] (probably used as an enema for pain in abdomen); 285, Ogle, St. Geo. Hosp. Rep., 1868, p. 222, about 2 ounces of [left], in a man; 286, same, an indefinite amount, in a man; 287, same, in another man; 288, Young, Phil. M. and S. Rep., 1869, vol. 20, p. 157, about 2 ounces of tinct. Op., after a drunken spree; 289, Farnsworth, Phil. M. and S. Rep., 1869, p. 87, about 30 grains, in a man; 290, Hemecourt, West. Hom. Obs., 1869, p. 89, about 1/2 ounce of [left], in a girl; 291, Dobbie, Br. Med. J., 1870, p. 33, 2 ounces of [left], in an insane woman; 292, Olivier, Gaz. des Hôp., 1871, effects of 30 grams of the tincture, on account of erections after circumcision; 293, Spooner, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc. St. of N. Y., 1871, 2 ounces of [left] with 6 grains of Morphia, in milk; 294, Murdock, Med. Rec., 6, 343, effect of 1 1/2 ounce of [left], in a woman of thirty; 295, Johnson, Med. Times and Gaz., 1872, 2, 268, 4 drachms of ext. of Op., in a woman; 296, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a man; 297, same, 1 1/2 drachm of Op., in a man; 298, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a woman aged twenty-four; 299, same, 2 drachms of extract, in a man; 300, same, 2 drachms of extract, in a woman of twenty-nine; 301, same, 1 drachm of extract, in a man; 302, same, 4 drachms of extract, in a woman; 303, same, 2 drachms of extract, in a man; 304, same, 1 1/2 drachm of extract, in a woman of thirty-seven; 305, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a man; 306, same, Med. Times and Gaz., 1873, 10 drachms of extract, in a girl aged sixteen (death in nine hours); 307, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a man, death in seven hours and a half; 308, same, an unknown quantity, in a woman; 309, same, 2 drachms of extract, in a woman of thirty-six; 310, same, 1/2 ounce of extract, in a woman of twenty-seven; 311, Walker, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1872, p. 283, tincture of Op. (equal to 6 or 8 grains of pulv. Op.), in a girl of fifteen; 312, Chatarion, Gaz. des Hôp., 1873, effects of 20 grains of Sydenham's laudanum; 313, Pharm. J., 1873, p. 138, effects of a large dose of laudanum, in one habituated to Opium; 314, Price, Hahn. Month., 1873, p. 474, effects of discontinuing the use of the "black drop." that had been used for pain in an ulcer; 315, Stockman, 3 ounces of laudanum, in a man, vomited and recovered, but next day took 2 1/2 ounces, Phil. M. and S. J., 31, 164; 316, Hartley, Lancet, 1873, p. 684, 1/2 ounce of laudanum; 317, Parrish, Phil. M. and S. Rep., 1873, p. 343, effects of habitual use of Op., as suppository; 318, Pehell, Phil. Med. Times and Gaz., 1873, p. 134, effects of 1 1/2 fluid ounce of [left], in a young woman; 319, Hart, Am. Hom. Obs., 1873, p. 31, about an ounce of laudanum, in a child; 320, Sharp, Essays on Med., 1874, p. 724, experiments with 1st dil. and with tincture; 321, Heaton, Med. Times and Gaz., 1875, p. 413, large dose of laudanum, in a man; 322, Clark, Med. Times and Gaz., 1875, p. 185, a large dose of [left], in a man; 323, Pharm. J., 3d ser., vol. 5, p. 179, a large dose of laudanum; 324, Sharp, Essay on Med., No. 32, experiments a man took 1 drop of 1st cent. dil. of tinct. of Op., night and morning, for ten days; 325, same, subsequent proving, 5 drops, night and morning; 326, same, subsequent proving, pulse 72, took one dose of 10 drops of tincture; 327, same, subsequently, pulse 54, took 6 drops of tincture; 328, same, Dr. Sharp, took 1 drop of tincture; 329, same, a man, well, pulse 68, took 5 drops of tincture; 330, Cameron, Am. J. Hom. Mat. Med., 1876, p. 251, proving by inhaling Op., 60th dil.; 331, C. Wesselhoeft, N. A. J. of Hom., 1876, p. 17, habitual use of Op., in a man aged fifty; 332, Fitzsimmons, Toledo Med. and Surg. Journ., May, 1877, p. 134, effects of about 2 drachms of laudanum, in a child two years old; 333, Skae, Edin. M. and S. J., 1840, p. 151, effects of 2 drachms of laudanum, in a man; 334, Toogood, Prov. Med. and S. Journ., 1841, p. 129, effects of 10 drachms of laudanum, in a woman (recovery); 335, Ryan, Lancet, 1845, p. 476, effects of 1/2 drachm of laudanum, in a man; 336, omitted; 337, Lyman, Am. J. of Med. Sc., 1854, p. 383, effects of an ounce of laudanum, in a woman, death in three-quarters of an hour; 338, Jackson, Am. J. of Med. Sc., 1854, p. 385, effects of 2 drachms of Op., in a woman; 339, Cleveland, Med. Times and Gaz., 1855, p. 82, a man took 2 ounces of liquor Op.; 340, Sloane, Med. Times and Gaz., 1855, p. 445, effects of 1/2 ounce of laudanum, in a man; 341, Slayter, Lancet, 1862, p. 326, laudanum, in a woman; 342, Ludlow, Brit. Med. Journ., 1866, p. 15, an overdose of laudanum, in a man; 343, Bowstead, Lancet, 1873, p. 468, effects of 8 ounces of tinct. Op., in a woman; 344, Taylor, Med. Jurisp., 1, p. 349, an ounce and a half of laudanum, in awoman; 345, Daniel Wilson, Inaugural Dissertation on the Morbid Effects of Op., Phil., 1803, 2 drachms of Opium, in a man; 346, ibid., an ounce of laudanum, in a woman; 347, ibid., same, in a man; 348, ibid., effects of habitual use of 50 to 90 grains of Opium, in a man; 349, ibid., another case; 350, ibid., Baron de Toth, observations among the Turks.