Boletus Satanas
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Boletus Satanas in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Sparks before the eyes, alternating with obscuration OBSCURATION:x
becoming unclear of vision,
Abdomen sunken and frightfully painful,
Obstinate tension of the abdomen,
Sudden nausea (after two hours),
Retching and vomiting,
A desire to vomit came very suddenly; between the attacks there was very little nausea, and no pain when vomiting the last time; after about three hours he noticed a slight trace of blood,
He was obliged to vomit (after two hours and three hours, and repeated twenty times within three hours),
Vomiting repeated thirty times within two hours,
He vomited everything that he took,
Salzmann continued to vomit (after the contents of the stomach) a bitter fluid, which was finally mixed with blood; olive oil did not entirely relieve the vomiting, nor when mixed with Carbo Veg charcoal,
Unquenchable thirst,
Epigastric region distended,
Perceptible pulsation in the epigastric region,
Frightful pain in the stomach,
≡ show all authors ...▲ RECTUM, ANUS, STOOL
A profuse diarrhoea of blood and of the mucous membranes of the intestines,
Watery evacuations,
≡ show all authors ...▲ EXTREMITIES, LIMBS
Extremities, limbs
A sudden sensation through all his limbs as though he would be attacked with apoplexy APOPLEXY:x
incapacity from a stroke after two hours),
Violent, extremely painful cramps in the muscles of the limbs and of the face,
≡ show all authors ...▲ APPENDIX
1, Lenz, Boudier on Fungi, translated from the French by Husemann, tasted a piece of the fresh fungus, but spit it out soon; 2, Salzmann, ibid., ate some cooked in salt and water, and roasted; 3, six persons poisoned by eating the roasted mushrooms (Wien. Med. Presse), from N. Z. f. H. Kl., 13, 55.
B. satanas, Lenz.
Nat. order, Fungi. Preparation, Triturations.
≡ show all authors ...▲ GENERALITIES
Loss of all strength,
A great weakness suddenly (after two hours),
So weak that he could scarcely stand or walk (after two to eight hours),
Excessive weakness, amounting to faintness, whilst the vomiting continued; repeated ten or twelve times in an hour,
Great discomfort in the whole body,
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Boletus Satanas is not available to buy over the counter.