Eaux Bonnes
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Eaux Bonnes in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
The Sulphur sulphur springs at Eaux Bonnes, in France.
In 16 ounces Sodium chloride, 2.6289 grains.
Magnesia Muriatica Magnesium chloride, 0.0338.
Kali Muriaticum Potassium chloride, traces.
Calcium sulphate, 0.8586.
Magnesium sulphate, 0.0960.
Calcium carb., 0.0368.
Silicea Silica and Iron, 0.1228.
Organic sulphurous matter, 0.8179.
HS, 0.183 cubic inches.
CO2, 0.130. N, 0.445.
Authority. Edouard Cazenave, M.D., Recherches Clin. sur. les Eaux Bonnes (Med. Times and Gaz., 1854; New Eng. Med. Gaz., 1876, p. 302), general effects.
After taking the Eaux Bonnes a few days, they produce a feeling of heat and constriction in throat and trachea, a slight difficulty of deglutition, and at the same time the fauces are red and highly injected. The digestive and secretive organs are quickened and increased.
the circulatory and nervous functions partake of the excitement.
there is restlessness and sleeplessness, while the intellectual faculties are roused to unwonted power and activity. The cutaneous exhalations are increased and have a sulphurous odor.
Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Eaux Bonnes
VIC > general
Authority. Dr. Croserio, Annales de la Médecine Homoeopathique, October, 1842, vol. ii, p. 109, took two hours before dinner (3 P.M.) a teaspoonful of pure Eau de Vichy (first day).
Grat > general
He regards it as "the vegetable antacid." It is said to have formed the basis for a once famous nostrum for gout, "Eau Médicinale." Indications are Constant sinking but cannot eat; bitter taste.
Ozone > general
As we learn more and more how to handle gases they will take a more definite part in the materia medica. I have incorporated in the present Schema a proving by Swan of Oxy. 200 (Organon, iii. 280), and a proving of Ozonum by Dewar, McKendrick and two others, recorded by Allen. Their symptoms I have marked "Oz." With another preparation called Oxydol, or Eau Maiche (from its inventor), I have had some experiences. It is not chemically distinguishable from Peroxide of Hydrogen, but it has none of the disagreeable features of that substance. It does not bleach articles it may touch, or cause effervescence. It is said to liberate oxygen in nascent state in the tissues when it is taken internally diluted with five or six parts of water. Undiluted its taste is disagreeably metallic, though it can be used undiluted as a gargle without inconvenience. Diluted it has no taste at all. When taken as directed in doses of a tablespoonful with six of water it sometimes causes relaxation of the bowels followed by constipation. In myself it set up all the symptoms of a common cold. As an antiseptic lotion and application I have found it of great value, and as a gargle in cases of sore throat, or rather rawness of the throat when ushering in a cold, I have often known it stop the irritation from going further either up or down. In cases of gonorrhoea it has a useful function in rendering the urine antiseptic, supplying an antiseptic lotion from within, without interfering with the action of the specific homoeopathic remedy. I have found it more useful than Salol or Urethane in such cases. But the disease for which it is chiefly commended by its inventor is cancer. I have given it in a number of cases and have obtained favourable temporary results in some. In one case seen with a colleague in an elderly woman of the working class who had a large fungating cancer of the left breast, Oxyd. was given internally and applied also externally. It caused excessive discharge with corresponding reduction of the tumour, and we hoped for a cure. But after several weeks the patient's legs suddenly swelled.
Agar > relationships
Vinegar and Eau-de-Cologne induce fainting. Sal. Ammoniae also aggravates it; t.
Raph > nose
Alteration of smell; the prover believes she smells spoiled eau de Cologne, or a suppurating spot, or bad oil burning (after five days),
Raph > abdomen
Eau sucrée gives her wind in the stomach (first day),
Sang-n > abdomen
While in church, where she was surrounded by various odors, she suddenly became sick, as if she would faint; the feeling disappeared after smelling eau de Cologne (thirteenth day),
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