Gadus Morrhua
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Gadus Morrhua in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Cod — frequent breathing, with flapping of alae nasi; rush of blood to chest; pain in lungs and cough; dry heat in palms.
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Ol-j > general
The oil obtained from the liver of various species of fish, mostly of the genus Gadus, especially from the species Gadus morrhua, L. (the Newfoundland cod); order of fishes, Telostei.
Ol-j > general
Oleum jecoris Morrhuae. Cod-liver oil. Oil obtained from the livers of Gadus morrhua and some other allied fishes. N. O. Gadidae. Tincture. Trituration.
Ol-j > relationships
Compare: Cholesterine; Tubercul; Phosph.; Iod. One litre of Ol. Jecoris contains 0.4 gram Iod. Gadus Morrhua - Cod - (frequent breathing, with flapping of alae nasi; rush of blood to chest; pain in lungs and cough; dry heat in palms).