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Piscida Erythrina

Piscidia Erythrina, Piscidia, Pisci.
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Common symptom: Sleeplessness..

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Piscida Erythrina in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



White dogwood — a nerve sedative. INSOMNIA DUE to worry, nervous excitement, spasmodic coughs; pains of irregular menstruation; regulates the flow. Neuralgic and spasmodic affections. Use tincture in rather material doses.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Piscida Erythrina

Xan > relationships
Compare: Gnaph.; Cimicif.; Staph.; Mezer.; Piscidia - White dogwood - (a nerve sedative. Insomnia due to worry, nervous excitement, spasmodic coughs; pains of irregular menstruation; regulates the flow. Neuralgic and spasmodic affections. Use tincture in rather material doses.)

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