Rhamnus Frangula
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Rhamnus Frangula in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Rhamnus frangula, Linn.
Natural order, Rhamnaceae.
Common names, Black alder, Buckthorn alder; (G), Brech-wegdorn; (F), Nerprun-bourgène, Aulne noir, Bourdaine.
Preparation, Tincture (and triturations) of the bark, gathered in spring from the younger branches.
≡ show all authors ...▲ THROAT
Burning scraping taste and irritation along the throat, for several days,
≡ show all authors ...▲ ABDOMEN
Distension of the abdomen,
Rumbling in the abdomen,
Increased sensitiveness of the abdomen,
Increased peristaltic movements in the intestines,
Sensation of warmth in the abdomen,
Aversion to food,
Profuse emission of flatus,
Nausea, with increased salivation,
Eructations and efforts to vomit,
Violent vomiting,
Frequent vomiting instead of diarrhoea, so that the fresh bark cannot be recommended as a cathartic,
Sourish vomiting,
Constant inclination to vomit,
≡ show all authors ...▲ RECTUM, ANUS, STOOL
Thin pasty stools,
Fifteen thin stools, with violent rumbling and gurgling, especially in the ileo-caecal region and along the transverse colon, followed by distension of the abdomen, thirst, coated tongue, bitter taste, and weakness,
Stools without great urging, thick, pasty, of a dark-green color, copious (after five or six hours),
Pasty stools,
Evacuations hard and scanty,
Constipation at first, followed by diarrhoea,
≡ show all authors ...▲ GENITALS ETC
Slight burning in the urethra, while urinating,
Frequent micturition,
≡ show all authors ...▲ APPENDIX
1, All. Zeit. f. Hom., 2, 139, 1850, effects of 20 to 50 grains of the bruised berries; 2, same, effects of the bark of the root; 3, Gumprecht, Casp. Woch., 1850 (S. J., 67, 175), effects of the green bark; 4, Binswanger, Buckner's Repert., 1850 (S. J. 68, 30), effects of 1 ounce of the juice of the ripe berries; 5, Bernhard and Loeffler's Zeit, 1850 (S. J., 70, 10).
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