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Saponaria Officinalis

Saponaria, Sapo.
HPUS indication of Saponaria Officinalis: Indifference

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We have no Materia Medica information for Saponaria Officinalis

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Saponaria Officinalis

Santo > general
Saponin, C32H54O18 (a glucoside; the active principle of many plants belonging to the Caryophyllaceae, Polygalaceae, etc.; principally obtained from Saponaria officinalis, Gypsophila, Struthium, Polygala Senega, and Quillaja).

Santo > general
Saponin. (A glucoside obtained from Saponaria officinalis, Gypsophila, Struthium, Senega, Quillaja, &c.) C32H54O18. Trituration. Solution. (Watery solutions speedily decompose.)

Mur-ac > relationships
Antidotes to Mur. ac. Large doses carbonate of soda, potassa, lime or magnesia; also, sapo, medicinalis, small doses Camphor., Bryon.

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