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Franciscea Uniflora

Manaca, Franciscaea Uniflora, Franciscea Uniflora, Fran.

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HPUS indication of Franciscea Uniflora: Intense headache

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Franciscea Uniflora in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Tincture or Fluid Extract 10 to 60 minims.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Franciscea Uniflora

Iridium > general
in ears and throughout the body. A feeling as if the eyes were being affected from below upward. A feeling as of a triangle on face, the base formed by the two malar-bones, the apex in the vertex. The numbness, and a cramp-like contraction in right calf, show a resemblance to the action of Plat. Irid. needs and deserves a fuller proving. The majority of symptoms appeared on the left side. In the Revue Hom. Française of February, 1892 (translated New York Med. Times, November, 1892), M. Laboucher gave an account of this remedy and compared it with others. He does not mention how the symptoms were obtained. They will be found in the Schema marked with "(L)" after each. Those unmarked are Tafel's. Laboucher says it is "admirable in all cases of anaemia".

Merc-cy > general
The history of this remedy is a romantic one. When Dr. Alexander Villers was an infant he had diphtheria. Known remedies had failed to arrest the disease, and his father, Dr. Dominic von Villers, was in despair. Taking counsel with his friend, Dr. Beck (of Monthey in Switzerland), the latter was struck with the likeness of the case to the effects of Merc. cy. in some poisoning cases, reports of which he had just been reading. He suggested the remedy A small quantity of the salt was procured and an attenuation rapidly made and administered. Improvement soon set in, and recovery happily followed. The patient, saved by Merc. cy., lived to do most brilliant work with the same remedy when practising in St. Petersburg, and Merc. cy. has taken a sure place at the head of remedies for this affection. The local symptoms are very clearly defined, and among the general symptoms profound prostration, coldness, and cyanosis are leading indications. Villers had better results with the 30th than with any lower attenuation. Merc. cy. is also a very efficient prophylactic in diphtheria. In the sensational New York poisoning case of February, 1899, Mr. Henry C. Barnett, the victim, was treated for diphtheria by his doctors before the cause of the illness was discovered. Beck (Rev. Hom. Fran., xii. 153) mentions among the leading symptoms extreme feebleness, trembling, syncope. Icy coldness.

Myris > general
callous ulcers-phlegmonous erysipelas. Cartier (Rev. Hom. Fran., quoted Rev. Hom. Belge, December, 1898, p. 261) gives two experiences of his own with the remedy. ($51$) A young girl had been three months with her leg in a splint for inflammation of the knee and doughy swelling of entire limb. Cartier came to the conclusion that there was pus in the joint. Myr. seb. 3, five drops three times a day, was given for three months. Five months later the swelling and inflammation were all gone.

Nit-ac > general
flesh-coloured, stringy, offensive. The nose, ears, and eyes are also influenced, and Nit-ac. is one of the first remedies in syphilitic eye affections, as iritis. Among the haemorrhages of Nit-ac. is haematuria. Goullon published a case in Archiv., ii. 36. (New Series), translated by Mossa, Rev. H. Française, ix. 136. A painter's apprentice, 15, after gilding an object, was seized with vertigo, with coldness, and soon with violent pain in bladder region. Next day he passed pure blood, bright red, with frequent strangury.

Teuc-s > general
T. scorodonia is an extremely bitter plant with the smell and taste of hops, for which it has been substituted. Some have observed an alliaceous smell, and Cazin says that it gives a garlicky taste to the milk of cows, goats, and sheep which eat it. Dr. Criquelion, of Mons (Rev. Hom. Belge, June, 1895, quoted R. H. Française, Feb., 1896), tells how Dr. Martiny one day, in the Ardennes, had occasion to examine a man of thirty who was apparently in the last stage of consumption and had a cavity in one apex. Martiny gave his opinion that he had not long to live. A year later, being in the same district, he called at the house and inquired of a man whom he saw there, apparently in perfect health, what had become of the invalid. "I am he," was the reply. It was the fact, though it took some time to convince Martiny of it. An old woman had recommended him to make a tisane of the Wood Germander which grew abundantly about there. He had taken it daily, and got well. Martiny introduced Teuc. s. into his practice and used a tisane of it with much success in bronchorrhoea and consumptive affections with tuberculous elements and muco-purulent expectoration. I have, myself, confirmed this, using the Ø tincture in five or ten-drop doses two or three times a day. Criquelion points out that Teucrine has been used as a subcutaneous injection in tubercular cases as a substitute for Koch's Tuberculin. Criquelion had a patient, a farmer of scrofulous habit, high colour thick neck, who had had for ten years an enlarged testicle the size of a quince, which he diagnosed to be tuberculous. Teuc. s. 6 was given, one drop in four spoonfuls of water.

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