Malaria Officinalis
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Malaria Officinalis in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
General sense of weariness. Spleen affections. Malaria and rheumatism. Functional hepatic diseases. Sixth potency and higher.
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Arum-d > general
right malar region, right external malleolus, thenal eminence of right thumb, left malar region. Pulse 84, small and somewhat irregular. Occasional shooting and aching pains along the right humerus and right thumb.
Pip-n > general
Feeling as if temples and malar bones were pressed in, worse on left side.
Eup-cyp > general
the erysipelatous inflammation was most marked in the malar region, being of a livid or dark-red hue, and extending along the outer and lower margin of the orbit (the second morning).
Merc-i-r > general
Aching, sore malar bones Slimy, sticky lips on waking
Verb > general
Cramping, squeezing, crushing, paralyzing faceache; in malar bones
Ol-an > general
Malar bones feel pulled up
Ars-i > general
Aching malar bones
Stann > general
Malar neuralgia
Tub > general
Aching malar bones
Phyt > general
Aching, malar bones
Verat-v > general
Tension across malar bones
Glon > general
Pains in malar bones, ending in a headache
Guai > general
Pain in the bones of the face, nose and teeth. Face red and swollen, spotted. Heat in the face in the evening. Sharp pain in right malar bone. Paroxysmal pain in face, head and neck, every day at 6 P.M., lasting until 4 A. w. Dull ache in left side of jaw. Tearing, stitching in teeth. Pain in teeth when biting jaws together. Inflammation of the tonsils, worse from drinks, and there is much burning. Perverted taste. Tongue coated thick white, or brown.
Sang-n > general
While Ferrum has a uniformly red, plethoric face, Sanguinaria has a pale face. In the chest complaints Sanguinaria has a circumscribed red spot over the malar bones, such as seen in hectic patients.
Culx > general
Pain over the right malar bone going to the left the next day and here you will see one of the characteristic red spas the she of a twenty-five cent piece feeling as if red pepper had been rubbed in.
Culx > general
from the malar bone will be shooting pains to the temple and forehead in the evening, made worse by setting the jaws together.
Nat-s > relationships
Compare: Natrum succinate (5 gr. every 3 hours. Catarrhal jaundice). Malaria Officinalis - decomposed vegetable matter - (Has evident power to cause the disappearance of the plasmodium of malaria. Malarial cachexia. General sense of weariness. Spleen affections. Malaria and rheumatism. Functional hepatic diseases. Sixth potency and higher.) Natrum choleinicum - Fel Tauri Depuratum - (constipation; chronic gastric and intestinal catarrh; cirrhotic liver; diabetes; Nape of neck pains; tendency to sleep after eating; much flatus; ascites); Momordica - Balsam Apple - (Colic, dysmenorrhoea with gushes of blood.) Pulmo vulpis - Wolf;’s lung (persistent shortness of breath causing a paroxysm of asthma on the slightest motion. Strong, sonorous bubbling rales. 1x trit.). Peumus boldus - Boldo - (atonic states of stomach and intestinal canal; liver states following malaria. Burning weight in region of liver and stomach, bitter taste, languor; abscess of liver; asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, oedema of lungs); Natrum jodat ( Incipient rheumatic endocarditis; chronic bronchitis, rheumatism and tertiary syphilis. Chronic catarrhal affections, arteriosclerosis. Here various symptoms, as Angina pectoris, vertigo, dyspnoea become less marked after continued use of 5-10 grs., 3 times a day.) Natrum hydrosulph ( liver-spots, locally and internally); Sulph.; Thuja; Merc.; Stilling.
Calc-caust > general
Back, pains in. Coccygodynia. Corns. Feet (pains in heels). Hoarseness. Jaw, affection of. Malar bones, pain in. Neuralgia. Paralysis. Rheumatism. Spleen, affections of. Stiff-neck. Tapeworm. Toothache.
Stry > general
pains in. Breasts, pains in. Cough, explosive. Cramps Diaphragm, spasms of. Emphysema. Enuresis. Exophthalmos. Eyes, optic nerve, sclerosis of (n). Headache. Hemiplegia. Influenza. Joints, stiffness of. Laryngeal crises of locomotor ataxy. Locomotor ataxy. Malar bones, pains in. Neurasthenia (p). Night-blindness. Paraplegia. Proctalgia. Rheumatism. Scrotum, abscess of. Spinal irritation (p). Tetanus.
Zinc > general
suppressed. Malar bones, neuralgia in. Masturbation. Memory, weak. Meningitis. Mental weakness. Milk, defective.
Polypo > general
Anus, prolapse of. Constipation. Haemorrhoids. Intermittent fever. Liver, affections of. Malar bone, pain in. Prolapsus ani. Rheumatism. Spleen, affections of. Tonsils, enlarged.
Bad > general
as if beaten. very sensitive. Profuse coryza, coming from nostril with a gush. L. cheek and malar bone sore to touch. Lancinating pains in stomach.
Chel > general
Chel. is a predominantly right-side medicine (like Sang. and Lyc.), and besides the right infra-scapular pain and the action on the liver it has neuralgia over the right eye and in right malar bone, and also an action on the caecum and right ovary.
Cimic > general
as of a bolt through from base of skull to vertex. Inspired air seems to penetrate skull and into brain, causing a cold sensation. Intense pain in and around eyes (lancinating), agg. moving head or eyes. In cases of tinnitus aurium it has proved curative in old-school practice, in 15 to 30 drops of the tincture, whether due to direct or reflex irritation (L'Art Méd., July, 1898). In the face there is malar neuralgia, ceasing at night. There are many symptoms of disordered digestion, bad taste and breath and coated tongue.
Cimic > general
agg. in warm room. The symptoms are agg. at night (malar neuralgia amel. at night).
Hura > general
sensation of a splinter under thumb-nails. The eruptions of Hura, he says, prefer the skin covering projecting portions of bone, or the malar bones. He compares it with Cantharis. Mure's provings were made with single doses of the 5th attenuation.
Iridium > general
in ears and throughout the body. A feeling as if the eyes were being affected from below upward. A feeling as of a triangle on face, the base formed by the two malar-bones, the apex in the vertex. The numbness, and a cramp-like contraction in right calf, show a resemblance to the action of Plat. Irid. needs and deserves a fuller proving. The majority of symptoms appeared on the left side. In the Revue Hom. Française of February, 1892 (translated New York Med. Times, November, 1892), M. Laboucher gave an account of this remedy and compared it with others. He does not mention how the symptoms were obtained. They will be found in the Schema marked with "(L)" after each. Those unmarked are Tafel's. Laboucher says it is "admirable in all cases of anaemia".
Mag-c > general
But I have many times removed with it corneal opacities left by ulceration; and I practically cured with it a tumour of the right malar bone.
Mag-c > general
The malar bone was especially prominent near the wing of the nose.
Mag-c > general
I worked up the case more carefully and found this under Mag. c. "Throbbing pain in antrum of Highmore with swelling of right malar bone".
Nat-n > general
in malar bones. Flatulent troubles with weight in lower abdomen. Painful retraction of abdominal muscles. Painful constipation. Anaemia and excessive exhaustion. The symptoms were agg. by exertion.
Ol-an > general
It occurs in the malar bones "Sensation in both malar bones as if pulled forcibly upward." And it also occurs in the testicles. "Both testicles are drawn up and very painful." This led to the cure of a "long-standing neuralgia of spermatic cord.
Ol-an > general
Among the Peculiar Symptoms mentioned by Olds are Twitching of lips and swelling beneath right lower jaw. Malar bone feels as if pulled forcibly upward.
Pip-n > general
The Peppers are tropical climbing shrubs. Piper nig. yields the pepper of commerce. The fruit when ripe is red. It is gathered before it is fully ripe and spread on mats in the sun, when it loses its red colour and becomes black and shrivelled. This is Black pepper. White pepper is the same fruit freed from its outer skin by maceration in water and subsequent rubbing (Treas. of Bot.). The symptoms of the proving are Houat's. The only additional symptom is one recorded by Berridge as having occurred in a lady on two occasions from taking a large quantity of pepper "Feeling as if temples and malar bones were pressed in, agg. on left side." This confirms one of Houat's symptoms. The full, heavy headache of Houat's provings I can confirm by personal experience I get the headache whenever I take food highly peppered.
Plat-m > general
As if parts of malar bones were between screws.
Sin-n > general
and it also causes contraction of the walls of the stomach and consequent expulsion of flatus into the duodenum." Peculiar Sensations of Sin. n. are Vertex as if empty. As if she had taken cold. As if scalp was adherent to bones. As of pins sticking in eyeballs. Eyeballs as if pressed on from above. As if nostrils stopped up. As if movements impeded all round the chest. As if something heavy oppressed her on all sides from neck to diaphragm. As if cheeks were bulged out by a bubble of air below malar bone. Skin of lips as if stiff. As if blisters on tip of tongue. As if a load on stomach. Pain as if heart were on right side. As of hot water in blood-vessels.
Syph > general
a furious inflammatory mass of syphilitic sores, scabs, and eczema, red and angry, with a fiery base extending from one malar prominence to the other, across nose up to eyes and forehead.
Thuj > general
The symptoms are agg. By touch (scalp; vertex; eruption; anus; condylomata; = fingers to bleed); but amel. pain in eyebrow and in left malar bone.
Verb > general
As if one were violently pressing on left malar bone.
Zinc > general
Neuralgia in malar bones with pressive pains.
Am-m > general
tearing in right malar bone.
Chin-s > general
aching about malar bone.
Cimic > modalities etc
(Forenoon), At 9 o'clock headache; at 10 o'clock, aching of eyes; eyeballs painful; coryza; at 10 o'clock, feeling in malar bones, etc.; sense of aching along oesophagus; faintness in epigastrium; at 10 o'clock, rumbling in abdomen; restlessness; chilliness.
Cina > modalities etc
(Pressure), Drawing in temples; pain on vertex; pressure on margin of orbit; pain in malar bones, pain in ramus of jaw; sticking in left side; pain in navel; stitches near sternum.
Phos > modalities etc
(Going from a cold to a warm room), Pain in malar and maxillary bones, and in teeth.
Phos > modalities etc
(Swallowing), Pain in malar and maxillary bones, and in teeth; sore throat; swelling of tonsils; bread, pressure at cardiac orifice of stomach.
Ran-b > modalities etc
(About noon), Pain at union of malar and temporal bones.
Rat > general
tearing in left malar bone.
Sabin > modalities etc
(Touch), Aching in left malar bone; pain in angle of right lower jaw; pain in gum; pain in glans; pain in left axilla and above left nipple; pain in muscles of upper arm; pain in right radius; tearing in dorsum of foot; pain in pimples on cheek.
Verb > modalities etc
(Pressure), Sticking in right temple; pressure on left malar bone; sensation in abdomen.
Phos > general
twitching in left malar bone.
Phos > general
tension in malar bone.
Pyrog > relationships
Compatible Arn, Bap, Rhus, Eup per in typhoid and other fevers with muscle soreness, bed feels hard Ars, Ech, Lach, Malar (the vegetable Pyrogen), Ant t, Bapt, Brom, Lyc, Phos, fan-like motion of Alae nasi Bry, cough worse by motion and in warm room Ipec, uterine hemorrhage (if Ipec fails when apparently well selected) Bap, Psor, offensive diarrhea Lept, Psor, black stools Opium, Plumb, Sanic, constipation, hard black balls Nit ac, Sec, thin, offensive lochia Phos, water is vomited as soon as warm in stomach Bell, Melil, throbbing, bursting headache Carbo v, Ech, Psor, offensive varicose ulcers of old people Hep, Sil, Calc sulph, tendency to profuse suppuration Sulph, Psor, patient continually relapsing after the apparent similimum
Calc-caust > relationships
Compare Besides the Calcareas, Rhus (pain in joint of jaw); Mez. and Mag. c. (pain in malar bones); Valer. (pain in heel); Pic. ac. and Sep. (loins); Hep. and Nit. ac. (bone sensation in throat).
Pyrog > relationships
Compare Septicaemin (B. Sanderson says bacteria and pus cells produce the same chemical result; Pyro. and Sept. may therefore he identical, but I think it best to keep them distinct); Malar. (the vegetable Pyrogen); Lach. In typhoid with soreness, bed feels hard, Bap., Arn., Rhus. amel. Motion and stretching limbs, Rhus. Cough agg. by motion and in warm room, Bry. Uterine haemorrhage, Ipec. ("if Ipec. fails when indicated give Pyro.," Yingling). Offensive diarrhoea Pso. Black stools, Lept. Constipation, Op., Sanic., Pb. Lochia thin, fetid, Nit. ac. Vomits water as soon as warm in stomach, Pho. Throbbing headache, Bell. Varicose, offensive ulcers of old persons, Pso. Skin ashy, Sec. Suppuration, Hep. Causation.
Stig-m > relationships
Compare In bladder affections, Trit. r., Sabal ser. Renal colic, Oc. c. Heart, Dig., Stroph. Malaria, Malar.
Parh > relationships
Compare In spleen affections, Helianth., Ceanoth. In malaise and periodic neuralgia, Malar. off., Chi., Cedr.
Bry > vertigo, dizziness
Headache in the morning after rising, a twitching-drawing in the malar and maxillary bones,
Cina > vertigo, dizziness
Some headache the whole day, a tearing pressure; it also extends into the malar bone,
Lycps > vertigo, dizziness
Acute darting from anterior superior angle of left parietal to malar bone at 2 P.M., succeeded by sensation as if the brain were compressed, followed by long-continued irritation of scalp over the line of pain (twentieth day),
Mag-arct > head
Drawing-boring pain in the right temple, accompanied with a spasmodic pain below the right malar bone
Arg-n > head
Sticking and afterwards digging pain in the left frontal and vertex region, extending as far as the malar bone (2d potency),
Ars-i > head
Dulness of the head, with dull pain in the left malar bone, and occasional slight frontal headache, the entire morning,
Caj > head
Severe headache all over the head, with neuralgic pains in the malar bones and a stiff dry feeling in the jaws, on waking at 5 A.M. (sixth day),
Euon > head
Painful drawing from the left side of the frontal bone to the malar bone,
Kali-chl > head
Cutting pain in the head, extending into the malar bones,
Lyc > head
Most violent headache, especially in the left portion of the frontal sinus and in the malar bone of the same side, in the afternoon (second day),
Sep > general
violent pain in the head, mostly in the forehead and malar bones, with heat in the forehead (after five hours).
Thuj > general
Headache, in the morning, at one time feeling as if the head were forced asunder at the malar bone and upper jaw.
Urt-u > head
Dull aching pain in right sinciput and right side of face, extending to malar bone (fifth day),
Vinc > head
Sticking in the left temple, extending towards the malar bone.
Ars-i > head
Dulness of head, with dull pain in l. malar bone and Occasional slight frontal headache all morning.
Kali-chl > head
Cutting pain in head extending into malar-bones.
Urt-u > head
Pain in r. side of sinciput; and in r. side of face, extending to malar-bone; over r. eye and eyeball; over eyes during the day and evening; neuralgic, in r. side of forehead and face at 9 p.m.
Vinc > head
Sticking in l. temple extending to malar bone.
Rhus-t > head
Stitches extending two ears, root of nose and malar bones, with toothache.
Glon > head
Headache began in the left malar bone, rose from there, and extended over the entire front of the crown for half an hour,
Lil-t > head
Old pain in left side of head, temple, and parietal bone, and malar bone, when sitting and not at work; relieved by motion and occupation; followed by diarrhoea and pressure on the bladder (sixty-first day),
Thuj > head
Tearing in the right side of the head and face, transversely across the nose, extending into the malar bone and over the eyes, worse in the morning and evening,
Glon > general
burning in the malar bone and eyes.
Ran-b > head
Pain in the region where the right malar and temporal bones unite, about noon (sixth day),
Sulph > general
in one hour, in the frontal bone a painful aching, which extended across the nasal bones and both malar bones (fiftieth and fifty-first days),.
Sulph > general
after midnight, a great amount of the pains in the frontal and malar bones (tenth day),.
Verat-v > head
Slight aching over right eye, also in right temple and right malar bone, just under the eye (twenty minutes, after third dose, first day),
Bry > head
Slight drawing in both temples towards the malar bones,
Phys > head
Occasionally there was severe, sharp, darting pain in the right malar bone, and in the ramus of the jaw on the right side (fourth day),
Merc-i-f > eyes
Slightly dull pain in the superior arch of the left orbit and left malar bones, painful when touched,
Olnd > eyes
Pressure in the left eye, from above downward, and in the left malar bone,
Puls-n > eyes
Profuse secretion of tears, with dull pains in the eyeball, extending to the malar bone (after one hour),
Viol-o > eyes
Cramplike spasms in the eyelids, extending to the malar region, especially of the left side,
Puls-n > eyes
Profuse lachrymation with dull pains in eyeball extending to malar bone.
Chin-s > eyes
Pain in left infra-orbital, malar, and superior maxillary nerves; aching and boring, worse in cold air, but nearly constant, even involving the eye at times, with tumefaction adjacent to upper molars (fortieth day),
Cinnb > eyes
Drawing sensation from right inner canthus across the malar bone to the ear,
Con > eyes
Pressive pain in the bones above the right eye, in the nose, and malar bone, late in the evening and lasting ten minutes,
Rhus-t > eyes
Drawing and tearing in the region of the brows and in the malar bones,
Spig > eyes
Violent pressive pain in the bone of the left orbit, on the temporal side near the malar bone, followed by swelling of the bone, which is sore to touch,
Bry > general
in addition to the toothache, which still continued, he was troubled by repeated severe stitches extending from the region of the parotid through the malar bone to the nose. The next morning, the fever had disappeared and he sat up for a few hours.
Spig > ears
Pressive pain within the right ear, that extended to the whole malar bone and the right molar teeth (after fifty-seven hours),
Spig > ears
Drawing pain in the left ear, extending towards the malar bone,
Thea > ears
Neuralgic pains in cartilages of ears, with icy coldness; impossible to warm them; pains extend to malar bones.
Ambr > nose
Cramp of the right wing of the nose, toward the malar bone,
Cere-b > nose
Pain along right malar bone, running to temple, through the occiput.
Nit-ac > nose
Feeling of constriction in the nose, malar bones, and about the eyes,
Sil > nose
Drawing in the root of the nose and in the right malar bone,
Sil > nose
Drawing in root of nose and r. malar bone.
Verb > nose
Violent pressure in l. malar bone and zygoma.
Hyos > nose
Cramp-pressure at root of nose and malar bones.
Syph > face
An old gentleman has had for some years cancer on right malar bone; no rest, his agony excruciating in extreme (relieved).
Aeth > face
Tearings in both malar bones, very painful, though transient,
Aeth > face
Sticking and tearing in right malar bone; then tickling in left upper teeth, then again violent stitches in left ear (three hours),
Agar-em > face
Involuntary twitching of the muscles of the face, on the right malar bone,
Agar-em > face
Twitching on the right malar bone,
Agar-em > face
Twitching near the right malar bone,
Agar-em > face
Increased warmth of the face, in the evening, especially near the malar bone,
Agar-em > face
Dull stitches in the right malar bone,
Agar-em > face
Often during the day electric stitches, as it were, in left malar bone, with frequent twitches of the muscles, especially in the left cheek,
Agn > face
Paralytic tearing in the right malar bone,
Alum > face
The jaw is so swollen that he cannot open the mouth without pain; there are stitches going up to the malar bone and the temple,
Am-m > face
Tearing in right malar bone and up into the temples; forenoons (twenty-first day), Violent painful tearing in left malar bone (eleventh day),
Aml-n > face
In a few minutes a slight creeping sensation in right cheek, below malar bone, which was momentary; ten minutes later, twitching and creeping under left eye, also slight and momentary,
Amph > face
Pricklings and heat at the right malar eminence.
Ant-a > face
Dull pressure on the left malar bone,
Ant-a > face
Sensitive drawing, at last dull pressure, on left malar bone,
Apis > face
Stinging pain in the left malar bone (fourth week),
Apis > face
Burning stinging, as of fire, on the chin and malar bones,
Arg-m > face
Fine, painful stitches in the right malar bone,
Asaf > face
In various places in the face, on the malar bone, the nasal bones, painless tension, with a kind of numb sensation,
Aur-a > face
Tension in the malar bone and ears,
Bad > face
Left cheek and malar bone quite sore to the touch (thirteenth day),
Berb > face
Tearing, pressive pain in the left cheek-bone, especially in the malar fossa (tenth day).
Bor > face
Swelling, heat and redness of the face, with tearing pain in the malar bone, and severe pain in the swelling when laughing (thirty-first and thirty-second days),
Bov > face
Boring and digging in both malar bones,
Brom > face
Tickling on the left malar bone, afternoon (second day), (from 8th),
Bry > face
Twitching-tearing in the right malar bone, up to the right temple, externally sore upon touch,
Caj > face
Pain through the left malar bone (after six hours).
Caj > face
Stiff dry feeling in the jaws, with neuralgic pains in the malar bones, and severe headache all over the head, on waking at 5 A.M. (sixth day),
Caj > face
Neuralgic pains in the malar bones, with a stiff dry feeling in the jaws, and severe headache all over the head, on waking at 5 A.M. (sixth day),
Cann-i > face
Feeling of pressure on both cheeks, in corresponding spots, about posterior border of malar bone. This did not last long (after one hour and one-sixth),
Cann-s > face
Drawing pressure in the left malar bone,
Carb-an > face
Transient tearing in the left malar bone, extending towards the temple,
Caust > face
Burning on the right malar bone, (sixth day),
Caust > face
Cooling-burning on the malar bone,
Chel > face
Drawing pain in the right malar bone,
Chin-s > face
Cool air blowing on right side of face, felt rheumatic (or neuralgic) dull pain in zygoma, malar and nasal bones, extending to side of head, with slight tingling in nose, as before sneezing, in the afternoon (fifteenth day),
Chin-s > face
Aching about left malar bone in the evening (twenty-fifth day),
Cic > face
Pressure beneath the right malar bone,
Cimic > face
At 10 A.M., feeling of lateral expansion and pressure outward in both malar bones and forehead,
Cina > face
Pain as if both malar bones were seized by pincers and pressed together; aggravated by external pressure,
Cina > face
Periodic tensive-tearing pain in the malar bones, wandering from one place to another, aggravated by pressure,
Cina > face
Cramplike jerking in the malar bone; if the pain has disappeared it is renewed by strong pressure upon it, but after that it seems to be a constant cramplike or paralytic pain,
Cit-v > face
Pain, every few moments, from the right temple into the jaw, lasting, with intermission, seven or eight days. The pain is felt in the malar bones, and she cannot touch them.
Coc-c > face
Crawling in the malar bones,
Coc-c > face
Crawling, beginning in the left malar bone, extending across the back of the nose to the right cheek, repeated three times during the day (third day),
Coc-c > face
Crawling sensation, extending from the right malar bone across the back of the nose to the left cheek, in the evening (second day),
Coca > face
Pressive pain in the right malar bone (first day),
Coff > face
Drawing in the left malar bone, alternating with tearing in the teeth (first day),
Coloc > face
Constriction and pressing in the left malar bone, extending into the left eye,
Coloc > face
Persistent pressing in the right malar bone and eye,
Con > face
Swelling on the malar bone and upper gum, with tensive pain (third day),
Con > face
Violent stitches through the right side of the face about the malar bone (after two hours),
Dulc > face
Painless pressure upon the left malar bone (immediately),
Euon > face
Paralytic pain in the right malar bone,
Euon > face
Pressing pain in the malar bone,
Euon > face
Painful pressure on the lower margin of the left malar bone,
Euon > face
Drawing from the malar bone to the lower jaw,
Euon > face
Sharp stitches in the left malar bone,
Fago > face
The left malar bone becomes sore, and also the temporal region, towards evening. This causes pain and pressure in left eye upon closing the jaws firmly, as during mastication (eighteenth day),
Gamb > face
Tearing in the right malar bone for a quarter of an hour in the evening, and in the right lower jaw frequently during the day.
Glon > face
Burning in the malar bone and eyes,
Glon > face
The headache began in the malar bone,
Glon > face
In the malar bone and temples twitching pains,
Glon > face
Twitching pain in the left malar bone,
Guai > face
Some stitches in the right malar bone,
Gymn > face
Pain and soreness in the left malar bone, as if from a contusion, in the morning (third day),
Ham > face
Occasional shooting pain along the right superior maxillary, extending up to the malar bone (fourth day),
Iodof > face
Dull pain in right malar bone,
Iodof > face
Dull pain in left malar bone,
Iodof > face
Drawing and pressing in the malar bone,
Jac-c > face
Sensitiveness of the malar bone when pressed by the finger (second day),
Kali-bi > face
Swelling of the right cheek, especially over the malar bone (zygoma?),
Kali-bi > face
Acute pain in the infraorbital portion of the malar bones (twenty-seventh day),
Kali-chl > face
Pressive pain in the right malar bone beneath the margin of the orbit, followed by tension in the whole cheek and temple,
Kiss > face
Painful pressure in the malar bones and in the ear,
Lach > face
A feeling of stiffness in the malar bone coming from the cervical glands,
Lach > face
Pressive pain on the right malar bone, more towards the eye, also on the right knee towards the inner side (twelfth day),
Lepi > face
Pain in the right cheek, which passes off by pressing on the malar bone (third day),
Lil-t > face
Pain in right side of face, apparently in cheek (malar?) bone, with stoppage of right nostril, and a feeling in the head like that which proceeds from a severe cold (twenty-ninth day),
Lyss > face
Quick drawing from the right malar bone towards nose,
Mag-c > face
Throbbing pain in the antrum of Highmore, with swelling of the right malar bone,
Merc-i-f > face
Dull pains in the left malar and right orbital bones,
Merc-i-f > face
A slightly dull pain in the left malar bone, which is painful when touched,
Merc-i-f > face
A steady sharp pain in the upper portion of the left malar bone, which is painful when pressed,
Merc-i-f > face
Dull bruised pain in the right malar bone, radiating into the forehead and right side of the head; a small spot (at the end of one of the radii) pulsates and burns like fire (after half an hour),
Merl > face
Burning pressure in the region of the left malar bone and zygoma (after three hours),
Merl > face
Transient tearing in the right malar region (after seven hours),
Myric > face
Feeling of pressure in both malar bones (after half an hour, first day),
Nat-a > face
Malar bones feel large, as if swollen (seventh day),
Nat-a > face
Face flushed and hot; feels puffed. Heavy aching pain in ethmoid bone. Malar bones feel large, as if swollen. Muscles of mastication feel stiff, and motion of the jaw is painful,
Nat-m > face
Pressive pain in the bones of the face (malar) and by the ear,
Nat-n > face
Pressing-inward pain in the malar bone (second day),
Nit-ac > face
Violent tearing deep in the muscles of the face or in the periosteum of the malar bone, woke him after midnight,
Nit-ac > face
Violent pain in the malar bones, as if they would be torn asunder (after ten days),
Nit-ac > face
Bruised pain in the malar bones,
Ol-an > face
Burning on the right malar bone, that is removed by rubbing (after two hours),
Ol-an > face
A sensation in both malar bones as if one pulled them forcibly upward, removed by rubbing (after three-quarters of an hour),
Ol-an > face
Itching on the malar bone, beneath the left eye, relieved after rubbing,
Olnd > face
Pressure upon the malar bone, more stupefying than painful, that extends deeply inward into the head and root of the nose; a tensive, stupefying, troublesome sensation,
Olnd > face
A benumbing compression in both malar bones, as if they were pinched with pincers,
Olnd > face
Dull pressive pain in the right upper jaw, below the malar bone (after forty-eight hours),
Par > face
A scratching pressure beneath the malar bone (after three-quarters of an hour),
Phos > face
Twitching in the left malar bone, disappearing after rubbing,
Phos > face
Pressive pain in the malar and maxillary bones and teeth, especially on chewing, swallowing food, and on going from a cold into a warm room,
Phos > face
Tearing in the malar bone,
Phos > face
Tension in the malar bones, as if they would be forcibly pressed towards each other, disappearing on rubbing,
Plan > face
Drawing pain in right malar bone, recurring several times (fifth day),
Plat-m > face
Dull stupefying pressure in the right malar bone and whole half of the nose,
Plat-m > face
Sharp neuralgic pain in left malar bone,
Plat-m > face
Painful cramplike sensation of numbness in the left malar bone,
Plb > face
A stitch in the right malar bone (after six hours),
Prun-s > face
Itching sticking on the upper portion of the malar bone,
Puls > face
Boring in the left malar bone (eleventh day),
Raph > face
Tearing in the right malar bone,
Rat > face
Violent tearing in the left malar bone, in the evening (first day),
Ruta > face
Cramplike tearing pain on the malar bone, with pressive stupefying headache in both sides of the forehead (after five hours),
Sabin > face
Aching in the left malar bone, aggravated by touch,
Sabin > face
Paralytic pain in the right malar bone,
Sabin > face
Stitches from the lower jaw into the malar bone,
Sacc > face
Twitching of the muscles of the right cheek over the malar bone,
Sep > face
Slight tearing on the right malar bone, below the temple,
Sep > face
Pressing pain in the malar and nasal bones,
Sin-n > face
Sensation as if the cheek were bulged outward by a bubble of air, just below the malar bone, in the afternoon (second day),
Spig > face
Dull pressure on the malar bone (after four days),
Spig > face
Burning pain in the right malar bone,
Spong > face
Pressive-tearing sensation in the right malar bone (after a quarter of an hour),
Staph > face
Drawing in both malar bones,
Staph > face
Pressive tearing in the left malar bone, affecting also the teeth (after one hour),
Staph > face
Cutting drawing in the left malar bone (after twenty-two hours),
Staph > face
Dull stitch in the left malar bone (after twenty-two hours),
Still > face
Pain under malar bone, extending transversely through the face (twelfth day),
Stront > face
Twitching in the left malar bone, extending into the frontal eminence (third day),
Sul-ac > face
Bruised pain in the left malar bone, at first increasing, then suddenly disappearing,
Sulph > face
Drawing pain in the left side of the face, as if in the skin, above the eye, on the temples, and on the malar bone as far as into the lobule of the ear, mostly in the morning,
Sulph > face
Painful pressure on the malar bone and beneath the eye,
Sulph > face
Bruised pain in the right malar bone, even at night,
Sulph > face
Tearing in the malar bone, also at other times in the lower jaw, as if the parts would be torn out,
Sulph > face
Twitching at times on the malar bone, at times on the chin,
Thuj > face
Boring pain in the left malar bone, relieved by touch (after seven, and twenty-nine hours),
Thuj > face
Burrowing, painful itching in the left malar bone (after half an hour),
Til > face
Constrictive pain in the face, beginning in the left malar bone (first day),
Til > face
Extremely exhausting, ulcerative, or sore pain in the right side of the face, corresponding to the malar bone, afterwards also in the left side of the face, beginning in the temple and extending down along the cheek to the lower jaw, and ending in the gum (third day),
Til > face
Cutting-drawing pain in the malar bone, beneath the left eye,
Til > face
Cutting constrictive pain in the face near the left malar bone,
Tong > face
Tension in the right malar bone, with feeling as if there was a slight weight there; pressure removes this, and it returns, but in a less degree (after one hour and a half).
Valer > face
Repeated transient crampy jerkings in the region of the left malar bone,
Valer > face
Painful crampy drawing in the right malar bone, transient (after a quarter of an hour),
Verat-v > face
Stinging pain in right jugum malar (forty-fourth night),
Verb > face
Sensation as if one were violently pressing upon the left malar bone as far as the ear, aggravated by pressure with the hand, frequently during the day, in the evening before going to bed, and in the morning on waking,
Verb > face
Tension in the left malar bone, in the articular elevation of the temporal bone, and in the frontal eminence, on going into the open air and in a draught of air,
Verb > face
Violent pressure on the right malar bone (after thirty-six hours),
Verb > face
Benumbing, intermittent pressure on the upper margin of the left malar bone,
Verb > face
Intermittent frightful sticking in the left malar bone,
Vinc > face
Tearing in the malar bones.
Viol-o > face
Pressure on the malar bone,
Viol-o > face
Violent drawing pressure from the malar bone to the temples, immediately,
Zinc > face
Tearing in the malar bone, extending into the upper jaw (after half an hour),
Zinc > face
Tearing in the right malar bone, with bruised pain in that spot on pressure,
Stann-i > face
Pressive gnawing in the left side of the face, especially in the malar bone,
Stann-i > face
Cramplike pressure in the muscles on the left malar bone,
Stann-i > face
Drawing pressure in the bones of the right side of the face, especially in the malar bone and orbits, paroxysmal,
Stann-i > face
Pain in the malar bone, on touch, before the menses; during the menses, pain, as from a blow, even on moving the muscles of the face,
Stann-i > face
Tearing extending from the malar bone down into the lower jaw, near the corner of the mouth,
Stann-i > face
Burning-itching sticking on the malar bones,
Polypo > face
Severe aching distress in the right malar bone, with neuralgic pains in the temple (after one hour),
Lit-met > face
Pain in the right malar bone, a sticking-burning sensation, going from below upwards (after six minutes),
BIS > face
Pressure regularly recurring at short intervals in the right malar bone, unchanged by touch,
Glon > face
Red during headache. Burning twitching or simple pain in malar bone. Sensation As if swelled, as if chin were elongated, as if lower lip were hanging down, of gnawing in masseter muscles. contraction of temporal and masseter muscles.
Hep > face
Heat and fiery redness of. Erysipelatous swelling of. Yellow, with blue rings around eyes. Pain in bones of, when touched. Thrusts in malar bone. Boils on lips, chin and neck, very painful to touch. Chronic facial eruptions, very sensitive to touch.
Kali-bi > face
Yellowish, sickly, anxious. (Lyc.) Drawn, pale, and covered with cold, clammy sweat. Acne on. Bones of, Bruised feeling, periodical tearing, boring, sensitiveness of, and of cranium. (Merc - cor.) Tension in scalp and face making features stiff. Swelling, over malar bones, under nose.
Merc-c > face
Swollen, worse lower part, tense shining cheeks, and red. Pale, anxious and pinched. Frowning. Hippocratic, with sunken eyes. Convulsive motions of. Tearing in malar bones. Necrosis of upper jaw. Painfully swollen glands.
Mez > face
Pale. Squeezing, benumbing pressure in malar bones, extending into temples. Swollen, cracked lower lip.
Aeth > face
Tearing in the face, in the malar bones.
Arum-d > face
Slight aching r. malar region.
Bad > face
L. cheek and malar bone sore to touch.
Caj > face
Stiff, dry feeling in jaws, with neuralgic pains in malar bones, and severe headache all over head on waking at 5 a.m.
Cere-b > face
Pain along r. malar bone, running to temple, through to occiput.
Chel > face
Tension and drawing in (l.) malar bone.
Cimic > face
Neuralgia affecting malar bone; pain goes off at night and reappears next day.
Coloc > face
Cramp-like sensation in the l. malar bone, extending into l. eye.
Fago > face
Soreness of l. malar bone, also of temporal region.
Grat > face
Tingling-burning in malar bones.
Gymn > face
Pain as if bruised in l. malar bone.
Ham > face
Occasional shooting pains along r. superior maxillary to malar bone.
Indg > face
Pricking in r. malar bone.
Iodof > face
Pains in malar-bones; in zygomatic muscles, agg. motion and bending forward.
Iodof > face
Drawing in malar-bones, with pressing.
Iridium > face
Pain in l. malar-bone, a kind of stinging; from this place a kind of warmth spreads over whole face; the pain is also felt in r. malar-bone like a pressure.
Kali-bi > face
Shooting inward in l. malar bone with pressure, agg. in morning.
Kali-chl > face
Pain in r. malar-bone, beneath margin of orbit, then tension in whole cheek and temple.
Kali-i > face
Malar bones sensitive to touch.
Kiss > face
Frighful pressure in malar bones and in ear.
Lach > face
Feeling of stiffness of the malar bone coming from the cervical glands.
Mag-c > face
Much pain in malar bones, at night, preventing sleep; or they may appear swollen.
Mag-c > face
Throbbing pain in antrum of Highmore with swelling of r. malar bone.
Mag-s > face
Tearing in bones of face (r. facial bones or in l. malar bone).
Myric > face
Pressure in malar bones.
Nat-a > face
Malar bones feel large, as if swollen.
Nat-n > face
Inward pressing in malar bones.
Ol-an > face
The malar bones feel as if pulled forcibly upward.
Onos > face
Pain in right malar bone, with numbness.
Pip-n > face
Feeling as if temples and malar bones were pressed in, agg. l. side.
Plan > face
Drawing in r. malar bone.
Plat-m > face
Benumbing, dull pressure in malar bone.
Prun-s > face
Itching sticking in upper part of malar bone.
Puls > face
Boring in l. malar bone.
Raph > face
Tearing in r. malar bone; and zygoma.
Rat > face
Violent tearing in l. malar bone, evenings.
Sacc > face
Twitching of muscles of r. cheek over malar bone.
Sin-n > face
Sensation as if cheek were bulged outward by a bubble of air, just below malar bone, in afternoon.
Still > face
Pains under malar bone, extending transversely through face.
Sulph > face
Pain tearing in r. half of face; pressure on malar bone and beneath eye; stabbing below l. zygoma with darting up side of head.
Syph > face
An old gentleman has had for some years cancer on r. malar bone; no rest, his agony excruciating in extreme (relieved).
Til > face
Cutting pains starting from r. upper jaw; near l. malar bone.
Verat-v > face
Stinging in r. malar bone.
Vinc > face
Tearing in malar bones.
Stront-c > face
Twitching of l. malar bone extending to frontal eminence.
Stront-c > face
Violent boring pain in (r.) malar bone.
Polypo > face
Severe aching distress in r. malar bone, with neuralgic pains in temples.
Parh > face
Bursting, pain in r. malar bone.
Am-m > face
Tearing in bones of face, especially in malar and lower maxilla.
Apis > face
Stinging pain in left malar bone.
Aur > face
Violent tearing in the malar bone.
Bism-ox > face
Pressure in the region of the malar bones; better running about and holding water in mouth.
Bry > face
Twitching, tearing in right malar bone up to right temple externally, sore to touch.
Chin-s > face
Aching about left malar bone in the evening.
Cimic > face
Neuralgia affecting, the malar bone, pain goes off at night, reappears the next day.
Cina > face
Pain, as if both malar bones were pressed together with pincers; worse from external pressure.
Cocc > face
Pressive, benumbing and cramp-like pains in region of malar bones and masseter muscles; worse opening jaw.
Coloc > face
Constriction and pressing in the left malar bone, extending into the left eye.
Guai > face
Lancinating and painful stitches in right malar bone and cheek.
Ham > face
Occasional shooting pains along the right superior maxillary to malar bone 10.
Kali-bi > face
Shooting pain in left upper maxillary bone towards ear; acute infra-orbital parts of malar bone.
Mag-c > face
Nightly tearing, digging and boring in the malar bone, insupportable during rest, and driving one from one place to another.
Mag-c > face
Swelling of the malar bone, with pulsating pain.
Mez > face
Intolerable nightly burning pains in abscess of the antrum of Highmore; periosteum more affected than the bones, with dull, crampy pain referred to malar bone, with anguish, pale face, chilliness or cold sweat.
Nat-a > face
Malar bones feel large, as if swollen.
Plat > face
Cramp-pain, steady compressing, numb feeling and boring in malar bones.
Spig > face
Prosopalgia, mostly left-sided, with tearing, shooting, burning into eye, malar bone and teeth, periodical; from morning until sunset, worse at noon; worse from motion or noise; with lachrymation, ciliary neuralgia, palpitation; cheek dark red.
Thuj > face
Faceache, from left malar to ear, teeth, nose and head; painful spots burn like fire, and are sensitive to the sun; also, after checked eruption.
Thuj > face
Boring in left malar bone, relieved by touch.
Kali-bi > face
The bones of the face are often very sore, with shooting pains in the malar bones. Pain in the malar bones on coughing. With the catarrhal conditions there is much suffering from the malar bones, like Merc It has cured lupus exedens. It has cured ulceration of the lip. Swollen parotid is quite a common feature in its proving. It has cured impetigo.
Plat-m > face
Sensation of coldness of the face, numbness of the face, cramping, pressing pains in the face. Neuralgia of the face. Coldness, crawling, numbness of the face. Numbness of the malar bone. Tearing boring pain in the face.
Carb-an > face
Shooting and stitches in malar bone, especially left, running towards the ear.
Nit-m-ac > mouth
Immediately a sense of pressure of fulness in the parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual glands, in the order named, with some increase of saliva; on left side, increased more and more towards zygoma and malar bone; less on right side (first day),
Iridium > mouth
Increased saliva with sensation in malar-bones, which is more perceptible on l. side.
Cham > mouth
Pressive pain and a feeling as if distended by wind in the alveoli of the second and third back teeth on both sides of the upper jaw; this sensation was persistent, with frequent intermissions, and extended deep into the malar bone; it was especially noticed in the right side,
Con > mouth
Drawing pain from the lower right teeth into the malar bone,
Ham > mouth
Sharp lancinating pain along the molar teeth, extending up to the malar bone, also into the region of the temporal (sixth day),
Lyc > mouth
Swelling between the upper gum and malar bone, with some swelling of the cheek and prickling-sticking pain,
Mez > mouth
Sticking ache, extending into malar bones and temples. Rapidly become hollow. Boring sticking in hollow t., extending up into zygoma. Dull.
Ham > mouth
Sharp, lancinating along the molar teeth, extending to the malar bone; also in temporal region.
Ham > mouth
Sharp lancinating along the molar teeth, extending to malar bone; also in temporal region.
Mez > mouth
Boring and stinging toothache, which extends to malar bones and temples; chilliness.
Rhus-t > mouth
Painful, with stinging at root of nose, extending to malar bones.
Arn > skin
Eruption over the malar bone,
Bad > skin
Flesh and skin sore to the touch; cheek and malar bone,
Bry > skin
A red, round, hot spot on the cheek on the malar bone,
Calc > skin
Itching pimples on both cheeks, on the malar bones, for several weeks,
Caust > skin
Itching on both eyebrows, on the left malar bone temples, and the ears, relieved by scratching,
Com > general
10.15 A.M., itching at the inner border of the gastrocnemius muscles of the left leg, relieved by rubbing. Immediately after a tingling itching on the right side of the upper lip, then a crawling itching on the right malar region, then an itching moving downwards from the right commissure of the mouth, then an itching on the palmar aspect of the right carpus, moving towards the palm of the hand, then an itching at the angle of the jaw on the right side.
Eupho > general
the erysipelatous inflammation was most marked in the malar region, being of a livid or dark-red hue, and extending along the outer and lower margin of the orbit at 10 A.M. (second day).
Olnd > skin
Fine sticking itching on the root of the nose and left malar bone near the eye,
Santo > general
A small pimple made its appearance upon the right malar bone, which was very painful (sixth day).
Bry > skin
Red, round, hot spot on the cheek over the malar bone.
Lach > throat
Throbbing in front, in the cervical glands, afterwards extending up into the malar bones, which feel stiff,
Chin-s > back and neck
Twinges in lower half of right scapula; immediately after, in right lower jaw, then in upper, in malar region; these sensations succeed each other rapidly, some frequently recurring, in the afternoon (twenty-fifth day),
Ol-an > back and neck
Tearing in muscles of r. side of neck whence it extends into r. malar bone, together with tearing in two r. upper molars.
Tarent > abdomen
Nausea and dizziness, with pain in the upper part of the head, extending to the malar bones,
Tarent > general
Gastric symptoms, with slight pains in the roots of the teeth, particularly when touching each other. (Many symptoms of the digestive symptom are peculiar, on account of the sympathetic pains which accompany them, or arise on the sides of the head, face, ears, teeth, and malar bones; these pains are of a neuralgic or congestive character),.
Tarent > abdomen
(Many digestive symptoms are peculiar on account of accompanying sympathetic neuralgic pains, in sides of head, face, ears, teeth, malar bones.)
Stann-i > genitals etc
Menses too early and too profuse; preceded by melancholy; pain in malar bones, which continues during menses.
Coloc > general
Contractive pain in the right hand, which constantly increased until a similar one occurred in the left malar bone (in a quarter of an hour).
Gamb > extremities, limbs
Tearing, particularly in the bones and tendons (head, ears, dorsum of the nose, malar bone, lower jaw, teeth, cervical tendons, nape of the neck, shoulder, wrist, fingers, hip, bend of the thigh, leg, toes).
Rhus-v > extremities, limbs
Pressive drawing in the right, afterwards in the left ankle, then in the right wrist and right malar bone (eighth day),
Bar-ac > fever and chill
Shivering chilliness in the head, with dull tension in the malar bone as if there would be gooseflesh in the face, as if the hairs stood on end,
Sulph > fever and chill
Heat of the face through the day, with burning on the malar bones, and redness of the whole nose,
Glon > face
Red during headache. Burning twitching or simple pain in malar bone.
Hep > face
Thrusts in malar bone.
Kali-bi > face
Swelling, over malar bones, under nose..
Merc-c > face
Tearing in malar bones.
Mez > face
Pale. Squeezing, benumbing pressure in malar bones, extending into temples.
Mez > mouth
Sticking ache, extending into malar bones and temples.