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Eupatorinum Aromaticum

Pool-root, Eupatorium Aromaticum, Sanicle, Eup-a.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Eupatorinum Aromaticum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Nervous erethism; restlessness and morbid watchfulness. Hysteria and chorea. Low fevers, with extreme restlessness. Aphthous disease. Sore nipples. Sore mouth in infants. Vomiting of bile, pain in stomach, headache, and fever.


Tincture, locally, in sore mouth and sore nipples. Internally, tincture to third attenuation.

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Lapsana communis-Nipple-wort useful in sore nipples and piles. Hyoscyamus Niger Hyos.; Passiflora Incarnata Passiflora.; Hydr. Mur.

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Eupatorinum Aromaticum

Sanic > relationships
Compare: Abrot.; Alum.; Calc.; Sil.; Sulph. Sanicula Aqua must not be confounded with the Sanicle (Pool-root or wood marsh), also called Sanicula Aqua. This is used in various nervous affections, resembling Valeriana. It is used as a vulnerary, resolvent for sanguineous extravasations, and as an astringent. Has not been proved.)

Eupatorinum Aromaticum is not available to buy over the counter.

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