Hydrastininum muriaticum
Hydr. Mur, Hydrastinum Muriaticum, Hydrastine Muriaticum, Hydr-mur.Not available to buy through our store.
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Hydrastininum muriaticum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
An alkaloid of Hydrastis Canadensis Hydrastis canadensis. C11 H11 NO2 HCl. Trituration of the crystals.
The alkaloids of Hydrastis Canadensis Hydrastis have been largely used in the old school as remedies for internal haemorrhage. Hydrastin. was found to be inconvenient by reason of its irritant properties. Hydrastinin., a modification of Hydrastin., proved to he free from this drawback, and its use in fibroid tumours has been advocated by Dr. Burford and others in the homoeopathic school. A case of central uterine fibroid tumour under my care, about the size of a large orange, and pressing on the bladder, causing bladder symptoms, was quickly reduced in size with the disappearance of all troublesome symptoms by Hydrastinin. 3x.
Fibroma. Metrorrhagia. clinical
Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Hydrastininum muriaticum
Hydr > relationships
Compare: Xanthorrhiza apifolia; Kali-bich.; Conium; Ars. Iod.; Phytol.; Galium (cancer - nodulated tumor of the tongue); Asterias; Stann.; Puls. Also Manzanita (diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, gleet, leucorrhoea, catarrhal conditions). Hydrastinum Muriaticum - Muriate of Hydrastis Canadensis ( Locally, in aphthous sore mouth, ulcers, ulcerated sore throat, ozaena, etc. Internally, third Dec. trit. Is a uterine hemostatic and vasoconstrictor; metrorrhagia, especially from fibroid tumors; hemorrhages, In dilatation of the stomach, and chronic digestive disorders). Hydrastin Sulph 1x (hemorrhage of bowels in typhoid). Marrubium - Hoar hound - (a stimulant to mucous membranes, especially laryngeal and bronchial; chronic bronchitis, dyspepsia, and hepatic disorders; colds and coughs).
Eup-a > relationships
Lapsana communis-Nipple-wort useful in sore nipples and piles. Hyos.; Passiflora.; Hydr. Mur.
Canth > throat
Constriction; aphthous ulceration ( Hydr)