Marrubium Vulgare
Marrubium, Marrubium album, Marr-v.Have you ever used Marrubium Vulgare? Yes No
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Hydr > relationships
Compare: Xanthorrhiza apifolia; Kali-bich.; Conium; Ars. Iod.; Phytol.; Galium (cancer - nodulated tumor of the tongue); Asterias; Stann.; Puls. Also Manzanita (diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, gleet, leucorrhoea, catarrhal conditions). Hydrastinum Muriaticum - Muriate of Hydrastis Canadensis ( Locally, in aphthous sore mouth, ulcers, ulcerated sore throat, ozaena, etc. Internally, third Dec. trit. Is a uterine hemostatic and vasoconstrictor; metrorrhagia, especially from fibroid tumors; hemorrhages, In dilatation of the stomach, and chronic digestive disorders). Hydrastin Sulph 1x (hemorrhage of bowels in typhoid). Marrubium - Hoar hound - (a stimulant to mucous membranes, especially laryngeal and bronchial; chronic bronchitis, dyspepsia, and hepatic disorders; colds and coughs).