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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sleep Apnea Page 2 of 5

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Did she take any other medicine after Phosphorus ?

Which of the symptoms which have developed are old symptoms ?

Which symptoms have improved ?

Please clarify.
sameervermani last decade
There are no new symptoms. Before taking Phosphrous about 2 wks back she had cold cough with mucous and which worsens to asthma. she was given Hep sulph and byronia that time. These are recurrent symptoms in winters and sometimes otherwise also I guess are due to asthma.
after I gave her Lac 200 and later phosphorous as suggested by you the apnea was better but only till midnight. And now She again has cold and cough like always and we repeated Hep sulph and bryonia to avoid getting asthmatic symptoms again.

The apnea which the docs here say is due to swollen adenoids and to.
Tonsilitis need removal but considering other medical conditions it is not advisable but there doesn't seem to be other way out. She is gasping for breath after mid night
Please suggest
anamika_gulati last decade
Any interference with other homeopathic remedies will complicate the case.

I request you to do not give any other homeopathic remedies unless advised.You can take any allopathic medicine you want to relieve her acute symptoms.

Since you intervened with Hep. Sulph. and Bryonia , all good of Phosphorus is now muddled. I do not know what it achieved or what it could have achieved.

If you are fine with this policy of using only ALLOPATHIC medicines by yourself, I will advise further. Please confirm.
sameervermani last decade
I agree with you but my problem is for tonsilliis and adenoids there is no allopathic remedy neither is there for her uti . The only option is to take a recourse in antibiotics which is neither helpful in her case and neither advisable. So if you could suggest a remedy which can take care of all the problems which can be given sos it would help us alond with her constitutional remedy which you would suggest. If a whole day i do not give her pareira brava or apis her uti returns for which again there is no answer in homeopathy as her e-coli is multi drug resistant.

I wish I had an allopathic sos which could help her breathe I would have happily given her. But nevertheless I would go by your advise and try to keep her away from all homeo medicine s i did for 4-5 days when i gave her phosphorous , will wait for more time.
anamika_gulati last decade
I am quite sure her constitutional remedy is Phosphorus.

Give atleast 4 weeks to Phosphorus alone i.e. no other homeo medicines in this period.

The potency that would work best in such a chronic case is LM.

Please procure Phosphorus LM1 in pellets form (small poppy seed sized pellets, often known as size 10 pellets).

Then make a stock bottle using 250 ml mineral water in a bottle by dissolving 4 pellets in it. The bottle should not be completely full to leave some space for shaking.

Now, for the dose, dissolve 2 drops from the stock bottle dissolved in 120 ml water . Then take 1 tea-spoon from the 120 ml water as the dose. Throw away the remaining water.

Give this dose every morning on empty stomach for a week, then report back.

BEFORE every dose give the stock bottle hard hits on your palm about 7 times. This part is very important.
Essentially hit the bottom of the bottle on your palm from a distance of about 2 feet, 7 times.

Let me know if something in this process is not clear.

I will try my best , but you will have to be a bit patient.

Good luck.

sameervermani last decade
Adding on to my previous post, the stock bottle needs to be preserved i.e. the same bottle will be used for all the doses.

If you can add 2 spoons of Vodka to this bottle , it lasts longer .

Also, another option is storing this bottle in refrigerator.
sameervermani last decade
please tell me if LM potency is 1M
anamikagulati last decade
No, LM potency is not 1M.

LM1 is also called LM0/1 .

LM is altogether a different scale of dilution. You should be able to get it at any big homeopathic store in India.

LMs are deeper acting than the lower C potencies like 30C, 200C but gentler acting than even 30C. Since the diseases of the child are very deep seated , LM will be the best for her as it will go deep in to her pathology and we will also stay clear of aggravations.

I usually do not prescribe LM on this forum because it takes more effort to get things started on the LM scale. But this being such a chronic deep seated problem, I am ready to put in the extra effort.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks very much for all your efforts.

I have got the medicine , will start tomorrow and proceed strictly as directed by you.
anamikagulati last decade
Good luck.

Before every dose, remember to give the stock bottle hard thwacks on your palm 7 times.
sameervermani last decade
The pharmacy has given me a liquid which they say has been prepared in distill water. It is 60 ml . The label says LM 0/1. Out of it I will take two drops and dissolve in 120 ml water out of which I give a tsp and discard the rest.

Is the potency given by pharmacy all right.
anamikagulati last decade
LMs are never sold as liquids to patients directly.

The chances of their using much more than required is great, which is not desirable.

I really doubt whether what you have is LM.

Which country you are presently residing?

gavinimurthy last decade
I reside in New Delhi. i procured it from Pratap pharmacy and they say they do not give LM pellets , they prepare the dose themselves and give it. What instead do you think I should ask them for LM pellets?
anamikagulati last decade
I think you should be fine with this liquid. Just ask them how many pellets do they put to prepare this liquid dilution.

If they used 5-6 size#10 pellets , you should be fine.

Once you have ascertained this , you can start with the dosage.i.e. 2 drops in 120 ml water and 1 teaspoon from there as the dose. Use 7 thwacks to the main stock bottle before every dose.

The dosage I have prescribed should not cause any aggravation.
sameervermani last decade
If you are sure that they made the liquid solution themselves, it is O.K.

However as Sameer suggested do ask them how many pellets did they dissolve to make the solution.

gavinimurthy last decade
As sugested today is the 5th day of phosphorous tt.
One thing I noticed is that her aversion to milk has reduced considerably. For the last couple of days she is having milk without the usual histrionics and tantrums, though i do not know if this effect was expected or not!
Her apnea is again at its worst. the obstruction because of tonsills and adenoids blocks her airways completely while in sleep. I am again visiting an ENT who has suggested a Cpab machine for her till her tonsills regress on there own.

any suggestions..
anamikagulati last decade
Hi Sameer

Look into Agraphis Nutans. It has got the enlarged tonsils with adenoids that obstruct breathing.

A mother tincture will not interfere with the constitutional medicine.

You may suspend phosphorous from the time being and try this out.

Phosphorous can be resumed after this acute phase is over.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Murthy,

Sounds like a good suggestion.

I think she can suspend Phos. for 3 days , and try mother tincture of Agraphis Nutans twice a day. Take about 3 drops in little amount of water twice a day.

Also when you resume Phos., reduce the dose of Phosphorus to 1/4 teaspoon from the 120 ml cup , I think the enlargement might be a strong return of old symptoms.

sameervermani last decade
Thanks! She had to be put on bronchodilators, orally as well as thru nebulization and also antibiotics since it worsened to a level where she could not breathe while lying down throughout 31 st night . 1 Jan we spent in the hospital day care. She is otherwise fine but with a bad cough which is somewhat better with bronchodilators.

The apnea and obstruction got better after the allopathic therapy , in that now at least interrupted she still can breathe with loud snoring sounds. intermittently there are pds when she is again gasping because of hyperventillation.

i have been giving her Agraphis for two days , but it hasn't improved. Do you want to change or should I continue with it
anamikagulati last decade
Wait for 3-4 days and give her one more of Phos LM1, 5 sucussions, 2 drops in 120 ml and then 1/4 tsp from the same.

Then watch her for 48 hours. I have a feeling her body needs a lighter dose than we gave her initially.

Report status at the end of the 48 hour observation period.
sameervermani last decade
Also , I forgot to mention, you can stop Agraphis now.

sameervermani last decade
She had viral infection again with fever. Her UTI is also back. I am waiting for her to get better to satrt Phosphorus again but a little aprehensive also as u said it suddenly seems all the old problems are back . She even had headache with drowsiness and fever one day which was quite horrifying considering she has a shunt in her head.
anamikagulati last decade
I will re-study her case in detail again and get back to you.

A return of old symptoms points in the direction of cure. However, let me go through once again and then I will post back here .

Don't give her any more homeopathic medicines till you hear from me.
sameervermani last decade
I will restudy her case again and then get back to you.

A return of old symptoms does point in the direction of cure. However, let me go through once more.

Keep her off any homeopathic medicines till you hear from me.

sameervermani last decade
Some questions for you.

Do you have any history of TB or lung problems in the faimly ?

Does she have long eye lashes ?

Does she have swollen glands often ?

sameervermani last decade
1. There is no history of TB not even in my extended family. Yes me and my younger brother were asthmatic in our childhood which was predominantly attributed to Dehradun weather which is notorious for the condition. His was a more serious version but was out of it thru homeopathy by the time he was 6-7 years old. Mine was milder in the sense i always had breathlessness in some seasons till I left Dehradun after my schooling. I did have a return of symptoms this year , a good 12-13 years later.

2. she has good eyelashes but I do not think they are unusually long to be noticed.

3. She has tonsillitis from last 3 years and hence swelling of tonsils and adenoids which worsens in winter months.

Pl let me know if any more details are required.

anamikagulati last decade

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