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Dear Mr. Sameer and Mr.Girilal
Thanks to both of you in helping us out in your own different ways. Its my little daughters birthday today and I seek all of yours blessings and Good wishes for her.
As you know the problems have been since birth and it has been a very difficult and different parentage eversince. Its only our charismatic child who gives us the strength to move forward and take each day as it comes to us. People like us cannot look up to future as everybody else does and we only live in today.
She is a regular child in a normal good school in Delhi and has been doing well intellectually. Everyday is a challenge and as I see your discussionhere I think I should post some of my observations with homeopathy.
1. She has been given homeopathy ever since she was born. Earlier it was a very experienced homeopath who would not give more than one dose and wait for results. We were told of grave prognosis before her birth and I am myself a doctor and fully understood what that meant. Homeopathy in those earlier days helped her have a normal growth. she was given calc phos, carb, sulph, tuberculinum, baryata carb all in very limited doses. Loking at her no one can make out she has any problem.
2. Then we gave up and she had surgery of the spine and head and her paraplegia which is partial , it is more on the left side is due to the damage to the spinal nerves. Her partial control over bladder and bowel is also because of that. The hydrocephalous since the shunt has not been there and if she had only that she would not have had muscle weakness and would have been able to walk even if later than normal time.
Now the problem is since she constantly dribbles urine due to a hyperactive bladder she is in diapers and is also catheterized four time daily to keep her bladder free of residual urine. Her UTI due to E. Coli would not go away and is pratically resistant to all known antibiotics. We were giving her maintenance dose of an antibiotic everyday prior to July 2007 and that was causing a lot of side effects and we do not know what harm it would have caused on her immune system kidneys and liver. It was so bad that the urine would become turbid even if we forgot a single days dose.
3. Now with homeopathic repetions of a couple of medicines in mother ticture the UTI is maintained to a level where it is not causing any physiologically visible symptoms and doctors abroad do not treat UTI if there are no complaints to the patient. This was also with help form Dr. Deoshlok on the forum.I had put her on antibiotic prophylaxis again when Sameer ji had asked me to put all homeo medicines at bay. Now my problem is even if a medicine is kept off a day her UTI returns and as every body know it has serious consequences if not controlled. If left like that it would worsen to level where no allopathic remedy helps. Now the question is whether antibiotic prophylaxis is better or homeopathic.
4. Her case is not as simple and may not respond to nomal homeopathic procedures and medicine. In such a case if you do not treat her symptomatically it worsens to a level where we would not know where to go.
5. I owe a lot to this forum and respect and regard each of your views. I would request all of you kindly keep helping us in a positive way and also take into accont my observations on the child. I guess homeopathy is a constant learning process and we need to change our perceptions based on the need of the patient. This is totally a laymans view and I have just given my personal thoughts here about this discipline of medicine which may not be correct. In fact at times i have been so desperate that I have found out medicines from the posts and reading books to give her some relief and keep her off allopathic medicines.
I once again thank you all.
Thanks to both of you in helping us out in your own different ways. Its my little daughters birthday today and I seek all of yours blessings and Good wishes for her.
As you know the problems have been since birth and it has been a very difficult and different parentage eversince. Its only our charismatic child who gives us the strength to move forward and take each day as it comes to us. People like us cannot look up to future as everybody else does and we only live in today.
She is a regular child in a normal good school in Delhi and has been doing well intellectually. Everyday is a challenge and as I see your discussionhere I think I should post some of my observations with homeopathy.
1. She has been given homeopathy ever since she was born. Earlier it was a very experienced homeopath who would not give more than one dose and wait for results. We were told of grave prognosis before her birth and I am myself a doctor and fully understood what that meant. Homeopathy in those earlier days helped her have a normal growth. she was given calc phos, carb, sulph, tuberculinum, baryata carb all in very limited doses. Loking at her no one can make out she has any problem.
2. Then we gave up and she had surgery of the spine and head and her paraplegia which is partial , it is more on the left side is due to the damage to the spinal nerves. Her partial control over bladder and bowel is also because of that. The hydrocephalous since the shunt has not been there and if she had only that she would not have had muscle weakness and would have been able to walk even if later than normal time.
Now the problem is since she constantly dribbles urine due to a hyperactive bladder she is in diapers and is also catheterized four time daily to keep her bladder free of residual urine. Her UTI due to E. Coli would not go away and is pratically resistant to all known antibiotics. We were giving her maintenance dose of an antibiotic everyday prior to July 2007 and that was causing a lot of side effects and we do not know what harm it would have caused on her immune system kidneys and liver. It was so bad that the urine would become turbid even if we forgot a single days dose.
3. Now with homeopathic repetions of a couple of medicines in mother ticture the UTI is maintained to a level where it is not causing any physiologically visible symptoms and doctors abroad do not treat UTI if there are no complaints to the patient. This was also with help form Dr. Deoshlok on the forum.I had put her on antibiotic prophylaxis again when Sameer ji had asked me to put all homeo medicines at bay. Now my problem is even if a medicine is kept off a day her UTI returns and as every body know it has serious consequences if not controlled. If left like that it would worsen to level where no allopathic remedy helps. Now the question is whether antibiotic prophylaxis is better or homeopathic.
4. Her case is not as simple and may not respond to nomal homeopathic procedures and medicine. In such a case if you do not treat her symptomatically it worsens to a level where we would not know where to go.
5. I owe a lot to this forum and respect and regard each of your views. I would request all of you kindly keep helping us in a positive way and also take into accont my observations on the child. I guess homeopathy is a constant learning process and we need to change our perceptions based on the need of the patient. This is totally a laymans view and I have just given my personal thoughts here about this discipline of medicine which may not be correct. In fact at times i have been so desperate that I have found out medicines from the posts and reading books to give her some relief and keep her off allopathic medicines.
I once again thank you all.
anamikagulati last decade
Dear Anamika,
First of all, a very happy birthday to the child and many congratulations to you !
My wishes to her for a speedy recovery !
You and your husband have set a great example of courage and great strength in such a difficult situation. My hats off to you. I totally understand what the child and her family has gone through all her life. If I can bring even a little relief to your child, I will be the happiest man in the world.
The fact that she is a very happy and charismatic child and has no complexes despite of such debilitating diseases , is a testimony to her courage.
At times in this case, I have felt lost, but then your courage and your daughter's courage has given me strength and I have said to myself 'No, I cannot lose hope till the girl and her mother have hope'.
I will try my best as I have since I started following this case.
However, I think there are some principles in homeopathy which have to be followed. This is where me and Mr. girilal seemed to disagree. That was more about continuing medicines for long periods of time. In the end, it's not about who cures the girl as our collective aim is to cure her.
By the way, how is she doing now ? Is she over her attack of inflammation now ?
Best wishes and Happy Birthday to her once again,
First of all, a very happy birthday to the child and many congratulations to you !
My wishes to her for a speedy recovery !
You and your husband have set a great example of courage and great strength in such a difficult situation. My hats off to you. I totally understand what the child and her family has gone through all her life. If I can bring even a little relief to your child, I will be the happiest man in the world.
The fact that she is a very happy and charismatic child and has no complexes despite of such debilitating diseases , is a testimony to her courage.
At times in this case, I have felt lost, but then your courage and your daughter's courage has given me strength and I have said to myself 'No, I cannot lose hope till the girl and her mother have hope'.
I will try my best as I have since I started following this case.
However, I think there are some principles in homeopathy which have to be followed. This is where me and Mr. girilal seemed to disagree. That was more about continuing medicines for long periods of time. In the end, it's not about who cures the girl as our collective aim is to cure her.
By the way, how is she doing now ? Is she over her attack of inflammation now ?
Best wishes and Happy Birthday to her once again,
sameervermani last decade
♡ girilal last decade
Dear Mr. Sameer
Thank you so much for your wishes and kind words. I really appreciate all the wonderful selfless service you render here. Thanks once again.
best regards
Thank you so much for your wishes and kind words. I really appreciate all the wonderful selfless service you render here. Thanks once again.
best regards
anamikagulati last decade
Thanks a ton Girilal ji
I do hope all your wishes for my little girl come true.
May God Bless you for all that you do for others!
Best regards
I do hope all your wishes for my little girl come true.
May God Bless you for all that you do for others!
Best regards
anamikagulati last decade
An update:
My daughter is much much better now infact there is no obstruction , no nasal sound and its as if it was never there but I hope it continues to be like that. Sometime back also her apnea was completely relieved with a single dose of lachesis 200 but returned back after another 10 days. Our ENT surgeon had taken an X-ray on last saturday when it was only a little better and it showed partial obstruction of air passage.
I have as advised given her Merc Iod Ruber diluted, Arnica and Bell. Infact its been only a week and I would start Merc Iod flavus as advised today.
Please advice further.
My daughter is much much better now infact there is no obstruction , no nasal sound and its as if it was never there but I hope it continues to be like that. Sometime back also her apnea was completely relieved with a single dose of lachesis 200 but returned back after another 10 days. Our ENT surgeon had taken an X-ray on last saturday when it was only a little better and it showed partial obstruction of air passage.
I have as advised given her Merc Iod Ruber diluted, Arnica and Bell. Infact its been only a week and I would start Merc Iod flavus as advised today.
Please advice further.
anamikagulati last decade
Yes, please go ahead, medicines are low potency so you can keep giving these till she completely stabilizes.
♡ girilal last decade
My daughter has suddenly developed hydrocephalus like symptoms again. Her CT scan reveals there is mild hydrocephalus , she has a functional shunt and it is at present difficult to diagnose if it is resulting from increased intra cranial tension which is unlikely to be due to cold and cough and adenoids hyperplasia. She is on diamox which reduces fliud formation in brain but has many side effects. She vomits in a projectile motion and has severe headache. Just prior to the acute symtoms whenthe headache was happening once in the morning I was vary of a severe episode and gave her Psorinum1M followed by Tuberculinum 1M as suggested thinking that it has probabaly worsened due to the several cold cough episodes she had in this winter. I have tried the ff medicnes: Bacillinum200
Apis 30(several times), hederahelix200(one dose)
Merc Iod in dilutions as suggested, Dulcamara 30,
If somebody has a suggestion pl do help as she is in a bad shape. If you can suggest a homeopath in Delhi who has some expertise in treatinghydrocephalus then please suggest.
Apis 30(several times), hederahelix200(one dose)
Merc Iod in dilutions as suggested, Dulcamara 30,
If somebody has a suggestion pl do help as she is in a bad shape. If you can suggest a homeopath in Delhi who has some expertise in treatinghydrocephalus then please suggest.
anamika_gulati last decade
Hedera Helix 200 does not work, try the lowest available potency. Also Tuberculenum 1M is for hydrocephalus.
♡ girilal last decade
Dear Mr.Sameer
With so many of her problems coming back I was wondering and worying since she is showing symptoms of hydrocephalus despite the fact that she has a functional shunt, do you think we can give an antidote to the Phos LM that was given to her earlier just to rule this out and if yes which antidote do you think is right.
With so many of her problems coming back I was wondering and worying since she is showing symptoms of hydrocephalus despite the fact that she has a functional shunt, do you think we can give an antidote to the Phos LM that was given to her earlier just to rule this out and if yes which antidote do you think is right.
anamika_gulati last decade
It is not at all related to the LM that was given to her. She hardly took 3-4 doses.
I had warned you about use of Merc Iod, you were supressing her tonsilitis using that and now the disease has gone deeper and has attacked a more vital organ i.e. her brain, through hydrocephalus like symptoms.
And, please dont give so many medicines, you are giving her vital force blow after blow and injuring it so badly by so many remedies and many of them dangerously deep acting.
Psorinum , Tuberculinum , Bacillinum, Apis 30(several times), hederahelix200(one dose), Arnica, Merc Iod , Dulcamara , Belladonna , Arnica, it is a mess !!
Stop all medicines for 3 days
I feel so sad, that prescribers with incomplete knowledge and absolute disregard for any of the priciples of homeopathy are playing with people's lives
Take her to a good homeopath who understands miasms , who understands that homeopathy is about single medicine, and understands the importance of a single dose.
There is just too much happening in the case, and too much interference on this forum from people with half baked knowledge making dangerous prescriptions. Visit a good homeopath in person.
I had warned you about use of Merc Iod, you were supressing her tonsilitis using that and now the disease has gone deeper and has attacked a more vital organ i.e. her brain, through hydrocephalus like symptoms.
And, please dont give so many medicines, you are giving her vital force blow after blow and injuring it so badly by so many remedies and many of them dangerously deep acting.
Psorinum , Tuberculinum , Bacillinum, Apis 30(several times), hederahelix200(one dose), Arnica, Merc Iod , Dulcamara , Belladonna , Arnica, it is a mess !!
Stop all medicines for 3 days
I feel so sad, that prescribers with incomplete knowledge and absolute disregard for any of the priciples of homeopathy are playing with people's lives
Take her to a good homeopath who understands miasms , who understands that homeopathy is about single medicine, and understands the importance of a single dose.
There is just too much happening in the case, and too much interference on this forum from people with half baked knowledge making dangerous prescriptions. Visit a good homeopath in person.
sameervermani last decade
well! surprises me after a long time somebody wanted to know! We were lucky, a patient Mr. lalit Ghole on the forum directed us to a homeopath in delhi who has cured many hydrocephalus cases. We at that pt were really very frustrated and extremely worried for her and I didn't really think homeo could help her. Now one year hence her hydrocephalus is better without any surgery, she used to get a headache everyday prior to his tt but now is well on that account. The obstruction in nose is still there but much much less and we may now decide to go for a surgery of adenoids as she is facing problems in school due to day time sleepiness.
Regards to all who helped me here on this forum
Regards to all who helped me here on this forum
anamika_gulati last decade
vikas_grower last decade
Can you please let me know to which homeopathic dcotor in Delhi you referred. I am looking for an experiencedgood homeopath in Delhi
Can you please let me know to which homeopathic dcotor in Delhi you referred. I am looking for an experiencedgood homeopath in Delhi
singhp32 last decade
Hi Anamika,
I was planning to see dr bhatnagar. I am also a chronic case of stomach problem and already under treatment of homeopath in Delhi but nothing is working for me so far.
I just need your feedback on him that how good he is. How much expereince he has and wether he handles chronic cases. Also is he a classical homeopath or prescribes combination of medicines. Please let me know your opinion on him or if you know any other good doctor in delhi.
Please help me as I am bit frustrated with myself.
Best wishes
I was planning to see dr bhatnagar. I am also a chronic case of stomach problem and already under treatment of homeopath in Delhi but nothing is working for me so far.
I just need your feedback on him that how good he is. How much expereince he has and wether he handles chronic cases. Also is he a classical homeopath or prescribes combination of medicines. Please let me know your opinion on him or if you know any other good doctor in delhi.
Please help me as I am bit frustrated with myself.
Best wishes
singhp32 last decade
As far as I am concerned I am very satisfied, infact its because of him that we have slept peacefully in the last one year as his medicine greatly benefitted her hydrocephalus. His place is overcrowded and token are given from 9am to 2 pm everyday except sunday. You must call before to get a telemessage on whether is is sitting that day or not. The normal waiting time is from 2-3 hrs unless if somone can arrange the token for you beforehand. You will find a no. of cancer patients with pheenomenal benefits. But can't comment on specific problems. yes, he gives a number of medicines and as far as we are concerned its the relief that matters whether it is classical or combination homeopathy doesn't bother me and in our case its like a blessing from heaaven, we were deep introuble at that time. Infact we were also referred by a patient on the forum. We will remain indebted to him.
anamikagulati last decade
Thanks Anamika,
I tried the number 01122096954 several times but nobody picked up. Is this the latest number or do you have any alternative number.
I tried the number 01122096954 several times but nobody picked up. Is this the latest number or do you have any alternative number.
singhp32 last decade
anamikagulati last decade
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