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Let's not throw the bath water out with the baby here, this is definitely a Tubercular manifestation. Has there been any actual exposure to this disease?
Mr Organon last decade
Thanks Dr. O.
I dont know if there was exposure, let us wait for Anamika.
I have tried Phosphorus, Tuberculinum and lastly Silicea. I am now lost for ideas here.
I dont know if there was exposure, let us wait for Anamika.
I have tried Phosphorus, Tuberculinum and lastly Silicea. I am now lost for ideas here.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer ji
As I told you she was much better yesterday. Let me know if there can be any harm by trying Merc Iod 3x for a long time. I think and am hopeful we will be able to avoid surgery at least for now.
yes she was given Calc carb, Cal Phos, hyophos (all in 30 potency)for a long time when she was 3months old and it was continued intermittently till she was 3 years old.
There has never been any exposure to tubercular bacili, as i told you it was a congenital problem and she was born with a spina bifida. Her meninges and chord were exposed at the lumbaosacral region when she was born (born premature force delivered as the prognosis was not good in her case) and it was inserted back when she was 6 months old by a complicated surgery. thereafter the hydrocephalous started creating problem as now the excess fluid had no extraspace in the form of the open spine and she was given a shunt.
As I told you she was much better yesterday. Let me know if there can be any harm by trying Merc Iod 3x for a long time. I think and am hopeful we will be able to avoid surgery at least for now.
yes she was given Calc carb, Cal Phos, hyophos (all in 30 potency)for a long time when she was 3months old and it was continued intermittently till she was 3 years old.
There has never been any exposure to tubercular bacili, as i told you it was a congenital problem and she was born with a spina bifida. Her meninges and chord were exposed at the lumbaosacral region when she was born (born premature force delivered as the prognosis was not good in her case) and it was inserted back when she was 6 months old by a complicated surgery. thereafter the hydrocephalous started creating problem as now the excess fluid had no extraspace in the form of the open spine and she was given a shunt.
anamikagulati last decade
sameervermani last decade
read the organon...
.. a prescriber should know which case is curable and which is not.
paraplegia as a result of VP shunt is not curable by homeopathy.
.. a prescriber should know which case is curable and which is not.
paraplegia as a result of VP shunt is not curable by homeopathy.
♡ rishimba last decade
We are not curing paraplegia here Mr. Rishimba.
We are trying to make the child's life as comfortable as possible atleast in terms of her sleep apnea and her repeated swollen glands and infections.
We are trying to make the child's life as comfortable as possible atleast in terms of her sleep apnea and her repeated swollen glands and infections.
sameervermani last decade
I went through her case yet again, and this is what I think we should do. I hope you were able to put off the surgery.
Let us give her Tuberculinum 1M once she gets over this attack of inflammation in tonsils and adenoids a bit.
I see that you are giving her Merc Iod. Give her a single dose (2 drops of remedy in 1 sip filtered water)of Tuberculinum 1M after you stop giving her Merc Iod.
Good luck,
I went through her case yet again, and this is what I think we should do. I hope you were able to put off the surgery.
Let us give her Tuberculinum 1M once she gets over this attack of inflammation in tonsils and adenoids a bit.
I see that you are giving her Merc Iod. Give her a single dose (2 drops of remedy in 1 sip filtered water)of Tuberculinum 1M after you stop giving her Merc Iod.
Good luck,
sameervermani last decade
Dear Mr. Sameer
Thanks. I will do as prescribed. For the moment she is responding well to Merc Iod and the tonsills are visibly reduced . The obstruction in her nose is slightly better and I do hope we will be able to avoid surgery. I have lost counts of the times I have taken her to OT and do not wish to do it atleast for the normal childhood problems. She is also likely to have a surgery to cure her hip joint which dislocates though is good in shape and size anytime in her summar vacations.Anyways thanks for all the patience and help.
May God bless you!
Thanks. I will do as prescribed. For the moment she is responding well to Merc Iod and the tonsills are visibly reduced . The obstruction in her nose is slightly better and I do hope we will be able to avoid surgery. I have lost counts of the times I have taken her to OT and do not wish to do it atleast for the normal childhood problems. She is also likely to have a surgery to cure her hip joint which dislocates though is good in shape and size anytime in her summar vacations.Anyways thanks for all the patience and help.
May God bless you!
anamikagulati last decade
Okay, good.
Thanks for your wishes.
Let me know how she does after the Tuberculinum 1M dose. The 1 M will take 1 week to develop action.
Thanks for your wishes.
Let me know how she does after the Tuberculinum 1M dose. The 1 M will take 1 week to develop action.
sameervermani last decade
Also, please keep her off any other homeopathic medicines for atleast 3 days before the Tub 1M dose, and then wait and watch for 1 week before judging the progress. I think she will improve with this dose.
sameervermani last decade
Anamika ,
I read your posts on some other threads so thought I should explain certain things. I am happy that she is better, but do not carry on giving the medicines for long, because they have been prescribed in an allopathic manner. This is working for now but it will create problems if continued for long periods.
You should stop the medicines (merc Iod , bell, and arnica) as soon as she gets better. If the medicine is needed again and again , all you are doing is supressing the disease where the disease will attack more vital organs in the near future.
By the way , we NEVER NEVER give 2 remedies together. The vital force is not capable of responding to two medicines at a time.
And, Lycopodium is not at all indicated in this case. It is an extremely deep seated medicine and wrong use of Lycopodium can spoil a case completely.
This case is a Tubercular manifestation without a doubt and the 'permanent' cure can only come through a tubercular remedy.
As soon as you get over this attack, stop all homeopathic medicines. And, it is not like allopathy that you need one medicine for tonsils , one for UTI and one for apnea. It is always one medicine at a time , most similar medicine , minimum dose and no undue repetitions.
Hope it clears some of your doubts.
I read your posts on some other threads so thought I should explain certain things. I am happy that she is better, but do not carry on giving the medicines for long, because they have been prescribed in an allopathic manner. This is working for now but it will create problems if continued for long periods.
You should stop the medicines (merc Iod , bell, and arnica) as soon as she gets better. If the medicine is needed again and again , all you are doing is supressing the disease where the disease will attack more vital organs in the near future.
By the way , we NEVER NEVER give 2 remedies together. The vital force is not capable of responding to two medicines at a time.
And, Lycopodium is not at all indicated in this case. It is an extremely deep seated medicine and wrong use of Lycopodium can spoil a case completely.
This case is a Tubercular manifestation without a doubt and the 'permanent' cure can only come through a tubercular remedy.
As soon as you get over this attack, stop all homeopathic medicines. And, it is not like allopathy that you need one medicine for tonsils , one for UTI and one for apnea. It is always one medicine at a time , most similar medicine , minimum dose and no undue repetitions.
Hope it clears some of your doubts.
sameervermani last decade
Mr. Girilal, it needs an understanding of the miasms for someone to think on this.
And, FYI, Mr. Organon was not even a member of the forum when I prescribed her Tuberculinum.
All her health problems since her birth have a very strong origin in the Tubercular miasm. But ofcourse it would need someone with an understanding of the miasms and the priniples of homeopathy to deduce this. And, kindly read the thread fully before addressing me and making baseless assertions like the one you just made.
Dr. Organon just confirmed my daignosis which was made more than a month before he came here. This is as clear a case of the Tubercular miasm as you will ever get.
But I know you always sweep the miasmatic diagnosis down the carpet so that you can shove it away as a useless thing as you do to most of the prinicples of homeopathy. Just because somethings are difficult to understand does not make them useless.
And, FYI, Mr. Organon was not even a member of the forum when I prescribed her Tuberculinum.
All her health problems since her birth have a very strong origin in the Tubercular miasm. But ofcourse it would need someone with an understanding of the miasms and the priniples of homeopathy to deduce this. And, kindly read the thread fully before addressing me and making baseless assertions like the one you just made.
Dr. Organon just confirmed my daignosis which was made more than a month before he came here. This is as clear a case of the Tubercular miasm as you will ever get.
But I know you always sweep the miasmatic diagnosis down the carpet so that you can shove it away as a useless thing as you do to most of the prinicples of homeopathy. Just because somethings are difficult to understand does not make them useless.
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Organon was invited to this thread to see what he thinks. That is because I respect his opinions.
I am not here for suppressive , mongrel methods which violate all principles of homeopathy where only temporary relief might happen followed by worsening and destruction of the over all health in the long run.
Your advise is the last one I would heed to in a case as complex as this.
I am not here for suppressive , mongrel methods which violate all principles of homeopathy where only temporary relief might happen followed by worsening and destruction of the over all health in the long run.
Your advise is the last one I would heed to in a case as complex as this.
sameervermani last decade
Look, kid is on the threshold of surgery.
One must forget miasmas for the time being and bring her to the stage where it is safe to apply the philosophy.
It is not the time yet.
One must forget miasmas for the time being and bring her to the stage where it is safe to apply the philosophy.
It is not the time yet.
♡ girilal last decade
Read the posts Mr. Girilal , I said this :
'Let us give her Tuberculinum 1M once she gets over this attack of inflammation in tonsils and adenoids a bit.
'You should stop the medicines (merc Iod , bell, and arnica) as soon as she gets better. '
Read them nefore you write.
'Let us give her Tuberculinum 1M once she gets over this attack of inflammation in tonsils and adenoids a bit.
'You should stop the medicines (merc Iod , bell, and arnica) as soon as she gets better. '
Read them nefore you write.
sameervermani last decade
If you are here to learn:
Kid had surgery, so Arnica is important for post surgery effects plus kid had urinary problems but problems are due to the damage because of hydrocephalus. Plus arnica is a main remedy for circulation.
Belladonna is a must to bring immediate relief and to drive away the inflammations. Also tonsil area is now red.
And Mercury Iodatum Fla. is to show patient that homeopathy causes wonder within hours.
Best universal advise to the patient to walk with only one prescriber at a time.
Kid had surgery, so Arnica is important for post surgery effects plus kid had urinary problems but problems are due to the damage because of hydrocephalus. Plus arnica is a main remedy for circulation.
Belladonna is a must to bring immediate relief and to drive away the inflammations. Also tonsil area is now red.
And Mercury Iodatum Fla. is to show patient that homeopathy causes wonder within hours.
Best universal advise to the patient to walk with only one prescriber at a time.
♡ girilal last decade
Even Paracetamol causes wonders in hours , so does Ibu-profen. Again the use of Merc Iod 3X, it's a question of supression or cure.
And, I know about the use of Arnica in surgery. Thank you for the explanation.
And, Mr. Girilal , I never said stop the acute treatment, I am saying do not continue it once the benefit sets in.
Yes I agree, she should follow one 'prescriber' at a time.
And, I know about the use of Arnica in surgery. Thank you for the explanation.
And, Mr. Girilal , I never said stop the acute treatment, I am saying do not continue it once the benefit sets in.
Yes I agree, she should follow one 'prescriber' at a time.
sameervermani last decade
Tuberculenum can be guessed as a miasm. Then there could be miasms behind tuberculenum. Anyway Tuberculenum can be given when time comes.
It may not resolve the damage done by hydrocephalus. There there are immunity problems. We got to take care of many things in the little girl but one by one. Then there is paraplegia etc. Neurological dimension must be looked upon, that was caused due to fluid pressure buildup in the head.
It may not resolve the damage done by hydrocephalus. There there are immunity problems. We got to take care of many things in the little girl but one by one. Then there is paraplegia etc. Neurological dimension must be looked upon, that was caused due to fluid pressure buildup in the head.
♡ girilal last decade
Ohh really ? :) FYI , Tuberculinum is not a miasm . The miasm is tuberculosis.
2-3 posts ago , you were questioning the use of Tuberculinum. Now, you are saying , it can be 'guessed'.
Very interesting, indeed. And also for your kind information , this miasm is nothing but 'psora gone bad' due to presence of syphillis in the hereditary structure. Once this goes away , more often than not , only psora is left. That is the time she will need an anti-psoric remedy.
I am aware there are many remedies that might be needed here but I am afraid not simultaneously.
2-3 posts ago , you were questioning the use of Tuberculinum. Now, you are saying , it can be 'guessed'.
Very interesting, indeed. And also for your kind information , this miasm is nothing but 'psora gone bad' due to presence of syphillis in the hereditary structure. Once this goes away , more often than not , only psora is left. That is the time she will need an anti-psoric remedy.
I am aware there are many remedies that might be needed here but I am afraid not simultaneously.
sameervermani last decade
I am a practical layman but unfortunately I do not see Tuberculosis infection in the patient but may be I have little knowledge.
It appears that you know everything. Psoras, Miasms etc. etc. all these fancy words.
It appears that you know everything. Psoras, Miasms etc. etc. all these fancy words.
♡ girilal last decade
Tubercular miasm is not an 'infection'.
I leave it upto Anamika to decide.
I once again am saying , multiple medicines given simultaneously and that too repeated indefinitely is not a way to 'cure'. It is supression or palliation. It is a sure way to make the cases incurable though.
Thank you Mr. Girilal for the entertainment yet again.
I leave it upto Anamika to decide.
I once again am saying , multiple medicines given simultaneously and that too repeated indefinitely is not a way to 'cure'. It is supression or palliation. It is a sure way to make the cases incurable though.
Thank you Mr. Girilal for the entertainment yet again.
sameervermani last decade
♡ girilal last decade
Dear Mr. Sameer and Mr.Girilal
Thanks to both of you in helping us out in your own different ways. Its my little daughters birthday today and I seek all of yours blessings and Good wishes for her.
As you know the problems have been since birth and it has been a very difficult and different parentage eversince. Its only our charismatic child who gives us the strength to move forward and take each day as it comes to us. People like us cannot look up to future as everybody else does and we only live in today.
She is a regular child in a normal good school in Delhi and has been doing well intellectually. Everyday is a challenge and as I see your discussionhere I think I should post some of my observations with homeopathy.
1. She has been given homeopathy ever since she was born. Earlier it was a very experienced homeopath who would not give more than one dose and wait for results. We were told of grave prognosis before her birth and I am myself a doctor and fully understood what that meant. Homeopathy in those earlier days helped her have a normal growth. she was given calc phos, carb, sulph, tuberculinum, baryata carb all in very limited doses. Loking at her no one can make out she has any problem.
2. Then we gave up and she had surgery of the spine and head and her paraplegia which is partial , it is more on the left side is due to the damage to the spinal nerves. Her partial control over bladder and bowel is also because of that. The hydrocephalous since the shunt has not been there and if she had only that she would not have had muscle weakness and would have been able to walk even if later than normal time.
Now the problem is since she constantly dribbles urine due to a hyperactive bladder she is in diapers and is also catheterized four time daily to keep her bladder free of residual urine. Her UTI due to E. Coli would not go away and is pratically resistant to all known antibiotics. We were giving her maintenance dose of an antibiotic everyday prior to July 2007 and that was causing a lot of side effects and we do not know what harm it would have caused on her immune system kidneys and liver. It was so bad that the urine would become turbid even if we forgot a single days dose.
3. Now with homeopathic repetions of a couple of medicines in mother ticture the UTI is maintained to a level where it is not causing any physiologically visible symptoms and doctors abroad do not treat UTI if there are no complaints to the patient. This was also with help form Dr. Deoshlok on the forum.I had put her on antibiotic prophylaxis again when Sameer ji had asked me to put all homeo medicines at bay. Now my problem is even if a medicine is kept off a day her UTI returns and as every body know it has serious consequences if not controlled. If left like that it would worsen to level where no allopathic remedy helps. Now the question is whether antibiotic prophylaxis is better or homeopathic.
4. Her case is not as simple and may not respond to nomal homeopathic procedures and medicine. In such a case if you do not treat her symptomatically it worsens to a level where we would not know where to go.
5. I owe a lot to this forum and respect and regard each of your views. I would request all of you kindly keep helping us in a positive way and also take into accont my observations on the child. I guess homeopathy is a constant learning process and we need to change our perceptions based on the need of the patient. This is totally a laymans view and I have just given my personal thoughts here about this discipline of medicine which may not be correct. In fact at times i have been so desperate that I have found out medicines from the posts and reading books to give her some relief and keep her off allopathic medicines.
I once again thank you all.
Thanks to both of you in helping us out in your own different ways. Its my little daughters birthday today and I seek all of yours blessings and Good wishes for her.
As you know the problems have been since birth and it has been a very difficult and different parentage eversince. Its only our charismatic child who gives us the strength to move forward and take each day as it comes to us. People like us cannot look up to future as everybody else does and we only live in today.
She is a regular child in a normal good school in Delhi and has been doing well intellectually. Everyday is a challenge and as I see your discussionhere I think I should post some of my observations with homeopathy.
1. She has been given homeopathy ever since she was born. Earlier it was a very experienced homeopath who would not give more than one dose and wait for results. We were told of grave prognosis before her birth and I am myself a doctor and fully understood what that meant. Homeopathy in those earlier days helped her have a normal growth. she was given calc phos, carb, sulph, tuberculinum, baryata carb all in very limited doses. Loking at her no one can make out she has any problem.
2. Then we gave up and she had surgery of the spine and head and her paraplegia which is partial , it is more on the left side is due to the damage to the spinal nerves. Her partial control over bladder and bowel is also because of that. The hydrocephalous since the shunt has not been there and if she had only that she would not have had muscle weakness and would have been able to walk even if later than normal time.
Now the problem is since she constantly dribbles urine due to a hyperactive bladder she is in diapers and is also catheterized four time daily to keep her bladder free of residual urine. Her UTI due to E. Coli would not go away and is pratically resistant to all known antibiotics. We were giving her maintenance dose of an antibiotic everyday prior to July 2007 and that was causing a lot of side effects and we do not know what harm it would have caused on her immune system kidneys and liver. It was so bad that the urine would become turbid even if we forgot a single days dose.
3. Now with homeopathic repetions of a couple of medicines in mother ticture the UTI is maintained to a level where it is not causing any physiologically visible symptoms and doctors abroad do not treat UTI if there are no complaints to the patient. This was also with help form Dr. Deoshlok on the forum.I had put her on antibiotic prophylaxis again when Sameer ji had asked me to put all homeo medicines at bay. Now my problem is even if a medicine is kept off a day her UTI returns and as every body know it has serious consequences if not controlled. If left like that it would worsen to level where no allopathic remedy helps. Now the question is whether antibiotic prophylaxis is better or homeopathic.
4. Her case is not as simple and may not respond to nomal homeopathic procedures and medicine. In such a case if you do not treat her symptomatically it worsens to a level where we would not know where to go.
5. I owe a lot to this forum and respect and regard each of your views. I would request all of you kindly keep helping us in a positive way and also take into accont my observations on the child. I guess homeopathy is a constant learning process and we need to change our perceptions based on the need of the patient. This is totally a laymans view and I have just given my personal thoughts here about this discipline of medicine which may not be correct. In fact at times i have been so desperate that I have found out medicines from the posts and reading books to give her some relief and keep her off allopathic medicines.
I once again thank you all.
anamikagulati last decade
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