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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sleep Apnea Page 3 of 5

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1. There is no history of TB not even in my extended family. Yes me and my younger brother were asthmatic in our childhood which was predominantly attributed to Dehradun weather which is notorious for the condition. His was a more serious version but was out of it thru homeopathy by the time he was 6-7 years old. Mine was milder in the sense i always had breathlessness in some seasons till I left Dehradun after my schooling. I did have a return of symptoms this year , a good 12-13 years later.

2. she has good eyelashes but I do not think they are unusually long to be noticed.

3. She has tonsillitis from last 3 years and hence swelling of tonsils and adenoids which worsens in winter months.

Pl let me know if any more details are required.

anamikagulati last decade
Okay here is the plan.

You should give her Phos. LM1 , 4 sucussions (hits on the palm) , 2 drops in 120 ml water , and 2 drops from that 120 ml as the dose every 3rd day.

In the meanwhile , please procure Tuberculinum 200C.

As soon as she gets relatively symptom free in terms of her respiratory symptoms, we will give her 1 dose of Tuberculinum.

I see a strong Tubercular miasm here which resulted in spinal bifida, hydrocephalus and is also causing recurrent UTIs and tonsillitis. This miasm needs to be tackled.

sameervermani last decade
I have previously also given her tuberculinum 200. Will that make any difference. It has been more than 2 months since I gave it to her.
anamikagulati last decade
Another clarification- I need to give her only 2 drops from the 120 ml that too not everyday but on the 3 rd day. Am I right?
anamikagulati last decade
You might have given Tuberculinum but this time we will try to give it some more time to work.

This would mean stopping all homeo medicines including Phos. for atleast 3 weeks after the Tub. 200C dose.

Regarding the dosage, your understanding is correct.
sameervermani last decade
I gave her tuberculinum 200 2 days back. There is relief from headache since i gave it to her. Do I need to repeat. Headache is something which gives us jitters as shunt is a very sensitive issue.
anamikagulati last decade
No repetition now.

No more Phosphorus as well.

Let us wait for 1 week. Please update status then.
sameervermani last decade
Her apnea is a lot better, no snoring sound and obstruction. She reported headache again yesterday after 4-5 days. Any suggestions..
anamika_gulati last decade
Please wait more.

These are energy medicines . It's not the medicine which is curing your daughter. It's the response to the impulse given by the medicine which is curing her.
If we repeat now, we will spoil that response.

As I had said earlier, give the last dose time to work. We have to wait for atleast 2 weeks after the 200C dose date. A slight return of headache is fine. Don't worry about it.

Keep me posted in case anything comes up and if everything goes fine, report status in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
ok, thanks!
anamika_gulati last decade

Her apnea at times becomes worse but is otherwise better. In b/w all of us were down with flu so could not reply back in time. the cough is slightly better now. Infact now that most people in Delhi have fallen to a new flu virus I have realised that the cough might be due to that as people not prone to respiratory problems all have upper resp tract infection with cough that takes days to go.

There is no other visible cahnge as of now.
Please suggest further.
anamika_gulati last decade
Thanks for the update.

When it is about 3 weeks from the Tuberculinum 200C dose, we will think about giving her Tuberculinum 1M.
I think, you gave her 200C on 12th or 11th Jan.

Right now, I do not want an 'early repetition' to spoil the progress made so far. Just hang in there and wait for a few more days. We are headed in the right direction but such chronic problems take time to get cured. It is better to be 1 week late , rather than 1 week early when repeating these medicines. I know it is tough to keep patience, but this is the correct method with dry doses.

In the meanwhile , keep me updated about anything that comes up.

sameervermani last decade

Any updates for us ?

sameervermani last decade
Sorry! Could not reply earlier. My daughetr was down with severe tonsillitis again and could not manage to sit on the net.
as for updates, there is no noticeable change. Infact her apnea worsened due to tonsillitis and now perhaps we will ahve to go for remowal of her tonsills, a surgery not many ENTs are comfortable to do on her. If you can suggest something on this , I would be grateful.
anamikagulati last decade
Removal of tonsils is not a prudent step to take unless there is absolutely no other option left which is rarely the case.

Infact, after the removal of tonsils , her case may become even more muddled, and will be very difficult to cure even homeopathicaly. I would not be surprised if her case becomes 'incurable' after such a surgery. Tonsils are not useless pieces of skin as many allopaths may think. Nature has them in the body for a purpose.

I would encourage you to hold off on the surgery for as long as possible.

By the way, now it is time to give her a single dose of Tuberculinum 1M. Give it to her empty stomach in the morning.

After that, we can re-take the case in about 2 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
I just went through her case again, and I think Silicea should give her benefit in her tonsil situation as it is one of the principal tubercular medicines. Lets try to target that first.

Let us give her three doses of Silicea 30C for one single day only. Space the doses by three hours. This is not to be repeated. Leave the Tuberculinum 1M dose for later as an intercurrent.

Once again 3 pellets under the tongue or 3 drops in 20 ml filtered water is one dose . Report status after 5 days.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks , after silesea when is tuberculinum 1M is to be given
anamikagulati last decade
Not till it is needed . The presentation might change a nit after Silicea 30C. Report what changes you observe, and then we will decide about Tub.
sameervermani last decade
I have not observed any positive change however the tonsils are red again with difficulty breathing again. She is scheduled for a surgery next week as the constant sleep apnea, we are told is very dangerous for her heart especially with other complications that she has.
I am also fed up of the sleepless nights but deperately wish for a miracle so that I can postpone it. Its afet 3 years of struggle I have decided this.
anamikagulati last decade
Does she have to be awakened to avoid suffocation ?

I understand your decision.

sameervermani last decade
She has to be shaken often to remind her to breathe and its very very often like several times in a minute, and one can clearly feel the obstruction as she makes a desperate attempt to breathe and gasps for breath
anamikagulati last decade
Sameer ji
Just to give you an update and seek advice.... In my desperation I went thru the forum posts and found out about Merc Iod Ruber and flavus. Though her symptoms matched ruber I by mistake gave her favus which is for the rt side . In a day or two I found that at the rt tonsil there is no swelling now infact it is hardly there. The left one is still there large and red. redness is even on the rt side.I havere posted there also as I was giving her 2 pellets of 3X of flavus twice daily. Wondering whether ruber can do rest of the job.
anamikagulati last decade
Anamika ji,

I have never personally employed these medicines.

But yeah anything which can avoid the surgery right now :)

However, has she ever been given Calcarea Carb ? And, in what potency ?

sameervermani last decade
Phosphorus would have been my first choice also, although there may be some other Tubercular influence present here also. Let us see what the mothers response is.
Mr Organon last decade
oops, I see this thread has three pages, you are already way ahead of me Sameer.
Mr Organon last decade
Let's not throw the bath water out with the baby here, this is definitely a Tubercular manifestation. Has there been any actual exposure to this disease?
Mr Organon last decade

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