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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


1. Every night I get ready for bed and I feel restless, exhausted, can't sleep, breathless, I have fear of death in my sleep,nausea, dizziness, Panic attacks, anxiety, stress. I don't get along with my usual friends, I feel like I can't help anyone, I feel helpless and useless.
2. Sometimes it feels like my head goes numb and thats when I freak out the most.
3. This started about three weeks ago and I have no idea what triggered it.
4. Its worse at night. The more active I am the better I feel.
5. I cant sleep. I have to wait to fall asleep when I dont know that I fall asleep, its weird.
6.I have a fear of death, craziness, insanity, paralization and being in an acoma.
7.I am very apathetic now to anything but my thoughts.
8.I love to eat, but everything I eat I feel sick.
9.I've had a panic attack when I smoked weed one time and I got too much oxygen in my brain. That was about three months ago. I didnt seek medical attention, didnt really need it.
10.I think my eyesite it deteriating.

Please help me with any information you can give! Thank you.
  GitRDone0420 on 2005-01-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
On the info you give three remedies show up . Nat Mur , Cannabis indica and Psorinum.
Suggest you study these and if you have doubts come back.
passkey 2 decades ago
hey there! I no what youre going thru...u sound just like how i feel...especialy with you think ur eyesite is fading...i think that as mine too! My eyes feel like theyre gonna fall outta my head. Ive been dealing with this for 2 months now. im 16 and it sucks.

gerigurl14 last decade
i am suffering from post traumatic and i am feeling derealization, and depersonalization. dont have any feelings of reality, no feeling in my eyes has anyone felt like this. thanks
hottzy last decade
Hello ,wow this is the first time i enquired on the internet about this thing ,not a problem that i have for many years.I'm 36 years old and have had this strange experience many many times begining when i was very young as long as i can remember although it has been less frequent as in my teenage years.Ok a typical experience these days would be driving along and getting an out of body feeling,although i can still control the car ,but because i know it well the feeling i somethimes go with it.so what happens is i feel competely out of my body although i know i am there at that moment,so i'm driving walking or sitting down and my eyes are seeing things that are not for a moment or two connected to me.It usually when it starts is so intense that it is difficult to describe ,out of body ,or Am i really here.
mobymut last decade

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