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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi people.

I didnt read much of these but, i was wondering if anyone could help me. I've been feeling unreal for almost two years now. I got really drunk at a party one day, and after that i started having panik ataks for about a a month, then they stoped, but i still have the enxiety, not as extreem though. My main problem is mi vission. Its like my vision is out of focus since that day, and i just really want to snap back in to normal.
I've been going to this phsikologist and its kind of helping. He doesent give me any medisin, but with hipnosis. And i just eat the right food and drink lots of water, and exersise min 1 hour a daw, open air. He kind of put mi mind back together, but its this vission problem, peoples fases move, and almost everything else i look at espessially textures , and when i reed the text looks obskure and mooves aswell. I Just feel like i vill never get out of it. I know a lot of people say 'time is the best heal', but maybe you guys know a way.

And o ya, i have gone to a lot of doctors and they just you know gave me pills, which made it even worse.

Thanks for your time if you read this.
  Alexxxxxxxxxx on 2009-08-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try NUX VOM 200C three doses, each dose after every 12 hours.

take the doses in empty stomach and clean mouth. dont take any food or water one hour before or after the doses.

one dose would be 4 drops of remedy in some 10 ml of water sipped up slowly.
rishimba last decade
Hi again.
I study in london and you told me i should try NUX VOM 200c three doses, each dose after every 12 hours. I study in london and i can only get a hold of NUX VOM 30c here. Can you tell me if i can use it insted.

Thank you!
Alexxxxxxxxxx last decade
you can take NUX VOM 30C every 4 hours. take 6 doses in all and then stop.

you need to wait for next three to four days and then come here to report what changes have you noted in yourself after a week.

one dose would be 4 drops in some 10 ml of water or 4 pillules under the tongue, chewed slowly.

follow homeopathic restrictions as mentioned earlier.
rishimba last decade
can you please tell me where you are situated, your adress? So i can come in after a week, and report what changes i have notised.

thank you
Alexxxxxxxxxx last decade
you can write to me as i am in qatar now.
rishimba last decade

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