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left side pain...clench teeth in sleep Page 16 of 23
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That's what I like about you, your so on top of things!!!
Ok, last night was rough. Terrible sharp headache on the RIGHT side and was kept awake by a heightened sense of smell. Weird. Everything had a smell. Like the sleeve of my shirt... but it has no smell this morning and also, I smelled dead mouse and laid there wondering how I would find it. There is no dead mouse smell this morning. And mind you, nothing smelled good!
Ok, last night was rough. Terrible sharp headache on the RIGHT side and was kept awake by a heightened sense of smell. Weird. Everything had a smell. Like the sleeve of my shirt... but it has no smell this morning and also, I smelled dead mouse and laid there wondering how I would find it. There is no dead mouse smell this morning. And mind you, nothing smelled good!
outsidethebox last decade
outsidethebox last decade
outsidethebox last decade
It is all relative! I still have left side low back issues and my joints get sore easily..,.but I am sleeping well...except when I wake a moment because of being hot...I am happy...soooo....What do you think?
outsidethebox last decade
Well, I cut some grass today and it occurs to me that whenever I exert myself or do any exercise I end up, for lack of ability to describe it, feeling like I have a low grade fever and the mild soreness that comes with that. Like if you are a little sick. I normally have energy and have always been active...but in the last few months this is how I feel. I don't know if it is that I am getting older and I should resign myself to the fact or if this is part of it all. Should I ignore it or listen to it?
outsidethebox last decade
Last night there were several hot flashes in the night so sleep was not good. I don't like them! I hope this will go away.
outsidethebox last decade
Hmm.. take next dose then, 8 hits to LM bottle, and then same process as last time.
Report in 1 week.
Report in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
Ok, so it has been a week. The first three days or so after the dose the hot flashes were very few and minimal. But last night and today yikes! During the night and today had several. I have never had this before. Only a small one when waking up in the morning. I don't know a whole lot about homeopathy...thus I am working with you!..but do you think I have run the course of lachesis if it is/could be...causing what it should cure....for lack of a better word? I will wait for your response.
outsidethebox last decade
Oh, and one other thing ...maybe it means nothing...but for the last five days I have had a very mild sore throat.
outsidethebox last decade
If for the first few days, the hot flashes were few and minimal and now they have come, it is not due to the remedy imposing its symptoms as that should happen during the primary action of the remedy which happens immediately after administering the remedy.
How have you been feeling mentally and mood-wise since the doses ? How is your general well being and your ability to handle life in general since being on Lachesis?
If for the first few days, the hot flashes were few and minimal and now they have come, it is not due to the remedy imposing its symptoms as that should happen during the primary action of the remedy which happens immediately after administering the remedy.
How have you been feeling mentally and mood-wise since the doses ? How is your general well being and your ability to handle life in general since being on Lachesis?
sameervermani last decade
Well, initially one of the biggest complaints was not being able to breathe...anxiety. It has been quite a while since I have had that. I am not nearly as that 'talky'? That is good. I am handling life well, I think....calm ...fairly confident. Still have a very difficult time getting my mind to keep on task and remember. Any other questions?
outsidethebox last decade
oh, one other thing! I have noticed that a bit after a dose I get little very dark bruises...on arms and or legs. One of them a month back was quite large.
outsidethebox last decade
You are on the perfect remedy, the response couldn't be better. Notice lower number of hits.
Take another dose, 6 hits to LM bottle, and then same process as last time.
Report in 1 week.
Take another dose, 6 hits to LM bottle, and then same process as last time.
Report in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
So, It's me again! I know it hasn't been the fact it is a day and a half. But, last night ...ten hours after the dose....had one of those hot flashes..... maybe about three during the night. One this morn and ok since. Also, woke with the usual 'Just dosed' headache the goes down the back of my neck all over my back to my hips! Also, vision is not real good.
outsidethebox last decade
So this is day #4 and for the last three days my right ankle and the tops of both feet ITCH! I didn't mention it before as I thought maybe it was mosquito bites but there is no evidence of bites and it should be done by now....remeniscent of the last time when I put 'Stuff' on it as you like to call it!!!! This time I didn't!!!!
outsidethebox last decade
It has now been eleven days and the last four or so I have been experiencing racing heart and anxiety especially when I want to go to sleep. Also the hot flashes were good a couple days but are back ...maybe two or three during day and a couple during the night...sleeping
outsidethebox last decade
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