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left side pain...clench teeth in sleep Page 18 of 23
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ok, am not sleeping as soundly. Have been having several smaller hot flashes during the night only...not during the day and also have been getting headaches. Joints like hands and shoulders and lower back are starting to hurt again too.
outsidethebox last decade
Sorry I missed your posts.
Take next dose of LM7 with 7 hits to the LM7 bottle before the dose.
Report after 1 week.
Take next dose of LM7 with 7 hits to the LM7 bottle before the dose.
Report after 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
So, I expected that you would recomend this...and thinking that maybe were...not with ABC anymore...I did exactly this 5 days ago.and am experiencing the usual mild headache...soreness...but its ok. Welcome back! Glad you are well. Where did you go?
outsidethebox last decade
Hello, Not to much to report. Same stuff as usual. Sleep pretty flash, one or two, very early in A.M. Some joint soreness...but I am suspecting a corn allergy...and am experimenting not having it. WOW is that difficult! It is in EVERYTHING. Just wanted to keep in contact.
outsidethebox last decade
Good going.
You can take the next dose, when needed (with 7 hits to the LM7 bottle before the dose).
You can take the next dose, when needed (with 7 hits to the LM7 bottle before the dose).
sameervermani last decade
Ok, So I have a couple of things that need your input.
I had forgotten to mention that shortly after the last dose I had that intense itching on top of my left foot and left shoulder blade area again. Also, my urine is darker and a little bubbly. For the last few days or so I have puffiness under my eyes. How does this fit in the picture? Thank you for your time and attention.
I had forgotten to mention that shortly after the last dose I had that intense itching on top of my left foot and left shoulder blade area again. Also, my urine is darker and a little bubbly. For the last few days or so I have puffiness under my eyes. How does this fit in the picture? Thank you for your time and attention.
outsidethebox last decade
sameervermani last decade
Ok, so here we are again. Update! I took the dose on the 20th about a week ago. My urine seems maybe not so dark but, when I flush, it is bubbly like detergent. My eyes are a bit puffy and uncomfortable, quite a bit of left side pain and today a slight headache and dizziness. Is this normal? Should I expect to be taking this for a while yet? I don't mind I am just curious.
outsidethebox last decade
Oh, and a couple of more things. Yesterday I woke up with what is probably the typical Lachesis dose headache...just later than usual...but same type...pretty bad. Also, last two nights I have had vivid dreams....last nights was full of anger and frustration. The headache still wants to be there.
outsidethebox last decade
Ok, it has been a very long time! Things are going pretty well. Sleep is good... few if any hot flashes.... No anxiety caused difficulty in breathing.
Now, my question to you is...The chiropractor said that my left side pain ...which I still caused by the scoliosis. I am wondering what your thoughts are on trying a remedy that would address that....scoliosis.
Thank you for your input.
Ok, it has been a very long time! Things are going pretty well. Sleep is good... few if any hot flashes.... No anxiety caused difficulty in breathing.
Now, my question to you is...The chiropractor said that my left side pain ...which I still caused by the scoliosis. I am wondering what your thoughts are on trying a remedy that would address that....scoliosis.
Thank you for your input.
outsidethebox last decade
The Lachesis is your remedy for everything you have :)
However, right now if things are going well, I would just keep waiting.
Keep LM8 at hand, and talk to me every couple of weeks.
However, right now if things are going well, I would just keep waiting.
Keep LM8 at hand, and talk to me every couple of weeks.
sameervermani last decade
outsidethebox last decade
Ok, I went to 'Pureformulas' to order...and there is CMK, XMK, MK, LMK, and K. I would like to order from here as it is considerably less would you suggest. Also, maybe two remedies at the same time?
outsidethebox last decade
sameervermani last decade
Good morning,
I am looking for a place where I can order Lachesis Mutus LM8 and LM9. I am not having any success. Any ideas?
I am looking for a place where I can order Lachesis Mutus LM8 and LM9. I am not having any success. Any ideas?
outsidethebox last decade
Good morning!
I thought I should touch base with you. Things have been pretty status quo but now I sense a change coming on. A hot flash in the A.M. at times with a slight headache and an emotional funk. I am ordering from Helios this week end.
So, there you are. And how are you?
I thought I should touch base with you. Things have been pretty status quo but now I sense a change coming on. A hot flash in the A.M. at times with a slight headache and an emotional funk. I am ordering from Helios this week end.
So, there you are. And how are you?
outsidethebox last decade
So here I am waiting for the Lachesis to has been a while. I have been having dull headaches almost left ear feels like it dosn't hear as well as it should and I had a couple days of being very depressed. Oh, and during the very early morning hours...while sleeping hot flashes. Tell me that these will all be better when the next remedies come!
outsidethebox last decade
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