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left side pain...clench teeth in sleep Page 20 of 23
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Describe this sadness/depression and discouragement in greater detail.
sameervermani last decade
When it is bad I feel like nothing is worth it. I want to go to bed and stay there and hope I don't wake up. Nothing interests me and feel like it is ok if I do this because my husband and daughter can take care of themselves. They have interests and they can just go about them and they will be ok. I know if I got some exercise it would probably help but since nothing matters I just can't make myself.
When it isn't so bad I get annoyed with chatter about ....'How much $ will we be able to recoup in three years?' Or 'This was really expensive'....140.00 teapot! Oh, we're having a party....This irritates me when many of the friends we have in common are struggling so very much. There is no insight or understanding. I am so relieved to go home at the end of the day to peace and quiet without this. It is a lot to try to explain.
When it isn't so bad I get annoyed with chatter about ....'How much $ will we be able to recoup in three years?' Or 'This was really expensive'....140.00 teapot! Oh, we're having a party....This irritates me when many of the friends we have in common are struggling so very much. There is no insight or understanding. I am so relieved to go home at the end of the day to peace and quiet without this. It is a lot to try to explain.
outsidethebox last decade
I think, what it boils down to is that I need to get out more with other people than just the ones in my daily life. It is a case of negative thinking. I feel much better with people that are funny and empathetic with others. Did this today and realized this is what I need!!!
Also, at around 2:30 -5:00 ish or so I still experience those hot flashes.
Also, at around 2:30 -5:00 ish or so I still experience those hot flashes.
outsidethebox last decade
Nice to hear from you! I am doing better, exercising almost every day so am not exhausted and mood is better. Also, focusing on different people to associate with. That makes a big difference. still get deeply discouraged at times but, I think it is to be expected considering the world we live in, don't you agree? Sleep wonderfully still experience hot flashes early in A.M. And you?
outsidethebox last decade
I am doing good, thanks. If we compare with when you started homeopathic treatment with me, what are the overall changes ?
I feel it is good to do such an assessment from time to time.
I feel it is good to do such an assessment from time to time.
sameervermani last decade
First the positives. I feel like I have a better self image. I am calmer and quieter. Don't have headaches in the morning nor anxiety with difficulty breathing. I sleep very well.
I still have pain on left and the last two weeks or so I can hardly turn my head to the left. It is very sore...stiff...Chiropractor dosn't help. Also, clothing around my chest is still very uncomfortable.
I have LM9 that I haven't touched yet.
Please advise.
I still have pain on left and the last two weeks or so I can hardly turn my head to the left. It is very sore...stiff...Chiropractor dosn't help. Also, clothing around my chest is still very uncomfortable.
I have LM9 that I haven't touched yet.
Please advise.
outsidethebox last decade
Okay, these are very good improvements. Please take 1 dose of LM9.
1 drop in 500 ml, stir, and take a teaspoon.
Report after 10 days.
1 drop in 500 ml, stir, and take a teaspoon.
Report after 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
Took the dose and 12 hours later began the headache! Was bad and ached down my neck...spine area to my lower back where the lower back pain usually is. Also, was EXTREMELY tired. in fact, came home and slept from 5:00-8:00 the next day...15 hours! Headache is now gone. Had lots of dreams both nights of the dose. Ques. could this stiff neck issue be related. I've had it about two weeks now.
outsidethebox last decade
Ok, here is the 10 day update. Feel ok ... sleep good ... emnotionally good... lips, for lack of better way to describe it, look and feel a bit sunburned. Red and dry feeling. That is common for me at start of dose. But, I hate to report that yesterday and today I am having a little difficulty breathing like anxious feeling.
outsidethebox last decade
Let's do another dose, this time with 7 hits to the LM9 bottle before the dose.
After hitting, 1 drop in 500 ml, stir, and take a teaspoon.
Report after 10 days.
After hitting, 1 drop in 500 ml, stir, and take a teaspoon.
Report after 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
Hi, I know isn't 10 days but I have things to report. Maybe this is another symptom of Lachesis!!?!! At any rate, as usual within 12-24 hours after the dose I got the headache but, was not as bad as any of the others...and lips are still red and dry...don't know if that is from this dose or the last. Forgot to mention that I have been experiencing more hot flashes...even during the day sometimes. Not real often but some none the less.
Keep cool!
Keep cool!
outsidethebox last decade
It has been a week and there are soome strange things to report. I feel nervous around my stomach and like my heart is beating rapidly like I have been drinking bad coffee and when I am sleeping around 2:30-3:30 I wake with a panic feeling and can't breathe. HGot flashes are more frequent as I mentioned and a couple during day.
outsidethebox last decade
Dear Mr. Sameer,
I am sleeping much better....maybe a little less hot flashes BUT, the last four days I have had a headache that feels like my brain has a fever. It goes to the base of my neck and shoulders and at times I feel dizzy and nauseous. Am I sick?
I am sleeping much better....maybe a little less hot flashes BUT, the last four days I have had a headache that feels like my brain has a fever. It goes to the base of my neck and shoulders and at times I feel dizzy and nauseous. Am I sick?
outsidethebox last decade
Good morning Sameer.
I see it has been more than a week. This week I have been having more hot flashes. Also, I have not been sleeping very well. I keep feeling like I can't get enough there is too much humidity so I can't breathe. Also, there is an uncomfortable muscle spasm feeling when I sit, up on the right side of my spine. I'm telling you this just because you never know what's what!!!
I see it has been more than a week. This week I have been having more hot flashes. Also, I have not been sleeping very well. I keep feeling like I can't get enough there is too much humidity so I can't breathe. Also, there is an uncomfortable muscle spasm feeling when I sit, up on the right side of my spine. I'm telling you this just because you never know what's what!!!
outsidethebox last decade
'I keep feeling like I can't get enough there is too much humidity so I can't breathe. '
When does this happen ? (time, body position, any other triggers etc..)
Anything which makes it better ?
When does this happen ? (time, body position, any other triggers etc..)
Anything which makes it better ?
sameervermani last decade
When I go to bed at night. Usually after I have been sleeping for a while I will awaken with a start like I can't breathe or I feel restless and realize it is because I can't breathe...the old anxiety it appears it is when I am lying down sleeping at night. I think...I don't know if it is my imagination...that air conditioning feels better to breathe.
outsidethebox last decade
Time for Lachesis LM 10. Just 1 drop in 500 ml water, stir and take 1/2 teaspoon from there.
Report in 10 days.
Report in 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
outsidethebox last decade
Hello Sameer,
Just to inform, the Lachesis 10 and 11 arrived!
Right now, though I feel like I am doing pretty well.
Please let me know what you think should be the next step!
Just to inform, the Lachesis 10 and 11 arrived!
Right now, though I feel like I am doing pretty well.
Please let me know what you think should be the next step!
outsidethebox last decade
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