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bronchitis & Phos
Based on the symptoms I have taken Phos30(4 globules x2 ) for two days and the chest heavyness and the whizing (at bronchia)were gone but little tickling and cough around larynx remained. So I took a watery doze of phos 30(1/8 of 4 oz with 5 succasion)after a week. Then on I am having increased persiration, burning around neck and upper shoulder. I also had headache(gels like) at occiput with drowsiness. The weather was hot and muggy. I am weather sensitive, always seek open cold air, keeps windows open. Characterstically I am like sulphur, Lyco, puls and Conium(old bachellor). However, persiration and heat is not new to me but this time I feel this symptom is more like phosporus. Now that it has rained today and yet I have this burning sensation...I am confused what to do...a) should taken a Phosporous antidote or
b) wait and see or
c) continue with Phos with more diluted doze..
Budhai on 2009-07-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks Kadwa....I am not realy a Qualified Doctor but I have studied and treated some patients(volunteers and free of charge) and experinced good results...but treating self is a bit tricky....
Budhai last decade
Thanks Kadwa....
I am not a qulaified Doctor. Being a great fan of homeoptahy helped many in last 20 years and study books/journals to learn. However it is perhaps a bit tricky to do self treatment
I am not a qulaified Doctor. Being a great fan of homeoptahy helped many in last 20 years and study books/journals to learn. However it is perhaps a bit tricky to do self treatment
Budhai last decade
During the two rainy and cool(also weekends so I was also resting....) days i was better now as the heat is back the burning in the throat/neck and the upperback(between the shoulders is back) and now I also have headache occiput to right sided. Overall (refer to my first post) I am same the aggravation is same and the improvement is also same.o decide need help.
I am unable t
I am unable t
Budhai last decade
I forgot to mention perspiration (as mentioned in the first post)...I am not down but this is troubling me and no improvement for last two weeks now....
I need professional advice ...I do not know anyone in this blog...Kadwa or any other experienced Doctor please ....
I need professional advice ...I do not know anyone in this blog...Kadwa or any other experienced Doctor please ....
Budhai last decade
Please antidote phosphorus by taking 3 doses (1 dose = 4 globules)of nux vomica 30c on a single day (not daily but only on one day) at a gap of 4 hours.
Please observe change in symptoms and report back after 7 days.
Please observe change in symptoms and report back after 7 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,
Looks like I have improved. I still have burnings and other symptoms....(remember I am averse to heat and I am confused which is what)
Looks like I have improved. I still have burnings and other symptoms....(remember I am averse to heat and I am confused which is what)
Budhai last decade
Looks more like Pulsatilla..try to amtch the drug picture and your symptoms.
What illnesses have you been thru from child hood till now?
what is your age , M/ F.
Pankaj Varma
What illnesses have you been thru from child hood till now?
what is your age , M/ F.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
As Mr. Pankaj has rightly said more information is needed.
Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
As Mr. Pankaj has rightly said more information is needed.
Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
♡ kadwa last decade
Pankaj, can you list ONLY the symptoms that are completely new (proving symptoms). Then list any symptoms that are similar to what you normally get but have new modalities.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
You guys r very right. I am trying to write down my case in a orderly manner. I have already started I finish Ill post it. Yes I also thought about Puls but Havenot taken any because at this stage I guess I need to treat based on the chronic symmptoms....
Thanks for t
Thanks for t
Budhai last decade
I am seeking remedy for my chronic problems. I have some liver related problem, gout, pilesand hypertension. I think that mental and nervous related issues are important. Please read the whole to form a view. I tried to make it like a conversation after all my Doctors are not seeing me. Many of the thoughts are very inner and not expressed to anybody but for the sake of correct remedy finding I put it here. Descriptions are not necessarily exactly chronological or in order of importance. I tried to be as detail as possible. I hope you get a picture.
As an amateur homeopath I think Sulph, Lyco & Conium may be the chronic (deep acting) remedy. But how to administer them, I know one remedy at a time at long interval only.
Yesterday I was reading Carcinosin and I found similarity with my overall symptom and characters.
Patient ID: BUDAHI Sex: M Age: 52
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
As my problems are various although none of them are that serious to stop the apparent normal life, Except the pain in the liver region was regular for a while in Feb. /mar this year. Off curse whenever I have Achilles tendon/gout I have to limp or use crutch. Other wise I am quite fit compared to friends (few of them have Stents in their heart) I can swim underwater in one breath upto 60 plus ft (the length of the swimming pool), I go for tracking in the hills (Did it last December). I now need to improve on the negative progression of these chronic maladies. If possible I would like to get back my smelling power. (With 1 of the five senses gone I am like 20% dead) and get out of the BP medication (allopathic). I believe this may be possible >
Lover trouble, Chronic pile/rectum issue, Cannot smell anything, My fear is one of these problems may aggravate to something bad.
So right now that is as on today I have this burning/sweating at night.Liver pain is very low few pulses in last two days. I notice a mental improvement compared to my chronic state i.e. less anger or irritation, it could be the effect of remedies I have taken or I am just tired.
Abdomen: mild pain in Rt Hypochondriac region. Few times a day. After eating, at night. It was happening everyday in March/April when I took lyco and it improved. (Please see sec21). At home I mostly stay bare and cannot wear the Lungi tightly around the abdomen. So I wear shorts. During yoga I stay naked.
1991. Very mild pulsating pain right side of upper abdomen (gall bladder area but no gallstones, When I do Agnishwar Kria or nauli I feel something hard- Ultrasound reveals nothing). Upon investigation, slightly raised Bilurubin (1.5), SGPT 60 & mild enlarged liver was found. Suspected active hepatitis and further tests were done Diag: Fatty liver. Treatment: no medicine but recommended exercise. I used to feel tired and pale. (No diabetes). I like traveling and following a trip to Hilly (& malaria prone) region of the country,
In 1987 I had very high fever, up to 106F but malarial parasite could not be confirmed by blood test. This might have something to do with liver function.
1996: Following the death of my mother, I suffered from jaundice (HepB) jaundice recovered within 6 weeks the virus was gone after 3 months.
STOOL: Often Soft and unformed. In the morning I have to rush to toilet (Sulph, Aloe). Once/Twice a day. No constipation but clearance is proportional to good sleep.
1982: following return form my first career as Marine engineer, (I was unable to tolerate the noise of the Ship s engine so I came back) and I was studying MBA but I was unable to eat the bad food of the hostel and so often I used to starve as a change of menu which led to gastric pain and a an American Doctor of WHO was treating with all the imported US made medicine and my condition got worse as the doses was also increased. I being a very analytical person I feared that something was wrong with treatment. I could feel that the increased antacid though gave me momentary relief was actually tuning my system to produce more acids. I was also a smoker and taking marijuana. So I went to my village home for a vacation, fearing aggravation to serious ulcer and surgery. My father was an allopathic Doctor. He said gastric is not a disease this is a result of bad habits. I never believed in homeopathy before. A distant relative in my village gave me NUX 30 for a month and finding no other alternative I started taking the medicine and I was cured in three weeks. Since then I started studying homeopathy and always resort to homeopathy for any ailment.
Since childhood I was very sensitive (sound, heat, light and strong smell etch), choosy (wanted the best), stubborn and angry at home. Outside I would control my anger and at times I would outburst.
I am apprehensive about future and events so I go on analyzing and analyzing thus (as one of my friend said your problem is you analyze too much and the second problem is your are almost always right).
I was considered a genius (and the Mad scientist of the school) in school although my results fluctuated. I never was very business minded in pursuing anything rather seeking the truth only and pursuing the sciences. I was considered best in Physics but I got lowest marks in Physics and got much better marks in Literature.
I am a man without prejudice When I was 10/11 I told my mother that I would only marry a Brahmin girl. Watching people around I thought they were the best in terms of education and culture. I was born in Muslim family and living in 90% Muslim dominated area/country. Well never found the so called Brahmin Girl.
I am claustrophobic hate crowd (I Live in the most densely populated country in the world) and seek solitude. So often I go out in the forests. When I went to US I only visited the grand canyon, Niagara, and Blue ridge mountains but did not go to Disneyland.
My father was a Doctor but I never accepted the fact my parents gave birth to nine of us. I hated for being born in such family but never left them and took care of them. The society believes that I was unable to marry because I had to marry of five of sisters. You know that is not the whole fact. Actually there was no better attraction for leaving them. And I made sure I do not become a Bastard breeder (that is what I call this type of family).
I profoundly hated my society and values and always thought I would leave for a better place. Although I never could but I never really became a mainstream person anywhere. But apart from my not being married I was not much of a failure; my career was one of the best in my batch. I was the CFO of multinational Bank at 35 and then became a CEO and then gave up for a lighter life as the stress was unbearable plus I hated my profession because I never wanted to be banker or finance professional but I became the first CFA of Bangladesh.. As I told my friends I could not be a prostitute anymore. Currently, I work as consultant and play guitar (started at the age of 47 and learning)
Being a very eccentric person I am lonely inside but at times I socialize well. Now I have lot of friends 10/15 years younger than me. These are just survival strategy perhaps.
During my late teens and youth I used to seek deliverance from my miserable life and used to plan for committing suicide. I love Music and designed a machine so that an electric shock would kill me while I would be listening to Music. I would never commit suicide actually thought of suicide provided me with a possible exit from the situation. Now I do not even think about it because I am too old to die and there is nothing to kill.
All my life I have struggled to bring in prosperity to my family that did not happen very well at the same time I pursued a very good career, the stress was high which was worsened by my loneliness, both cultural and sexual. A feeling of melancholy, sadness coupled with irritation and anger troubled me and the folks in the family. Fear of something bad always haunts us. This is a basic fear also because of my continued failure to achieve things. My fantastic career was actually a series of failures. I am basically a science or literature type of personality (not at all commercial) but due to economic reason I tried to be Martine Engineer and gave up during the training due to hypersensitivity to engine noise, then Ii did MBA and although did not like banking but had to become a Banker (economically a much better job then others) then I was transferred to Kuwait and became the victim of First Gulf war so not much was achieved. But I always try and did my CFA there which gave me boost in my career subsequently, I was one of the youngest CEO in the market but I gave up career much before my retiring age (in 2005 at 48) to alleviate stress. But then in Aug 2007 my younger (by few years) sister died off cancer and again in Aug 08 my younger brother (11 years younger to me) died of cancer too. This has brought fear of disease and security among everybody.
All my life I was hanging by cliff of high mountain. Avoided a mental breakdown by making moves and working on hobbies and diversions. Following these deaths, I have become apathetic and relatively inactive. I was a little of a Procrastinator, delay petty things like renewal of bank deposit and loose money in the process as my priority is to maintain mental composer.
Memory: I am very forgetful (forgot to write this in my first draft), names, cannot find things easily. I remember the whole story perhaps but not the name of the Fiction. I have some very vivid memory of my childhood from the period when I was about and year old. I am nostalgic and I relish memories of those times.
Sexual organ:
Unmarried and sexual suppression. Regular masturbation. Casual sex ) thus sexual frustration and loneliness. No nocturnal emission but semen drips during intimacy. ED but dependant upon the partner.( Con.) I am very fussy about everything (See Mind). Most of my partners will tell u that I am poor performer but few of them would tell I was very great. Long ago I liked a girl and I could continue my hard on for an hour at the same time I was not doing so good some of the other partner. I am for most things in life I am primarily driven by mind rather than sheer physical urge
Gout- Since 1993 3/4 attacks of pain & swelling in left Big Toe finger, Uric Acid 7.7 to 9 . Using homeopathy it reduced to normal in 2006. But then I had another attack.
Osteoarthritis (decay in cervical spine region) causing pain in left scapula extending to fingers, Pain in right index finger joints. Once/twice to once in two year attack.
Tendonitis in my right leg (again 4/5 attacks so far starting 2002 & this although not painful normally but I am unable to walk or move as it pains severely then. During the last attack in Feb 2009 I have taken Bryo 30, Puls30 and finally Sulph 30 (as it was recurring after amel)
Overall for these above I have rarely used any allopathic medicine other than in compelling situation like during a Board Meeting( I was CFO of a major multinational Bank and CEO of a Finance company) I have used Voltaren suppository 2/3 time in last 15 years. I swim and practice Yoga & some pranayam (very irregularly though, like 6 to 10 days a month) I am 64kg and 5ft 5.5in i.e. normal weight..
Respiratory organ:
I used to sneeze when in heat or entering a stuffy hot room which is improves washing with cold water. I had very sharp of smell. (Ex: In 1998, I was in the bank. I was sitting three rooms away and about 50 staff in between the UPS room where an electric wire was heating up and only I could smell it, nobody else could sense it. I like a dog reached that room and the flame was just out. A major fire was saved.)
Starting 2000 I started loosing the sense of smell. Now it is gone. It could be due to chronic dryness and congestion in the posterior nares, smoking or the chemical in the banks furniture and fixtures due to frequent renovation and painting etc releasing chemical gums in the closed rooms.
I never took any medicine for sinus related problems but tackled it with Pranayam and salt water washing of the nasal cavity.
Now it is like chronic coryza. At times nasal passage is congested with dryness and but it also goes away when I exercise or apply cold. I never took any medicine for this not much discomfort also but I cannot smell anything now which is very sad but trying live with it. I rarely have colds/flu type of sickness.
I have blind multiple piles for last 25 years (runs in the family) which slightly bleeding thrice in the lifetime associated with eating food that I do not like. The rectum prolapses during stool which has to be pushed back in.
This at times become slightly inflamed or irritated. There is no other problem; the control of anus is OK. But the piles are becoming larger and rectum lining appear thicker over time.
Urinary system:
Increased night time urination. General increase in urination. Prostate mildly enlarged. Cold/ rainy day increased frequency.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
All above in 1.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
As described under 1 and others. .
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
I heights of anger I break things (now much less )
I am less active and differ things
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
I think my sensitive disposition along with the stress of life, huge responsibility both home & career, sexual suppression and loneliness caused all these. Not to talk about poisonous food that we take in regularly.
Often I thought may be I am autistic but there is a term for my type of person i.e. HSP Highly Sensitive Person.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
After a disturbed sleep morning is bad but improves with yoga and exercise
Morning as I wake up my nostrils would be blocked often which clears over time and exercise.
Heat & perspiration : evening to night
Hunger before lunch time: 11 am snack is required.
Urine : evening to night
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Generally I feel better in open air; I always keep my window open, Closed room makes me feel suffocating.
I have hunger pangs at 11 in the morning (in 1980S I have checked for diabetes as my colleagues told me with this kind of hunger you may have that).
Bad personality affects me, others mood affects me.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Almost everything would improve
a) If I had a good female company this is guess because I do not have any.
b) If I could go to cold place ( I remember my visits to England and Canada I felt younger and stronger)
c) Less noisy place y
Good sex improves the mood and my guitar playing. Thats a rare one being bachelor. But masturbation cools me off to sleep at night.
Passing of gas below (Flatus) improves the pain in liver
Good nights sleep improves the stool
I need few hours to compose myself after I come back home even after a very enjoyable engagement/party. I think this is the single most important reason I quite my job to create more time for me only.
Good conversation
SKIN: When I was 8/9 one of classmate had severe eczema in his leg where honey like liquid was dripping (like in Graphites). He put some of these on my leg and I had the same eczema which troubles me for years. I remember it used to aggravate in August (I missed the 14 Aug sport next two years.) No medicine worked but finally we tried some herbs which mere palliative. However, it improved but with recurrence of ringworm like infection here and there. Following my gastric treatment in 1984 I took a doze of sulphur which gave me a long relief.
In last couple of year I have a ring worm in my forearm, between elbow and the palm which come and goes.
For last 5/6 years I have some warts in my foot. The surface irregular fury type. More on the left foot.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
cold weather: sexy (low temperature and open Sky)
Hot & Humid: horrible
Dry: manageable
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous,
Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Moody, Nervous, cautious, very forgetful, Easily offended, anger. Humorous, sarcastic, swear, little bit lazy at times. Nowadays following the deaths I have become calm, not much anger, overall mellowed down. May be because of the remedies.
I always needed my kind of motivation to act. (Ex: in Dubai I was living in meridian Beach hotel on Banks account but I spent US50 as taxi fare took a ride to city center to have Indian veg thali costing me half a Dollar. But I refused to visit Abu Dhabi as it was just another boring city to me) So my colleague thought I am lazy but he could not explain the other visit.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
I enjoy stormy weather if the sky is not covered with cloud and there is good wind. I enjoy cyclone when it becomes cool and the color around not so bright but so romantic. If the sky is blocked I feel hot & drowsy type. At times I can sense low pressure being developed and I check weather report to confirm.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? I would but there is no one to do that
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Highly sensitive.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
I swear a lot. I often cannot find something I would swear you bastard come out. At times it works (ha ha) I call it negative meditation. Instead of chanting Om, or God, you can chant anything.
After these deaths I seem to have developed a habit of calling the dear ones like my mother aloud (as there is nobody in flat) at times. I remember my brother and sister many times a day and at time when alone in my flat I feel like screaming but I dont but just moaning sound. Recently, I have learnt it from my 1 year old niece who when does not like anything makes loud moaning noises. It helps vent off.
How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
I feel strongly for the family (now basically bothers and sister and their children.) I want them to be happy and prosperous. I worry about them too much as my friends would have put it.
I am generally friendly to people and can start talking with anybody anytime (this was viewed negatively when I was CFO/CEO). Hence I am good company for many but the reverse is not always true. So expressly I am best friend for many while I do not really have a place to go. Everybody come to me whenever they are in problem. This became so much a trend that, years back when my sisters used to live with me they would start smiling whenever my friends called. Almost all my friends have taken from me materially or otherwise so I am very cautious and aware that my being nice gentle should not give way for others to cheat me. I now know that anytime you are off guard people will screw you and that is basic biology. I call it Low FCI (Food Chain Index)
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
Fear of bad events happening to me/us. Fear of cancer (everyone in the family now).
I usually dream involving anxiety/ tension. At times I have nightmares when I wake up screaming/shouting out of fear of something from the dream. (Not ghost but situation, people and events)
At times dreams would continue as I sleep again after waking (not the nightmares)
Often my dreams just extension of daytime thoughts activities.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Difficult to generalize because it really depends on the cooking and my mood. But I never like sweet and fatty meat.
Aversions: Milk, Fatty food, meat, sugary food (although at time I crave sweat.) Dry food.
I am very fussy about food. My friends believe that I did not take the job in USA because I would not like the food.
I like: Masur daal (only in my house else I never touch it because the cooking is horrible), Beans, Cheese, tasty, juicy preparations. I love all the winter vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, brinjal, potato. Beans. Tomato.
I hate sticky & greasy food like Ladys finger, Semai (vermicelli), Payees (rice pudding with milk), Biriani from shop.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? Perhaps a bit high
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? I eat 3 to 4 times a day. Hunger is good but I cannot eat much I eat normal.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
Alcohol, although I smoke but I do not enjoy I just do it (2 to 3 a day)
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
More. Head, neck and upper back. Sweat during at night and during sleep (same PARTS).
Sweating of head while eating.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Normal to soft, at times not formed. I have morning urgency and clears fast. Once or twice a day.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
I do not sleep well, Restless and breaks 3-4 times. I remain dissatisfied. If I sleep early I would wake up at about 3 am. On the side and keep on changing sides. With on hand under the pillow. I need total darkens and silence (which is not possible for a living person in Dhaka city.) For good sleep.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
No. very rarely.
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
I was perhaps different from childhood as I recall my Berber telling my Grand father that I was possessed. Basically I am a dreamer, without prejudice, absent minded, analytical. It is also the family trait that we are simple, honest and weak type which I call low food chain hierarchy. Fundamentally, I was optimistic and achieved things for me but with my intelligence I knew other than in Hindi films things does change much. After all, no one can kill ten Villains.
As explained above. I view things logically and scientifically and I believe all religions are man made largely a sociopolitical endeavor. God (there may be one) had nothing to do with it. In fact it would very difficult for a Muslim or any religious woman to accept me as husband and vice versa. I seek truth and my views about the religion preceded reading of the Quoran and about other religion. I have fixed choices not generalized one. I like cheese and Palak(the spinach) but I hate the dish palak panir.
AS I hate meat, I do not visit anybody during the Eid-ul Azha holiday when everybody eats only meat. But mind it on a good day I love good beefy meal. I am unfit to live in these modern cities with only noise and crowd and I loathe most of fashion trend these days (this is not because I am 52 today but I understood the stupidity of fashion led behavior much earlier. I spent almost my money after coke after my higher secondary but by 30 I gave up coca cola. But occasionally during winter I would take whisky.
My view point about many things differs from the people One of my friends a writer wrote about me in a news paper article -not mentioning my name as such but termed me as the renaissance man. Another friend told me that I always run against the wind.
The fact that I never took any medicine for cold or fever is considered madness. But I know by taking allopathic medicine the duration of cold is usually lengthened and you would enter into a vicious cycle of drug end sickness.
The fact that I used to take cannabis (very little) at bed time to sleep well. My cardiologist asked me to take a sedative instead. I asked him to confirm that the tranquilizers are not worse then cannabis. He stroked off the sedative from the prescription. The fact that I could only take one stick a day during night time and did not smoke anything the whole also amazed people around.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Only allopathic medicine I take is for hypertension
Acute conditions: (pl see above 2). During the last attack in Feb 2009 I have taken Bryo 30, Puls30 and finally Sulph 30 (as it was recurring after amel.)
I was afraid to start on the chronic symptoms but then I felt the need to especially after the nagging pain in the rt hypochondria. The nagging pain at my right hypochondria improved but before taking it continued for two months and at time I could not sleep I thought I need to start now to avoid overall aggravation of health. So arrived at 3 remedies after studying which are Sulph, lyc & conium as chronic remedy. I took as under:
24th apr 09: Lyco 200
25th May 09: conium 1 m
24th June Lyco 1m
I was feeling better not knowing how to proceed on with these deep acting remedies..
Then in July I was having this cough and congestion which indicated Phos and after taking 3 doses in 2 days the congestion was gone and then I repeated with ¼ dilation of Phos 30 after a week which gave me this heat and perspiration around the neck, shoulder and head. This symptom is not entirely new for me I always sweat more and have night sweating. I often wake up and find my pillows wet. But what was new this time was that it was continuous aggravating in the evening continuing upto late night.
Then KADWA came in have taken NV30 as antidote. But I still have the heat at evening and night. As I mentioned about my confusion, this is summer (hot & humid) I always feel worse at evening in terms of heat as the walls starts dissipating heat after sunset I hate it always.
Five years back when I was becoming emaciated fast (Before that I would look very young as my face was full, I lost about 2/3 kilos (I am maintaining a weight of about 62 to 65 kilos for last 25 years) and then recovered later but the face became a bit sunken) a homeopath gave a dose of Tuberculinum-bovinum LM potency I do not know what power.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Father died of Heat attack at 65.He had hypertension, piles.
Mother-cancer esophagus at 55.
Sister cancer not fully confirmed as detected when already spread in liver possibly originated from colon.
Brother: pancreatic cancer.
My youngest brother (I am first and he is ninth) is marginally autistic and a very late (unexpected) issue of my parent.
That is as per medical report. If u ask me
Mother was very sensitive women. Disliked everything in the world. Underwent raising nine children unable to face extreme pressure due to deteriorations of economic condition. I warned her at least 10 years before that she is likely to have cancer because of her psychological condition.
Sister had piles and fissure and undergoing hormone therapy for trying take in a new child after the son. Because of late marriage she could not conceive after the first one. Could be complication of HRT. She was nice and sweat person not like me. Her ailment was a major surprise to everyone.
Brother was unable cope up with the urban pressure and a bad wife and who could not bear child. I would tell he died of depression and the cancer is the pathology though not confirmed. His wife was possibly poisoning him. I actually warned him four years before his death he is dying he must take some psychological therapy.
Understanding the future is also a problem for me. This is not pessimism but trying to warn people.
Now who is going to warn me?
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
I am 5ft 5inch now
Medium built.
35 3234 figure
Dark complexion not Black.
I was maintaining a good look so far but after these deaths my eyes sunk around the cavity but yet after using good hair dye one my student told me I look like 45 at 52.
As an amateur homeopath I think Sulph, Lyco & Conium may be the chronic (deep acting) remedy. But how to administer them, I know one remedy at a time at long interval only.
Yesterday I was reading Carcinosin and I found similarity with my overall symptom and characters.
Patient ID: BUDAHI Sex: M Age: 52
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
As my problems are various although none of them are that serious to stop the apparent normal life, Except the pain in the liver region was regular for a while in Feb. /mar this year. Off curse whenever I have Achilles tendon/gout I have to limp or use crutch. Other wise I am quite fit compared to friends (few of them have Stents in their heart) I can swim underwater in one breath upto 60 plus ft (the length of the swimming pool), I go for tracking in the hills (Did it last December). I now need to improve on the negative progression of these chronic maladies. If possible I would like to get back my smelling power. (With 1 of the five senses gone I am like 20% dead) and get out of the BP medication (allopathic). I believe this may be possible >
Lover trouble, Chronic pile/rectum issue, Cannot smell anything, My fear is one of these problems may aggravate to something bad.
So right now that is as on today I have this burning/sweating at night.Liver pain is very low few pulses in last two days. I notice a mental improvement compared to my chronic state i.e. less anger or irritation, it could be the effect of remedies I have taken or I am just tired.
Abdomen: mild pain in Rt Hypochondriac region. Few times a day. After eating, at night. It was happening everyday in March/April when I took lyco and it improved. (Please see sec21). At home I mostly stay bare and cannot wear the Lungi tightly around the abdomen. So I wear shorts. During yoga I stay naked.
1991. Very mild pulsating pain right side of upper abdomen (gall bladder area but no gallstones, When I do Agnishwar Kria or nauli I feel something hard- Ultrasound reveals nothing). Upon investigation, slightly raised Bilurubin (1.5), SGPT 60 & mild enlarged liver was found. Suspected active hepatitis and further tests were done Diag: Fatty liver. Treatment: no medicine but recommended exercise. I used to feel tired and pale. (No diabetes). I like traveling and following a trip to Hilly (& malaria prone) region of the country,
In 1987 I had very high fever, up to 106F but malarial parasite could not be confirmed by blood test. This might have something to do with liver function.
1996: Following the death of my mother, I suffered from jaundice (HepB) jaundice recovered within 6 weeks the virus was gone after 3 months.
STOOL: Often Soft and unformed. In the morning I have to rush to toilet (Sulph, Aloe). Once/Twice a day. No constipation but clearance is proportional to good sleep.
1982: following return form my first career as Marine engineer, (I was unable to tolerate the noise of the Ship s engine so I came back) and I was studying MBA but I was unable to eat the bad food of the hostel and so often I used to starve as a change of menu which led to gastric pain and a an American Doctor of WHO was treating with all the imported US made medicine and my condition got worse as the doses was also increased. I being a very analytical person I feared that something was wrong with treatment. I could feel that the increased antacid though gave me momentary relief was actually tuning my system to produce more acids. I was also a smoker and taking marijuana. So I went to my village home for a vacation, fearing aggravation to serious ulcer and surgery. My father was an allopathic Doctor. He said gastric is not a disease this is a result of bad habits. I never believed in homeopathy before. A distant relative in my village gave me NUX 30 for a month and finding no other alternative I started taking the medicine and I was cured in three weeks. Since then I started studying homeopathy and always resort to homeopathy for any ailment.
Since childhood I was very sensitive (sound, heat, light and strong smell etch), choosy (wanted the best), stubborn and angry at home. Outside I would control my anger and at times I would outburst.
I am apprehensive about future and events so I go on analyzing and analyzing thus (as one of my friend said your problem is you analyze too much and the second problem is your are almost always right).
I was considered a genius (and the Mad scientist of the school) in school although my results fluctuated. I never was very business minded in pursuing anything rather seeking the truth only and pursuing the sciences. I was considered best in Physics but I got lowest marks in Physics and got much better marks in Literature.
I am a man without prejudice When I was 10/11 I told my mother that I would only marry a Brahmin girl. Watching people around I thought they were the best in terms of education and culture. I was born in Muslim family and living in 90% Muslim dominated area/country. Well never found the so called Brahmin Girl.
I am claustrophobic hate crowd (I Live in the most densely populated country in the world) and seek solitude. So often I go out in the forests. When I went to US I only visited the grand canyon, Niagara, and Blue ridge mountains but did not go to Disneyland.
My father was a Doctor but I never accepted the fact my parents gave birth to nine of us. I hated for being born in such family but never left them and took care of them. The society believes that I was unable to marry because I had to marry of five of sisters. You know that is not the whole fact. Actually there was no better attraction for leaving them. And I made sure I do not become a Bastard breeder (that is what I call this type of family).
I profoundly hated my society and values and always thought I would leave for a better place. Although I never could but I never really became a mainstream person anywhere. But apart from my not being married I was not much of a failure; my career was one of the best in my batch. I was the CFO of multinational Bank at 35 and then became a CEO and then gave up for a lighter life as the stress was unbearable plus I hated my profession because I never wanted to be banker or finance professional but I became the first CFA of Bangladesh.. As I told my friends I could not be a prostitute anymore. Currently, I work as consultant and play guitar (started at the age of 47 and learning)
Being a very eccentric person I am lonely inside but at times I socialize well. Now I have lot of friends 10/15 years younger than me. These are just survival strategy perhaps.
During my late teens and youth I used to seek deliverance from my miserable life and used to plan for committing suicide. I love Music and designed a machine so that an electric shock would kill me while I would be listening to Music. I would never commit suicide actually thought of suicide provided me with a possible exit from the situation. Now I do not even think about it because I am too old to die and there is nothing to kill.
All my life I have struggled to bring in prosperity to my family that did not happen very well at the same time I pursued a very good career, the stress was high which was worsened by my loneliness, both cultural and sexual. A feeling of melancholy, sadness coupled with irritation and anger troubled me and the folks in the family. Fear of something bad always haunts us. This is a basic fear also because of my continued failure to achieve things. My fantastic career was actually a series of failures. I am basically a science or literature type of personality (not at all commercial) but due to economic reason I tried to be Martine Engineer and gave up during the training due to hypersensitivity to engine noise, then Ii did MBA and although did not like banking but had to become a Banker (economically a much better job then others) then I was transferred to Kuwait and became the victim of First Gulf war so not much was achieved. But I always try and did my CFA there which gave me boost in my career subsequently, I was one of the youngest CEO in the market but I gave up career much before my retiring age (in 2005 at 48) to alleviate stress. But then in Aug 2007 my younger (by few years) sister died off cancer and again in Aug 08 my younger brother (11 years younger to me) died of cancer too. This has brought fear of disease and security among everybody.
All my life I was hanging by cliff of high mountain. Avoided a mental breakdown by making moves and working on hobbies and diversions. Following these deaths, I have become apathetic and relatively inactive. I was a little of a Procrastinator, delay petty things like renewal of bank deposit and loose money in the process as my priority is to maintain mental composer.
Memory: I am very forgetful (forgot to write this in my first draft), names, cannot find things easily. I remember the whole story perhaps but not the name of the Fiction. I have some very vivid memory of my childhood from the period when I was about and year old. I am nostalgic and I relish memories of those times.
Sexual organ:
Unmarried and sexual suppression. Regular masturbation. Casual sex ) thus sexual frustration and loneliness. No nocturnal emission but semen drips during intimacy. ED but dependant upon the partner.( Con.) I am very fussy about everything (See Mind). Most of my partners will tell u that I am poor performer but few of them would tell I was very great. Long ago I liked a girl and I could continue my hard on for an hour at the same time I was not doing so good some of the other partner. I am for most things in life I am primarily driven by mind rather than sheer physical urge
Gout- Since 1993 3/4 attacks of pain & swelling in left Big Toe finger, Uric Acid 7.7 to 9 . Using homeopathy it reduced to normal in 2006. But then I had another attack.
Osteoarthritis (decay in cervical spine region) causing pain in left scapula extending to fingers, Pain in right index finger joints. Once/twice to once in two year attack.
Tendonitis in my right leg (again 4/5 attacks so far starting 2002 & this although not painful normally but I am unable to walk or move as it pains severely then. During the last attack in Feb 2009 I have taken Bryo 30, Puls30 and finally Sulph 30 (as it was recurring after amel)
Overall for these above I have rarely used any allopathic medicine other than in compelling situation like during a Board Meeting( I was CFO of a major multinational Bank and CEO of a Finance company) I have used Voltaren suppository 2/3 time in last 15 years. I swim and practice Yoga & some pranayam (very irregularly though, like 6 to 10 days a month) I am 64kg and 5ft 5.5in i.e. normal weight..
Respiratory organ:
I used to sneeze when in heat or entering a stuffy hot room which is improves washing with cold water. I had very sharp of smell. (Ex: In 1998, I was in the bank. I was sitting three rooms away and about 50 staff in between the UPS room where an electric wire was heating up and only I could smell it, nobody else could sense it. I like a dog reached that room and the flame was just out. A major fire was saved.)
Starting 2000 I started loosing the sense of smell. Now it is gone. It could be due to chronic dryness and congestion in the posterior nares, smoking or the chemical in the banks furniture and fixtures due to frequent renovation and painting etc releasing chemical gums in the closed rooms.
I never took any medicine for sinus related problems but tackled it with Pranayam and salt water washing of the nasal cavity.
Now it is like chronic coryza. At times nasal passage is congested with dryness and but it also goes away when I exercise or apply cold. I never took any medicine for this not much discomfort also but I cannot smell anything now which is very sad but trying live with it. I rarely have colds/flu type of sickness.
I have blind multiple piles for last 25 years (runs in the family) which slightly bleeding thrice in the lifetime associated with eating food that I do not like. The rectum prolapses during stool which has to be pushed back in.
This at times become slightly inflamed or irritated. There is no other problem; the control of anus is OK. But the piles are becoming larger and rectum lining appear thicker over time.
Urinary system:
Increased night time urination. General increase in urination. Prostate mildly enlarged. Cold/ rainy day increased frequency.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
All above in 1.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
As described under 1 and others. .
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
I heights of anger I break things (now much less )
I am less active and differ things
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
I think my sensitive disposition along with the stress of life, huge responsibility both home & career, sexual suppression and loneliness caused all these. Not to talk about poisonous food that we take in regularly.
Often I thought may be I am autistic but there is a term for my type of person i.e. HSP Highly Sensitive Person.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
After a disturbed sleep morning is bad but improves with yoga and exercise
Morning as I wake up my nostrils would be blocked often which clears over time and exercise.
Heat & perspiration : evening to night
Hunger before lunch time: 11 am snack is required.
Urine : evening to night
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Generally I feel better in open air; I always keep my window open, Closed room makes me feel suffocating.
I have hunger pangs at 11 in the morning (in 1980S I have checked for diabetes as my colleagues told me with this kind of hunger you may have that).
Bad personality affects me, others mood affects me.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Almost everything would improve
a) If I had a good female company this is guess because I do not have any.
b) If I could go to cold place ( I remember my visits to England and Canada I felt younger and stronger)
c) Less noisy place y
Good sex improves the mood and my guitar playing. Thats a rare one being bachelor. But masturbation cools me off to sleep at night.
Passing of gas below (Flatus) improves the pain in liver
Good nights sleep improves the stool
I need few hours to compose myself after I come back home even after a very enjoyable engagement/party. I think this is the single most important reason I quite my job to create more time for me only.
Good conversation
SKIN: When I was 8/9 one of classmate had severe eczema in his leg where honey like liquid was dripping (like in Graphites). He put some of these on my leg and I had the same eczema which troubles me for years. I remember it used to aggravate in August (I missed the 14 Aug sport next two years.) No medicine worked but finally we tried some herbs which mere palliative. However, it improved but with recurrence of ringworm like infection here and there. Following my gastric treatment in 1984 I took a doze of sulphur which gave me a long relief.
In last couple of year I have a ring worm in my forearm, between elbow and the palm which come and goes.
For last 5/6 years I have some warts in my foot. The surface irregular fury type. More on the left foot.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
cold weather: sexy (low temperature and open Sky)
Hot & Humid: horrible
Dry: manageable
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous,
Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Moody, Nervous, cautious, very forgetful, Easily offended, anger. Humorous, sarcastic, swear, little bit lazy at times. Nowadays following the deaths I have become calm, not much anger, overall mellowed down. May be because of the remedies.
I always needed my kind of motivation to act. (Ex: in Dubai I was living in meridian Beach hotel on Banks account but I spent US50 as taxi fare took a ride to city center to have Indian veg thali costing me half a Dollar. But I refused to visit Abu Dhabi as it was just another boring city to me) So my colleague thought I am lazy but he could not explain the other visit.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
I enjoy stormy weather if the sky is not covered with cloud and there is good wind. I enjoy cyclone when it becomes cool and the color around not so bright but so romantic. If the sky is blocked I feel hot & drowsy type. At times I can sense low pressure being developed and I check weather report to confirm.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? I would but there is no one to do that
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Highly sensitive.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
I swear a lot. I often cannot find something I would swear you bastard come out. At times it works (ha ha) I call it negative meditation. Instead of chanting Om, or God, you can chant anything.
After these deaths I seem to have developed a habit of calling the dear ones like my mother aloud (as there is nobody in flat) at times. I remember my brother and sister many times a day and at time when alone in my flat I feel like screaming but I dont but just moaning sound. Recently, I have learnt it from my 1 year old niece who when does not like anything makes loud moaning noises. It helps vent off.
How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
I feel strongly for the family (now basically bothers and sister and their children.) I want them to be happy and prosperous. I worry about them too much as my friends would have put it.
I am generally friendly to people and can start talking with anybody anytime (this was viewed negatively when I was CFO/CEO). Hence I am good company for many but the reverse is not always true. So expressly I am best friend for many while I do not really have a place to go. Everybody come to me whenever they are in problem. This became so much a trend that, years back when my sisters used to live with me they would start smiling whenever my friends called. Almost all my friends have taken from me materially or otherwise so I am very cautious and aware that my being nice gentle should not give way for others to cheat me. I now know that anytime you are off guard people will screw you and that is basic biology. I call it Low FCI (Food Chain Index)
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
Fear of bad events happening to me/us. Fear of cancer (everyone in the family now).
I usually dream involving anxiety/ tension. At times I have nightmares when I wake up screaming/shouting out of fear of something from the dream. (Not ghost but situation, people and events)
At times dreams would continue as I sleep again after waking (not the nightmares)
Often my dreams just extension of daytime thoughts activities.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Difficult to generalize because it really depends on the cooking and my mood. But I never like sweet and fatty meat.
Aversions: Milk, Fatty food, meat, sugary food (although at time I crave sweat.) Dry food.
I am very fussy about food. My friends believe that I did not take the job in USA because I would not like the food.
I like: Masur daal (only in my house else I never touch it because the cooking is horrible), Beans, Cheese, tasty, juicy preparations. I love all the winter vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, brinjal, potato. Beans. Tomato.
I hate sticky & greasy food like Ladys finger, Semai (vermicelli), Payees (rice pudding with milk), Biriani from shop.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? Perhaps a bit high
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? I eat 3 to 4 times a day. Hunger is good but I cannot eat much I eat normal.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
Alcohol, although I smoke but I do not enjoy I just do it (2 to 3 a day)
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
More. Head, neck and upper back. Sweat during at night and during sleep (same PARTS).
Sweating of head while eating.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Normal to soft, at times not formed. I have morning urgency and clears fast. Once or twice a day.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
I do not sleep well, Restless and breaks 3-4 times. I remain dissatisfied. If I sleep early I would wake up at about 3 am. On the side and keep on changing sides. With on hand under the pillow. I need total darkens and silence (which is not possible for a living person in Dhaka city.) For good sleep.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
No. very rarely.
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
I was perhaps different from childhood as I recall my Berber telling my Grand father that I was possessed. Basically I am a dreamer, without prejudice, absent minded, analytical. It is also the family trait that we are simple, honest and weak type which I call low food chain hierarchy. Fundamentally, I was optimistic and achieved things for me but with my intelligence I knew other than in Hindi films things does change much. After all, no one can kill ten Villains.
As explained above. I view things logically and scientifically and I believe all religions are man made largely a sociopolitical endeavor. God (there may be one) had nothing to do with it. In fact it would very difficult for a Muslim or any religious woman to accept me as husband and vice versa. I seek truth and my views about the religion preceded reading of the Quoran and about other religion. I have fixed choices not generalized one. I like cheese and Palak(the spinach) but I hate the dish palak panir.
AS I hate meat, I do not visit anybody during the Eid-ul Azha holiday when everybody eats only meat. But mind it on a good day I love good beefy meal. I am unfit to live in these modern cities with only noise and crowd and I loathe most of fashion trend these days (this is not because I am 52 today but I understood the stupidity of fashion led behavior much earlier. I spent almost my money after coke after my higher secondary but by 30 I gave up coca cola. But occasionally during winter I would take whisky.
My view point about many things differs from the people One of my friends a writer wrote about me in a news paper article -not mentioning my name as such but termed me as the renaissance man. Another friend told me that I always run against the wind.
The fact that I never took any medicine for cold or fever is considered madness. But I know by taking allopathic medicine the duration of cold is usually lengthened and you would enter into a vicious cycle of drug end sickness.
The fact that I used to take cannabis (very little) at bed time to sleep well. My cardiologist asked me to take a sedative instead. I asked him to confirm that the tranquilizers are not worse then cannabis. He stroked off the sedative from the prescription. The fact that I could only take one stick a day during night time and did not smoke anything the whole also amazed people around.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Only allopathic medicine I take is for hypertension
Acute conditions: (pl see above 2). During the last attack in Feb 2009 I have taken Bryo 30, Puls30 and finally Sulph 30 (as it was recurring after amel.)
I was afraid to start on the chronic symptoms but then I felt the need to especially after the nagging pain in the rt hypochondria. The nagging pain at my right hypochondria improved but before taking it continued for two months and at time I could not sleep I thought I need to start now to avoid overall aggravation of health. So arrived at 3 remedies after studying which are Sulph, lyc & conium as chronic remedy. I took as under:
24th apr 09: Lyco 200
25th May 09: conium 1 m
24th June Lyco 1m
I was feeling better not knowing how to proceed on with these deep acting remedies..
Then in July I was having this cough and congestion which indicated Phos and after taking 3 doses in 2 days the congestion was gone and then I repeated with ¼ dilation of Phos 30 after a week which gave me this heat and perspiration around the neck, shoulder and head. This symptom is not entirely new for me I always sweat more and have night sweating. I often wake up and find my pillows wet. But what was new this time was that it was continuous aggravating in the evening continuing upto late night.
Then KADWA came in have taken NV30 as antidote. But I still have the heat at evening and night. As I mentioned about my confusion, this is summer (hot & humid) I always feel worse at evening in terms of heat as the walls starts dissipating heat after sunset I hate it always.
Five years back when I was becoming emaciated fast (Before that I would look very young as my face was full, I lost about 2/3 kilos (I am maintaining a weight of about 62 to 65 kilos for last 25 years) and then recovered later but the face became a bit sunken) a homeopath gave a dose of Tuberculinum-bovinum LM potency I do not know what power.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Father died of Heat attack at 65.He had hypertension, piles.
Mother-cancer esophagus at 55.
Sister cancer not fully confirmed as detected when already spread in liver possibly originated from colon.
Brother: pancreatic cancer.
My youngest brother (I am first and he is ninth) is marginally autistic and a very late (unexpected) issue of my parent.
That is as per medical report. If u ask me
Mother was very sensitive women. Disliked everything in the world. Underwent raising nine children unable to face extreme pressure due to deteriorations of economic condition. I warned her at least 10 years before that she is likely to have cancer because of her psychological condition.
Sister had piles and fissure and undergoing hormone therapy for trying take in a new child after the son. Because of late marriage she could not conceive after the first one. Could be complication of HRT. She was nice and sweat person not like me. Her ailment was a major surprise to everyone.
Brother was unable cope up with the urban pressure and a bad wife and who could not bear child. I would tell he died of depression and the cancer is the pathology though not confirmed. His wife was possibly poisoning him. I actually warned him four years before his death he is dying he must take some psychological therapy.
Understanding the future is also a problem for me. This is not pessimism but trying to warn people.
Now who is going to warn me?
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
I am 5ft 5inch now
Medium built.
35 3234 figure
Dark complexion not Black.
I was maintaining a good look so far but after these deaths my eyes sunk around the cavity but yet after using good hair dye one my student told me I look like 45 at 52.
Budhai last decade
day 1
Please take three doses of Sulphur 200c at a gap of 4 hours.
day 2 to day 15
please take 5 drops of Chelidonium Q thrice a day in some 20 ml water.
Please report after 15 days.
Please take three doses of Sulphur 200c at a gap of 4 hours.
day 2 to day 15
please take 5 drops of Chelidonium Q thrice a day in some 20 ml water.
Please report after 15 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
Thanks. I 've started the course since 8th...One querry...Do I have to mainitian the same rules for having the mother tinctures i.e. half hour gap before or after eating..
Budhai last decade
Mr.Budhai,I have read your text,
found you interesting as a personality.We have few things common in our pesonlity. are interested in Homeopathy due to A.'cause you were impressed by its first medication and its results to you as against allopathy,same here.
2.Interested in music,same here. do homeopathy as social service,same here.
Mr. kadwa seems to be on right track on your prisciption.
found you interesting as a personality.We have few things common in our pesonlity. are interested in Homeopathy due to A.'cause you were impressed by its first medication and its results to you as against allopathy,same here.
2.Interested in music,same here. do homeopathy as social service,same here.
Mr. kadwa seems to be on right track on your prisciption.
bapu4 last decade
I have finished the course.. i feel better and specially the rectum area(seems to have eased a bit in terms of inflammation)...Liver pain was not there much and as it comes and goes and it is better now.
Further I forgot to mention in my original qustionnaire...once or twice a year mainly during the end of rainin season I at times get back my smell for a while which is asscociated with bily taste and rouogh feeling on the tongue and this gives me the hope that I may get my smell bakc someday.
Further I forgot to mention in my original qustionnaire...once or twice a year mainly during the end of rainin season I at times get back my smell for a while which is asscociated with bily taste and rouogh feeling on the tongue and this gives me the hope that I may get my smell bakc someday.
Budhai last decade
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear kadwa,
Since last reporting not much change except one day afte having a office lunch (chiekn & paratha)in a resutaurant I had pain in right hypochondria extenidng to rt scapula. Normally all my pains are pulsating and last few moments at the most but this a bit longer but I think this was because of the food...I never take food in restaurant unless unvaoidable.
Otherwise. I would like to add some chronic features I missed in my orignal case.
1. My muscles are genetically soft and flaccid type even during my military(cadet) school training where I was doing PT and parade everyday for eight years I did not develop strong muscles. These are softer than women.
2. My nose are often blocked (mostly right nostrils) breathing is more difficlut thought rt one.
3. I am still suffering from the death of my brother and sister in 2007 and 2008.Many thinks we are softe hearted and mild in nature that is why we suffer more.
4. My chief complain would still be depression, hopelessness and lack of love from women. Aversion to wokr or any endeavour.
5. I need to get my smell back so that at least I could smell flowers and nature which I would enjoy so much
Thanks for your help
Since last reporting not much change except one day afte having a office lunch (chiekn & paratha)in a resutaurant I had pain in right hypochondria extenidng to rt scapula. Normally all my pains are pulsating and last few moments at the most but this a bit longer but I think this was because of the food...I never take food in restaurant unless unvaoidable.
Otherwise. I would like to add some chronic features I missed in my orignal case.
1. My muscles are genetically soft and flaccid type even during my military(cadet) school training where I was doing PT and parade everyday for eight years I did not develop strong muscles. These are softer than women.
2. My nose are often blocked (mostly right nostrils) breathing is more difficlut thought rt one.
3. I am still suffering from the death of my brother and sister in 2007 and 2008.Many thinks we are softe hearted and mild in nature that is why we suffer more.
4. My chief complain would still be depression, hopelessness and lack of love from women. Aversion to wokr or any endeavour.
5. I need to get my smell back so that at least I could smell flowers and nature which I would enjoy so much
Thanks for your help
Budhai last decade
Please avoid oil rich food like parathas. Fat intake puts unnecesary pressure on liver and it may also lead to circulatory disturbances.
Please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for 10 days and report back.
Kali Phos 6x
Natrum Sulph 6x
Please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for 10 days and report back.
Kali Phos 6x
Natrum Sulph 6x
♡ kadwa last decade
Until 18th Oct I continued with the two medicine. But follwoing a bad sleeping posture(slept during watching TV) I had acute pain in the left shoulder extending to left arm( One of my three pains which keeps coming back... )It started on 10th but I avoided taking any medicine, but a recent rivercruise ( faom bed and very cool A/c)aggrvated it so yesterday I tokk few dosed of Bryonia 30 now a little improvement but pulsating pain in left scapula..and arm are still there. i do not know if I need to take any other remedy like Rhus or ...
Meanhwile on the chronic side. Since sulphur dose my stool improved and rectal pilesand prolapse improved a bit..but the nagging pain in the right hypochondria was still there ...when I lie down on right side at night. even at other times... I failed to notice any effect of these Biochemic dosage ...fits of anger at my sisters (my family) and suffereing from sadness, hopelessness contnues.
Meanhwile on the chronic side. Since sulphur dose my stool improved and rectal pilesand prolapse improved a bit..but the nagging pain in the right hypochondria was still there ...when I lie down on right side at night. even at other times... I failed to notice any effect of these Biochemic dosage ...fits of anger at my sisters (my family) and suffereing from sadness, hopelessness contnues.
Budhai last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.