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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need cure for Speech Problem.

I am a student doing my graduation.But I often feel scared to speak in the public due to my stamering problem.

I often face difficulty while starting to speak something since it takes time.I also face difficulty in pronouncing complicated words and my pronunciation is also not clear.
I am really worried for this problem as I think it might affect my professional life.
Please tell me what to do to cure this problem.
  patient_1234 on 2009-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1. Describe your main sufferings and other related or unrelated sufferings with exact sensations, locations, modalities and probable causes.

2. Write an essay on yourself, your personality, nature, likes and dislikes, thermal preferences, cravings and aversions, fears and dreams, your ambition in life, your inner-most desires, your place in society etc.

3. What is your profession? Do you enjoy yourself at work? Is it a profession you have willingly chosen? If not, what would it be as per your choice?

4. What would you like to change in your personality, if at all?

5. Please pick out the adjectives which best describe your personality;

Nervous, Anxious, Shy, Worrying, Paranoid, Proud, Asocial, Guilty, Depressed, Hypochondriac, Untidy, Weepy, Emotional, Impractical, Confused, Suspicious, Jealous, Timid, Aggressive, Headstrong, Forgetful, Follower, Insecure, Immature, Impulsive, Rigid, Restless, Feminine.

6. Did you have any bereavement in life? If yes, how has it affected you?

7. Do you often suffer from depression? If so, do you prefer company or solitude during those times?

8. Do you get angry often? If not, do you feel the anger inside at least? What are the things / issues on which you get angry the most?

9. Do you have any issues regarding your parenting by your guardians? How were their nature / behavior towards you during your childhood and adolescents? How has it affected your personality and thoughts?

10. Would you say your sex drive is high, low or average? Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires?
rishimba last decade
1. Describe your main sufferings and other related or unrelated sufferings with exact sensations, locations, modalities and probable causes.

Ans: Main Sufferings ::
When I was a child (From class 4 to 9) I had the problem of stammering but it was not a continous problem. For a span of time I used to suffer from this problem and again this problem used to dissapear. But from class 9 this problem started to increase and now it is a fixed problem.
I face more difficulty while starting to speak since I have to give more force to speak out.
I face difficulty in speaking out words with complicated pronunciations and I feel that I cannot control my tongue.
My voice is also low in volume from my childhood.

Other unrelated sufferings ::

Suffer from joint and muscle pains of hand and feet. Whenever I hold something for a considerable time, my hand starts to tremble. Joint pains starts if I stands for long time or walks.Also feels pain in the heels.

2. Write an essay on yourself, your personality, nature, likes and dislikes, thermal preferences, cravings and aversions, fears and dreams, your ambition in life, your inner-most desires, your place in society etc.

Ans: My age :: 25yrs. Height :: 5'4'. BOdy weight :: 50 to 55 KG. Body type :: Slim. Wears spectacle.

Not a person with a very strong personality. Often hesitates to interract with people. A very workaholic type. Generally don't give up something unless and until I complete it properly.
Softspoken but sometime becomes irritated.
Doesn't like too much of sound. Likes a quiet environment where I can concentrate on my thoughts and studies.
Doesn't likes very hot food and chillies. More inclined towards cold and sweets.
Fear of being harassed or misbehaved.
Often dreams that 'I tripped(stumbled) while walking or chimbing the staircase' and then I wakes-up.
My ambition in life is to be a highly qualified and respectable person with lot of property.
Trying to make a marked place in the society. Very proud about my family background.

3. What is your profession? Do you enjoy yourself at work? Is it a profession you have willingly chosen? If not, what would it be as per your choice?

ANS: Graduated one year before.Got a job during my campus placement in the very first attempt. Waiting for my 'date of joining'.

4. What would you like to change in your personality, if at all?

ANS: My way of speaking , the way I interract and the way I walk.

5. Please pick out the adjectives which best describe your personality;

Nervous, Anxious, Shy, Worrying, Paranoid, Proud, Asocial, Guilty, Depressed, Hypochondriac, Untidy, Weepy, Emotional, Impractical, Confused, Suspicious, Jealous, Timid, Aggressive, Headstrong, Forgetful, Follower, Insecure, Immature, Impulsive, Rigid, Restless, Feminine.

ANs: Nervous,
Shy ,
Worrying ,
Proud ,
Asocial(to some extent) ,
Depressed ,
Emotional ,
Insecure ,
Forgetful(little bit),
Timid (During my childhood),
Aggressive(in some situations I become agressive)

6. Did you have any bereavement in life? If yes, how has it affected you?

ANs: Nothing such.

7. Do you often suffer from depression? If so, do you prefer company or solitude during those times?
Ans: Yes, I often suffer from depression. The level of depression(I think) has gone up due to staying back at home for last one year. As a result new issues start comming into my mind which never used to come before.
I prefer company during these times. That is why I recently started going out with my friends every sunday to cope-up with this problem.

8. Do you get angry often? If not, do you feel the anger inside at least? What are the things / issues on which you get angry the most?

ANs: Yes, I often get angry and irritated. Since for last one year I am sitting back at home waiting for my 'date of joining' in a company.I feel that my level of irritation and dissatisfaction has increased.Often I don't express my anger, but it stays inside.
I get angry when :
1) Someone is not paying attention to me or not listening to me.
2) Someone repeats the same thing again and again.
3) Someone says or does something that I don't support morally.
4) Someone is doing something that is illegal or something that creates problem for others around.

9. Do you have any issues regarding your parenting by your guardians? How were their nature / behavior towards you during your childhood and adolescents? How has it affected your personality and thoughts?

Ans: My parents are very conservative in nature which reflected in their parenting. As a result I could not share everything with them and used to interract with my father in an utmost formal way. During my childhood I used to see my father as an angry and reserved man and used to maintain a distance from him.
Due to this conservative nature of my parents I also developed this conservative outlook.
Since I was the youngest among all the brothers and sisters in the family(joint family), I was very much in a caring environment and also at the same time in a very guarded and observed environment. My brothers used to keep an I on me. As a result I developed a thought that if I do something without taking permission then my brothers might come to know about this and I could be in a big problem .
Since, the age gap between me and my brothers is 10-12 yrs, there has been a problem of domination. Which (I think) affected my ability to think independently to some extent.

10. Would you say your sex drive is high, low or average? Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires?

Ans: High sex drive. But I cannot satisfy my sextual desire since I am unmarried. Since I am born and brought-up in a conservative family, I think Pre-marital sex is a social crime though I often feel the urge to get involved into physical relationship. As a result I undergo masturbation everyday(often more than once).
patient_1234 last decade
Respected doctors. I have posted my details. Please go through them and provide some solution.
patient_1234 last decade
please give me some time..
rishimba last decade

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