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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

lip pain

I have very severe burning pain at one (only one) sharp point at the inside of left lower lip. Can anybody tell me that homeopathic medicne which has this drug symptom? I will be very thankful.
  P. Prakash on 2010-08-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you have grief as a prominent mental symptom Natrum Mur 200 may help you.
If you have anxiety as a prominent mental symptom Arsenicum Album 200 may help you.
If you are philosophically inclined thinker Sulphur 200 may help you.
Looking at the details reported in your other thread Staphysagria 200 may also help you.
Please do your own analysis and take three doses of the indicated reemdy for only one day (not daily) at a gap of 4 hours and see how that affects in the next 15 days.
These remedies should affect you overall and you should not take another homeo remedy during these 15 days period.
kadwa last decade
Thank you very much Sir! But how do you differentiate between grief and anxiety? But let me do my own analysis. May be I will revert to you for your analysis of my other mental symptoms. But thanks again.
P. Prakash last decade
Dr. Kadwa Sir!

I meant I seem to be suffering from mental symptoms of grief as well as anxiety. So I had written how to differentiate between the two. I suppose I suffer much more from anxiety than fear. That settles for Ars Alb 200. As luck would have it, the last 6 doses I had taken were of Ars Alb as follows.Ars Alb 1M (one millionth of a drop)one dose each on 26/7/10, 28/7/10, 29/7/10, 2/8/10, 3/8/10. Then I had very great aggravation of all my trigeminal neuralgial symptoms including lip pain. The culmination was on from 15/8/10 to 17/8/10 when I had to 3 tablets of Tegrital 200 each day. Then I had to take 2 tabs each day from 18/8/10 to 20/8/10. Then I felt I need some suitable antidote. So, without breaking the continuity of Ars Alb I took one millionth of a millionth of a drop of Ars Alb
i.e. very very low dosage of exactly the same potency of Ars Alb (Split Dose Method)on 20/8/10. This seems to have worked. I could do just by one tablet of Tegrital 200 on 22/8/10 and 23/8/10. Today is 24/8/10. Since this morning, I am better but for aggravation in the swelling and numbness of my feet. In fact, my left foot has started pain on its big toe and nearby area. Mentally, I am feeling relieved and better.

Kindly read my other thread on Trigeminal Neuralia also in this connection, which, I think, you had already taken into account while giving the present suggestion of Ars Alb.

Pl advise further course of action for which I shall be very very highly obliged to you. Thank you.

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
Please don't take Ars Alb now as you have taken much more than enough. You may take 1 pellet each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for few days and see whether it helps.
silicea 6x
calc fluor 6x
nat sulph 6x
mag phos 6x
kadwa last decade
Should I take all the four salts ( one pellet each )together at the same time, thrice a day at intervals of four hours?
P. Prakash last decade
kadwa last decade
Dr. Kadwa Sir: 26/8/10

As per Kent and also Dhawale, I am passing through the second observation category of remedy action or reaction. This is “prolonged aggravation then slow amelioration”. It is a very critical state just next to the “killer aggravation” state. I am having slow (rather very slow) relief from aggravation, but some relief is there, continuing. According to them – all will be well if the remedy is not too soon repeated. Further, as per Hahnemann : one medicine at one time. So I am rather confused. Since Ars Alb is still there and working, will it be alright if I wait for a little while more before starting the four tissue salts you have advised? I am awaiting your reply Sir! Please do not mind my query but I have really gone through hell during these five years. I have tried all the possible medical lines, allopathy, ayurved, homeopathy, pranyanams, etc. Ultimately I purchased almost all the available books on homeopathy and went through them. But I know I am a novice without any experience. So I am not overenthusiastic of my knowledge of homeopathy. So please do not mind my query. With due regards:

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
It is my opinion that tissue salts don't affect or disturb the working of homeo remedies. The principle of single remedy do not apply to tissue salts. A homeo remedy works at dynamic plane and it works best in 30c potency and above. A tissue salt works at nutritional plane and it works best in 6x or similar potency.
kadwa last decade
Dr. Kadwa:

Thank you very much for clearing my doubts. Soon I shall start taking the four tissue salts as per your directions. Thanks again.

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
Arsenic Alb. helped to throw out the suppressed toxins.

Allow it to do its work internally. It will neutralize the toxins.

You would feel better in a little while.

Kadwa is right, you can take bio-chemics meanwhile.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Mind you...toxins are thrown out on the skin surface.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Pankaj Varma:

Thank you for your guidance. Yes! I had got skin rash on both of my hands. They became ok after 5-6 days. Then there was slight escalation of swelling on my left foot, but too much pain on the left big toe and area around it. It is subsiding right now - about 50% gone. There si quite a bit of weakness in both knees. I suppose that's a drug symptom. Idiosyncrasy, perhaps. I suppose it too will be ok after some time. How much time will it take roughly?

I will be starting taking the four salts as suggested by Dr. Kadwa and seconded by you from tomorrow.

Thanking you,

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
arsenic alb dosage taken by you ...will continue to work internally for 3 to 4 weeks.

When symptoms appear on the skin..it is a sure sign that the med has done its job.

It will also improve your digestion, normalize BP etc.

Dear Kadwa is doing a great job at this Forum.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
My appreciation for dear Maheeru as well for suggesting to you Arsenic Alb.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr Kadwa: 29/8/10

I started taking the four tissue salts from yesterday. There is one confusion, however. I read somewhere that tissue salts are best taken before meals. At another place, Mag Phos should be taken in warm water. Should I take them at 4 hours intervals, without caring whether that happens to be before meals, after meals or some other time?

Kindly guide me.

By the way, I am having some overall relief. Thanks for keeping me on the tracks.

Dr. Pankaj Varma:

You have written that Ars Alb will continue working internally for 3 to 4 weeks. But its duration is mentioned as 60-90 days in Kent and Boericke.

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
Dr. Pankaj Varma: 29/8/10

Dr. Maheeru did not suggest Ars Alb to me. It was done by Dr. Kadwa. However, Dr. Maheeru has been helpful to me in other respects, no doubt.

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
If you want to go by the book ...then go ahead. However, experience tells us differently. (Re. duration of the action of Ars. Alb.).

Those were days of no pollution, no antibiotics, no bombardment of nervous system by, road noises, TV, mobile phones etc etc.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Have you seen the extra lines on your TV screen ...when a Aero plane passes by in the vicinity or an electrical short circuiting takes place on the electric pole near your house.

That is how external influences corrupt your nervous system by their bombardment. Your nervous system is a very sensitive apparatus.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
To un-wind...the ancient system of meditation is so important for that reason.

It restores normal functioning of the nervous system and then the body is on the auto-pilot.
The body...then...pushes out the disease on its own with the aid of the immune system.

Homeopathy also triggers the right command for the auto-immune system. That is why..such a infinite dose of the med does the trick.

Maybe...you can take some classes in Vipasana meditation to see the benefits for your self.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
If arsenic alb has helped you....then the conclusion is that there is disorder and confusion in your life.

Arsenic ALb patients are very sensitive to 'disorder and confusion'.

Things are out of your control and you are unable to clear the disorder and confusion created by others around you...who seem to have a 'I don't care' attitude.
They are 'a pain in the neck' !!

Pl. ponder on this....you will arrive at great answers to your problems in life.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Pankaj Varma:

1) I do'nt know if Ars Alb is helping me in its ernest. It is still working and has not exhausted its action, is sure. I am not going as per the books, but I think Kent and Boericke are authorities and what I found in them I mentioned to you. I had taken 1 dose of Causticum 1M on 19/1/2009 and it exhausted its action on 11/3/2009 i.e. in more or less 50 days. Its duration is given as 50 days in Boericke.You must be knowing better than me that there are ways to find out as to when a dose has exhausted its action. So I plan to apply the same technique in case of Ars Alb also. Will it be alright? Please advise.

2) You must be correct in citing the examples of getting extra lines on the TV screen when a plane flies nearby. But in case of dynamic or subtler planes in our body, I dont suppose the example fits in. Nobody can break an earthen pot of the dream by a real physical stick. In case of a plane and a TV set, all are entities of this physical world, including electro-magnetic waves. Actually I am a post doctor i.e. D.Sc. in Physics from USA,so above facts jumped out before me automatically. I do not wish to offend you in any way, but I am writing about what I feel in a natural way.

Thanking you,

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
Dr. Kadwa Sir:

I have started taking the 4 tissue salts as advised by you, 2 days now. I, however, have following doubts for you to kindly consider.

None of of my general, mental or physical symptoms are covered by Nat-S and Sil. In fact, there are contra-indications e.g.-

I)In case of Natrum Sulphuricum:

i)aggravation from lying on the left side (Just opposite is true)
ii)Suicidal tendencies (I never never had)
iii)irritability followed by sleepless nights (normally I never had sleepless night; it is different if I could not sleep due to TN pains)
iv)Music, especially melancholic strains, aggravates symptoms (Its just the opposite.)

II) In case of Silicea:

i)It is especially suited to impefectly nourished constitutions, owing to deficient assimilation (Just opp is true)
ii)Pus-formation, ..suppurtation, ripens abscess,.. deep seated suppurtation, pus thick and yellow,.. chronic gouty rheumatic (I never had any such tendencies)
iii)Thought difficult, attention difficult to fix, can be aroused but tires easily, want to think but are unable to do so. (Just the reverse is true).

Please advise: should I continue these two salts. Why? They dont cover ANY of my 'guiding symtoms' in the words of Hering.

Thanking you,

P. Prakash last decade
I am a Engineer (B.E.)in Electronics...and have studied about waves for years and years.

The human body has an envelope of waves around it.

There are experts who see the Aura around the body. Scientists have read the Aura with the instruments.
There is mention in detail of the Aura in the Vedas.

This aura is easily disturbed by the external factors. Infact, if you learn Reiki (the ancient art of healing by touch of the hand)...they will tell you...where the Aura is disturbed...disease is there-in inside the body.

If around the kidney..then in the kidney. If around the liver...then disease is in the liver...so and so forth.

You can research about the Aura and Reiki through Google.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
When the symptoms return for good...then the med has exhausted its action. Time limits given in books are just approximations.

For each individual ...it is different...depending upon his constitution and the intensity of the disease.

Go to the next higher potency of the med then for further cure.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Don't think too much about your symptoms...coz ...then the body replicates on itself what it sees in the sub-conscious mind. It works as a deterrent to healing. Interferes with the Auto-immune system.

Build in your mind an image of a healthy body...it helps a great deal.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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