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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dr. Punkaj:

Thanks for the concern. I have noted your suggestion. However, right now I am trying to analyse the results of various self chosen drugs versus totality of my symptoms. On completion I will post them here for analysis. Then I will restart further course of action.

Thanks once again,

P. Prakash last decade
I have been under the impression that there are 3 miams only, i.e. Psoric, Sycotic and Syphilitic. Which is this Tubercular miasm?

P. Prakash last decade
Tubercular miasm:

where there is history of TB.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Ardeshir T. Jagose M.D. (Hom)

The word miasm has originated from the Greek word “Miasma” which means a stain, pollution, defilement of an abnoxious atmosphere or infective material. Hahnemann, during his life time discovered that a “noxious agent” was responsible for the persistence of the disease condition which he named as miasm. It was during the evolution of the discovery of chronic disease, he came to the conclusion that the disease condition cannot arise, persist or even grow worse if the miasm is not present. Hence, he named three basic miasms, i.e. Psora, Sycosis and Syphilitic miasm. Futhermore, Dr. Tomas Paschero definition of miasm was : “A miasm is not an infection or an intoxication, but a vibratory alteration of man’s vital energy, determining the biological behaviour and general constitution of the individual.”

If we look into the evolution of the history of miasm, Dr. Hahnemann perceived the miasm on the physical plane based on the clinical observations. It was further extended and given a philosophical touch by Dr. J. T. Kent who raised the miasmatic theory to the state of mind which required deep seated perceiving. Dr. Robert and Dr. Speight made an analytical study of symptomatology of diseases and corelated the miasms with symptoms. Dr. C. M. Boger generalised the symptoms and converted them to pathological generals eg keloid, gangrene, desquamations, etc. He also stressed form, function and structure of any disease condition. He was of the opinion that disease evolves dynamically from Psora to Sycotic to Tubercular to Syphilitic phase. He was the first person to corelate pathology to miasms.

Dr. J. H. Allen introduced the tubercular miasm.

In his book “The Chronic Miasms” he described psora, pseudopsora and sycosis. He stated that the miasms psora and syphilis gave rise to tubercular miasm and called it pseudopsora. He added that when sycosis is added to tuberculosis, it gives rise to a malignant hue.

Source: http://www.similima.com/org51.html
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Punkaj:

That means there are four types of inherent basic tendencies in the system of a person (called miasms), because of which he is prone to get four specific categories of chronic diseases only. These miasms are Psora to Sycotic to Tubercular to Syphilitic.

Is that the latest position - names wont matter but there are four miasms only? Is that so?

Thanks again for providing the info.


P. Prakash last decade
Does that mean all the chronic diseases can be classified into four general categories? If so, which are these four categories and which diseases fall in which category?

P. Prakash last decade
For the time being ...you can assume this. Homeopathy has gone into more refinements.

If you can absorb this and the related knowledge...you know quite a bit.

See this link as well...which I wrote in 2003.

(Helps to know this aspect of homeoapthy too):


Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Punkaj;

Rewriting for your response pl.

'Does that mean all the chronic diseases can be classified into four general categories? If so, which are these four categories and which diseases fall in which category?'


P. Prakash last decade
Read the article on this site ...for more details:

PANKAJ VARMA last decade

In 'chronic diseases' Hahnemann put out three miasms--Psora, sycosis, syphilis or leuticum as basic fertile soil for chronic diseases. Later Tubercular miasm was added to this trio. And as time evolved, idea of another miasm called cancer miasm has also started taking ground. So for some, it's three, for many it's four and again for some, it's five.

Ars. alb. not having affinity for tubercular miasm is not an absolute one. A couple of authors like Subramanian and G. Risch do classify ars. alb as having anti tubercular property. check the links below.

I'm giving you a couple of online tools to understand the classification of remedies under different miasmatic heads. You will notice that Hahnemann placed most of the remedies under psora and very few under sycosis and syphilis. But after Hahnemann's time the concept has been enhanced with experience of many master homeopaths.

http colan //www dot homeoint.org/articles/miasms/a.htm

http colan //homeoweb.ch/pro/miasmen/miasmen.php

(Replace colan with : and dot with .)

S.K. Banerjea's miasmatic work is considered exhaustive and an excellent resource in modern times.
maheeru last decade
Dr. Punkaj:

Thank you so much for giving me the link which deals with miasms. I have not gone through the whole of the article with full concentration, but whatever I could go through is amazingly nice, succinct yet exhaustive as far as the theoretical aspect is concerned. I can only hope that I am able to use it practically to my advantage. But it is really very good.

Thank you once again.

P. Prakash last decade

I have gone through the second link provided by you. It has given me the information that I had been wanting to have for such a long time. I have already taken a hard copy for my future reference. The only difficulty which will surely creep in will be to depend upon whose classification out of the 8 authorities. But, then, that is what is.

As far as the first link i.e.
http colan //www dot homeoint.org/articles/miasms/a.htm
is concerned, it is not opening. A very large number of web sites are coming in response. Which one is to be chosen?

How can I go through the miasmatic work of S.K. Banerjea?

Thanking you very much for giving me the above valuable information,

P. Prakash last decade

Did you replace colan with : and dot with .?

You may try http colan //www dot homeoint.org/articles/miasms and from the page, you can choose 'English'. And then from English alphabets from A to Z, choose any alphabet to see remedies starting with that alphabet under various authors. Here there are 11 authors to speak including Hahnemann, Boenninhausen, Kent. In the last column you will have the number of majority of authors placing that remedy in a particular miasm.

All of the authors are eminent homeopaths and the findings reflect their experiences with the remedies and the number of ailments/patients they have handled. So no need to be confused, even the difference of opinion here could be a blessing in disguise.

S.K. Banerjea's 'Miasmatic prescribing' book is considered a phenomenal work. But the tools i have given may be more than adequate for you to understand the miasmatic depth/affinity of each and every major remedy esp. polychrests in homeopathy.
maheeru last decade
Replace the colan and dot with : and . respectively. This is done to present the links on the forum without getting removed as the software on this site won't allow the links to be posted.
maheeru last decade

My my! What a sea of info!. I really dont need or want any further info as far as miasmatic classification of medicines is concerned.

Thank you very much. Regds.

P. Prakash last decade
Welcome Prakash, Glad to be of help.
maheeru last decade
Dr. Punkaj:

The link you have provided is really up to date and exhaustive. So there are actually 8 miasms. I knew only 3 before you started giving me info on miasms. Thanks a lot for such nice and valuable info. I hope I am able to use it still further to my practical advantage.

Thanking you once again,

P. Prakash last decade
I am committed to helping others to the best of my ability and time permitting from my daily routine.

Best wishes,

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Punkaj:

It is only because of you that my fundas of miasm have become crystal clear (at least so I feel). That is why I had written earlier: 'You are such a fine person with so much of knowledge. I salute you.'

I am summarizing details of my case and will post them here in a few days to work upon. Till then, with due regds,

P. Prakash last decade
Dear Prakash,
Thanks for all your appreciative words. In fact, such words keep me going on and on.

Best wishes
Punkaj Varma

Pl. read the following, it will add to your knowledge:

Re: Presence of multiple miasms From PANKAJ VARMA on 2010-09-29
I am quoting here from a book by a reputed homeopath in India who is an MBBS, MD (in allopathic medicine) and a MF in Homeopathy.

He switched to homeopathy after a certain years of allopathic practice since his father had been a successful practicing homeopath and he received the initial guidance in homeopathy from his Dad.

He writes as follows:


The majority of people deemed to have more than one miasm, and the rule of thumbs is to treat the most active or uppermost first, as and when it is encountered. However Eizyaga suggests that it is also a good policy to treat mismatically after the patient is fully cured* , in order to consolidate the cure and reduce the likelihood of relapse.


* Supposedly 'fully cured' by a single or two or more meds that address the immediate ailment.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Punkaj:

Thanks for this add-on to knowledge. So, am I correct when I say?:

My miasms are the defects in the raw materials which I am made of. By raw materials I mean the sperm of my father and egg of my mother. They, in fact, must have got their miasms from their parents. ..So, my miasms are the result of time immemorial in my hierarchy.

These miasms are of 10 categories (as of now, I got it from the link supplied by you). It is not essential that all my miasms will be active at the same time. Even none may be active at any given time. We should treat the active miasms only. This may also be done after the immediate disease symptoms are cured so that relapse does not take place.

Awaiting your reply,

P. Prakash last decade

Kindly tell me if my understanding of miasms is correct?

Awaiting your response,

P. Prakash last decade
Dear Prakash,
Your understanding of miasms is correct.

However, I treat persons differently.

I give the miasmatic remedy first and then re-evaluate the case for residual symptoms and /or newly developed symptoms (that were always present but were in the background).

On that basis give the second med.

(However...acute cases like injury etc. have to be given the med suitable for the injury)

Miasmatic meds are to be repeated after long intervals...depending upon the med chosen...some times after a fortnight, sometimes after a month , may be after 3 months.
Also depends upon the constitution of the individual and his / her response to the med.

I got a premonition....your daughter wants to make contact with you.... looks like she needs your help.

Best wishes,
Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Punkaj:

That is I dont know what I should say. How did you remember about my daughter! She was just a small girl when I saw her last. She will be 37 yrs on the coming Oct. 5, 2010 i.e. just after four days from today. I do not know where she is or her address. After reading your above post, I searched net and, possibly, I got her on the Face Book. I have sent her Birthday wishes. Hope she replies. I also hope that it is she only on the face book because I could not be sure of it as I could have gone through the details only after she accepts me as a friend. Let us see.

Thanking you so much for taking so much of care,

P. Prakash last decade
Dr. Punkaj and Maheeru Sir:

I have started a new thread with the title: Trigeminal Neuralgia Atypical for rather obvious reasons. It contains details of my medical condition since the start of this disease. Kindly do go thru it and suggest what I should do now.

Awaiting your response very keenly,

P. Prakash last decade

Since you asked me, i'm giving you my inputs, it's possible for my inputs to be at odds with others or other sources.

Hahnemann while treating chronic patients found that often the chronic patients relapsed after getting treated for chronic conditions after some point of time making him think why remedies are not holding as much as they do in acute conditions. Hence born the theory of miasms. He defined them as a trait or stigmata that permeates every cell in the body and is then passed on genetically to each succeeding generation. With this definition not many miasms can be added at will. Classically only 5 miasms are accepted as of now. The 10 miasm concept came much later with sankaran's sensation method and this school classified remedies into 10 or more miasms for easy classification following sensation method.

Miasms can be inherited or acquired. Examples for acquired miasms are: 1) Vaccinations resulting in sycosis 2) Blood transfusions resulting in cancer miasm.

Miasmatic treatment entails two things. 1) Identifying the active miasm along with symptom totality to arrive at a remedy that fits the miasm and also the symptom profile. This remedy having specific affinity to the miasm and the symptom totality can cure.

2) Using specific anti-miasmatic remedies like sulphur/psorinum, thuja/Medorrhinum, mercury/syphilinum, Drosera/Tuberculinum/Bacillinum respectively to counter act the miasmatic blocks of Psora, sycosis, syphilis, tubercular respectively. Identifying the miasmatic blocks becomes necessary when a) when well selected remedies do not produce any reaction b) when well selected remedy produces reaction but the cure is not holding but relapsing c) when the layers have been peeled off of a person and the core person/core miasmatic person is reached from homeopathic point of view.

But apart from ideal situations specific anti miasmatic remedies can also be used when they are indicated. i.e Thuja when the symptom profile indicates thuja and not by the miamatic focus alone. Sometimes by experience homeopaths use specific anti miasmatic remedies to support the indicated remedies. For example, Calc. carb or phosphorus would be alternated or rotated or combined with Tuberculinum to derive maximum benefits with such complementary remedies.

Sometimes anti miasmatic treatment can wake up a sleeping tiger and then mayhem can result. For example, a person who is not satisfied with his current state, always want to travel, always want to explore or go on adventures or being creative(that includes being musician, painter, artist etc etc) all pointing towards the person having strong tubercular miasm. There's a point here to note, miasm is like cholestrol having bad and good side. If treatment is proceeded with, considering the miasmatic background alone without any treatable condition it will let loose the sleeping tiger.

So miasms are not a simple concept but a very powerful tool in experienced hands that can give excellent results in the present and also can prevent future issues not only to that person but also to the offsprings he/she is going to sire after this treatment.
maheeru last decade

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