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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Prakash, For one dose you shall just take two drops from the bottle. Keep the bottle preserved in a dry, cold place and away from sunlight and labelled.
maheeru last decade
Dear Prakash,
Recently...I have started writing my name as Punkaj Varma as per the guidance of a numerologist. (One of my eccentricity...you may call it if you like).

Identifying layers is quite a job...specially when the interaction is only through the net. When a person is before me...lots of symptoms show up in the mannerism, on the face, speech etc.

Through the net, can only ask you to try different meds and see which one(s) come(s) closer to healing you. Frankly, some bit of 'closely honed - trial and error'.

Since Maheeru is guiding you with great enthusiasm...would request him to try and identify the miasmic taint (s) in you and treat each one first...then repeat the constitutional med ....as per his thinking.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Possibly...a good idea to give details of:

1. Illnesses you have had from child hood till now.

2. Illnesses your parents have gone through in their life.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Jewish Homeopath has posted this on another thread. It is quite relevant in your case:

Hahnemann said that suppressed psora is seldom cured by only one anti-psoric, and that is the advice that I work with.

“Here I may mention the curious circumstance that in general with the exception of the recent itch-disease still attended with its unrepressed cutaneous eruption, and which is so easily cured from within* - every other psoric diathesis, i.e., the psora that is still latent within, as well as the psora that has developed into one of the innumerable chronic diseases springing from it, is very seldom cured by any single anti-psoric remedy, but requires the use of several of these remedies - in the worst cases the use of quite a number of them - one after the other, for its perfect cure.”- Samuel Hahnemann
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Psora...is a miasmic taint.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Maybe...this helps:

Re: Presence of multiple miasms From PANKAJ VARMA on 2010-09-17
For the benefit of all members I am quoting below from a book by a well known homeopath:


1.Indicated remedy / remedies fail to produce beneficial result.

2.Patient relapses

3. Acute disease fails to resolve

4. Miasm obscures symptoms-picture.

(That is why experienced homeopaths give a dose of Sulphur ...when symptoms give a hotch-potch picture or a well chosen med fails to show results).

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Punkaj:

You are such a fine person with so much of knowledge. I salute you. You are correct when you say that the best course of treatment can be by personal interaction, not possible through net.

Thanks once again,

P. Prakash last decade
Dear Prakash,
When you have pain at a point as if a nail is being driven through...possible meds are:

1. Thuja (a miasmic remedy)
(Likely answer if you drink lot of tea).

2. Ignitia

3. Coffea Cruda

We have to see other symptoms to arrive at a choice between the above three meds.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hello Prakash,

Run your symptoms on the homeopathic software available at this site.

It will throw up 10 choices.

Post the result here (copy the link).

Will analyze and let you know what to do next.
Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Punkaj:

Thuja and Ignatia have already been tried out. I have not tried Coffee Cruda yet.

As far as the software is concerned, it does not have the fineness which my case requires. I had tried it use it a number of times in past for my case but without any satisfaction. So, instead, I am pasting my symptoms hereinbelow again.

Name: P. Prakash
Age: 70 Yrs.
Wt.: 97 kgs.
Ht.: 5'11'
B.P.: Slight. One tablet of Amlopress AT per day keeps my B.P. 140/85
Diabetes: No
Suffering from: Trigeminal Neuralgia of left face for the last 5 yrs.
It started 10-15 days after my left lower last molar was taken out which was impacted since birth. But there was one more tragedy about 3-4 months before that. My younger brother had got expired. He was very dear to me and was totally dependant on me although he was an M.Stat. He was a very simple person but had suffered from schizophrenia for many years. One of my elder brother also had it.

About me: I crave for salt and sweets. Highly qualified, an engineer and physicist, author of 13 books, introvert, highly ambitious,divorced, one daughter who lives with her mother - no contacts for thje last 15-16 years. I am a hot person who likes cold surroundigs. But cold air etc. agg while warmth amel, I had a very satisfying childhood with respect to my parents and brothers. Nil sisters.Particular symptoms are usual of TN e.g. electric shocks, burning, boring, cutting, lightning, darting etc pains at left temple/cheekbone/inside leftcheek/joint of jaws/left lower canine and its root. One peculiar pain is burning boring pain at one (only one) sharp point on the inside of left lower lip. Modalities: Agg by Talking, eating(while),sleeping, just after getting up from night sleep in the morning (very bad burning,cutting, darting pain), air draft, cold air.
Amel.: by hard pressure and hard rubbing from right hand, cupping the left face by the palm of right hand. after-eating, warmth, hot drinks like coffee. Concommitants:both feet are numb and swollen, back has more than normal itching.

I have taken and tKE allopathic pain killers like Mazetal200, Tegritol200, Tramazac. I have taken two years of Homeopathic treatments from three highly experienced and reputed homeopaths like Dr. Kalyan Banerjee. Have taken three months of very intense Ayurvedic treatment in South India.

If you need further details, I will provide. Kindly advise what I should do further for permanent cure.

Thanking you for your kind concern,

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
Dear Prakash,
I will try my best to find a solution to your problem.
for the moment try:
Chamomilla 1M

one dose...on empty stomach...2moro morning.

Then let me know response after 48 hours.

By the way...when did you take Thuja and in which potency.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
You gave following symptoms:

Concommitants:both feet are numb and swollen, back has more than normal itching.

Pl. clarify...itching is on back of the feet i.e. bottom side of feet or on back of the body i.e spinal area ??

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Do you have blueness in the whites of your eyes ???
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Have you been given Sulphur at any time..if so..which potency / what was the response ??
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Do you take hard drinks...how do you feel after taking a hard drink ??

Do you feel hungry most of the time ...even one hour after taking a full meal???
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Punkaj Sir:

I had posted to you on 30th Aug., 2010:

' I am thankful to you for your guidance, but I have already tried out homeopaths having international repute and very very long rich experience, for more than two continuous years without fruitful results. Ultimately, I had to leave them because I was not getting relief .I tried each of them for about 6 months. Thereafter I purchased almost all the available good books on homeopathy including all the books of Hahnemann, Allen (both),Kent , Hering, Vithoulhose, Burt, Boeninghosen,Ghatak, Dhawalae etc. etc.,(pl. dont mind spellings) total about 86 . Then I studied them thoroughly for one year. Then I started my treatment myself but exactly as per the books and have got quite a bit of relief. So I am quite enthusiastic in following this approach till I feel its over. So, you see right now I am at this stage. I do'nt want to change this approach till it is exhausted. I do not want to depend upon anybody's experience , but on what great masters have written by scientific studies in their works. I want to follow this approach till I feel it has stopped giving me positive results. I need everybody's help in following this approach by their knowledge and experience. So kindly give me your help in this respect. Certainly I need your help but to follow this approach. I hope I have made myself clear to you. '

Sir! I do not want to offend you in any way, but the above-explained is the approach which I am following strictly right now. I definitely definitely need and want your help but to treat me exactly as per the authorities of Classical Homeopathy like Hahnemann, Kent, Vithoulkos,etc.

Totality of symptoms must be followed to select the medicine; one medicine at one time; no second dose of the same medicine or change of medicine until the action of the first dose is exhausted, etc.

So, first let me give you the complete picture of my personality, family background, probable emotional traumatic experiences which could have triggered the present state, answers to all your questions like when did I take Thuja & in which potency, presence of any blueness in the whites of my eyes etc. etc., then and then only I will expect the selection of some suitable medicine for me.
Hence, I have not started Chamomilla yet.

If you feel my approach is ok with you, please do ask me now whatever you wish me to tell you further to arrive at the most suitable medicine.


The last dose of Ars Alb which was meant to antidote the effects of the previous large doses of Ars Alb didn't prove effective. So, I took Camphor 30 ( 3 doses, each dose of 3 globules, per day ).It did the trick. Now, I am much relieved. I do not need any pain killers now. I am having good sleep also. Random aggravations of my symptoms are of intensity within tolerable limits. Hence, there is no emergency to select the most suitable medicine in a haste; or, to administer some interim medicine without covering totality of symptoms.

Awaiting your response, with due regards, I am

P. Prakash last decade
'As far as the software is concerned, it does not have the fineness which my case requires.'
You said this about the ABC Homeopathy software.

It amazes me. Coz. I have asked many people to use this software and each time we came up with great results.

Further more, in your family you have Schizophrenia ...which is due to a miasmic taint. You have to first take a med to neutralize that.

After that other meds will work.

Wishing you the best in your endeavor.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Punkaj:

Schizophrenia means which miasm? Which medicine will you suggest in my case to neutralize it?

Awaiting your kind suggestion,

P. Prakash last decade

As suggested I took Ars Alb to antidote heavier doses of Ars Alb taken earlier. It did not help. Thereafter, I took Camphor 30, 3 doses (3 globules per dose) for 3 days. It helped a lot. Now I am what I was before I started taking Ars Alb. Now I can do without resorting to any pain killer. Sleep is also better.

Dr. Punkaj has suggested that because I have Schizoprenia in the family, I have to neutralise this miasm first. Only after that any medicine will work. If that is so, then there was TB tendency also in the family. Will you kindly let me know which miasm is there in me. And, which medicine will suit me most to neutralise this miasm?


P. Prakash last decade
On whose directions did you take camphor 30c?

If it has worked to an extent, yes it has negated some undesirable effects going by your report.

You have asked a few questions about miasms. Not so easy a topic :) Even though a person may have more than one miasmatic influences, only one will be active at a time others would be dormant. So need to see your case history to find out which may be active at this point of time.

Schizophrenia comes under syphilitic and tubercular miasms. TB tendency under tubercular.

The remedy you took ars alb. has strong anti psoric and anti sycotic and mild anti syphilitic properties.

Miasm is a very divisive topic among homeopaths and homeopaths have differing opinions. One school even discards the miasm theory and only goes by totality of symptoms. One prominent authority in contemporary homeopathy, andre saine doesn't believe in miasms or nosodes.

I do not think you need an anti miasmatic at this time. Others may have different methods of analysis and differing opinions.
maheeru last decade

Nobody suggested Camphor 30C. I got it from Boericke. Its duration is just 1 day only, so I thought I can see its action in one day only. To my good luck, it worked.

Thank you for giving further info about miasms. I think it will help me a lot.

Let me draft a fuller account of my symptoms and other could-be-relevant details to post it to you.

Thank you so much for helping me. I know fully well that I am a novice without any experience except of my own case, hence will need your help in guiding me and clearing my doubts from time to time. I urge you not to stop giving this help to me till I become my natural self.

With due regards,

P. Prakash last decade
Then ...first of all...take a dose of Tuberculinum 1M.

Allow it to work for 7 days.

Re-assess your own symptoms ...residual / new emerging...post them here for analysis.

I don't know what Maheeru is saying about miasms. My experience has always been...when ever a well selected med does not give the desired results...look for the miasm that is there in the family and treat it first. This methodology has worked very successfully.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
This is what Maheeru said:


I do not think you need an anti miasmatic at this time. Others may have different methods of analysis and differing opinions.


I totally disagree with that.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Arsenic Alb. does not cover the T.B. miasm.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Schizophrenia comes under syphilitic and tubercular miasms. TB tendency under tubercular.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Punkaj:

Thanks for the concern. I have noted your suggestion. However, right now I am trying to analyse the results of various self chosen drugs versus totality of my symptoms. On completion I will post them here for analysis. Then I will restart further course of action.

Thanks once again,

P. Prakash last decade

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