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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Don't think too much about your symptoms...coz ...then the body replicates on itself what it sees in the sub-conscious mind. It works as a deterrent to healing. Interferes with the Auto-immune system.

Build in your mind an image of a healthy body...it helps a great deal.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
The problem with people who have studied science is that they keep on looking for 'cause and effect' relationships in everything.

I used to do a lot of this in my younger days.

However, Science has yet to discover many mysteries of the Universe.

You have to submit to 'The Lord' and accept that with His will and support 'It happens !!'

It happens then...to the utter amazement.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
He brought us into this world. He decided who is going to be your Mom and Dad, He decided our place and time of birth, He decided our brothers and sisters, He decided who our children are going to be !!

Ask Him to help you to heal your body and mind !!

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
11.25 am // 30/8/10

Dr. Pankaj Varma:

What a coincidence! I too am an engineer from IIT, Kharagpur, a top-ranker and an author of 13 books including text books, competition books - books with many editions. I am thankful to you for your guidance, but I have already tried out homeopaths having international repute and very very long rich experience, for more than two continuous years without fruitful results. Ultimately, I had to leave them because I was not getting relief .I tried each of them for about 6 months. Thereafter I purchased almost all the available good books on homeopathy including all the books of Hahnemann, Allen (both),Kent , Hering, Vithoulhose, Burt, Boeninghosen,Ghatak, Dhawalae etc. etc.,(pl. dont mind spellings) total about 86 . Then I studied them thoroughly for one year. Then I started my treatment myself but exactly as per the books and have got quite a bit of relief. So I am quite enthusiastic in following this approach till I feel its over. So, you see right now I am at this stage. I do'nt want to change this approach till it is exhausted. I do not want to depend upon anybody's experience , but on what great masters have written by scientific studies in their works. I want to follow this approach till I feel it has stopped giving me positive results. I need everybody's help in following this approach by their knowledge and experience. So kindly give me your help in this respect. Certainly I need your help but to follow this approach. I hope I have made myself clear to you.

With due regards:

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
12.30 PM // 30/8/10

Dr. Pankaj Varma;

Nice that both of us are engineers. I am a top ranker of IIT, Kharagpur; inventor of many machines and processes; a post doctor D.Sc. in Physics; author of 13 technical books, including text books being followed in schools and colleges, with many editions.

This TN caught me about 5 yrs ago – very agonizing thing. For two years I tried out with full confidence many internationally reputed homeopaths with huge experiences but without a grain of trustful advantage. Then I bought almost all the good books available of great master and writers on homeopathy including Hahnemann, Ken, Allen (both), Hering, Burt, Vithoulhose, Ghatak, Dhawalae, etc. etc. (pl don’t mind the spellings) , total about 86. I have been studying them thoroughly for the last about two years. Now I am following these works to treat me. Hence, after trying out expertise and experience of highly successful homeopaths for about two years, I am doing it and with definite trustful gains. Hence, I don’t want to change this approach unless I reach a dead end. I, please, want all of you here at the Forum to kindly help me in following this approach. That’s it.

If what you suggest is as per these great books and masters of Homeopathy, I will certainly follow it, otherwise not – simply because I am following this approach with positive results. I hope you will understand me.

With due regards,

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
The indications of tissue salts are not worked out in the same way as that of homeopathic remedy. A herbal supplement may be compared with the tissue salts. If one takes herbal supplements wihout any indications there could not be any harm.
Silicea is good for teeth, gums, muscles and bones.
Calc Flour is good for teeth.
Nat Sulph is a liver tonic.
Mag Phos helps in spasmodic pains.

You may not take the salts with which you are not comfortable.

Regarding the discussion that you are having, as Pankaj has said many times in the past we are all governed by the Law of Karma internally and externally.
kadwa last decade
There is no limit to learning.

One may possess a huge number of books...but important thing is to first know different approaches to case taking. (no offence meant).

Since your problems re-lapse frequently >>> learn about the Miasmatic Method of prescribing.

Also learn about 'Layered Method of Prescribing' ...introduced by Dr. Eizayaga of Argentina.

Layers of disease have been acknowledged by many well know homeopathic practitioners. Where a number of meds are given in sequential order to deal with each layer of the disease.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Since classical method of prescribing is largely followed by homeopaths, majority of the people think ( a mis-belief) that it is the only effective method of prescribing.

Patients with complex personalities and complicated diseased situations ...require higher and more effective methods of prescribing.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Kadwa:

Thank you sir! I shall follow what you have advised.

Dr. Pankaj:

Thanks. I will take care.

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
Dr. Kadwa:

My agg has increased quite a bit, incl lip pain. What do I do?

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
I am awaiting suggestions pl!

This Trigeminal Neuralgia does not seem to get cured or. at least, contained.

Will anybody please help me?

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
I am waiting.

P. Prakash last decade

Would you say this aggravation is from ars. alb.? or would you say this is natural disease process as you're suffering before homeopathic remedies?

How long have you not been taking remedy?
maheeru last decade

Thanks you for the response. I have been debating myself on what you want to know. Now from my records, I find that Ars Alb and Thuja (to be taken alternately at 3 hrs intervals daily)were the last medicines given to me by my last homeopathic doctor Dr. AK Sharma, on 3/5/08 onwards. And, I had to discontnue his treatment because I just could not cope up with the aggravations these medicines had on me, in spite of my best efforts. This record was not available to me when I was under his treatment. He gave it to me later on my request but without letting me know the potencies he used. So, I feel the present aggravation is due to Ars Alb.

This info I am giving you is off the sleeve. I will think about it further and let you know if there is a change in my opinion.

In the present case, I have taken Ars Alb 1M 5 times( one millionth of a drop )on 26/7/10,28/7/10,29/7/10,... and the last was one millionth of a millionth of a drop on 20/8/10.

It had wonderfully poositive effect on me on the first day of its adminitration i.e.on 26/7/10. My feet became without any numbness first time in 3 yrs and I had the best possible sleep in the night. Next day I did not have any Ars Alb and the whole day was good enough. Then worseness started so much so that I had to take 1 tab of Tegrital 200 (pain killer)daily. Aggravation kept on worsening. The immediate last 3 days have been the worst possible, though my condition has very gradually improved during the last 2 days. During these 3 days I have had to take Tegrital 200 -2 tabs, Tramadol-1 tab, Tryptomer-1/2 tab and Espazine 1mg- 1 tab every day.

Pl advise.

Thanking you once again for your kind response,

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade

The question was meant to decide the future course of action. If aggravation is due to ars. alb., an anti dote may be applied otherwise next step can be taken. So let me know about the action of ars. alb in detail.

How are you feeling overall?

How about complaints you took ars. alb for? Would you say the aggravations are new symptoms that were not part of your earlier problem or would you say the aggravation is about the symptoms you have currently or you have had some time in the past?
maheeru last decade

Ars Alb aggravated old symptoms which I had earlier too. But the aggravation has been too much in its intensity. I think the quantity of Als Alb taken was too much although selection of Ars Alb was correct. Now you have to decide whether I should go for some suitable antidote or let its action get exhausted by itself.

If I should take some antidote, details?

If I should bear this aggravation, can I do it with the help of some pain killers - like some oral medicines e.g. Tegrital and medicines for external use e.g. Volini?

Awaiting your advise and thanking you,

P. Prakash last decade

As far as my morale and internal ease/relaxation are concerned, there is no change.

P. Prakash last decade
Herpetic eruptions on lips ...and neuralgic pains...point towards Sepia.

Just take one dose on empty stomach in the morning.

Report back after 24 hours.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Pankaj:

There is no eruption anywhere (inside or outside) on any lip, least to say of herpetic eruptions. There is just one point (one sharp point) on the inside of left lower lip where there is very severe pain randomly sometimes. It is burning piercing pain, sometimes pulsating sometimes continuous.

It has been checked: there is nothing visible at any time on the inside of the lip which may tell you about the location of this point.

P. Prakash last decade
Dr. Pankaj:

Actually we cannot treat this lip pain in isolation. I started this thread for a different purpose. I wanted to know if there is a medicine one of whose drug symptoms is this lip pain. Then we can check whether that medicine contains other of my symptoms also. As a matter of fact in spite of my best efforts I could not find such a medicine which has this type lip pain as one of its drug symptoms. So I wondered if someone at the forum knows such a medicine.

P. Prakash last decade

In my view, you shall take ars. alb. 200c only one pill or drop dissolved in 250 ml of water bottle. The first dose the different potency of the same remedy will most likely anti dote the effects from ars. alb. 1M. And we can see if the wet dose works further before we can move on to another remedy.

If you decide to take one dose please report in 5 days.
maheeru last decade
I suggested something based on totality of your symptoms.
I have read all your posts. 'Neuralgia' it self means a set of symptoms.

I have been analyzing cases and guiding with homeopathic solutions for over 25 years....so...how can I recommend without considering totality.

On ABC Forum ...I have been guiding since 2003.

I keep telling people here to post all their symptoms on one thread. Not on separate threads...so that totality of symptoms can be viewed.

Best wishes

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pl. read this:

Presence of multiple miasms
From PANKAJ VARMA on 2010-09-15
2 replies 21 views
A part of David Little's article on a number of miasms present with in a single patient.:


Hahnemann states in The Chronic Diseases that in severe chronic cases the homoeopath may have to use a series of anti-miasmic remedies to complete the cure. This is because in complex disease the layers may represent several etiologies and the miasms can require different remedies as they become exposed.

Allen expressed the need to know the layers of a chronic case in the following terms.

'Those brilliant cures that are occasionally made with the single remedy, occur where a single miasm lies behind the phenomena, but where the mixed miasms are present, brilliant cures are not so made, and it is in those cases that it is so necessary to understand the order of their evolution.'

Some homoeopaths spend all their time searching for the single constitutional remedy for the patient. When the remedy picture fits Phosphorus they state that the patient is a 'Phosphorus constitution'. In this way they search for that one special remedy that will solve all the patient's problems.

Our elder homoeopaths of years past might have asked, 'When was this person a Phosphorus? When they were born? Now? Forever? When they had pneumonia? Because they have the inherited TB miasm?'

The search for the grand constitutional remedy may lead the homoeopath to construct permanent essences out of something that is in continual change.

Complex chronic diseases are often made up of many interdependent components rather than one single constitutional factor. Although many cases have been ameliorated by just one constitutional prescription such miraculous responses are the best of circumstances.

Homoeopaths who wish to treat chronic diseases must be prepared for the worst! In a more complex chronic illness it may not be so easy to pigeon-hole the entire case into one single remedy. It may take a series of related remedies to remove the miasmic layers as the person moves toward the state of health.

This is why it is necessary to know in what order the layers of the case have formed along the timeline so that they may be unraveled in the reverse order by which they developed.


Punkaj Varma
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Re: Presence of multiple miasms From Jewish Homeopath on 2010-09-15
Wonderful article!
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Re: Presence of multiple miasms From PANKAJ VARMA on 2010-09-15
In complex cases it is important to identify the layers of disease and treat one by one each layer.

In today's world...with so much pollution, preservatives in foods, use of pesticides in farming, industrial waste, onslaught of allopathic drugs, vaccinations, viral infections etc. etc.....it is normal to expect a few layers of disease in a patient.

Further more the nervous system is bombarded with TV output, mobile phones, street noises, electronic waves of many frequencies in the atmosphere of cities, air travel..etc. etc.

On top of it the individual acquires disease due to heredity passed on from each parent (the miasms).

Each of these problems create a layer of disease.

All these have an adverse impact on the human body.

To expect that just one medicine will cure all layers...is a fallacy.

Patients who experience frequent relapses of illness...after initial relief from constitutional medicine dose...are sure cases of layers of disease present in them.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Pankaj (Is it Pankaj or Punkaj?:

As suggested by you I have read what you have posted to me. As a matter of I had read whatever I could lay my hands upon available on the net about the views of Dr.Eziyaga (excuse me for the spelling).

How do you see all those layers in me? What are those layers in me? How do you want to treat them in my case.?

Thanking you,

P. Prakash last decade

I am so sorry that I missed your last post. Kindly tell me how much of the 250 ml of medicinal water will form one dose.

Thanking you,

P. Prakash last decade
Prakash, For one dose you shall just take two drops from the bottle. Keep the bottle preserved in a dry, cold place and away from sunlight and labelled.
maheeru last decade

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