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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I am awaiting your reply please.


11.30AM: Sept. 16, 2011
P. Prakash last decade

The next dose shall not be too soon to mess up the case; not be too late to make the disease strong before a dose could be administered.

The factors that need to be considered are:

1) whether the problem is acute or chronic.
2) Has the previous dose been allowed the time? Has the vital force been given sufficient time to set things right?
3) The susceptibility and the sensitivity of an individual.
4) Nature of symptoms.
5) If the symptoms have returned unchanged.

You might want to read the topic 'Too Frequent repetition' from Margaret Tyler in this link:


A patient him/herself can never see the things objectively or decide the timing of dose right. Hence even veteran homeopaths undertake treatment with others.

I'd request you not to rush things and not try to micromanage every small detail involved in the case management now. You would only make things difficult for us in that case. If possible try to divert your attention away from thinking about disease symptoms, case management, researching about remedies etc.
[message edited by maheeru on Fri, 16 Sep 2011 21:05:44 BST]
maheeru last decade


(A)..From 10.25AM on Sept.12, 2011 to 3.30PM on Sept.13, 20110
This dose proved to be of negligible effect. At best, this dose had some effect for 1day and 5hours (from 10.25AM: Sept.12, 2011 to 3.30PM: Sept.13, 20110). Neither this period had any homeopathic aggravation nor any symptom-free time. However, I could spend this period without much difficulty.
i)..”I” i.e.Intensity of pain due to morbid symptoms ranged from 2 to 4 in the scale of 0 to 10.
ii)..”M” i.e.Morale (mental condition) remained constant at +5 in the scale of -10 to +10. Minus means depression/heavy heart feeling/irritable mood. Plus means elation /feeling light & happy/good mood.
iii)..”S” i.e. Quality of Night SLEEP was +1.25 on 12/9/11 and +0.75 on 13/9/11 in the scale of -4 to +4.

(B)..From 3.30PM on 13/9/11 till the time of writing this report
At best this period can be said to be recurrence of morbid symptoms from bearable limits to unbearable limits.
i)..”I” (Intensity of pain due to morbid symptoms) increased from 2 to 4 on 13/9/11 to from occasional 10 on 16/9/11 to almost continually 10 on 17/9/11 (in the scale of 0 to 10). I had to take allopathic pain killers on 16/9/11 and 17/9/11.. These last two days - very bad - unbearable.
ii)..”M” Morale (mental condition) gradually worsened from +5 to -2 in the scale of -10 to +10. There have been depression, sinking heart feeling and easily irritable mood on these last two days, almost continuously. Very distasteful & depressingstate.
iii)..”S” (night SLEEP quality) worsened continuously. It was -0.25 on 14/9/11, -0.75 on 15/9/11 and -1.0 on 17/9/11 in the scale of -4 to +4. After 3-4 hours of sleep, I had to wake up due to acute aggravation of pain of morbid symptoms. Then I could not sleep because as soon as I would go to sleep, pain started. Very bad state.


I)..The dose was too little to be effectual.
II).. As you have yourself written you are very busy these days. I can appreciate this also from the fact that this is the first time since we started communicating about one year ago that you have not been able to take out about 10 minutes time in 8 days to explain to me the criteria to be followed to ascertain the time when the next dose should be taken, although I have requested you for this three times already viz. on 10/9/11, 13/9/11 and 16/9/11.
III)..Under these conditions, I did not have any choice but to study the sayings of all the available writings of great masters of homeopathy to clear the above concept. I have already quoted Stuart Close, Dhawale and Ghatak to you on 11/9/11. Hahnemann has also written to the same effect as follows;
Vide aphorism 242 of the 4th Organon.
'As long, therefore, as the progressive improvement continues from the medicine administered, so long we can take for granted that the duration of the action of the helpful medicine, in this case at least, continues, and hence all repetition of any dose of medicine is forbidden.'
The same point is also stressed in Aphorism 245.
'Even one dose of the same medicine which has up to now proved beneficial, if repeated before the improvement has begun to stand still in every direction, will, like an untimely interference, only aggravate the state.....'
Hahnemann again reminds at the end of this paragraph:
'In one word, we disturb the amelioration affected, and still to be expected from the first dose, if we give a second dose of the same originally well chosen remedy before the expiry of the period of action of the first; at all events, we thereby delay the recovery.'
IV)..So, as far as my study of the teachings of the authorities of homeopathy is concerned, I should have had taken the next dose on 13/9/11 or 14/9/11, whereas today is 18/9/11, yet without any next dose.
V)..Now, the bare fact is that I can’t drag on like this, physically or mentally. I will go mad. It is a well known fact that the pains of Trigeminal Neuralgia are the worst pains known to mankind, simply intolerable. The last two days have been unbearable from all aspects. I cannot live any other day like this, if it is avoidable.
VI)..So I propose: let me follow your guidelines myself. And, wherever I get struck, please help me out. If this is ok with you, kindly give me your guidelines for further action.
VII). I have yet not taken the 3rd dose which I will take only after I get your reply and guidelines.

Awaiting your response and with due regards,

1.30AM: September 18, 2011
P. Prakash last decade

I am sorry but I have read your last two posts after I posted my above one, by mistake somehow. I will write to you again soon.


P. Prakash last decade

Repeat three more doses in the manner you have taken this second dose(Refer to 11 sept. post). For every dose, leave 3 days in between without medicine and take a dose on 4th day.

Report changes after the third dose.
maheeru last decade
(A)..I have gone thru the paper written by Margaret Tyler. She has just endorsed what is written in the Organon. The gist of her paper is as follows:
'It is quite wrong', she said, 'to give medicines like that, and for weeks at a time. It is not homœopathy at all. Directly there is improvement, you must stop; and only repeat later, if the symptoms return unchanged'…..Even in those days of little knowledge, I could often have done brilliant work had I used my mother's words, and adjured the patient: 'Directly you are better you have to leave off your medicine, and never touch it again, unless you are really worse'…..
And when you have worked it out, and actually found your drug, there are still several ways of how not to do it. One of the most catastrophous and heart-breaking is to repeat while amelioration holds. Two cases have bitten into my memory, though hardly understood at first; and yet I go on doing the same thing again and again, for it is the hardest lesson in the world to learn, to hold your hand and do nothing. One catches at the excuse of any little recurrence of symptoms to repeat, and often spoils the case - pro tem., anyway…..
Never repeat while amelioration holds. It will be from minutes to hours (Hahnemann says so) in acute cases, and from days to weeks or months, according to drug and case, in chronic diseases. But, unless you want to see your work always going back on you, unless you want to be one of those who have 'tried homceopathy and failed', let your ameliorations severely alone, and keep your enthusiasm for scientific medicine…..
In advanced disease, malignant or tuberculous, with much tissue change or lowered vitality, philosophy teaches that the most terrible that you can give your patient is the indicated remedy in high potency. Give her anything but that!

(B).. So that is the sole criteria to determine the time to give the next dose. And this is not dependent on whether the potencies being given are of X, C or LM scale; or whether the disease is acute or chronic, etc.

(C).. I think you are obsessed with the idea that I am dying to rush things thru, while I feel this is not at all so. I want to follow authorities exactly as they stand to make the cure “rapid, gentle and permanent” with your help. I am novice. I know your knowledge is clear, sharp yet immense. You have always helped me to clear my doubts/concepts in past.

(D)..The trouble which is arising now is this that you have not seen me with respect to my nature, personality, pain-bearing capacity etc. and how I am when I am without morbid symptoms, when suffering from morbid symptoms etc. Naturally this cannot be done unless someone sees me, treats me on face to face basis, personally. Because of this I feel I cannot be treated, as I would like to be treated, thru posts. So I will see now what I am able to do in this respect, to find a suitable homeopath. Till then I will use my own best judgment. I feel so sorry for myself that I am not able to make best use of your knowledge and experience on actual practical basis. BUT I AM NOT LEAVING YOU. I WILL COME BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN TO YOU FOR HELP WHICH I AM SURE YOU WILL PROVIDE ME IN FUTURE TOO AS YOU HAVE DONE IN PAST.

Kindly promise me that.

With thanks and respect, and awaiting your reply,

11.30PM: Sept. 18, 2011
P. Prakash last decade

It's getting very difficult with your thought process/interpretation interfering with my judgement and guidelines. This is not an ideal situation.

I'm not sure if you have read my earlier post. I've suggested a change in dosing pattern after the initial test doses, keeping in line with your requirements. If you're willing to cooperate in full, please go ahead with the doses as suggested and keep me posted.

On the contrary, if you cannot cooperate in full, please understand that I withdraw from the case and i can't make any future commitment.

If you decide the latter course, please see a competent homeopath in person and try to cooperate with him/her in full. Self treatment is not an option with lack of objectivity, limited knowledge and the habit of reckless use of remedies.

with regds and best wishes.

[message edited by maheeru on Thu, 22 Sep 2011 19:17:45 BST]
[message edited by maheeru on Thu, 22 Sep 2011 19:38:49 BST]
maheeru last decade

I don’t think I have understood the message contained in your last post correctly.
1..Do you mean to say that if I don’t take the doses as instructed by you BLINDLY (i.e. without putting my thinking process in it, without caring as to whether those doses are suiting me or not, or, even if I got hellish experience* for days together after taking them and waiting thereafter as per your instructions, or, even if they are not in line with the guidelines given by the authorities of homeopathy – as per my understanding of these guidelines), you may not help me in future to clear my doubts/concepts of homeopathy.
[* I had written to you at 1.30AM on Sept. 18, 2011 –
“V)..Now, the bare fact is that I can’t drag on like this, physically or mentally. I will go mad. It is a well known fact that the pains of Trigeminal Neuralgia are the worst pains known to mankind, simply intolerable. The last two days have been unbearable from all aspects. I cannot live any other day like this, if it is avoidable.”]

2..Do you mean to say that you may not extend any help to me in future to clear my doubts/concepts of homeopathy if I follow the stern warning given by this website of ABC HOMEOPATHY at the end of each of its page of each thread reading as follows:
Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe...”

Well! I can’t force you to help me. I can’t extract correct help from you against your wishes. I am sure that your doses are not suiting me because you cannot treat me personally, face to face. It is neither my fault nor yours. If under these circumstances I want to discontinue your treatment, why should you feel offended especially because when I started taking your help, way back on Oct. 2, 2010, I had written EXPRESSLY to you as follows:
“This has given me hope and confidence in my approach. And, so, I do not want to abandon this approach. This approach is: follow classical homeopathy as per the works of established authorities of classical homeopathy. Thus I really do not want anybody (INCLUDING YOU)to treat me. i need your help to follow these authorities as per their works.“

And now also I have written the same thing to you at 11.30PM on Sept. 18, 2011, viz.-
“I want to follow authorities exactly as they stand to make the cure “rapid, gentle and permanent” WITH YOUR HELP.”

So my purpose of joining this forum remains unchanged. I cannot understand as to why you would feel indignant about this unchanged approach of mine now as to how I want to treat myself; and would even think of discontinuing giving me help as I have always been getting from you so far.

You have ended your last post giving me “best wished”. If you really want to give me best wishes, please give them to me in this form..

Awaiting your kind reply,

3PM: Sept. 19, 2011
P. Prakash last decade

My last post is pretty self-explanatory. Also I do not want to get into any argument with you especially when you have health issues. That's pretty much all i have to say, now.
[message edited by maheeru on Thu, 22 Sep 2011 19:38:09 BST]
maheeru last decade

I don't suppose I will let you leave me just like that. I have to tell you a lot as to how I feel about you. Please wait for a few days for my next post.


P. Prakash last decade

Lest you leave me, I want to tell you about my feelings towards you and that I found you one of the best persons I have ever known in my life with regard to:

1. Knowledge of his field: wide as well as deep
2. Providing this knowledge to any person who needs it, without any reservation
3. Respectability towards himself as well as other persons of his field
4. Command on English language.

I know you have helped me much more than I could have got this help from any other source. I will ever remain grateful to you for this help. You made my concepts clear, of potencies, how are they made, their different scales; of miasms which had always eluded me earlier, etc. I really don’t know how to thank you properly. One thing you can be sure of is this that all my near and dear will know about you. That without your help it would not have been easy for me to have got rid of my Trigeminal Neuralgia which has no cure in allopathy, ayurveda, acupuncturing, acupressure, etc. I am writing all this with so much of confidence because I feel I am really on the right path now.

You introduced me to LM potencies. They seem to be like scotch while X and C scales work as country liquor. On your instructions I had taken 1st dose of Phos. LM1 on Sept.4, 2011 and 2nd on Sept. 12, 2011. The first one proved too large and the 2nd too small. I took their average and had the 3rd dose on Sept. 18, 2011. It has worked wonders. I have been feeling great since then, almost continually. You have made me perfectly perfect to know as to when I should take the next dose – not to even think of taking the next dose if amelioration is still continuing. More than three weeks have passed since I took the last i.e. 3rd dose and I have not even thought of the 4th dose yet.

I want to write more details of my present condition and seek your guidance, but you are annoyed with me. This wouldn’t have been so had you been near me personally and seen my condition after taking the 1st and 2nd doses besides having had seen me, my personality/behavior pattern etc. intimately personally through your own eyes. The 3rd dose I took was very large compared to what you had suggested. Had you been near me personally, you would also have suggested me the same. I know at least that much of you.

Perhaps that is why it is claimed that, in Homeopathy, you treat the person, not the symptoms.

But, all that is past now.

Even if I happen to have hurt your feelings in some unintended way, may be you would forgive a person who is a post-doctor (D.Sc.) in Physics from USA, an author of more than 10 technical books besides being more than 70 years of age.

Thanks and regards.


10.45PM; Oct. 10, 2011
P. Prakash last decade

I sort of expected these results....I'm talking about relief from pain. This would have been achieved even if you had followed my suggestion given on 18th sept. In my experience, i have rarely seen a trigeminal nueralgia patient who didn't feel relief within a couple of weeks.


'may be you would forgive a person who is a post-doctor (D.Sc.) in Physics from USA, an author of more than 10 technical books besides....'

I do not have hard feelings for you so the need for forgiveness does not arise.

You are profoundly articulate and intellectualistic. I'm honoured and humbled by your kind words. Thanks!
maheeru last decade

Your last post was so very tension freeing and soul-lifting to me that I had almost written the reply as – YOU MADE MY DAY! But then I thought maybe you will rather like me to write to you when I have taken the next dose and how it acted on me than emotional things. So, I procrastinated and procrastinated and here is the final delay. I will write the detailed report in a few days. Till then I want to thank you, thank you and thank you for your reply.

With thanks and regards,

P. Prakash last decade

here is the report on the action of phos lm1:

1. first dose: ( sep.4,2011 to sep. 12, 2011 = 8 days)

- taken at 9.00am on sept. 4, 2011 (sunday)

- 3 pain killer tablets (mazetol 200) taken in 8 days

at 2.35 am on sept.8,2011
at 10.30am on sept.10, 2011 &
at 2.00 am on sept.12, 2011 (it was not required, i
took it out of fear of probable
aggravation during sleep

- i) initial aggravation: very mild & gradually increasing (from i = 0 to 6, in the scale of 0 to 10) from 9.00am: sept. 4, 2011 to & 7.00pm:sept.4, 2011 (i.e. ≈ 10 hours). “i” means intensity of pain.

ii) amelioration, almost symptom-free (calm period): from 7.00pm on sept. 4, 2011 up to 12 night on sept.6, 2011 (i.e. ≈ 53 hours).

iii) reappearence of disease symptoms: increasing in the pain intensity, from bearable to unbearable, from 12 night on sept.6, 2011 to 2.35am on sept.8, 2011.

iv) i should have taken the next dose probably in the morning of sept. 8, 2011, but i waited till the morning of sept.12, 2011 to let one week pass.

- quality of night sleep in the scale of -4 to +4:

sept.4, 2011 +1.5
sept.5, 2011 +1.5
sept.6, 2011 +0.75
sept.7, 2011 +1.5
sept.8, 2011 +0.5
sept.9, 2011 -0.25
sept.10,2011 +1
sept.11,2011 +2

2. second dose: (sep.12,2011 to sep. 18, 2011 = 6 days)
- taken at 10.25am on sept.12, 2011.
- 2 pain killer tablets taken in 6 days
at 3.30am on sept.16, 2011 &
at 4.15pm on sept.17, 2011.
- ok i.e. quite tolerable period (probably the still left over effect of the last pain killer which was really not required, but taken out of fear of probable aggravation during sleep): from 2.00am on sep.12,11 to 3.00pm 0n sep.13,11 (≈ 13 hours).

- initial aggravation: from 3.30pm on sep.13,11 to 7.30pm on sep.14,11 (≈ 28 hrs)

- calm period: 7.30pm on sep.14,11 to 6.50am on sep.15,11 (≈ 11 hrs)

- reappearence of disease symptoms: 6.50am on sep.15,11 to 6pm on sep.17,11 (≈60hrs)

- special observation: morale

i had pretty low morale from 5pm on sep.14,11 up to 2.30am on sep.18,11 (i.e. ≈ 82 hrs) from m= -2 to +4 ( in the scale -10 to +10). my morale has generally been always remained +5 during the last about 3 years.

- quality of night sleep in the scale of -4 to +4:

sept.12, 2011 +1.25
sept.13, 2011 +0.75
sept.14, 2011 -0.25
sept.15, 2011 -0.75
sept.16, 2011 -1.00
sept.17, 2011 +1.5

3. third dose: (sep.18, 2011 to oct.14, 2011 = 26 days)
- taken at 9.30am on sept.18, 2011.
- 6 pain killer tablets taken in 26 days
at 2.50am on oct.2, 2011 &
at 5.25am on oct.5, 2011.
at 3.45am on oct.6, 2011.
at 2.30am on oct.11, 2011
at 3.45am on oct.12, 2011 &
at 12.20am on oct.14, 2011

- there were amelioration and aggravation periods after this 3rd dose.

i) amelioration: 9.30am on sep.18,11 to 6.00am on sep.20,11 (≈ 20 hrs), without any pain killer tablet.

ii) aggravation: from 6.15am on sep.20,11 to 12night on sep.20,11 (≈ 18 hrs), without any pain killer tablet.

iii) amelioration again: 12.45am on sep.21,11 to 8.45am on sep.26,11 (≈ 5days & 7hrs), without any pain killer tablet.

iv) aggravation again: 8.50am:sep.26,11 to 12night:sep.26,11 (≈ 15hrs), without any pain killer tablet.

v) amelioration again: 1.00am:sep.27,11 to 8.30am:oct.3,11 ( ≈ 6days & 7hrs).first pain killer tab taken at 250am on oct.2,11.

vi) aggravation again: 8.40am:oct.3,11 to 6.00am:oct.5,11 (≈ 45hrs), without any pain killer tablet.

vii) amelioration again: 6.10am:oct.5,11 to 7.00am:oct.13,11 ( ≈ 8days).taken 4 pain killer tabs during this period.

viii) aggravation again: 7.00am:oct.13,11 to 9.45am:oct.14,11 (≈ 27hrs).taken 1 pain killer tabs during this period.

- quality of night sleep in the scale of -4 to +4:
sept.18, 2011 +2
sept.19, 2011 0
sept.20, 2011 +1.5
sept.21, 2011 +1.25
sept.22, 2011 +1
sept.23, 2011 +1.25
sept.24, 2011 +1.5
sept.25, 2011 +1.5
sept.26, 2011 +1.5
sept.27, 2011 +1.5
sept.28, 2011 +1.5
sept.29, 2011 +1.5
sept.30, 2011 +0.5
oct.1, 2011 +0.5
oct.2, 2011 +1.75
oct.3, 2011 +1.75
oct.4, 2011 0
oct.5, 2011 +1.5
oct.6, 2011 +2
oct.7, 2011 +2.5
oct.8, 2011 +1.75
oct.9, 2011 +1.25
oct.10, 2011 -0.5
oct.11, 2011 +1
oct.12, 2011 -0.5
oct.13, 2011 -1

4. fourth dose: (oct 14,11 to oct 23,11 = 9 days)
- taken at 10.00am on oct.14, 2011.
- 5 pain killer tablets taken in 9 days
at 3.55am on oct.15 2011 &
at 3.40am on oct.16, 2011.
at 4.25am on oct.20, 2011.
at 12.15pm on oct.21, 2011 &
at 12.30pm on oct.22, 2011

- there were no clear cut amelioration and aggravation periods after this 4th dose, but roughly:
i) amelioration: 10.30am on oct14, 11 to 11.00am on oct21, 11 (≈ 6days), with 3 pain killer tablets.

ii) aggravation: from 11 am on oct21,11 to 10 am on oct23,11 (≈ 2days), with 2 pain killer tablets.

- quality of night sleep in the scale of -4 to +4:
oct.14, 2011 +1 (but due to pain killer)
oct.15, 2011 +2 (but due to pain killer)
oct.16, 2011 +1.5
oct.17, 2011 +1
oct.18, 2011 0
oct.19, 2011 -0.25
oct.20, 2011 0
oct.21, 2011 +0.75
oct.22, 2011 0

5. fifth dose: (oct 23,11 to oct 26,11 = 3 days)
- taken at 10.10am on oct.23, 2011.
- 5 pain killer tablets taken in 3 days
at 2.25pm on oct.23 2011
at 10.10am on oct.24, 2011.
at 10.20pm on oct.24, 2011.
at 5.15pm on oct.25, 2011 &
at 2.30am on oct.26, 2011

iii) there was no clear cut amelioration and aggravation periods after this 5th dose. roughly said, there was only aggravation period kept bearable by taking pain killer tablets.

- quality of night sleep in the scale of -4 to +4:

oct.23, 2011 0
oct.24, 2011 +1 (but due to pain killer tablet taken)
oct.25, 2011 +3 (but due to pain killer tablet taken)

6. sixth dose: (oct 26,11 with fresh medicine solution and after required i.e. 25 strokes to the solution )
- taken at 10.50am on oct.26, 2011.
effect of this dose is still to be seen.

sir: there may have occurred some typing mistakes in making the above report though i have tried to take care. i will check it once again too, but till then i am sending it to you for a cursory look and any inferences which may be drawn there from.


2.50pm: oct. 27,2011
P. Prakash last decade

(Action of the doses of Phos. LM1 taken so far in 2011.)

………………………………..........1st Dose…..2nd Dose…..3rd Dose…..4th Dose…..5th Dose…..6th Dose..
1….Dose taken on…………………Sep 4…..Sep 12……..Sep 18……..Oct 14…….Oct 23………….Oct 26

2….Next dose taken after (days)……8……….6…………….26…………..9…………..3…………………...-

3….No. of pain killer tablets taken
during first three days…………………0……….0……………..0…………..2……………5…………………..-

4--No. of pain killer tablets taken
during first six days…………………….2………2………………0…………..3…………..NA……………..….-

5--No. of pain killer tablets taken
during first eight days………………….3………NA……………..0…………..5…………...NA………………..-

6--No. of pain killer tablets taken
during first nine days………………….NA…….NA……………..0…………..5…………….NA……………….-

7--No. of pain killer tablets taken
during first thirteen days………………NA…….NA……………..0…………NA……………NA……………….-

8--Total no. of pain killer tablets

9--Avg. no. of pain killer tablets
taken per day…………………………..0.375….0.333………..0.231…….0.556……………1.667……………-

10--Pain killer tablets were needed
to be started just after …… days
i.e. recurrence of morbid symptoms
started after …… days…………………7………3……………..13……………0……………….0……………-

11--Avg. “Quality of night sleep”
in the scale -4 to +4………………...+1.063…..+0.5…………+1.962……..+0.667………...+1.333…………-

12--Avg. “Quality of night sleep”
(in the scale -4 to +4) per unit of
avg. no. of pain killer tablet taken...+2.835…+1.502……….+8.494…….+1.200…………+0.800…………-


During the course of the second dose, I had pretty low MORALE (M) from 5PM on Sep.14,11 to 2.30AM on Sep.18,11 (i.e. for ≈ 82 hrs) from M= -2 to +4 ( in the scale -10 to +10). It was consistently +5 in all other cases. It remains +5 generally always.


A)….The above table shows that the medicine solution was fully effective on Sep. 18, 2011 (i.e. after 14 days of its preparation) but fully ineffective on Oct. 14, 2011 (i.e. after 40 days of its preparation) because of the following inference deducible from the above table. It lost its entire strength somewhere between 14 and 40 days.
……………………………………1st Dose….2nd Dose….3rd Dose….4th Dose….5th Dose….6th Dose.
1..Dose taken on……………….Sep 4……..Sep 12……Sep 18…….Oct 14…….Oct 23……...Oct 26.
2..Next dose was taken
after …… days
[but it could have been
taken after …… days only]……8 [7] ……..6 [3]………26 [13]……9 [0]…….…3 [0]………………-……

1) The water of a sealed mineral water remains drinkable for 1-2 years. But once its seal has been broken, the water becomes stale in 1-2 weeks. This is written somewhere on the net. I made the medicine solution by adding 1 drop the liquid Phos. LM1 in 150 ml ( i.e. 150x24 = 3600 drops) of this mineral water. So more than 99.93% of this medicine solution is this mineral water. So I do not understand how this medicine solution can remain effective for more than 2-3 weeks. What is there in .03% of Phos.LM1 which will not let the mineral water stale in 2-3 weeks? That much quantity of Ethyl Alcohol cannot do that. And this is what the above table also confirms.
2) This is what I had experienced 2-3 times in past also. I had brought the whole water distillation apparatus at home. I used it to make double-distilled water which was used to make medicine solution. This medicine solution made even in double distilled water with a few drops of rectified sprit in it to enhance its longevity, used to become ineffective after a month or so.
B)….The other deducible inference is, as at present, that I should probably need to take the next dose after 14 days i.e. 2 weeks, depending upon when the recurrence of morbid symptoms actually takes place.

Sir! I am confused. Kindly guide me. The 6th dose also does not seem to be working too well.

With due regards and awaiting your reply,

1.10pm: Oct. 28, 2011
P. Prakash last decade

The sixth dose is also proving entirely ineffective. Should I go onto Phos LM2? Should I increase the dosage? I don't know. I am awaiting your reply please.

Please tell me what I can try.


P. Prakash last decade

I suppose you are giving serious thought to my problem, hence taking time to give me advice. Perhaps I should make following facts also clear to you.

1. The dosage (quantity of medicine) in case of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th doses has been exactly the same.
2. I had given 5 succussions to the medicine solution each time I took the next dose.
3. I had made the medicine solution afresh in case of 6th dose and given it 25 succussions before taking the 6th dose. I had done it to rule out the possibility that the old medicine solution had lost its strength. However, even then, the wonderful effect of the 3rd dose did not re-continue after the 6th dose. I had taken the 6th dose at 10.50AM on Oct. 26. Four days have passed (it is 12.45PM: Oct.30) and the aggravation is still continuing. I have already taken 5 tablets of pain killer to meet out this aggravation and feel like having the next again. In case of the 3rd dose, I had not had any need to take ANY pain killer tablet for the first 13 days after taking the 3rd dose.

I want to know one more thing in this reference.
You had written to me that it is better to have medicine in the form of globules rather than liquid in case of LM potencies. WHY? I can be absolutely wrong, but, as per my analysis, the reason may be as follows.

1. C-scale potencies are made and supplied to the customers in liquid form with 90% alcohol (by volume) – as printed on the sealed cap of bottle containing the medicine. LM-scale potencies are supplied in liquid form with 90% water - I found it out from the highly accredited shop in Delhi from where I have bought the LM-scale potencies. In case of globules, there is no such difference. Thus the chance of the medicine ITSELF getting expired is much more in case of LM-scale potencies when bought in liquid form.

2. May be when we say that homeopathic medicines do not expire, we mean when no water is mixed with them.

NOTE: I have now bought Phos LM scale potencies in globules for my further use.

Kindly advice me how I should proceed further. Awaiting your response,

P. Prakash last decade

My post on 13th october is specific in context and is in response to your post on 10th october. It's also a testimonial that i do not see you as an annoyance or do i have any hard feelings for you. As a person i do respect you and have good regards.

Unfortunately our expectations/requirements and working ways didn't meet. Most importantly you made a choice and so i have moved on. (Refer my post on 18th sept.)


Seeing your recent posts, I strongly suggest that you stop self-dosing in your own interest and see a competent homeopath in person.
maheeru last decade

I think I understand. Now, at least you can tell me the answers of some parting questions.How can I differentiate whether the symptoms which are tormenting me at any given instant are 'homeopathic aggravations' or 'morbid symptoms'?


P. Prakash last decade

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