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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

lip pain Page 5 of 7

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Since you asked me, i'm giving you my inputs, it's possible for my inputs to be at odds with others or other sources.

Hahnemann while treating chronic patients found that often the chronic patients relapsed after getting treated for chronic conditions after some point of time making him think why remedies are not holding as much as they do in acute conditions. Hence born the theory of miasms. He defined them as a trait or stigmata that permeates every cell in the body and is then passed on genetically to each succeeding generation. With this definition not many miasms can be added at will. Classically only 5 miasms are accepted as of now. The 10 miasm concept came much later with sankaran's sensation method and this school classified remedies into 10 or more miasms for easy classification following sensation method.

Miasms can be inherited or acquired. Examples for acquired miasms are: 1) Vaccinations resulting in sycosis 2) Blood transfusions resulting in cancer miasm.

Miasmatic treatment entails two things. 1) Identifying the active miasm along with symptom totality to arrive at a remedy that fits the miasm and also the symptom profile. This remedy having specific affinity to the miasm and the symptom totality can cure.

2) Using specific anti-miasmatic remedies like sulphur/psorinum, thuja/Medorrhinum, mercury/syphilinum, Drosera/Tuberculinum/Bacillinum respectively to counter act the miasmatic blocks of Psora, sycosis, syphilis, tubercular respectively. Identifying the miasmatic blocks becomes necessary when a) when well selected remedies do not produce any reaction b) when well selected remedy produces reaction but the cure is not holding but relapsing c) when the layers have been peeled off of a person and the core person/core miasmatic person is reached from homeopathic point of view.

But apart from ideal situations specific anti miasmatic remedies can also be used when they are indicated. i.e Thuja when the symptom profile indicates thuja and not by the miamatic focus alone. Sometimes by experience homeopaths use specific anti miasmatic remedies to support the indicated remedies. For example, Calc. carb or phosphorus would be alternated or rotated or combined with Tuberculinum to derive maximum benefits with such complementary remedies.

Sometimes anti miasmatic treatment can wake up a sleeping tiger and then mayhem can result. For example, a person who is not satisfied with his current state, always want to travel, always want to explore or go on adventures or being creative(that includes being musician, painter, artist etc etc) all pointing towards the person having strong tubercular miasm. There's a point here to note, miasm is like cholestrol having bad and good side. If treatment is proceeded with, considering the miasmatic background alone without any treatable condition it will let loose the sleeping tiger.

So miasms are not a simple concept but a very powerful tool in experienced hands that can give excellent results in the present and also can prevent future issues not only to that person but also to the offsprings he/she is going to sire after this treatment.
maheeru last decade
Pankaj and Kadwa were involved in your case from the start, so i will let them guide you in specifics regarding remedies. But if you have any doubts, will try to help you.
maheeru last decade

Dr. Kadwa was not concerned about the totality of my symptoms. He in fact had only suggested that Ars Alb may be my medicine to cure my lip pain which this thread was started for. As a matter of fact, I had not started this thread to cure me of my lip pain either. I had started this thread only to find out if anybody knew any medicine which had a drug symptom resembling to my lip pain.

By chance, he suggested Ars Alb which I was already taking for TN. So, I felt Ars Alb may be my medicine for TN. It was just a coincidence.

I don't suppose Dr. Kadwa suggested anything much more than that. May be he thought that as Dr. Punkaj and you are advising me, he would let me be under Dr. Punkaj's and your care.

Right now, you have given me such a lot of wider perspective of miasm theory that I wonder if thats the end of it. Perhaps not. Probably, however much I may read literature on this theory, I wont be able to use it to my advantage practically by myself. A balanced approach is required.

So I entreat all three of you to kindly not leave me at this point when I need your active help. It is but natural and healthy also to have one's own independent view. We all are mature people and will not mind if I beg all three of you to give me independent suggestions. Please don't leave me but rather help me actively to take a balanced approach.

I hope you will understand my state and will be with me actively.

I have taken a lot of time to give you even minutest details of whatever may be relevant in the new thread entitled 'Trigeminal Neuralgia Atypical'. Pl do go thru it and let me know if you require any further information to arrive at a well considered suggestion.

Thanking you in anticipation,

P. Prakash last decade

Since you're requesting my inputs i'd give my recommendation. Mezerium and phosphorus top my analysis for you. I think you shall try Mezerium first. If you choose so, you may want to take it in 30c(three pills or drops) twice daily for 3 days only. Then you need to wait for 20 days to observe and report.


1) Do not take anything solid or liquid for half an hour before and after the dose.

2) Try to avoid taking coffee, tea, alcohol on the day of medicine and a week following the medicine.

3) Try to avoid the exposure to mint based substances, camphor based substances and also strong smelling substances including incense and strong perfumes.

4) Stop with the dose that produces marked or significant improvement or aggravation and report appropriately.

5) Do not handle the pills(if drops use a disposable exclusive dropper) with hand. Tip the pills using the cap.

6) Do not take any other homeopathic medicine during this duration until further updates and avoid all OTC medicines and supplementation except the medicines prescribed by your physician and emergency medicines.

P.S: I was not leaving you. I merely said when you have doubts, i will try to help you.
maheeru last decade

Thanks a lot for being there. Did you see the list of medicines which I have already been administered. Phosphorus has already been tried out. I have yet not tried Mez. Will you mind if I check the relative suitability of Mez vis-a-vis other may-be-suitable medicines and then report the matter to you for your final suggestion?

Awaiting your response,

P. Prakash last decade
Prakash, Yes, went through the list, quite a number of remedies you have taken.

A remedy when indicated is indicated. It doesn't matter if it's indicated in the past or it's been taken in the past. Phos. is a good complementary remedy to mez. and if need be i will suggest this in follow up to mez. unless the symptoms turn to another remedy profile.

If you had 'may-be-suitable' remedies in your mind, why didn't you mention it before? Any ways it's your choice to analyse and take a medicine. No body has the right to thrust any medicine in your throat :)

Different people have different ways of thinking/analysis/method of arriving at a remedy. Unless i'm convinced i'm not going to change my recommendation :)
maheeru last decade

Thanks for the response. Kindly be sure that I am not playing any hide and seek game. I am past that age and such an approach will take me nowhere.I do not have any particular list of suitable medicines at present in my mind. It is a different matter that I have been analyzing my condition from time to time and trying to find out the best possible medicine for me at that time. I do not intend to request you to change Mez or Phos for any other medicines.

Actually I have suffered such a lot during these last five years that I have no other business except to get rid of this TN. My aim is very clear to me. I do not want to hurt or offend anybody in the process. I consulted probably all the possible channels to achieve this end. And, at any instant whatever or whosoever I was under treatment of, I followed him with full confidence and followed his directions blindly. However, I did not get any relief. But at the same time, I found that Homeopathy was at least capable of touching the problem. This meant to me that there was some problem with the approaches of even the world renowned and most successful homeopaths who treated me (each for six months)in some way or the other. So, I decided to study Homeopathy myself as thoroughly as possible and see what can be done. This self medication of about two years has brought me quite a bit of relief. In fact, my friends think that I have become ok compared to what I was two years ago.

This has given me hope and confidence in my approach. And, so, I do not want to abandon this approach. This approach is: follow classical homeopathy as per the works of established authorities of classical homeopathy. Thus,I really do not want anybody (including you)to treat me. I need your help to follow these authorities as per their works.

As I have told you earlier also, I know I am a novice. I do not have any exposure to using the concepts of homeopathy except in my own case. I know I have committed mistakes in past and am apt of committing mistakes in future also. I want to avoid such mistakes. So, my ego will not come in the way because that will take me to nowhere. I will change my decisions at any times according to the teaching of these authorities. Absolutely no problem.

So, what do I want from you. I need your help and guidance, step by step, to arrive at the correct result or medicine; to do what to do and how. I will do the donkey work.

Pl don't reply as yet. I will complete this post a little later.

With due regards,

P. Prakash last decade

I hope I have been able to convey what I wanted to convey. Looking at the very matured way and sympathetic attitude which you have always shown towards me, I am presuming that you will let me use your expertise in arriving at the correct medicine. So I start.

I have been following the following method to arrive at the selection of the most suitable medicine at any given instant of time.


1. Write down all the details which you think may be relevant concerning your case.

2. Convert them into rubrics.

3. Consult the repertory to find out which medicines cover these rubrics.

4. List down the medicines which cover the most of these rubrics, plus calculate their various importance marks according their confidence levels.

5. Then consult the Materia Medica to find out as to which one of these most suitable medicines suits your personality best. This is your medicine at that time.

6. This medicine is apt to change after the action and effect of the first medicine get exhausted

Please tell me if it is ok, or it needs some modification.

I will be confirming my concepts or removing my doubts this way.

Awaiting your response,

P. Prakash last decade

Technically my post dated 30th was right then? :)

Broadly speaking, the method is fine. Before invention of repertory and still, many homeopaths do exclusive materia medica prescribing. But it's not for a beginner.

1) What is relevant to the case can differ from homeopath to homeopath and method to method. It must inlcude for example causes, the symptoms that have changed from the normal healthy state, peculiar/queer/rare symptoms.

2) Right.

3) Right.

4) It's not confidence levels. It's weightage of remedies' action specific to that symptom rubric. Marks/weightage differ from 4 to 1 generally(E.g. Kent's repertory).

5) Here taking the top remedies that come up in repertorisation is correct. Homeopaths differ in the number of remedies that are taken for materia medica study. A standard way is to take 3 to 5 top remedies.

6) change of remedy is not mandatory. It depends upon reaction. If it gives positive effect the potency shall be upped and if the symptom state changes to any other remedy, go for that remedy.


One question for you: Why should n't you give ars. alb another opportunity in a gentler but penetrative scale?
maheeru last decade

Thanks for the needed guidance.So, I will follow the above steps as below.

1.I suppose I knew it, but always had difficulty in classifying them as 'relevant' and 'not relevant'. What I will do is repost all of them here giving each one a unique serial number. You can tell me as to which serial numbers are relevant.

4.Instead of 'confidence level' I will call it 'weightage'. But right now the inbuilt spell check has underlined 'weightage' in red. Can I call it 'weighted marks'? Not an issue, however.

5.I always had difficulty here, because none of them suited me in a nice enough way. But now you are there, I will take your guidance.

6. I will take your guidance then.

Regarding Ars Alb. I will not like to give it another trial. In fact, I should not have tried it even in the first place. I had not consulted my records before I finalized on Ars Alb. It was one of the last two medicines given to me by Dr. Anil K Sharma (from 3/5/08 to 12/6/08). It had not suited me even at that time. Dr Sharma did not give me details of potencies he used.

ONE QUERY: What exactly you mean by 'gentler but penetrative scale'. Some example please. I want to give Lycopodium another try. Last time I took Lyco 200+ was on 29/8/09 to 31/8/09 (1 dose of 1/10,000 drop each day. Total 3 doses). According to Dr. Mulay it is my constitutional medicine and suits my symptoms otherwise also.He was very insistent on that point. Dr. M is not available now. Kindly guide me.

Another query: I am under the impression that higher the potency, more is the penetrating power. And, for chronic diseases, potencies used are 200 and beyond.Is it so?


P. Prakash last decade
4)Remedies are graded for a rubric based on how many provers are affected by that particular remedy for that symptom. A correction from my earlier post: Kent's rep. has the remedy score between 3 and 1. When a remedy has produced a particular symptom in 80% and above of provers gets the score of 3 and when a remedy produces 30% and above gets the score of 1. Some repertories do have score level 4. You can call it by anything as long as you understand the concept :)

You have been using Centesimal scale alone. So what i meant by gentler and penetrative scale was to try and use LM scale potencies with ars. alb.

You may require Lyc. down the line, but in my assessment it's not an immediate requirement.

Higher potencies have stronger therapeutic action. Especially in C scale, the potency scale is not ascended by linear steps but by huge factors like in 30c, 200c, 1M etc. So there always is a risk for aggravation because vital force of a patient when handles a lower potency with ease aggravates with higher potency and homeopaths who are not aware of LM scale's flexibility usually pronounce them incurable(Kent did this) or try another remedy. So if a remedy is right, but the potency is wrong, LMs may be tried.

Chronic diseases need not necessarily require 200c and above to show improvement, but the higher potencies can reach the root of the cause because they can act on emotional, mental and occasionally on spiritual planes too.
maheeru last decade

Thanks for making things clearer to me. I am forgetting
about Lyc. right now.

So, do you mean that I should start with LM1 potency with whatever medicine I take next time?

In case of chronic diseases one has to remove the root of the disease. So, you mean that one should use higher potencies in case of chronic diseases? Aren't these 200C and higher potencies on the centesimal scale? What are these potencies on LM scale?

Medicines on LM scale are not available in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad. I don't know where you stay. Can you give me some idea as to where these medicines may be available to me easily? Any place in Noida or East Delhi.

Thanking you for your guidance,

P. Prakash last decade

'So, do you mean that I should start with LM1 potency with whatever medicine I take next time?'

No, not from next remedy. You can consider LM for the current ars. alb. itself. And it's not necessary to start with LM1 with every remedy. A remedy may be tried in 30c, 200c and so on. When we feel the lower potencies show promise but higher potencies aggravate, it'd be wise to move onto LM potency scale.

'So, you mean that one should use higher potencies in case of chronic diseases?'

I'm saying that higher potencies are useful to eliminate the disease and prevent the recurrence...this doesn't mean a chronic patient needs to start a medicine with a higher potency. It's always safe to start low and up the potency gradually!

Yes 200c and higher potencies that have C behind them are centesimals. LM scale varies from LM1 to LM30. Customised LM makers can provide upto 110LM. These are commonly called Millesimal potencies or fifty millesimal potencies. A common notation is 0/1, 0/2, 0/3 and so on.

In LM scale, LM1 to LM5 are considered low potencies and LM6 to LM8 medium potencies and upwards of LM8 are higher potencies. But it's safe to start LMs from LM1.

Though it's hard to find LMs in indian cities it's not impossible.

In your area, guardian pharmacy is one possibility. 2689690, 3265697 are contact numbers. If they do not carry LMs you may try http://shivamhomoeo.com/homeopathic_medicines .
maheeru last decade

Every time you paste a reply, I start wondering as to how a person can have so much of knowledge that he can cover the entire length, breadth and depth of the entire area surrounding the concept under consideration. Thank you so much for being with me to help me understand the concepts which had eluded me in past in their understanding.

As I said earlier I was thinking of giving Unique Identification Serial Numbers to my various personality traits, details of family background, probable emotional set backs, dreams, symptoms, modalities, concomitants etc. for you to tell me which will be relevant to my case. But now I feel that the task will be stupendous without any proportional advantage. Also, as you told me, selection of indicated medicine at any time may differ from person to person. So what I am planning now is to select this medicine myself, use it and whenever some difficulty/doubt crops up to come back to you again for guidance.

Thanking you,

P. Prakash last decade

I expected your reply on these lines :). If you choose to take LMs, please check out the dosage details here because they need to be dosed differently from other potency scales.

You can use this thread as a journal to record what you take and how you take and how you feel after the dose etc. if you want. I'd request you to choose remedies keeping the relationships of remedies in mind. It'd help you much.

maheeru last decade

I am not using LM potencies right now.

I will keep relationships in mind.

Thanking you,

P. Prakash last decade
Maheeru Sir:

Please forgive me for not been in touch with you so far. Now because I am stuck I am back again.

I have used Camphor 30 & 200 for 90% of the time I have not posted here. It always helped. Now suddenly during the last one week or so, it has not helped. In fact one old symptom has come back namely: severe neural pain at the left temple because of which I just cant sleep for more that 1-2 hours at one go. Then I just cant go back to sleep again.

I found that Zincum Valerianicum (Valerianum) is the drug I need now. I took its first dose yesterday morning ( 200 potency, 4 small pills). It helped. Second dose I took today morning. It has helped.

Now the trouble is wherefrom can I get more fuller details about this drug apart from Boericke. abcHomeopathy also has a copy of Boericke.

I want to know;
1) More knowledge about the symptoms of this drug
2) Its doses, potency etc which I should take
3) Anything more about this drug which I should know.

Kindly guide me.

With due respect and regards:

P. Prakash last decade
Hi Prakash

You've wrote back after a long time.

Zinc valer. is a lesser known remedy. Apart from Boericke's you can check it out in clarke's MM in the following link: http://homeoint.org/clarke/z/zn_v.htm

You could have started this remedy with 30c, now that you have started with 200c, you can just continue this potency till it benefits and can move on to 1M later.
maheeru last decade

As always, you have given me thread of another MM which contains even Zinc Valer. However, even now I am not able to get its relationship with other drugs like its antidotes etc., also what is its period of action.

Further, I have not taken its any other dose after the 2nd because the 2nd dose did stop the temple pain but, later, the same day, started very bad burning intolerable pain under the cheek bone. As Camphor has almost always helped, I took two doses of Camphoe 200C (4 very small pills every time)on two different days. But this time Camphor is not helping. As you have recommended, can I take Zinc Valer 30C now?. If yes, what should be its one dose, at what intervals.

Kindly guide me in any other respect also.

Thanking you much,

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade

My present symptoms are:

1) Severe burning piercing pain at left temple extending sometimes up to the jaw/chin/lip about one hour after going to sleep, whether in lying position
or sitting position. To subside it I have to apply maximum possible pressure from the palm and fingers of right hand, its back being further supported by the palm and fingers of left hand, and rubbing. The relief comes in a period of 10-15 seconds to 5-6 mins.

2)What aggravates:

ii)While drinking, eating, swallowing (Later it amel)
iii)Mental concentration
iv)Air striking the left cheek

3) Swelling and numbness in both feet, though not disturbing.

4)I seem to be suffering deeply from monetary failure and insecurity. My business had failed even after 10 years of struggle because of which divorce resulted. I get dreams to the same effect still.

5) There is history of TB and schizophrenia in the family.

I will let you know if anything else comes to my mind, or, if you want to know anything else.

Respectfully yours,

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
prakash, Zinc. valer. is a lesser known remedy hence scarcity of information. Even Encyl. of Remedy relationships by Abdur Rehman doesn't have much to say about this remedy except it's collaterals(remedies that are parallel in action) being: Avena, Bell.,Coff.,spig.,verb.,zinc.
maheeru last decade

Thanks for the info. I have checked all the drugs parallel to ZV, but not to any further adv because I have already used most of them and the remaining ones not really suitable. But as always, you have given me the name of a new Encly. about which I did not have any idea. Do you posses it? Can I use it on the net? Thanks again.

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade
Hi Prakash

I do not have one. One can access it on google book search...though selected portions only.



With the symptoms you have written above you might want to look up bryonia, phosphorus.
maheeru last decade

Thank you once again. I will do as suggested. Rgds.

P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade

I have taken Bry 30C one normal size pill for two days, as first thing in the morning, on 27th & 28th July. I have not taken it today. All my other symptoms are generally the same except that my feet are more swollen, quite a bit. They, in fact are disturbing me. I cant stretch my feet now. There is slight pain also on the sides of the small toes .

As far as Phosphorus is concerned, I have used it earlier also as it has always been my indicated medicine, but to not advantage.

Kindly suggest if I should use Bry further. Or, if you would like to suggest some other medicine which I should look up into.


P. Prakash
P. Prakash last decade

Wait and see if general state improves. If you want to repeat bryonia do not repeat in dry doses. May be you're sensitive to this med. --so you may try it out in wet dose with due succussions.
maheeru last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.