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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

All Doctors: Perianal cyst causing erectile dysfunction Page 3 of 7

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Not a problem, I understand. Please stay warm! But, we missed one dose.

Please do not take any other remedies at the moment.

You must give progress in a couple of days.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz,

I will post results on

Staying warm was not the problem, I did not want the fish in my freezer to begin to thaw, which it did.

So needless to say I cooked it on the grill now I have about 55 pounds of fish to eat :)

Thanks for your thoughts and help.

jorbri1513 last decade
Wow, send me some to Atlanta.

I've been to Olympia, my daughter lives there. Very rough place as compared to Atlanta?

But, please don't eat too much fish to avoid any aggravation.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz,

I anticipate that you had a good weekend. Here is the latest update:

The cyst started to leak ( I will not refer to it as draining since was very light and intermittent.) No pain or burning at this time.

Still the same since last post. (I am remaining patient, FRUSTRATED but patient ;)

What should I do next?

I am assuming that you have taken over, I have not heard from Niel. Not a problem, I anticipate that Niel is well and I thank him for his help.

jorbri1513 last decade

Please take a single wet dose of Silicea 1M and report back in one week.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Hey Robert,

I am sorry to say, I have not taken over. You are still being treated by Niel!

I believe you are in good hands. Since, he was not available and your symptoms were calling for the Syphilitic miasm remedy at that time, then, I suggested Merc. Sol.

So, please let's wait for him to move forward.

BTW, what is the color and quantity of the discharges?

Please stay patient as the frustration will not get us anywhere. We have 6 inches of snow right now, everything is stopped and we are frustrated too.

Many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz

I will wait for Niel to respond.

The color is clear and the amount is minimal a few drops an hour.

Previous drainage was constant and often left my underwear damp for the entire day. This is not happening now.

I am frustrated at not being able to satisfy my wife as I had previously been able to do. She is frustrated also but verrryyyy understanding.

The weather in the US has indeed been strange this year,
I read that snow is coming to NY again this week, although this is not strange (I lived in NY most of my life and moved to Seattle 4 years ago to escape the snow).

Snow in Atlanta is definitely not the norm and I can see how that would hinder the city.

Snow has been forecast for Seattle in the next 2 days. This will be the 4th snow storm I have experienced since I arrived, Some escape :(

Stay warm and be careful when you travel, it's the other guy that you have to watch for.

jorbri1513 last decade
Thanks for your understanding!

nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz / Jorbri

It is quite hot here in Bombay. Care to swap locations? :-)

Anyways, clear flow from the fistula is a good indication for Silicea. Please go ahead with the same.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Silicea should help your ED as well.
Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Niel,

Thank you for the reply. I will send you some snow :)

What potency of silicea should I use?
I have 200c, 30c, 6c and 3x.

jorbri1513 last decade
Go ahead with the 200. Three wet doses on a SINGLE day only separated by three hours each.
Niel Madhavan last decade

I will post results on Thursday.
jorbri1513 last decade
Dear Niel,

It is really very cold right now in Atlanta. You are welcome to swap location.

Please come down!

Many many prayers for your success and happiness.

nawazkhan last decade
Hi Niel/Nawaz,

I took one dose of silicea 200c
and the cyst started draining pus tinged with with blood again.

It is a substantial amount,and has been draining since the dosage.

What next?

jorbri1513 last decade
- How is your ED?
- How are you sleeping of late?
- Any other changes?

Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Niel,

Erectile function is returning
(I forgot to mention it before).
I am achieving erections but they are not strong.

I have been sleeping fine.

No new changes, stress or worries.

jorbri1513 last decade

Please take one more dose of Silicia 200 and let us know of the condition tommorow.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Sorry if i am interrupting. I do not mean to.
Just curious,
1. Why Silica 200 after Silica 1M?
2. Does Silica follow well after Mercury? Does Heper not come in?

No offense or criticism intended. But the two doubts are there.
sci_spi last decade
One more thing. Why did we leave Nitric Acid even as there was improvement? I am not too sure but I seem to have read (and understood so) that (some) remedies that open up discharges in lower potencies would close up the things at higher potencies. What about that?
sci_spi last decade
Hi Sci Spi

Here is the response to your query:

- I had prescribed Silicea 1M but Robert had 200 with him. Given the weather conditions in Canada where he could not have immediately procured 1M, I suggested him to go ahead with 200
- As per Boenningheusen's Concordant chart, Silicea is Grade 2 concordant to Mercury in Location, Grade 3 in Sensations and Grade 1 in Glands. Hence, it follows Mercury well
- I admit Mercury was not the correct choice. We have gone a step backwards and I realized this when the ED was returning. The natural follow-up was Silica and not Nitric acid as the flow was watery and little. The Organon asks us to give the remedy as per the existing symptoms. I take full responsibility of the mistake but would assure you that I will be able to help the patient.
- Changing from Nit ac, though, was not wrong, as at that stage it seemed to have done all it could.

Any more questions are welcome.

Niel Madhavan last decade
I missed the last question. Yes, there are remedies that open up discharges in lower potencies would close up the things at higher potencies. Silica and Hepar are the two most important drugs like that.

As you would appreciate, Nitric acid was gven on symptom totality. + It is not a remedy known to hasten suppuration in Lows and abort it with highs.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Niel/Nawaz,

I took one dose of silicea 200c yesterday.

The condition has not changed with the cyst or ED since my previous post.

Thanks for your help.

jorbri1513 last decade
Let us wait for three days.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Niel,

I will post again on Monday.

Thanks for your help.

jorbri1513 last decade
Thank you Dr. Niel for satisfying my queries in one of the earlier posts.
It was very nice of you to provide knowledge/information.
I feel good to know that I asked a sensible question and it was helpful.

I appreciate all the help from you and Dr. Nawaz Khan to this patient.
sci_spi last decade

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