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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

All Doctors: Perianal cyst causing erectile dysfunction Page 7 of 7

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Sorry, all assumptions, nothing to do with the truth or facts on the ground, therefore, I completely reject your statements as you are sick.

'Long term use of Arnica person with contracted muscular tissues runs into ED problem. He thinks and never admits that he is sick. He becomes a fighter never admitting he is ever wrong. He will keep on fighting and always out there to look for an opportunity to argument and start fighting. These are some of the symptoms I am telling you based upon my previous experience, skill and observation.
May God bless you? You may revisit the above comments that your post is proving.

I have no time at all to start any further discussion with you or anyone else on this issue. So, the matter is closed. Let's move forward, if you want your Cyst to be cured and you still need any help?

With more prayers for your good health.

[message edited by nawazkhan on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 12:53:04 GMT]
nawazkhan last decade
Reject anything you want. The facts on the ground are as follows from my experience:

Homeopath with a god complex
that feels his opinion is all
that matters. Interjects his
perceived therapies on other
homeopaths treatments. Tries
to present opinion as fact to
disparage treatment he does
not agree with. Demonstrates
egotistic attitude when
talking to people seeking
help on this forum.

Further evidence of your feeling of superiority are evident in this statement?

'I have no time at all to start any further discussion with you or anyone else on this issue. So, the matter is closed'

Why because 'You' said it is closed? You are really a self absorbed individual.

After 'FOOLISHLY' heeding this advice from you -

'You must stop Arnica immediately.'

I watched my blood pressure climb to 170/115.

I went back to arnica 30c 2x a day and in 3 days I was back to 130/73 and has remained in this range.

The following statement was presented as fact, but has no basis-

'Long term use of Arnica has serious effects on the muscular tissues.'

I searched the internet, several books on homeopathic medicines and herbal remedies on this and found no factual articles to support this claim.

On the contrary I found numerous articles detailing how arnica is now being used in professional sports to treat muscular injuries.

Where is the proof???

When I was under the advisement of the late Punkaj Varma for treatment of my cyst he had no problem with arnica use and did not feel that it interfered with the treatment we were undertaking.

1.) Can arnica be taken during your therapy? If so when and how often?

You can take one dose of Arni ca at night time...if you wish to do so.

We were making REAL progress solving the cyst problem. I regret his passing as it was a severe loss to this world and this forum.

After trying to understand your childish response to my question about arnica and trying to see if I had inadvertently offended you, I realized that you have an issue with Joe DeLivera and 'Joepathy'.

Looking at several posts between you and Dr. DeLivera I realize that you are a Joepathy hater.

So be it if that is your choice but the facts on the ground are clear.

Joe DeLivera has helped me with several issues especially the pain I was living with daily.

You obviously have no understanding of the mind body connection needed for healing.

This is evident by this statement from you -

'Let's move forward, if you want your Cyst to be cured and you still need any help?'

Your Russian roulette style of treatment has not changed my condition regarding the cyst or ED at all.

After our exchanges I have no mental desire to follow any remedy you might recommend.

This being my mental state even if your remedies were correct they would not work for me.

An analogy to the way you have presented your treatment to me is like being served a gourmet meal on a garbage can lid. I would never eat it.

I contacted an herbalist to work with me on my cyst last week.

I showed him all the posts from the remedies that were recommended.

He solved my cyst issue in 3 days.

day 1 - herbal detox to cleanse all the remedies

day 2 - 24 hour water feast (or fast if you choose)

day 3 - 3 herbs taken in 24 hour period.

Day 4 cyst stopped draining and closed and ED cured.

So much for it being a long drawn out process.

I see that you are trying very hard to establish some type of 'niche' remedy that people will follow for Fistula treatment.

It seems that you suffer from professional jealousy as other Homeopaths have postings on treatments that they have championed-

Dr. Joe DeLivera on Arnica

Dr. Desholok Sharma on Blood Pressure (and several others)

Dr Pervaz on Erectile Dysfunction

To name a few.

I have looked at your posts for fistula treatments, all the remedies for treatment are the same and are long and drawn out.

I did not find one case that was successfully concluded.

If someone questions you, you attack them or accuse them of not following your treatment or some such nonsense.

If they use a treatment that you don't like or agree with you try to denigrate them.

I have had successful and pleasant encounters with Dr. Joe DeLivera, Dr. Niel, and the late Dr. Punkaj Varma.
My experience with you would not fall under this category.

One bad experience out of 4 is not a bad ratio.

I will thank you for your time which is all you contributed.
jorbri1513 last decade
All of the dirt and lies in the above post by a Lt. General of the Satan's army are not new as one is sick and proving Arnica taken for a long time.

I would like to ask my creator to forgive me for praying for this person.

nawazkhan last decade
The next proof will be that he is going to come back for arguments and fight with all including the one's he has been getting help.
nawazkhan last decade
You are resorting to name calling and prayer? Hilarious!! (LMAO)

Hahnemann must be laughing in his grave!!!

What's next?
You won't share your crayons at recess?

You're going to make a voodoo doll, stick pins in the groin and rectum, then pray the cyst and ED return?

Looks like you have found your 'niche' remedy,

'Nawazpathy = Name calling and prayer.'

Thanks for the laugh!!!
jorbri1513 last decade
Another proof that you are sick from the long use of Arnica. You need serious help, ask your wife.
nawazkhan last decade
Now you are trying to insult my wife? We are both laughing as I type.

It's interesting to see how low you will go.

Root chakra all the way.

Too Funny!!!!

I will sleep with a smile tonight.
jorbri1513 last decade
Oh, you will sleep, but deliver nothing to your wife due to the long use of Arnica as all of your muscular tissues have been contracted giving you blood pressure with addiction to arnica. Only sick people take remedies not the healthy ones.

The next proof is that you will come back again with more dirt and garbage on the people that have helped you.

If you only knew the power of the prayer is more than a homoeopathic remedy on the vital force, but, you are the Vice President, Lt. General of the Forces of Satan and stingy, what would you know about the prayers, human beings, moral values and your wife?

Help me throwing more garbage on me as I am getting more and more reward from my creator.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 03:49:36 GMT]
nawazkhan last decade
She is falling over laughing at this post.

Have no fear Nawaz, she is completely satisfied. Thanks to the herbalist!!

Thanks for the promotion to Vice President, Lt. General of the Forces of Satan, I was only Lt. General of the Forces of Satan in the other post.

'Nawazpathy = Name calling and prayer.'

I can't throw any more garbage on you than you have thrown on yourself.

Some of us are meant to soar like EAGLES.
Others are meant to run with TURKEYS.

Gobble, Gobble Nawaz.

[message edited by jorbri1513 on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 04:16:52 GMT]
[message edited by jorbri1513 on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 04:28:39 GMT]
jorbri1513 last decade
[message deleted by friends55 on Wed, 27 Feb 2013 14:07:40 GMT]
friends55 last decade

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