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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Speech Problems

Hello , i have a 6 year old boy who started speacking at 4.5 years old, he has many autistic traits but most of them are all gone witht he help of homepathy, But he has a very low mucsle tone, mouth always open, we try to exercise his orofacial muscles but as much as he wants to speak fluent, sometimes forming word is very hard.

He is has very fair, big blue eyes, blue sclera, long eye lashes. and very low muscle tone, very small for his age (like a 4 year old)

He loves salty food (dry food),fruit and chocolate, and craves ice cream and bread

his is very lethargic, and have problems concentrating.
He gets scared easily, worries about danger TOO MUCH m gets startles in the night if I go and check on him.

Mouth open most of the time, muscle around his mouth weak,
doesnt like animal too much,(I think he is just scared)
hope ther is a remedy that can help with his speech.thankss
  MARIPI74 on 2012-08-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please get hold of the following 2 remedies remedies use as directed:

1- Natrum Mur-200 (Weekly one dose say on Sundays only for 4 weeks. 1 dose = 5 drops in half cup of water OR Put 4 pills directly on tongue & chew slowly without taking water)

2- Kali Phos-6x (thrice daily for 10 days. 1 dose = Putting 4 pills directly on tongue & chew slowly without water)

P.S: Take remedy 30 min before or after eating/drinking any thing. Avoid strong solution of salt.

Report progress after 2 weeks.

Prayers & best wishes,
AsadGhumman last decade
Thanks have started nat mur today , will it be a problem if he is takingGnRh 10ch ( growth hormone) before bedtime? As its working wonders on him growing aprox 1 cm/ month......
Will report in 2 weeks
MARIPI74 last decade
No problem, you can give him GnRh 10ch along with above remedies.
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi, it has been 3 weeka i think, speech is better prob 30 percent better , although still struggles with complex sentences but there is a visible difference in the way he is forming words so i
Will just continue 200 c of nat mur
On sunday!?
Im also guving him baryta carb as e has a glibal developental delay and struggling at school, i think its also helping,,..,.
Hall i
Keep the same dose of nat mur?
MARIPI74 last decade
Hi please stop Kali phos & Natrum Mur now
AsadGhumman last decade

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